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Old Apr 02, 2009, 10:38 AM
Lik3 Lik3 is offline
Member Since: Sep 2008
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 122
Can a person be obsessed about anything no matter how strange? Mine is about other people committing infidelity, namely women. Particularly married women. I will never know why I have this one, but the obsessive thoughts I have I have never of them in real life. The figurative speech become literal and the words become more exact and exaggerated. Thus the situations are exaggerated. I even have thoughts about fictional characters who cheat on their husbands, even comic book wives. I am doing better, but are ignoring the thoughts a good thing because they are not based on reality, most of the time. Real life situations are exaggerated and apparently my form of OCD is rare. How do I learn to accept that I have these thoughts? To me that is the most difficult thing to do.

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