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Old Apr 26, 2015, 11:26 AM
sunshine82 sunshine82 is offline
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Not coping well at all today, I am drained. Didn't sleep well last night, as I kept waking due to horrible dreams. I fear if I can't get this under control I will not only be stuck in this overwhelming cycle of fear and anxiety but my family will become exhausted of dealing with me. My lively hood will be deminished to nothing. How can I work and be productive when I feel like this? I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!

Old Apr 26, 2015, 03:46 PM
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My PDoc mentioned there's a med that helps with nightmares, I don't recall the name and it didn't come down to switching sleeping aids. But there's a med.
I keep a journal and detail my dreams as much as possible, every color, sight, sound, color, feeling, even if it looks like a jotted mess, it's the details not story that is useful in analysis. That helped me, greatly...
Old Apr 27, 2015, 11:12 PM
Keyslost Keyslost is offline
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I know that feeling. By describing them and writing them out it helped me get back control and I can lucid dream a bit better again. Guess I'm just repeating healing hahaha
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