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Default May 22, 2021 at 10:23 AM
@whatever2013, I waited an hour and they never triaged me. Other people had been waiting for over three hours. I reasoned that I need a second opinion and so left. I will call my GP on Monday. Today I am very tired and still in pain. But I lost 3 pounds.

Yes, I can understand not having energy to exercise after doing normal day-to-day duties. Sometimes just doing the very basics wears me out and I neglect self-care.

I hope things get better for us.

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Default May 22, 2021 at 02:47 PM
I actually became sick a lot more when I got smaller. I get a lot of frequent infections, and colds and vitamin deficiencies and other off blood work. When I was 236 pounds I never got sick and my blood work was always perfect. Your weight doesn’t have much to do with if you get sick or not. At least in my opinion. Smaller people can be unhealthy too. Doctors who say it’s just your weight can go shove it.

Also my cholesterol is getting worse despite my weight loss and I have high blood pressure. Neither was an issue 5 years ago. My kidney function also still hasn’t improved.

I’m only 28 too.

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Default May 22, 2021 at 02:52 PM
Today I was still 172. I got a couple soft beef tacos from Taco Bell for breakfast. I like that they only have 190 calories each. I had a coffee from Dunkin Donuts later and some almonds for a mid morning snack. I just now had an Atkins shake. I was going to have some quinoa in a bit. I have 394 calories left for the day. I don’t know what else I’ll be eating.

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Default May 22, 2021 at 04:04 PM
@Mountaindewed and all:

Mountaindewed, you and i are alike in that we eat and drink a lot of convenience foods. Perhaps there are others on the thread in the same boat.

I know this isn't the ideal. Fun, but not healthy or sustainable without long-term consequences. Home-prepared food is the ideal.

The problem with a lot of convenience foods, my doctor explained to me, is that the manufacturers strip out the natural taste and nutritional value in processing and replace it with sodium.

I developed high blood pressure about ten years ago and it may be a sodium-heavy-diet- and excess-weight-related condition as i have no genetic history of high blood pressure. I have to take meds for it. Ack, another pill! The expense, the bother, etc.

I know i'm doing my best to eat home-prepared food, but i'm just not much of a cook. It's a whole other lifestyle change and it's too overwhelming right away.

And perhaps it always will be. I'm 54. It's hard to see that i could morph into Betty Crocker at my age.

There's more hope for you tho because you're young. I know those tacos are yummy but a home-prepared kale salad and ground beef would be far superior.

Don't wait til you're my age to develop some skills in the kitchen. Keeping to a calorie limit will work -- it did for me 15 years ago. But a long-term goal for an ideal diet is a home-prepared one.

Perhaps i'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but i see you making mistakes i made and wound up 250 pounds with high blood pressure and i can't be silent. It wouldn't be honorable.


I had a home-prepared salad, raspberries and whey protein powder in skim milk for dinner! I also discovered that i can make scrambled eggs in a disposable bowl in the mic, so that's another triumph for Jane the Novice Cook.

I've eaten my way thru a whole carton of eggs when they usually rot before i get to them, i'm such a reluctant cook. They're yummy!

(I have a phobia about washing dishes -- another obstacle to tackle but not just right this second.)

Perhaps this is a project we can work on together, improving our diets by home-preparing.

Would you be into that?

We would just check-in on the main thread and share our victories and defeats in home-preparing our food.

Of course all are welcome to join in, it's just this seems an especially urgent problem for Mountaindewed and i.

Replacing pop, fancy coffee and other drinks with water could also be part of it. I see from your screen-name that you are probably a pop fiend like me. Am i right?

It's a hard habit to break, but our organs will thank us! @FluffyDinosaur drinks only water and they are at a healthy weight. @Soupe du jour actually LIKES cooking!

They can be our heros!!!

Last edited by Anonymous41462; May 22, 2021 at 05:16 PM..
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Default May 22, 2021 at 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Deilla View Post
@whatever2013I hope things get better for us.
@Deilla: Sorry that you didn't get any attention at the ER. I've done my share of waiting there too and left frustrated without being seen.

I've given up on going to the ER overnight as they never see me until 8:00am when the docs come on anyways and then i've spent hours languishing in an uncomfortable waiting room when i could be home on my leather sofa listening to soft music.

It'll be good to be seen by a GP tho. I personally find their care to be excellent and superior to other types of medical professionals, specialists and para-professionals. My GP spent AN HOUR on the phone with me this week!

Yeah, it's hard to manage life with limited physical resources. I try to do the most important stuff first, in case i run out of energy. That way i avoid crises.

Yesterday i put out coins for three loads of laundry. But i made sure i did the things that couldn't wait first and well i did because i DID run out of energy and wound up doing only the one load. But no problemo, tho, as the other things can wait.

Budgeting in recovery time is also something i try and do. I get really bad Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

This means i LIKE exercise and can actually do a lot of it at once, it's just after that the pain sets in, in the following days, with it getting worse before it starts to get better.

It really slows me down and is not ideal in a pet parent as my dog would like a regular walk i'm sure but some day it's all i can do to take her to the dog park and let her run loose (which she likes also).

Well, all we can do is stay the course and keep after our doctors and do our part to exercise and build strength as best we can.

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Book May 22, 2021 at 07:18 PM
@whatever2013 its like we read the same self-no-help book by the anti-jane-fonda in the 1970's.
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Default May 23, 2021 at 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by unaluna View Post
@whatever2013 its like we read the same self-no-help book by the anti-jane-fonda in the 1970's.
Hi Unaluna,

I'm always happy to hear from you but in this case i don't know what you mean. Could you elaborate please?
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Default May 23, 2021 at 07:12 AM
Started the day with water instead of diet cola. Yay for small victories. We can do this! I need your help tho. Encouragement is appreciated!!!

Have a beautiful day!


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Default May 23, 2021 at 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by whatever2013 View Post

Hi Unaluna,

I'm always happy to hear from you but in this case i don't know what you mean. Could you elaborate please?
@whatever2013 We ended up at the same place with many of the same habits. Your posts are as if written by me - how to prioritize laundry. The tradeoff between housework and exercise. That we had a grasp for a while, but lost it. Yet we persevere.
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Default May 23, 2021 at 01:14 PM
Today I went to Dunkin’ Donuts. I got a purple dragonfruit coconut refresher instead of coffee. Then I took a walk to get a soda. I got a small fountain drink. I also got a couple Reese’s. I came home and I ate 2 of the 4 Reese’s in the king size pack. I gave the other 2 away. For lunch I had a small bag of Twix popcorn and a pack of Dunkaroo yogurts. I plan on having some pizza for dinner. I’m a little bit over my calorie budget at 1,582 calories but I feel better then I did yesterday. Rabbit food just doesn’t taste good or make me feel good. The avocado toast was healthy though. And only 250 calories. The 20 minute walk made me feel better emotionally even if I didn’t burn a ton of calories.

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Default May 24, 2021 at 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by unaluna View Post
@whatever2013 That we had a grasp for a while, but lost it. Yet we persevere.
What a lovely way of putting it! Yes, perseverance is my best quality. I think it's what kept me alive when everything went to Hell in my early thirties.

It's what kept me alive, when my brother perished at just 21. I'm 54 now. Have lived over twice as long as he did. I'm sure there are many perseverant men, but i think this is a skill more women have.

Thanks for the clarification. Glad i asked for it, worth it!

Have a beautiful day!


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Default May 24, 2021 at 06:52 AM
Completed my first day diet-cola-free yesterday! Gave my stash to a friend. THERE IS NO DIET COLA IN MY HOME!!! What a milestone. May 23rd, 2021 -- the fateful day.

I drank a lot of water like @FluffyDinosaur. I spray up with Biotene when it's not convenient to drink (bladder the size of a grape).

I bought some vegan foods to try out. Would like to be completely vegan by 60. I'm 54 now and almost completely vegetarian. I call myself a 'flexitarian.'

Gee, i just adjust to dairy milk and i decide to give it up. It'll be a big transition but i have support on an active Facebook group. It's really exciting!

I don't want anyone eating my dog. Why should i eat a pig? They're so similar. And cows are beautiful to and it's not much of a life for them, animal agriculture. It's the way of the future, veganism.

Compassion for all animals, human and all others...

Have a beautiful day!


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Default May 24, 2021 at 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by Mountaindewed View Post
I’m only 28 too.
@Mountaindewed and all:

I've been wondering how old you are! You relate like a young person so i was right. Twenty-eight -- you have a lot of living left to do!

I agree that there are some advantages to being fat. The main one for me is that the cold weather doesn't bother me so much (Ontario). Yeah, there are plenty of unhealthy (skinny-fat) people out there and doctors are quick to judge.

That's why i support the "Health At Every Size" (HAES) MOVEMENT. People come in all shapes ans sizes. "Sizism" is just as bad as racism. "Lookism" too, the preferential treatment of beautiful people and the oppression of the ugly.

Well, this has turned dark!

Have a beautiful day!


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Default May 24, 2021 at 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Mountaindewed View Post
Rabbit food just doesn’t taste good or make me feel good.
@Mountaindewed and all:

I see you are pretty committed to over-processed convenience foods. Well, it's fun and you're only 28 -- i guess it's hard to see that a home-prepared diet is the ideal. I withdraw my request that we go on a home-prepared challenge. I see now that you're not interested at all.

To each their own!

Have a beautiful day!


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Default May 24, 2021 at 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by whatever2013 View Post

@Mountaindewed and all:

I see you are pretty committed to over-processed convenience foods. Well, it's fun and you're only 28 -- i guess it's hard to see that a home-prepared diet is the ideal. I withdraw my request that we go on a home-prepared challenge. I see now that you're not interested at all.

To each their own!

Have a beautiful day!


I know a man who is 44, still lives with his mom, and I would also say is committed to over processed convenience foods.

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Default May 24, 2021 at 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by leomama View Post
I know a man who is 44, still lives with his mom, and I would also say is committed to over processed convenience foods.

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@Mountaindewed and all:

I repeat: TO EACH THEIR OWN. It's YOUR choice and YOUR preference and i will continue to support you even tho MY choice and MY preference and MY doctor's advice is different.

You're young and don't hear the clock ticking like i do, so it's easy to see that we have very different POVs. It's natural.

No one can say we don't have the courage of our convictions -- in that way we are alike!
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Default May 24, 2021 at 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by whatever2013 View Post

@Mountaindewed and all:

I repeat: TO EACH THEIR OWN. It's YOUR choice and YOUR preference and i will continue to support you even tho MY choice and MY preference and MY doctor's advice is different.

You're young and don't hear the clock ticking like i do, so it's easy to see that we have very different POVs. It's natural.

No one can say we don't have the courage of our convictions -- in that way we are alike!

I’m saying that to say I’m more like you.

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Default May 24, 2021 at 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by whatever2013 View Post

@Mountaindewed and all:

I see you are pretty committed to over-processed convenience foods. Well, it's fun and you're only 28 -- i guess it's hard to see that a home-prepared diet is the ideal. I withdraw my request that we go on a home-prepared challenge. I see now that you're not interested at all.

To each their own!

Have a beautiful day!


I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset. I’ve lost and kept off 62 pounds by eating the way I do. I know it’s not healthy but right now it’s just difficult to change things. It’s just how my mind and body works.

But yeah it’s different for everyone. I’m agreeing with you.

Sorry again.

My eating and thought process regarding food and weight is messed up regardless. My old therapist thought I had an ED. It’s something I need to discuss with my new one.

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Default May 24, 2021 at 12:05 PM
Last time I weighed myself, Saturday, I was 150lbs. So I lost about 2 lbs in the past week. I’ve been getting on the treadmill to walk for 30 to 45 minutes most days

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Default May 24, 2021 at 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Mountaindewed View Post
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset. I’ve lost and kept off 62 pounds by eating the way I do. I know it’s not healthy but right now it’s just difficult to change things. It’s just how my mind and body works.

But yeah it’s different for everyone. I’m agreeing with you.

Sorry again.

My eating and thought process regarding food and weight is messed up regardless. My old therapist thought I had an ED. It’s something I need to discuss with my new one.
@Mountaindewed and all:

I accept your gracious apology! We're all a work-in-progress here. Hope we all get the good help we deserve. Congratulations on your spectacular weight-loss!!!
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