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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 12:18 AM
Hi bizi!

I hope the cold is better. They used to just be an annoyance during my pre-MI life but now I rely on Sudafed (generic).

I hope you feel better Bizi's new 2019 thread
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by bizi View Post
Now I am getting sick...really scratchy throat, starting to get a cough. Took a zyrtek this morning. So far no sneezing. Every body is suffering with allergies.
I just took some nite quil, I got up early today at 5;30am...just took my night meds. hope I can sleep tonight. Will see what I wake up with in the morning.

5:30 am?! What time did you go to bed? Not judging. Just curious. Bizi's new 2019 thread
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Default Apr 13, 2019 at 09:28 AM
slept well last night got up at 5 again to go pee and came back to bed and slept until 9am so that was good.I go to bed areound 11;30.
So I got a good amount of sleep.
jeff is doing about the same it has moved down to his chest though.
I hate being sick.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Red face Apr 13, 2019 at 10:21 AM
Still on the verge of being sick.... just a scratchy throat, little cough, thickening of the back of my throat.
Crossing fingers, took a zyrtek and allegra d this morning.
Made a call to a client, will see her at 1;30pm this afternoon after lunch at chris's po boys.
Chicken and sausage gumbo sounds good on my throat.
I broke my fast last night and had a fudge pop at around 9pm.
It felt good on my throat. We watched an episode of LOST last night. Great show!

I have been picking at my face but have been trying to do better. I have 2 small white pimples on my right side of my nose. I am leaving those alone for now. They are sensitive to touch.
My nose is bright red on that side of my nose from weeks of pimples and picking.I also have pimples and scabs on the left side of my face from pimples and picking. this will leave scars no doubt. and is red and lumpy. my poor face. It is a good thing I have this "camophlage" makeup/cover up. It works wonders!

I have been wearing lip stick for a few days now. Jeff said he liked it. And eye liner which gets messy by the end of the day. need to get some vaseline to take it off easily. I like it, some of my clients have complimented so that is nice to hear. I like it too and think it helps me feel less self conscious about my face.

I am only using the benzolperoxide cleaner at night to take off my make up and then wash my face with the seaweed/charcoal soap, then I use the vitamin c serum followed by a light moisturizer. My face seems to be happy with these products. So will keep using them. I get them cheaper on amazon!
Sorry for going on and on about this.
I wish I could quit picking, have been a picker my whole life.
My poor face is covered in scars...you think I would have learned to leave my face alone!

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Smile Apr 13, 2019 at 10:44 PM
Still alcohol free one more week of abs then we shall see what I do then. I have had a pretty regular weight loss14.1 pounds in 5 weeks. I would say that is pretty good. I still look pregnant. My Intermittant fasting is working and following a lowish carb diet.
Went to a dinner it was all very good and healthy
baked chicken and asparagus and brussel sprouts and cucumbers and we brought a lovely fruit salad that hubby made. with strawberries pineapple, blue berries and raspberries. yummy. snacked on some dark chocolate almond candy and some roasted almonds. Very filling but not stuffed!
Then proceeded to drink 5 sparkling sodas.
I hope I don't have to get up to go pee too many times tonight!
Our friend paul is also abstaining from alcohol for lent. And hubby is taking anti biotics so he was drinking water too. so rob was the only one drinking whisky.
I did not miss it as I was not nervous being around them. So I think I can continue to do this after easter.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Default Apr 14, 2019 at 09:49 AM
I just took zyrtek and allegra d for my symptoms, have a yucky cough and scratchy throat still have some sniffles, my eyes are watering this morning.
So I am fighting what ever this is.

Jeff is better today. still coughing a bit. I got up and went to the other bed room last night because I felt like I was going to have a coughing fit and went pee. The house was cold so I had to get up and get a blanket to put on top of me. I got a cough drop and that seemed to help ward off a coughing fit. Took another clonipin just .5mg to see if that would help me get back to sleep and it did.

Got up at 8:30. Jeff got up shortly after me.
It is cooler outside.
WE dodged a bullet last night. There were supposed to be heavy rains and storms...but did not. It had been gusty and heavy winds all day yesterday.
Invited melissa and her hubby brian for dinner tonight we have a meat loaf that needs to be eaten along with some pork sausage I was going to mix the two together to make it a 2 pound loaf. Yesterday she said maybe...They were going to go to lake martin to go kayaking and she is an excellent photographer.

She calls that her happy place.
They have been training for a half marathon...so proud of them both!

Visited with my friend Doris for a few hours yesterday so that was great seeing her. Doris went with me 2 octobers ago when we went to north carolina to hear bluegrass. I think I was hypo or manic on that trip, looking back at it.
She is a good friend.
I am drinking plenty of fluids like usual.
Need to hop into the shower...it has been 5 days.
sighBizi's new 2019 thread
wish it weren't such an ordeal but it is....

Looking forward to my bacon lettuce egg tomato mayo on rye bread sandwich This morning...love it! It has become my usual choice...took me long enough to finally eat some bread with out freaking out!

This is the only bread that I have for the week though.

lots of love for my friends here,
biziBizi's new 2019 thread

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Smile Apr 14, 2019 at 01:07 PM
The BLT with an egg sandwich was delicious!
It was to come with a side of potatoes or grits, I said no sides.
I left some of the crust behind so am very satisfied....
Jeff enjoyed his Ruebin sandwich too.

Our friends backed out of dinner and said that we need to get together soon.
oh well...that meat loaf still needs to be eaten, maybe we can call paul to see if he would like to come over for a quick dinner?

Jeff has a lot of paper work that needs to be done (he is 2 months behind in doing the check book)and I have busy paper work to do as well....I listen to the grateful dead music cassette tape from years ago....when ever I have to do paperwork that I don't like doing.


150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Red face Apr 15, 2019 at 11:16 PM
Our cat Hattie, had surgery on her back and side today to remove 2 cancerous masses.
WE know this because she had them removed prior to this by another vet a few months ago.
They grew back so this new vet said he thought he got it all. We will see. He took out part of her muscle so it is painful. We have pain meds to give to her. She is wearing the thunder shirt again and is doing well adjusting to being home. Hazel has hissed at her a few times. She has eaten and drank water so that is good. no throw up.This will be the last surgery we will do.
She is only 10 years old. we will just take things as they come.We are hopeful....
just wanted to let you know.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Smile Apr 17, 2019 at 11:28 AM
6 weeks sober.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Default Apr 17, 2019 at 12:06 PM

Bipolar 1, PTSD, GAD, OCD.
Clozapine 250 mg, Emsam 12 mg/day patch, topamax 25 mg, ,Gabapentin 1700 mg & 100-2 PRN,. 1.5 mg clonazepam., 50 mg Seroquel
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Smile Apr 18, 2019 at 09:15 AM
174.2 this morning.
just took a shower....
onto my second cup of coffee, feeling so groggy this morning.
This Intermittant fasting is really working for me.
veggie mousaka for lunch today...yay!

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Smile Apr 19, 2019 at 07:40 AM
From the weekly weigh ins: weight lost

3-6= 190.8
3-13= 181.6 (-9.2)
3-20= 179.4 (-2.2)
3-27= 178.8 (-.6)
4-2= 179.1 (+.3)
4-9= 176.9 (-2.2)
4-16= 176 (-.9)
4-19= 174.6 (-1.4)

total pounds lost since march 6th= 16.2pounds
not counting the first week of diet I have lost an average of 1 pound per week. 7 pounds over the past 6 weeks. I will hunker down until may 1st my first goal weight of 169.9.
I don't think I can get there but who knows!Being alcohol free is the only way that I could have lost this weight. Intermittant fasting has worked and lowerish carb dieting.
That is 4.7 pounds in 12 days!...maybe!

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

Last edited by bizi; Apr 19, 2019 at 07:56 AM..
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Default Apr 19, 2019 at 11:40 AM
Go bizi! Good job!

Mr. Robot
Bizi's new 2019 thread
Makes me sick to the heart, Oh I feel so tired. And the way the rain comes down hard, that's how I feel inside.
--The Cure
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Smile Apr 19, 2019 at 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Innerzone View Post
Go bizi! Good job!
Thank you for your support innerzone!!!!!
how are you sweetie?

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Smile Apr 20, 2019 at 08:23 AM
I weigh 172.8 this morning!!!!
maybe I can get to my goal weight?
3 more pounds by may 1st.
Will go to our favorite place for gumbo this morning.
Then I see a couple of clients this afternoon out of town...it is called Iota.
Not sure what else I am going to do today, need to do something.
Maybe I will go to the gym?

On to my second cup of coffee.
Yesterday I bought some beef kebobs for the grill for easter.
This will be the first easter not with friends as Paul is
out of town visiting his mom in north carolina. Jeff is picking him up at the air port
tomorrow at 11pm. He gave up alcohol for lent as well. He told Jeff that he will be drunk when he picks him up. lol
Still have not decided whether or not if I am going to drink.
Well I still look pregnant but just not as much.
This is progress!
I should have measured myself on march 6th when I started at 190.8.

Am going for my 3rd cup of coffee.
Forgot to take my noon meds yesterday after lunch. . Discovered they were still in my pocket(pill container) around 4pm so I took just the geodon and lamictal and left the vitamins for today.

My business has been slower. I need to get more clients. Am afraid to advertise because I need to slowly increase the numbers. Afraid if I advertised then I would have a large influx of clients that I could not handle.

Still have not heard anything from the board/or lawyer.
I will wait patiently.
Still alcohol free, 51 days, that is 6 1/2 weeks and lost 18 pounds.

happy about this!


150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

Last edited by bizi; Apr 20, 2019 at 09:15 AM..
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Smile Apr 20, 2019 at 09:42 AM
Yesterdays food:

11:30am Ate at sandras health food cafe, spinach stuffed lobster with melted butter and shrimp kebob with bok choy and zuchini and purple cabbage. It was delicious!
4pm snack: a little of this new cheese that I got from sandras. I really like it, soft and buttery.
6;30 dinner: at whole foods, 8 oz of fresh pineapple and 6 oz of red raspberries and 3 oz of hard hard cheese. So hard I could hardly cut the rind off with a sharp knife. It must have had little to no fat at all.

It was very good! I was done eating at 7pm. So with in my 8 hour of eating and was full.
Forgot to tell you that I am drinking plain water a lot!
Over half gallon a day, it helps to keep me full.
I am not hungry on this diet.
Would highly recommend this to any one who has struggled to lose weight.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Smile Apr 20, 2019 at 09:55 AM
Body Mass Index(BMI)
27.1 BMI= overweight today
29.9= almost obese at start of diet.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Unhappy Apr 21, 2019 at 12:12 AM
I ate quite a lot today so tonight I jumped on the scale and it read 178.2
How could that be possible?
The scale keeps saying low...that must mean it needs a new battery?
So maybe it is not reading correctly.
maybe I have not lost the weight that I thought I did.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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Red face Apr 21, 2019 at 10:03 AM
175.1, scale is acting up needs a new battery.
can't believe my numbers.
I think this is a correct weight, maybe yesterday was not?
did not eat great yesterday, ate a lot of salty almonds and ate 4 oz of cheese.
and 2 slices of pizza and drank raspberry flavored soda,
instead of beer at the music trivia last night.
IT was fun....can't decide if I will drink today or not.
Maybe call it a cheat day then back to AF/abs tomorrow.
I will not be reaching my goal weight that is for sure,
but that is ok.
Happy easter and passover!

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

Last edited by bizi; Apr 21, 2019 at 10:20 AM..
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Red face Apr 21, 2019 at 01:02 PM
thank you ladies for your support. Bizi's new 2019 thread
Hubby and I went out for brunch today at IHOP.
I had scrambled eggs, hash browns a small serving,
2 small pieces of ham and 2 small crepes with lots of
lingunberries (think tiny tart berry).
I am very full.
Our regular diner was closed today.

Dinner tonight will be:
Sirloin steak kabobs on the grill, corn on the cob grilled and spinach salad and berries for dessert.
It is a beautiful. Jeff said he would walk more slowly so we could walk together later. He is 6'5" and has a much greater stride than I have.

Jeff just took hattie back to the vet because she has been sneezing and has draining eyes and is more lethargic then she has been since her surgery. Maybe a respiratory infection....we shall see.
Am doing some laundry today, uniforms for work.
It is odd just being the 2 of us for a holiday.

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
4-5 peri-colace for chronic constipation

multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine at noon
PRN Remeron 15mg at night,
zyprexa10mg under tongue,

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