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Crowned "The Good Witch"
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Default Dec 18, 2021 at 04:06 PM
If You Had All the Money in the World, How Would You Live Your Life?

Where in the world will you live?

What would your house look like?

What anemities would you have (pool and hot tub, yacht, movie theater, moat, etc)?

What car(s) would you drive?

Would you donate to charity? If so, which ones?

Would you be super outgoing or a hermit?

What animals would you have?

What kind of clothes or jewelry would you wear?

Would you continue to work or consider it an early retirement?
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Default Dec 18, 2021 at 04:14 PM
I'd live somewhere secluded in the woods

My house would be a big log cabin with lots of places to roam in the house

I'd have a pool and hot tub, a movie theater, a moat, a giant library...

I would have several garages full of modern sports cars and lots of pristine classics.

I would donate to charities, local ones that would help children, animals, and students and for big ones I'd choose Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots programs and The Crocodile Hunter's fundraisers.

I am not sure how social I'd be. I'd like to see myself surrounded by friends and loved ones. I wouldn't want to be a hermit, but I wouldn't throw outrageous parties, either...well...maybe once or twice a year.

I would have farm animals, cats, dogs, and fish.

I'd wear all designer clothing as long as it was sustainably and ethically created.

I'd never work again. I'd consider it an early retirement. But I would probably spend a lot of my time as a student getting degree after degree.
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Default Dec 18, 2021 at 04:34 PM
I think I'd have a penthouse apartment in a major city so I could be near theater and stuff like that.

Movie theater would be cool. Maybe a pool on the roof

I'd donate to the colleges I went to and to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health)

I'm an ambivert. Sometimes I like to socialize and other times I like to be alone. Maybe I'd throw some pool parties.

I would have a couple of cats.

Clothes I really don't understand what looks good on me, so I'd have a personal stylist but them for me.

I would not work for money, but I would continue with volunteer work. Sitting at home with nothing to do would make me really depressed.
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Default Dec 18, 2021 at 09:33 PM
If I had ALL the money in the world.... I would have a panic attack then give it all back the the world (minus about a half billion). There is no way I could handle the stress of having the financial responsibility of keeping the world economy going, employment for billions of.people.... I wouldn't spend much of the half billion I keep. But I would never feel financially insecure again. A new modest comfortable home with a hobby workshop, trees, meadows and a stream. More education for me and my family and a month long annual trip to wherever I felt like exploring. I wouldn't tell anyone how much I kept. I'd hire a maid for once a week and a landscaper for once a month. I'd get regular manicures and pedicures.
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Default Dec 18, 2021 at 10:03 PM
Your post is so funny cuz I would feel the same way. Ahhh! I have to support the world! I had a dream I won the jackpot on a slot and made the world bankrupt. 😂😂😂😂😂
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Default Dec 18, 2021 at 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by LiteraryLark View Post
If You Had All the Money in the World, How Would You Live Your Life?

Where in the world will you live? Where I live now, I’d renovate mum’s house to make it one level, and put in wooden floors. Then after she passed I’d get a condo in a city. For theaters and ballet. And I’d get a house in New Mexico for winters.

What would your house look like? A condo in the cities. But not a huge one. In New Mexico I’d have a stucco viliia

What anemities would you have (pool and hot tub, yacht, movie theater, moat, etc)? Definitely have a movie theater room and tons of my favorite TV shows on DVD so I could binge watch and throw cos play theme nights. I’d also have an art studio and kiln so I could play with clay.

What car(s) would you drive? A Tesla in NM and none in the city. I’d have a service or use public transportation

Would you donate to charity? If so, which ones? Oh, so many. Definitely the woman’s shelter that helped me so much and animal shelters

Would you be super outgoing or a hermit? Except for a very few friends and family I’d be a hermit

What animals would you have? Just my cat until he passed cause he’s used to being king. Then I’d get to big rescue dogs and two cats.

What kind of clothes or jewelry would you wear? Bohemian and 70’s throwbacks

Would you continue to work or consider it an early retirement?
retirement but would volunteer

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Default Dec 19, 2021 at 08:35 AM
RollercoasterLover makes an excellent point. I don't want the responsibility of all the money in the world. That would make me responsible for the whole world. It took me years in therapy to learn I'm not responsible for everything in the world.

If I had unlimited amounts of money I'm not sure I would do much different. I happily live a pretty simple life. That said I would...

Definitely retire. I'm working toward that now anyhow.

Take another trip to Ireland and invite friends along.

Buy a tractor to be able to do things around the farm like mow.

Have a hurricane shelter built on the property.

Donate money to Best Friends and Alley Cat Allies.

Have some needed repairs done to my house. I would not get a new house. I had my manufactured house customized when I bought it. I love my house.

Buy my best friend a new house or make the repairs she needs to the current one. Whichever she preferred.

Only change to clothes would be not having to wear business casual because I retired. I'm a jeans an t-shirts kinda girl.

Pets would be the current crew.
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Default Dec 19, 2021 at 12:00 PM
Well this question is not something I spend time thinking about. Would it be nice to have no debt and be able to go wherever I please, yes. However, money means nothing to me, I am happy being able to pay my bills and surviving.

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Default Dec 19, 2021 at 08:03 PM
Most certainly I’d live differently if I was rich. I’d travel way more than I do now. Way more. Wouldn’t work as hard. I’d have a bigger house. I’d buy my daughter a bigger house. Theirs is cute but they live in a very expensive city so 2 bedroom flats , not even houses, cost half a million. There are many things I would do if I had more money
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Default Dec 20, 2021 at 03:35 AM
If You Had All the Money in the World, How Would you live?
Comfortably in a serene area. I wouldn't see myself hobknobing with the very rich much.

Where in the world will you live?
House in New Jersey near where I grew up. One in France (area tbd). Another in Czech Republic.

What would your house look like?
One that blends in with nature, but with very modern amenities.

What anemities would you have (pool and hot tub, yacht, movie theater, moat, etc)?
Pool and hot tub, and sauna for Hubby. All in beautiful natural environment. The coolest kitchen ever, for me. Beautiful windows looking out to beautiful view. Nice large bathrooms, with one of maybe four big enough for a chaise lounge, and both a whirlpool tub and azulejo large shower with rain/waterfall type water modes.

What car(s) would you drive?
Some nice hybrid or long-distance electric car with good features. Not anything super pretentious.

Would you donate to charity? If so, which ones?
NAMI, DBSA, American Cancer Society, the equivalent in Czech Republic, one focusing on epilepsy treatment and research, and ones that help the poor find improved lives, and similar.

Would you be super outgoing or a hermit?
I'd be about the same. Somewhere in between.

What animals would you have?
Probably parrots in a beautiful aviary. Maybe a cat, but my husband never wanted one.

What kind of clothes or jewelry would you wear?
Nice-quality, but nothing too extravagant.

Would you continue to work or consider it an early retirement?
Philanthropy and some writing. Promotion of education and also further my own.

Dx: Bipolar type 1

Psych Medications:
* Tegretol XR (carbamazepine ER) 800 mg
* Lamictal (lamotrigine) 150 mg
* Seroquel XR (quetiapine ER) 600 mg

I also take meds for blood pressure, cholesterol, and tachycardia.
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Default Dec 24, 2021 at 04:28 PM
I wouldn't move far but there is a nice house I've always admired backing onto the nature reserve.

I'd have more dogs and rescue older or disabled dogs that would spend their life in kennels otherwise.

If I took in more than 4 I'd turn it into an official rescue and hire staff so not just turning into an animal hoarder

I might have a PA (personal assistant) anyway and my own adapted vehicle (they'd have to drive) so me and the dogs could visit different parks a bit further than the scooter can get to and an all terrain powerchair!! ..or scooter with extra seats and a dog bike trailer so the dogs that can't walk as far get a ride out too!!

The house wouldn't be too big not my living quarters anyway, some rooms would be for the dogs - indoor playrooms or bedrooms - who'd live in the same house ( don't believe in having them living in outdoor kennels).

Whatever (money) was not needed to pay staff or run the rescue would be donated to other local charities on a regular basis.

I'm not really into designer clothes and stuff like that (though the dogs would have good gear! - winter coats, harnesses etc) just good quality practical stuff - rather buy more clothes to give away for homeless than buy one jumper or pair of trainers for a ridiculous amount for myself.
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Default Dec 25, 2021 at 03:08 AM
I would give some money to family and friends, but mostly I’d be doing everything I could to combat climate change, including subsidising/going around government where I had to, and as part of that process help make the world a more equitable place. I’d have a comfortable home, not a palace but just somewhere I could recharge and relax while “off duty” as well as work from if needed.
I’ve been thinking about this topic for months, in reality. This is the only thing I can really imagine doing with such a gargantuan fortune lol.
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Default Dec 25, 2021 at 03:18 AM
I'd move to yellowstone and work (they will assign you a job and it could be washing dishes, picking up litter or something else to start and the pay isnt going to make you rich but you get to live in their housing and stay in the park all year long in addition to the perks of being in the park when noone else is allowed to.
What they pay isnt enough to really live on but its so gorgeous and majestic. Mark and I would buy an rv and do it.

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Default Dec 26, 2021 at 07:55 PM
I don't need "all the money in the world" so I would help friends and charities. I would have a house in the woods, on about 10 acres, 5 wooded. The house would be made in the old style (provided I couldn't find an existing oldie to fit the bill). A barn, huge fenced areas for my dogs, etc. I would wall the property all off, sort of like the movie "The Village". I'd have a pond with a creek. I would buy a small beach cabin and when I wasn't using it I'd let my friends enjoy it. I'd rescue dogs and cats here and there...or foster. As far as clothes and jewelry, I'd have the same blue jeans and tye dye shirts and beads as I do now. That would not change.

I go about my own business, and keep my mind on myself and my life. I expect the same courtesy from the rest of the world.

Last edited by Medusax; Dec 26, 2021 at 07:58 PM.. Reason: add on
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Default Jan 01, 2022 at 07:49 AM
I think I'd donate the majority of it to charity and keep working my current job.

Oh, and edit: these charities would have to actually be doing something good for the community.

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Default Jan 01, 2022 at 08:12 AM
I would need to hire a personal assistant I can trust to help me keep track of everything. I lose things so easily. I'd also like a chauffeur and personal chef.
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