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Old Aug 20, 2013, 01:59 AM
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My T asked me to write a letter to my abuser has anyone else done this?
I have wrote it now and felt pretty angry whilst doing it but now I am glad that I did it.
Going to take in to T tomorrow.
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beauflow, kindachaotic, Wren_

Old Aug 20, 2013, 02:24 AM
Stanley_19802 Stanley_19802 is offline
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Hello. Funny I see this when I did. I just finished one. Sadly not going to be my last. I have at least 6 others just off the top of my head. But the one I wrote was difficult. I was abused in a children's psychiatric hospital. The abuse happend in November of 1990 so I am pretty sure my abuser themselves are not there anymore. Nor do I know their names anyway. So what I did instead was wrote mine to the director of the place. I shared in detail what happened. And yea, it's quite long because I got angry. But then again, maybe that was the point. I got to say what I couldn't back then. So I shared what took place, how I felt, and how I felt they might avoid the incident next time. For me, the abuse of the solitary rooms were the issue. I was put in the solitary room "time out" because my mom had checked me out for thanksgiving for 2 hours and returned me just like that and I felt like a rent-a-child and didn't want to play basketball. The guys says you can play or go back to the unit. Figured I would go back and have a good cry in my room. Instead as soon as we got through the locked door, the nurse grabs my arms and locks me in the solitary room for 45 minutes till the kids returned to the unit. The regulation on solitary rooms is they can NOT be used as a form of punishment. They are ONLY to be used when a patient is a clear and present danger to themselves or others. So I shared how I felt and things to improve it. Like putting a clock where kids in solitary can see it and put a dry erase board under it with the time they will be let out, keeping in mind that they don't like freak out and try to kick the door down or something. I know that would have been a HUGE thing for me as I was 10 at the time and it felt like I was in there for hours. Anyway, sorry to ramble. While I did write it, I have been afraid to mail it. Afraid they will write back with something like "You got what you deserved" or something. My problem is for many of my abusers, they are long gone. School or hospital staff. Many from a good 10 or more years ago. So I don't even get to mail it to my actual abuser, only their boss or owner of the location. I mean for one, the hospital closed after a bunch of kids apparently were able to kill themselves while in the ward. I drove down to see the place gutted. Didn't help as much as I thought it would have. Alive and well in my head, and on youtube if you do a search for "Van Nuys Psychiatric". Basically a tour of the place as it is in my head. Exactly as it was prior to gutting it. So because it's gone, I can only send the letter to the new owners of the building, a medical clinic for private doctors now. But I can say it does help to say "hey, this happened at this location", reguardless if it's the person themselves, or the director or whatever. The fact is, it's something. Maybe I will mail that letter. Thanks for your post. I hope you get some closure with your letter too. **hugs**

"It is said that those that cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it. But what of those who cannot forget the past? Something worse?"
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Old Aug 20, 2013, 11:47 AM
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I wrote a letter to my parents. It's on my blog if you want to read. I found it hugely helpful because previously I'd been in this mindset of thinking I couldn't ever even write such a thing.
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Old Aug 20, 2013, 05:11 PM
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thinking of you ((((((( buttercup ))))))) and hoping this is helpful to you...
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Old Sep 02, 2013, 05:18 PM
fearfulgirl fearfulgirl is offline
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I have wrote a series of letters to my step-father but never mailed them. I knew that he would downplay the abuse. He knew that he did wrong but I doubt that he ever knew how much.

Now, he is dead. I felt relieved by that which seems wrong to me. But, it was how I felt.
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