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Wandering soul
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Default Oct 04, 2011 at 05:54 AM
I have been in a fog, poor memory and concentration, fatigued, and significantly depressed. I thought it was depression but psych meds have not been working, so they ordered labs, and they came back with a REALLY low vitamin B12 deficiency.

I will start injection supplements; 4 shots over 8 weeks and then retested to decide of oral supplements or more injections are needed. Not looking forward to this but to feel better right now, bring those shots on! However, I am wondering if anyone has been through this, how soon did you notice a difference in feeling better?

With my history of depression, it was surprising to me that there was a physical cause at this point but definitely knew something was wrong. I appreciated the pdoc noticing, that no response to the psych meds meant there might be something else going on and told me he would contact my GP if I didn't. I had noticed the lack of response as well. Pay attention to symptoms and responses. We know our bodies better than anyone.


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Last edited by Fresia; Oct 04, 2011 at 06:08 AM.. Reason: spelling
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Default Oct 04, 2011 at 05:59 AM
I have extremely low levels of B12 and Vit D. Had first 2 needles and still don't feel like I'm less tired/irritable etc. Doc is suggesting two shots in 7 days for a boost to see if it helps.
Not much help, sorry.
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Default Oct 04, 2011 at 06:09 AM
B12 deficiency is very serious. It causes neurological problems which can be misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis. Sounds like they caught it before it got that far, but it will still take time to reverse any damage.

Insufficient stomach acid can make it difficult to get enough B12 from food. Vegetarians and especially vegans are often advised to take supplements. I found little tablets that go under the tongue, to be allowed to dissolve. The capillaries there can absorb B12.

Oddly enough I never thought to ask anyone how long it can take to correct problems with deficiency once they start. As a vegetarian I was just concerned with preventing them.
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Fresia, lynn P.
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Default Oct 04, 2011 at 06:39 AM
I am hoping the shots can reverse the damage and will feel better soon as am barely functioning now. I figure consider the period of the shots, it will be a slow process to affect the blood cells. None of the websites that I have found so far indicate anything about recovery times however, even given no other factors. However, I'm afraid I have other factors that this might become and on-going issue now.

I appreciate everyone's feedback.


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Default Oct 05, 2011 at 08:02 AM
Its very good the doctors figured this out for you Fresia. Do the doctors or you know why this happened - is it diet related or do you have an absorption problem as Inedible mentioned. Some IBS sufferers also have this and yes it can make you feel awful if you're deficient. I hope you feel better soon.

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Wandering soul
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Default Oct 05, 2011 at 04:38 PM
Thank you for your kind words, Lynn.

My doc is out of town for two more weeks so I am working with nurse practitioner, (overseen by anther doc), who caught it and ordered the shots. I have not been able to meet with anyone yet about causes, just getting treatment right now.

From the research that I've been doing. It is not a diet issue as my diet is rich in B12 foods. It is absorption due to a medication I take. It says long term use of proton pump inhibitors and antacids, like for GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), can cause a problem with B12 absorption. I have to take the H+ inhibitors, basically for GERD but b/c my esophagus does not close off at my stomach so acid comes up. I've had surgeries for it but it cannot be corrected any further. I can't go without the med for it and taking it long-term is an understatement. I am so fearful this will now become an on-going issue.

Too many ifs right now that I'm trying not to think about until I have more facts and see if these treatments are going to work. One step at a time. I just need to function again. (it has taken me almost 20 minutes to type this message, far from "normal". I can type 50 wpm otherwise. Will hopefully be reversed, too scary to think about otherwise. Gotta go, tears.)


I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it. -M.Angelou
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lynn P.
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Default Oct 05, 2011 at 04:43 PM
I saw my gp yesterday for another needle and she suggested I take tablets in between needles so I'm going to try that..
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Fresia, lynn P.
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Default Oct 05, 2011 at 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Fresia View Post
Thank you for your kind words, Lynn.

My doc is out of town for two more weeks so I am working with nurse practitioner, (overseen by anther doc), who caught it and ordered the shots. I have not been able to meet with anyone yet about causes, just getting treatment right now.

From the research that I've been doing. It is not a diet issue as my diet is rich in B12 foods. It is absorption due to a medication I take. It says long term use of proton pump inhibitors and antacids, like for GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), can cause a problem with B12 absorption. I have to take the H+ inhibitors, basically for GERD but b/c my esophagus does not close off at my stomach so acid comes up. I've had surgeries for it but it cannot be corrected any further. I can't go without the med for it and taking it long-term is an understatement. I am so fearful this will now become an on-going issue.

Too many ifs right now that I'm trying not to think about until I have more facts and see if these treatments are going to work. One step at a time. I just need to function again. (it has taken me almost 20 minutes to type this message, far from "normal". I can type 50 wpm otherwise. Will hopefully be reversed, too scary to think about otherwise. Gotta go, tears.)
Very interesting you said that medications which reduce stomach acid can cause this. I have this kind of problem too and was on Nexium for several years and then I started to wonder if this prevented absorption of some vitamins. I even point blank asked a pharmacist and she said no. I didn't trust that answer and stopped the med. I still get it occasionally but luckily my self help methods helped to the point where I rarely get it now.

I know that B vitamins depend on a certain level of stomach acid to absorb. I think doctors need to tell their patients to try self help methods first before prescribing all these acid reducers. Doctors should also be aware to test people who are on these meds for deficiencies. We have this acid for a reason lol. I sure hope these B12 shots help soon ((Fresia))

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Default Oct 07, 2011 at 08:15 AM
This website from the National Instit of Health was really helpful in explaining values, recommended daily allowances, ex of foods with B12, causes, treatments, etc.:


Hope this shed some light for others too.

Thanks Flooded! for mentioning what your doc said about taking oral supplements in between. I talked to the doc and they agreed for me to start doing this too.

Thanks Inedible! about the suggestion for the sublingual tablets; this they agreed would be the best route to go as well but never would have know this was an option were it not for your post.

Thank you so much y'all!


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Elana05, lynn P.
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Default Oct 15, 2011 at 05:38 AM
Just venting, no need to actually read this, just really frustrated right now and need to get it out.....

I am so tired and tired of this. I go for the next shot Tuesday and I picked up the sublingual tabs to take in the interim. This slugglish feeling, then with hands shaking, feeling cold, and tremors is not helping either. I can't get my work done and my ability to focus has been reduced to what I imagine a nat could work on. I am so frustrated even though the nurse said it could get worse before it gets better knowing how low the levels were. I know it will take some time but hoped that there might be some more improvement; well there is a bit and cannot discount that the blackout spells have dissipated. Yeah! But the dizziness remain and overall though, oy, yoi, yoi.

There is so much going on right now that am supposed to be doing. I don't know how to manage it all. Gives a whole new meaning to one foot in front of the other, that is if I can find my feet and get them to work. Feel like my world is crashing. If I couldn't get out of bed before b/c of fatigue, now I want to go to it to hide in it, double whammy. I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing treatment-wise but not near what needs to be done in the rest of my life; grades, professional, and personal lives are slippling away from me. The tunnel I'm in has no light at the end of it anymore. Perhaps this next shot on Tuesday will kick in better and will hope for that in the interim, but holding my breath.

I just hate this useless feeling and lack of energy. I'm not safe to drive still and this bothers me to trouble others for help and I miss the freedom to just go. I tried to exercise for energy and with the other symptoms it did not go well, ended up falling as I was walking on several attempts. SO have been trying to swim. Couldn't even make it to the end of the pool, which is so unlike me. Then I had to wait as I had no energy to get out of the pool and had to get help. I left in my swimsuit, wrapped in a towel; couldn't even change. Asking for help is one thing but needing it is another. I don't know how to handle this. I don't know who this person is. What is happening to me?!

Doc's office response is that it will take some time, to keep taking the tabs and coming in for the shots. Will do, absolutely! Meantime, ARGHHHH!

If you did read this, thanks so much for listening. I hope this finds you doing really well. In time and in theory, so will I. Will continue to hope, find my light again, it's there somewhere.


I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it. -M.Angelou
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Default Oct 15, 2011 at 06:08 AM
I'm in the same place physically. I'm sick of feeling shithouse.
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Default Oct 15, 2011 at 08:15 AM
Good description and who knew this could wipe one out so much and do so much damage, 1 vitamin, eeks!

Cheers to us feeling better REAL soon!!! Hang in there, Flooded. My thoughts are with you.


I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it. -M.Angelou
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Default Oct 15, 2011 at 11:01 AM
Recently I was reading about B12 deficiency and saw that folic acid levels are also commonly checked along with B12. When B12 isn't being absorbed well, folic acid can also be low and needs to be treated as well. I think it is another of the B vitamins and you can get both by taking a good B complex supplement. Replacing one vitamin when two are low will take longer to feel better, right? Do you know if you were checked for low folic acid / folate?

Folate: What is it?
Folate is a water-soluble B vitamin that occurs naturally in food. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate that is found in supplements and added to fortified foods [1].
Folate gets its name from the Latin word "folium" for leaf. A key observation of researcher Lucy Wills nearly 70 years ago led to the identification of folate as the nutrient needed to prevent the anemia of pregnancy. Dr. Wills demonstrated that the anemia could be corrected by a yeast extract. Folate was identified as the corrective substance in yeast extract in the late 1930s, and was extracted from spinach leaves in 1941.
Folate helps produce and maintain new cells [2]. This is especially important during periods of rapid cell division and growth such as infancy and pregnancy. Folate is needed to make DNA and RNA, the building blocks of cells. It also helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer [3]. Both adults and children need folate to make normal red blood cells and prevent anemia [4]. Folate is also essential for the metabolism of homocysteine, and helps maintain normal levels of this amino acid.
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Queen of Chaos
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Default Oct 15, 2011 at 11:54 AM
I used to take B-12 shots and would leave the doctor's office feeling like a champion! The only real problem was how time consuming it was going to the clinic and having to wait for someone to give me the injections.

I went every other day for several months but finally just couldn't keep devoting so much time and effort to something that, for me, was tremendous for a few hours but had no lasting effect.

I take a B-12/B-6/Folic microlingual tablet made by Superior Source. I like it O.K., I think it helps...but only temporarily.

I've just started reading about Ferritin levels - stored iron in the body. If a person's ferritin levels are off, they'll have many symptoms that mimic B-12 deficience. I don't think doctors check for ferritin unless maybe the patient requests it.

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Default Oct 18, 2011 at 04:07 AM
I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time Fresia, and really hope your vitamin levels stable out really soon.

I experience a lot of your symptoms and also know how hard it is to put one foot in front of the other. Keep in touch with your doc and let him help you
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Default Oct 18, 2011 at 06:57 AM
I go for another shot today and will talk with them about the fact that the symptoms do not seem to lessening. It could be because the levels were so low that it will take longer to build them back up; the range is 180-900, normal around 450. I didn't even register in range at 55. Perhaps they will change my shot schedule, supplements, or something, please.

Inedible- I appreciate the info on the folate levels, I will ask what they were.

Queen of Chaos- Low ferrous levels have been an issue in years past and what was initially suspected; but they were normal this time.

Thanks, Suga. Appreciate the kind words.


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