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Old Nov 12, 2008, 10:27 PM
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I went to the doc this morning after having some dizzyness and feeling lightheaded after standing for a bit. They did the typical stuff like weigh, blood pressure, temp etc. My blood pressure was only 98/90 and my temp was 96.4. My doc doesn't think that my low blood pressure is anything serious just something to keep monitoring like when I'm in Walmart to check it when I'm there on their little machine. He said if it continues to be low that we will have to do something about it. He did say he doesn't think it is my heart though thank God!! Heart problems run in my family so I was worried about that. He thinks it might be med related so I have talked with my neuro doc who prescribed the newest drug that entered the pic and I am to half my dosage and start taking a B Complex vitamin.

I guess this could explain why I am so freakin cold all the time and so tired all the time. But is there anything else I could be doing? OH my GP also said I'm to drink at least 1 electrolyte drink a day.

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Old Nov 12, 2008, 10:41 PM
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cantstopcrying cantstopcrying is offline
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I deal with low blood pressure too. 88/55 and shockingly I'm fatigued!! If mine is 112/80 it's high! I don't know what else could be causing yours but please be careful when changing posititions--you could get dizzy and lightheaded.
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Low Blood Pressure
Old Nov 13, 2008, 12:34 AM
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bebop bebop is offline
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mine use to always run like 90 to 105 over 60 and below. that was my norm. had no problems with it like that. then this year it is running 140/90's. for me this is high but my quack dr says it is nothing lol go figure.

hang in there hon. try not to worry too much.
Old Nov 13, 2008, 02:41 AM
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Thanks for your replies guys.

I am trying not to think about it but it is hard not to. I am just hoping they can figure out what is causing it and get it back to normal..whatever normal is for me.

I appreciate long walks especially when taken by people who annoy me. Noel Coward
Old Nov 14, 2008, 10:02 PM
Posts: n/a
low blood pressure is common in women
ive been dealing with it most of my life..
its been 50/80 before..
u can generally get a sense of how it is by checking ur pulse..
for me if my pulse gets around 40 beats a min.. someone better get me a glass of water..
u get used to it how ur body works and what affects it..
that is until something new comes along..
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