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Old Oct 23, 2008, 09:50 PM
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Zloppy Zloppy is offline
Member Since: Oct 2008
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 91
Okay, So I was in Photo class 2 days ago and passed out because the person next to me was flinging the stapler into his arm and getting it stuck in, and i saw him do it and it made me pass out, not because of blood, or anything, but just the thought of staple in his arm like that and flinging the stapler at his arm just for fun. and so I passed out. And now since then I have this feeling, and it's like the very beginning part of passing out but not bad. but enough to where i feel like i could i guess i could say. And now anytime i think about or see someone getting hurt i think about the stapler and this guy which reminds me about it and i don't want to pass out again. im guessing this fits under anxiety and panic attacks. But anyone know how i can overcome this? plus i had like a panic attck when it happened too. i felt chills all of a sudden and got hard to breathe like i couldnt take normal breathes and i felt dizzy. Im guessing thats considered a panic attack.

Old Oct 24, 2008, 12:17 AM
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digdug digdug is offline
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Sounds like very classic OCD-type behaviour. I sometimes find myself thinking about such moments, or other instances in which I embarassed myself, or something to that effect, and actually speaking to myself out loud as if I was back in time...back at the time when such an event was happening. Just one of those classic OCD/anxiety-type things.

Hard to say what to do. Eventually, the feeling will probably wear off, or at least it will to the point where you won't feel it so much. A CBT approach would be to habituate yourself to the feeling...that is, find a nice comfortable place where you'll be safe, and run the thought through your head until it doesn't bother you anymore. But this is NOT something I would prescribe without knowing more about your situation...that's something you'd need to work out with a therapist or counsellor. I was just explaining how the process works, so please do not take what I am saying as gospel.

I can sympathize with your situation, though. Happens to many of us all the time.
Old Oct 26, 2008, 12:25 AM
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Zloppy Zloppy is offline
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Haha. I knew it! I think. I have thought I had OCD, but never worried about it because I didn't want to be a hypochondriac type person by knowing and doing things i already knew were OCD. But now.... You say that that this is OCD like, and I didn't even know that. So now I believe I most likely have OCD since I didn't know and still have OCD things. Ah, sorry for confusion. lol. And excuse my hyperness too.

But yeah, I hate going into photo class now especially because that is when it happened and I don't want that feeling again.
Old Oct 30, 2008, 09:09 PM
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Zloppy Zloppy is offline
Member Since: Oct 2008
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 91
Okay, So now in photography also today, someone had a nose bleed. and all of a sudden i started feeling lightheaded again. I didn't pass out, but it was close, it felt like everything went by so fast, and i dont quite remember everything that happened. A simple thing like a nose bleed. I used to SI and non of that ever bothered me or made me pass out. I have seen blood many many times before and never have i passed out. and it seems like i feel more like this in photography.

Maybe its something to do with the staple thing just still subconsciously in my mind when i see blood now or something. I hate it now Now i am scared that i will pass out again. any way to help this so i don't pass out when i see blood or anything like that anymore?
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