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Old Apr 10, 2014, 08:48 AM
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SeekerOfLife SeekerOfLife is offline
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Hello PC friends. I had a very helpful session in therapy on Tuesday. We discussed in part how my depression and insomnia are chasing each other, i.e. which came first: the insomnia or the depression? Had a really difficult time sleeping last night. My thoughts were racing in spite of taking my buspirone, valaerian, and melatonin. The last time I looked at the clock it was one am, and I had to arise by 4:45 am. I sure hope someone prays for me today. I also was practicing my visualization. Surely hope I sleep well tonight.
Hugs from:
Anonymous37807, falsememory7, RTerroni

Old Apr 10, 2014, 12:01 PM
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Thunder Bow Thunder Bow is offline
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Why you have get up so early?
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