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Old Apr 24, 2017, 09:45 AM
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Sometimes psychotic Sometimes psychotic is offline
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I'm just wondering who here is taking meds for their anxiety and who is getting therapy and which you think works better? I've been having a lot of anxiety with starting a new job lately and my pdoc offered me an SSRI. I told her I'd get therapy instead but its been 2 months and I still haven't called for an appointment. If meds, which meds and if therapy do you know the type? Thanks for your help

Old Apr 26, 2017, 08:32 AM
jesswah jesswah is offline
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I'm on meds for depression (Welbutrin, Paxil, Lamictal) and none seem to help with anxiety, even though Paxil is supposed to. Also been in therapy (cognitive approach) for a couple months and that is helping a bit, but it's really difficult to change thinking patterns I've had for >20 years. I'm holding out hope that therapy will work (pdoc hasn't offered anything for anxiety) but I think it's going to take some time.
Old Apr 26, 2017, 09:07 AM
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Originally Posted by jesswah View Post
I'm on meds for depression (Welbutrin, Paxil, Lamictal) and none seem to help with anxiety, even though Paxil is supposed to. Also been in therapy (cognitive approach) for a couple months and that is helping a bit, but it's really difficult to change thinking patterns I've had for >20 years. I'm holding out hope that therapy will work (pdoc hasn't offered anything for anxiety) but I think it's going to take some time.
Thank you for your reply. My pdoc asked me if I wanted an SSRI for the anxiety but I decided to tough it out for now---I guess I'm reconsidering that decision as I don't have time for therapy at the moment. I've had cbt and it helped me a lot but I keep forgetting to practice it so it helps to have maintenance therapy I think.
Old Apr 26, 2017, 09:38 AM
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Don't lose sight of the fact that new jobs/activities cause everyone anxiety to a certain extent but will probably lessen over time as you get to know the routines and have a bit more confidence in your ability to do the job. I use to get horrible stiff necks for the first couple weeks of a new job (try that, doing a new job in really bad pain :-) but I look down the road to six weeks or months and just concentrate on doing the best I can until then.
"Never give a sword to a man who can't dance." ~Confucius
Thanks for this!
Sometimes psychotic
Old May 02, 2017, 07:50 AM
The_little_didgee The_little_didgee is offline
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I'm on a low dose of Cipralex. It helps but doesn't eliminate all of my anxiety. I can function a lot better and do things I couldn't before such as eating out. I recently asked my psychiatrist for some psychotherapy that specifically addresses my anxiety, since I have noticed my thinking patterns tend to nourish it. The medication hasn't eased this problem. It has helped ease the obsessive nature of anxiety though. We are going to discuss this at my next appointment. I have a feeling therapy and medication will probably help me a lot more than just one or the other.
Dx: Didgee Disorder
Thanks for this!
Sometimes psychotic
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