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Old Jan 27, 2009, 10:54 PM
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cantstopcrying cantstopcrying is offline
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I don't if this is unusual or not, but my leg cramps are in my thighs, in the front. Anyone else have this? Heat from my mattress pad sometimes relieve it. It's like the muscles need to be stretched. Sometimes pushing on them with my fists work. I have tried everything from quinine to homeopathic stuff. It's awful and just wondered if anyone else has this.
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Leg cramps

Old Jan 28, 2009, 04:53 AM
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I get horrible leg cramps some nights. The night before last I didn't think I was going to get the muscles to relax and the pain had me in tears..
I don't know if it comes from sitting too much as well as not exercising, or if it's from a statin drug I take at bedtime. I've had side effects of statins and this is one it seemed I could tolerate. Well, actually I tolerate Lipitor just fine but I can't afford it.

I don't know why certain muscles cramp and not others. I have to walk off the cramping, trying to relax as I walk. But in desperation from the pain, I have tried pushing the muscles. It doesn't help and usually makes me more tense as well.

I hope we both find answers!
Thanks for this!
Old Jan 28, 2009, 11:39 AM
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Could just be a lack of salt intake but it could be something more serious like a circulatory problem. Worth mentioning to your Doctor!

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Old Jan 28, 2009, 11:51 AM
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Lord knows I eat enough salt--I historically have low blood pressure, so I've learned to toss the salt on whatever I can. Unfortunately last time I mentioned it to my doctor (who can be such an ***) he said it's just your body unwinding from the day and gave me quinine, which didn't help, but I wanted to go to a country that has malaria, I was covered! I feel like I'm whining, but it is so bothersome it has me in tears some nights and last night was one of those nights!
"We can't talk at the same time! It doesn't work like that! I talk, you talk, I talk, you talk!!" ~ Peanut
Leg cramps
Old Jan 31, 2009, 02:13 AM
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I get leg cramps and charlie horses during the night or in the early morning hours... my doctor told me it was because my body had low potassium, which can cause leg cramps... solution: eat more banana's and take a multi vitamin each day.
Old Jan 31, 2009, 05:07 AM
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Unfortunately, that has been checked and is fine. I'm just physically defective!!
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Leg cramps
Old Jan 31, 2009, 09:31 AM
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They're horrible!!!!!!!!!

I took quinine until they (the FDA) took it off the market
as a treatment for leg cramps.
Now I take baclofen, which I don't like but ..............
the leg cramps (thighs, in the front)were so excruciating
that i had to do something!!!!!!
I still don't know what caused them.

I've also read that others have used quinine water with good results.
Life shouldn't be this hard
.Leg cramps
Old Jan 31, 2009, 09:47 AM
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cantstopcrying cantstopcrying is offline
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That's exactly where mine are!!! thighs in front!!! Has me in tears often. What effects are there from the medication?
"We can't talk at the same time! It doesn't work like that! I talk, you talk, I talk, you talk!!" ~ Peanut
Leg cramps
Old Jan 31, 2009, 01:54 PM
Peppermint_Patty Peppermint_Patty is offline
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Hi Cantstopcrying,

The exact cause of night leg cramps isn't known. Some experts believe they may be due to abnormal processing of electrolytes — essential elements and chemical substances your body needs for basic functions — by muscles. Almost everyone has occasional leg cramps. But they occur most often in older adults. Common causes of night leg cramps include:
  • Muscle overexertion
  • Prolonged sitting
  • Dehydration
  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Decreased potassium levels
  • Neuromuscular disorders, such as Parkinson's disease
  • Certain medications, such as albuterol, niacin, diuretics, and some calcium channel blockers and antipsychotic medications
  • Alcohol use
If you do get a leg cramp, you may be able to make it go away by:
  • Walking on the affected leg
  • Massaging the affected muscle
  • Applying a cold pack to the affected muscle
  • Taking a hot bath
To help prevent night leg cramps:
  • Drink plenty of fluids during the day.
  • Stretch your leg muscles before bedtime.
  • Get adequate potassium in your diet.
If you have frequent and severe leg cramps at night, talk to your doctor. Treatment results vary. But the most effective treatments based on current research are:
  • Vitamin B-12
  • Gabapentin
Night leg cramps should be distinguished from another common cause of night leg discomfort called restless legs syndrome, a condition in which your legs have a creepy, crawly or fidgety sensation unless you move them. The sensation often worsens as night approaches. Restless legs syndrome is a neurologic condition that requires different treatment from that of night leg cramps.
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