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Old Jun 23, 2024, 09:13 PM
Cantholdmyrage Cantholdmyrage is offline
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I hear it everywhere, and it absolutely infuriated me. You might know the feeling of being insulted and the same person who insulted you denying it. There are at least three different ways they’ll defend themselves:

1. They’ll say “I never called you a/an X”. For example if someone calls you a h** and assumes you’re throwing yourself at a guy you like and then when you get angry, they’ll reply “why are you being a b****?”.

2. They’ll say “I said it in a good way” or “it’s just a compliment” or “can’t you take a joke?”. Even if you dare call them out in that, they’ll just reply “see? You just proved my point”.

3. They’ll justify it and back it up with irrelevant details regarding you and/or your relationships. For example:

Them: “why are you such a b****?”

You: “why would you call me a b****?”

Them: “because you ARE a b****!”

You: “I only said/did/wanted X!”

Them: “oh really? You say that, but you really want Y! And you treat me like s***!”

You get the picture. Anyway, that’s all I have to say.

Old Jun 24, 2024, 09:35 AM
emily1890 emily1890 is offline
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I find this super frustrating.

it is worse when said person adds something along the lines of, " and, don't talk to me like that."
and then you're thinking why ever not?. you just spoke to me like that yourself
Hugs from:
Old Jun 24, 2024, 02:02 PM
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MuddyBoots MuddyBoots is offline
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"My w#0re-fullness has gotten me further than your prudishness "

If I'm genuinely offended and can't come up with some quip, I just kinda politely guilt trip them. "You're right. I'm such a bad person. I don't do anything right...." and on and on, maybe let a mention of suicide slip.

I have fun with people.
[Insert thought-provoking and comedic quote here]
Thanks for this!
Old Jun 24, 2024, 02:12 PM
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16PennyNail 16PennyNail is offline
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Oh, it was the same magic used by Mum's family, which made me use a little sorcery of my own: new locks and restraining orders. My Aunt called me the other night and said, "We only love you, honey. Why don't you do away with those restraining orders?" I told her I loved her, but calling me was in violation of the restraining order. Do you guys hear that? Besides one of the Manchurian Candidates fumbling around in the kitchen, it is peace and quiet. 'I never called you an abomination. Honey, I get mad and scream at you because it is for your benefit.' I didn't sign up for that particular benefits package. Yes, I know that game, but I am not playing.
DAE find it annoying when someone calls you a slur but denies it when you address it?
Hugs from:
Cantholdmyrage, unaluna

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