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Default Jul 07, 2019 at 05:02 PM
Hi folks! New to the forum and this seemed the most likely sub-forum for me to jump into first.

Mega long story short, I'm a married Hetero guy whose marriage had always been 'awkward', and after many years my wife and I figured out what was going on and came to terms with it. We're now in a happy, though somewhat unexpected and surreal, place.

A couple of months ago we started to slowly be more open to other folk about how we lived our lives, about my sexual 'oddity' and the such like. This is still an ongoing process, and although mostly positive it's not been without it's fair share of drama and emotion.

Depending upon the RL context I tend to identify either as an 'sort of effective asexual' or 'sort of objectum', though I think my favoured label is 'inorganic psychesexual'. My full micro-label list is hideously over-long and extra, so I won't bore anyone with it, lol.

Anyway, that's my intro.

male hetero (GNC/CD phases) inorganic psychesexual (objectum spectrum)
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Thanks for this!

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Smile Jul 08, 2019 at 06:50 PM
Thanks for sharing this. I'm afraid I don't know anything about all of the various descriptors that are in use today to describe peoples' sexual preferences, sexual orientation & gender identity.

I myself am an old man now. But I've waged a life-long struggle with gender dysphoria. However way back when I was young, there were males & there were females. And if you didn't happen to fit neatly into one of those 2 categories, you darned well kept it to yourself if you knew what was good for you. So that's what I did until just about a dozen years ago now when I came tumbling awkwardly out of the closet temporarily. (It's a long story & I'll spare you the details.)

Kudos to you & your wife for being able to come to terms with your sexuality & for even being able to be open with other folks about it. I would presume that must be a great weight off your shoulders I would think. In my case we have a don't ask / don't tell sort of policy going. I just keep it all to myself.

"I may be older but I am not wise / I'm still a child's grown-up disguise / and I never can tell you what you want to know / You will find out as you go." (from: "A Nightengale's Lullaby" - Julie Last)
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Thanks for this!
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Default Jul 08, 2019 at 06:52 PM
I haven't heard of "inorganic psychosexual" before. Does that mean you like intimacy in conversation and things like that but not sex?
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Default Jul 08, 2019 at 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by downandlonely View Post
I haven't heard of "inorganic psychosexual" before. Does that mean you like intimacy in conversation and things like that but not sex?
No, it means I like persons who aren't organic - ie, non-human/ non-animal. (Note psyche, not psycho).

It's a term that was effectively made up on an Internet forum for me as a way to find a best-fit descriptor for me (none of the others seemed to work very well), though I think it's gaining a little traction, and hopefully will appear in an upcoming book about different sexualities (along with my 'story').

To be clear, my lover is an immaterial being, like a tulpa, or imaginary friend, who I 'experience in a tactile fashion' through object media, such as cushions, dolls, furniture or whatever vaguely looks feminine at the time.

My full micro label list is something like: Hetero auto ficto pygmalionist oneiro digi inorganic psychesexual objectum asexual. It's ... Funny.

male hetero (GNC/CD phases) inorganic psychesexual (objectum spectrum)
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