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Unhappy Apr 05, 2023 at 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by jesyka View Post


They probably needed you for attention & validation. I know that I was.

Regarding the last friend, she didn’t realize how much she was hurting yiu with her comments it seems like. Did you ever tell her to not mention stuff that triggers you? Next time, it’d be a good idea to set boundaries.

It’s nice to meet another feline in the same boat btw.
I don't know what they needed me for but they don't need me now. And I don't need them. In your previous post you said you think women are jealous of you. Can I ask how come?

Oh yeah I definitely told the last "friend" how hurtful it is to hear about her warm, fuzzy time with her mom. And the behavior continued. I'm always setting boundaries but people cross them or attempt to cross them.

If you started a thread about something similar, please post the link and I'll see if I have any 2 cents.

Us felines are usually solitary creatures, except for lions.

Call me "owl" for short!

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

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Default Apr 05, 2023 at 01:13 PM
Your former ‘friends’ probably kept you around to get attention & validation from you. Did you provide that for them?

As for why I think that some people are jealous of me, I think that they can’t stand the fact that I get to travel & have a fairly comfortable life without having to work fir a living like they di. Even the ones who couldn’t work were stuck at home having to take care of a demanding elderly parent they couldn’t stand.

But they couldn’t bring themselves to put them in a nursing home. They probably saw me as being spoiled & undeserving of everything I have since I don’t need to work to live.

I have begore. I’m physically & mentally disabled niw. They don’t take my disabilities seriously though. One former aquaintence said that I wouldn’t be able to get out of bef if I really had fibromyalgia as this other lady she knew was bed ridden. Of course, she was another bitter jealous perdon who resented me as she was barely getting by & living in a small apartment with no a/c. I live in a house. It’s a fixer upper, but it’s still a house in a good neighborhood.

Maybe it’s my looks too? but that’s a huge maybe as I’m nowhere close to looking really gorgeous like Cindy Crawford or JLo. I’m overweight too.

Then there’s the fact that I’m marriedx. The women who seem to tesent me the most are always the singke ones or those that just have boyfriends.

I’m sure thst they wish thst they were married too. A few of them were obsessed with finding a guy to marry them.

Most of them had to rely on themselves & no one else most of the time. Some of them were getting hrlp from their parents. Some still are living with their parents too.

I also dress nice. Even one former make friend told me that I’m lucky that my husband gives me money even though he’s financially controlling. My name has bern off the joint account since some low life scammer cashed a check for $950 back in November of last year. He blames me for what happened for msiling the checks the ‘wrong’ way.

I don’t know if he’ll ever add me back on as he’s threatened to rake me off it fir years just for withdrawing small amounts of money without his consent. He’s a control freak.

He told me that his g.f got nothing for Chryas he had nothingto give her. He resented the fact that I was given cash for Christmas.

So there you go. I’m hated for having things they don’t despite being financially controlled & having to live woth no dental, vision or medical insurance for now, lol.
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Default Apr 05, 2023 at 01:13 PM
Here’s the link to my recent thread btw:

Why did all my new friends start ignoring me? Are they jealous?
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Default Apr 05, 2023 at 01:33 PM
I don't know what begore means?

I don't know what I gave them but they gave me attention and validation too. I don't even want to think about them anymore and am currently talking to no one.

Nobody takes my stuff seriously, that's for sure.

I've had some women say they are jealous I don't have wrinkles or I have nice clothes. That's superficial stuff. I also don't have what they have so I'd trade smooth skin and clothes for a genuine family and friends, plus an emergency contact. It shows how shallow they are.

My skin is a genetic thing; I can't help that I don't have wrinkles like they do. Some have gotten jealous of the attention I get from me, one told me so. BUT it's UNWANTED, creepy attention. It's NOT the flattering kind yet they tell me I "should" be flattered, I guess because THEY don't get the attention.

Call me "owl" for short!

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

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Default Apr 05, 2023 at 02:20 PM
Go to YouTube and search for Dan O'Connor communications (I have no affiliation I just enjoy his videos - he also has paid courses but I've never taken those). A lot of his clients are autistic or have social issues and he has some methods for introducing yourself to people and making a good impression. It's also very important to practice - I always chat with cashiers or baristas or whomever if it's not too busy, asking them questions about the business or the clientele. Usually they really seem to like answering. I am not good-looking or young. Most people enjoy talking about their job to a sympathetic person who seems interested.

As someone who tests 75% Extravert, I have to say it's a numbers game. If you approach 50 people, a few will end up as casual friends. I go to Meetup groups with others who share my interests. My mother made a lot of friends simply playing card games.

You don't have to sit around and wait for someone to approach you. I'm just not that patient.

There are also books about making a good impression on people and having interesting small talk. Rather than just asking what someone does for a living, ask what hobbies they enjoy or what accomplishments they are proud of.
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Unhappy Apr 05, 2023 at 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Samicat View Post


Rather than just asking what someone does for a living, ask what hobbies they enjoy or what accomplishments they are proud of.
I've always HATED the question, implying our identities are people are tied up with what we DO. Very hard for the unemployed. There's way more to a person than what their paycheck is for.

Call me "owl" for short!

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

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Default Apr 05, 2023 at 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by nonightowl View Post
I don't know what they needed me for but they don't need me now. And I don't need them. In your previous post you said you think women are jealous of you. Can I ask how come?

Oh yeah I definitely told the last "friend" how hurtful it is to hear about her warm, fuzzy time with her mom. And the behavior continued. I'm always setting boundaries but people cross them or attempt to cross them.

If you started a thread about something similar, please post the link and I'll see if I have any 2 cents.

Us felines are usually solitary creatures, except for lions.

Your former friend obviously didn’t respect your boundaries. Some people deliberately test your boundaries & violate them if you don’t enforce them. They don’t want you to have boundaries as they want to be able to gaslight, control, manipulate & disrespect you.

One former friend of mine was a huge control freak. She tried to control me by telling me how to act & think properly out of ‘concern’. She claimed that she wanted to hrlp me ‘fir in’ & be ‘liked’ by never telling people the word no. She said it’s ‘rude’ to be direct & honest.

She says it hurts people le feelings & that I needed to become a butt kissing people pleaser line her if I ever wanted anyone to like & accept me

My honesty made her uncomfortable, so she yried hard to gaslight & manipulate me She used my insecurities against me by telling me that her other friends don’t like it when I don’t want to play the boring & hard strategy games that they do.

She even accused me of ‘ruining’ a game I played for just a few minutes. I gave up since it was hard & extremely boring too. Thst’s ridiculous!

She pressured me into trying to play these boting games instead of the party games. I resented her for that. She told me that I meed other people but they don’t need me.

I proved her wrong as she desperately needed me to gossip about this former friend every single day for sn hour over the phone! It was to much! O one else wanted to lusten to her repeat the same stories!

Another mutual friend was annoyed by her too & found her to be to needy, needing way to much attention & validation, thought she was fame, lacked empstht, was to gossippy, to nosy, tslked to mu ch, repeated herself to much & that she thought she was to intrusive & controlling too.

She kicked her out of the game group after me for not wanting to conform to the group’s unspoken rules to never say anything ‘negative’ abour her .

She would constantly interrupt & talk over me even when I told her yo please not do that. She krpt doing it. I didn’t let her suffer the consequences for bad behavior at first.

I just yelled at her instead of ignoring her. She stopped listening to me talk once I established boundaries. Then she a cused me of bring intolerant if her quirks when I set boundaries & camled them ‘restrictions’. lol.

She was obviously gaslighting me. She thought that I’m naieve, gullible & extremely stupid since I wasn’t as smart as her in most ways

I’m not stupid, but she thought I was since I’m not a super nerdy type like she is, lol.

She lost teo genuinely nice people by trying to control us.
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Default Apr 05, 2023 at 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by nonightowl View Post
I've always HATED the question, implying our identities are people are tied up with what we DO. Very hard for the unemployed. There's way more to a person than what their paycheck is for.

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Unhappy Apr 06, 2023 at 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by jesyka View Post

Your former friend obviously didn’t respect your boundaries. Some people deliberately test your boundaries & violate them if you don’t enforce them.

My honesty made her uncomfortable, so she yried hard to gaslight & manipulate me She used my insecurities against me by telling me that her other friends don’t like it when I don’t want to play the boring & hard strategy games that they do.
I don't know how I could enforce anything as I couldn't predict or control what hurtful things came out of her mouth. And in hindsight I see how uncomfortable she was with deeper stuff or feelings, which is part of what a genuine friendship is. One time I was in such distress and had no one to call but her. She asked me what books am I reading! Was it to distract me or her?!

Another former "friend" was always gaslighting me by invalidating me and saying stuff like "You just have to believe ________" Or "Oh well that's not so bad." The former statement was to end an uncomfortable subject and the latter was to invalidate me. Note the word "JUST" in the former, like it's that simple. Just believe and it will work. That's toxic positivity.

She was always projecting stuff onto other people, such as giving advice because SHE likes advice. And SHE liked playing this game a certain way, to earn more points, so she'd tell me (and others) how to play HER way to earn more points because it was important to HER. Even when I told her I don't care about points, I'm just playing the game for FUN. I'm not competitive but she sure is.

I don't know why we all went along with her. HER day/time, HER rules, HER way. Looking back I was only able to take her in small doses and that's not good. I don't miss her. A friend is someone I feel safe with, someone to be myself with---warts and all. That wasn't her. Not by a long shot.

I watched a Dr. Phil episode on the "loneliness epidemic" in the US and some poll said over 60% of adults in this country say they are lonely. (I don't know about other countries but wonder)I can't stand him but wanted to hear what his guests and the audience has to say. This is including those with family and friends. They still feel unable to connect. Many go online for a substitute friend, because they find it easier to talk to strangers on a screen than real life people. It's especially common among the young! And his guests were young people.

American culture is shallow in my opinion anyway. It's about consumption and productivity. Look how hard it is for a work/life balance or to find support on grief, anxiety, divorce, finances, etc., any of life's crap and there's plenty of it.

Not sure if consolation is the right word, but I get SOME consolation hearing how common it is. And ghosting too.

Lately I wonder so much about people around me, wondering if they are lonely: The person in front of me at the grocery store, the person next to me on the treadmill, the neighbor in the laundry room, the mail carrier, the person next to me waiting to across the street too, etc. etc.

When I see so many people on their phones, I wonder if they are texting an acquaintance or a close friend? And if they are reading something, is it a message or just a news article? I keep thinking how does this happen that I'm not getting any messages except from scammers? I get calls or texts from scammers or telemarketers everyday, but I wish so much it was from REAL friends.

I get SO FEW calls at home that I literally jump when it rings! Sometimes I make sure I still have a dial tone.

Call me "owl" for short!

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

"Okay, enough photos. I'm a very BUSY Business Kitty, so make an appointment next time."
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Unhappy Apr 06, 2023 at 12:46 PM
I was thinking how this pen pal took a year to write back. I don't even see the point of writing back at all, and it's just a short note really. It took me a minute to read and probably that long for her to write it.

Back in 2020 the senior center started a (paper) pen pal program with the local Girl Scout troop. It was a diversion and so I've been writing to this girl since then. She started out writing regularly then it tapered off more and more, until a whole year goes by. I'm going to tell her it's okay if she's not into it anymore, just let me know.

I don't want to waste stamps or time writing to someone that sees me as such as low priority, a year goes by. I know she's a teenager and at that age I wouldn't know what to write either. But I wouldn't wait a year. Intentional or not, I don't want to spend effort on something of which there's no reciprocity. After the last 3 years I just don't have the emotional bandwidth for this kind of thing anymore.

The other girl wrote to me just 3 times in 2 years, and now I haven't heard from her in almost 2 years! Of course I long gave up and forgot about her. But this other one still writes------TECHNICALLY.

Call me "owl" for short!

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

"Okay, enough photos. I'm a very BUSY Business Kitty, so make an appointment next time."

Last edited by nonightowl; Apr 06, 2023 at 03:37 PM..
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Default Apr 10, 2023 at 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by nonightowl View Post
I agree...."Putting oneself out there" is always easier for extroverts, but like you said it can come across as cringy because I'm sure people can tell it's forced. Like you waiting for others to initiate contact has been better because I always have been the one to either initiate communication or keep it going. And it's getting exhausting and one-sided. It's always me to have to follow up on a call, text, or email. I know that's not exactly the same thing but now I wait for them to get back to ME. I sent a reply, so reply back to me. I'm not going to go after them anymore. If they want contact, they know where to find me.

Being that my efforts to find new people hasn't worked or else I ended up with sub-standard "friends" or acquaintances, of which I don't need more of THOSE. Like you I'm introverted and can tell when I'm not wanted. My BS meter usually works but last few years, it hasn't worked the way it usually does. That "little voice" or gut feeling didn't warn me of someone who's fake. But I found out anyway, the painful way.

Anyway I feel the same way you do and have similar experiences. I'd rather a new friendship unfold at its own pace and not be forced or rushed. You're right that some people seem to have easier than others. And also having gotten repeatedly ghosted the last couple of years especially, I'm quite wary of making the effort anymore.
Yep anytime I took the initiative, it was a one sided friendship and some people even saw that as a form of clinginess or not being able to take the hint. I have a very strong BS meter now, I listen to it way more than I used to. I did have those gut feelings a long time ago but I didn't listen to it, I would always write those feelings off as paranoia and learned the hard painful way like you did. That's why I no longer initiate contact, I don't sit in a corner at a social event acting all mopey but at the same time I'm not going to just go up to people and start talking to them until the approach me first.
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Default Apr 10, 2023 at 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
I am not an introvert but I hate small talk. I do talk to people a lot but if i have nothing of substance to say, I’d rather be quiet and do my own thing.
Yeah same here, I dislike awkward silences even if I know the person well.
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Default Apr 10, 2023 at 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by jesyka View Post
Inhave similar issues. Almost no ome approaches me first for some reason. I have rbf, so maybe that’s part of the readon, idk. I’m quiet in groups too. The most self centred annoying loud extroverts tend to dominate the conversation in groups. I loathe groups, so I’m even more limited in how I can meet other people.

It was hard for me to ho to meetup groups by myself. I’m done with that though as I always get ignored in groups most of the time.

Don’t chase people or be to nice or to eager to be their friend. I’ve had nasty mean people accuse me of being to ‘needy’ just for asking for their number once and accused of trying to ‘force’ a friendship just by trying to talk to them.

I kind of hate most people now & I either barely make anymore effort in meeting people or I give up on them fast after they don’t bother to initiate or show interesr in me.

A few friends told me to trear friendshios like dating. Do they be to available & play it cool. I didn’t believe them at first, but now I do.
I completely agree, even asking for people's phone numbers can come off as needed or too eager. I don't even ask for people's numbers anymore unless I absolutely have to which is usually just for work related situations, even then I hate doing it. If people want me to have their number, they can approach me first which is very rare and usually it's for work related reasons. I don't trust people anymore either, I don't want people seeing me as clingy so I just wait.
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Unhappy Apr 11, 2023 at 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by rdgrad15 View Post
Yep anytime I took the initiative, it was a one sided friendship and some people even saw that as a form of clinginess or not being able to take the hint. I have a very strong BS meter now, I listen to it way more than I used to. I did have those gut feelings a long time ago but I didn't listen to it, I would always write those feelings off as paranoia and learned the hard painful way like you did. That's why I no longer initiate contact, I don't sit in a corner at a social event acting all mopey but at the same time I'm not going to just go up to people and start talking to them until the approach me first.
Same here. We are pushed to "get out there" but people can sense if you're forcing it and will think you're clingy. Yeah, BS meter or radar. Some have it more developed than others, mainly due to painful experiences. Supposedly experience is the "best teacher" but must it be so painful?

Originally Posted by rdgrad15 View Post
Yeah same here, I dislike awkward silences even if I know the person well.
For me there's such a thing as a comfortable silence. It's only with people I know well and those who are comfortable with silence. Not everyone is. Sometimes silence speaks more than words; I'm not one to have to be talking constantly. And there's such a thing as non-verbal communication, where both parties or people want to be silent and reflective.

Originally Posted by rdgrad15 View Post
I completely agree, even asking for people's phone numbers can come off as needed or too eager. I don't even ask for people's numbers anymore unless I absolutely have to which is usually just for work related situations, even then I hate doing it. If people want me to have their number, they can approach me first which is very rare and usually it's for work related reasons. I don't trust people anymore either, I don't want people seeing me as clingy so I just wait.
I've had the opposite happen where the other person wanted to exchange numbers, then THEY are the ones who don't return my call or act like "Why are you calling me?" when it was THEIR idea anyway.

Yesterday my social worker suggested I take this class at this park to meet people and make friends. I literally laughed HARD, laughed and laughed. Been there and done that. a) I don't want to take Tai Chi b)I hate that park and saw more than enough of it in 2020, when in lockdown c) It's a matter of luck if one makes a friend. People could be there just for the class, not to make friends. Anyway it has to be natural and not forced.

Like you said people will sense you're there to try to make friends. And given my recent experiences, my trust level is zilch. I've told her this already but nothing I say to anyone seems to sink in.

Boy, I wish I had your wisdom when I was your age. I probably wouldn't be posting this.

Call me "owl" for short!

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

"Okay, enough photos. I'm a very BUSY Business Kitty, so make an appointment next time."

Last edited by nonightowl; Apr 11, 2023 at 11:40 AM..
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Default Apr 11, 2023 at 12:00 PM
If the approach is too intense, this might spark someone to pull away or get freaked out. Someone approached me the other day for example and told me their whole life story and personal problems ( as I am someone who is occasionally suffering myself) I felt drained and pulled away from the conversation.

A good thing to know about people is that not all are judging you, sometimes people are just going through things in life that can't be prevented. The same could be said for someone who you are interested in romantically, the timing probably just isn't right and the same thing applies. I would not recommend waiting around for anyone either, you are putting your life on hold just for someone else. Does this sound right to you? if someone came up to you and said they were going to wait around for however long it takes to be approached? You kind of have to pull yourself out of this frame of mind.

I have been there myself and it is absolutely soul wrenching. Life is far too short, it really is, it is a waste of time, energy. Have you ever heard of the saying ''what is meant for you won't miss you'' Friendships and relationships will come automatically when you are living life.
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Unhappy Apr 11, 2023 at 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Gavreel View Post
If the approach is too intense, this might spark someone to pull away or get freaked out. Someone approached me the other day for example and told me their whole life story and personal problems ( as I am someone who is occasionally suffering myself) I felt drained and pulled away from the conversation.

I have been there myself and it is absolutely soul wrenching. Life is far too short, it really is, it is a waste of time, energy. Have you ever heard of the saying ''what is meant for you won't miss you'' Friendships and relationships will come automatically when you are living life.
LOVE the running cheetah avatar! Fastest animal on land.

The person who really vented on you was probably hoping to make a connection. That's how most people (I think) attempt to connect, by sharing something personal. It's a real risk to make oneself vulnerable like that.

I don't believe in the "meant to be" mindset, which applies our destiny is already mapped out. Yet we are told we are in control of our lives and nothing ventured, nothing gained. If some people are "meant" to have all these friends and others are not, what's up with that?? Why not them?

What I've heard repeatedly is "Things happen for a reason." It's really the cruelest thing to say to anyone in crisis. It's repeated so much it's accepted as FACT. It's destiny. It's a "good thing" that it sucks now.

I guess it's a balancing act. It also takes a lot of time and energy to invest in a potential friendship only to have NO reciprocity or the person/people turn out to be superficial or substandard. Honestly I'm out of gas now (to use the tank of gas in a car analogy). I don't even have any fumes left. I've tried and tried, SO HARD and you don't know the half of it. I have other stuff that I have to use my energy on and can't do both. Just don't have the bandwidth, to use a WiFi analogy.

Call me "owl" for short!

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

Being someone who is supposed to wait for others to initiate contact

"Okay, enough photos. I'm a very BUSY Business Kitty, so make an appointment next time."
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Default Apr 13, 2023 at 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by nonightowl View Post
LOVE the running cheetah avatar! Fastest animal on land.

The person who really vented on you was probably hoping to make a connection. That's how most people (I think) attempt to connect, by sharing something personal. It's a real risk to make oneself vulnerable like that.

I don't believe in the "meant to be" mindset, which applies our destiny is already mapped out. Yet we are told we are in control of our lives and nothing ventured, nothing gained. If some people are "meant" to have all these friends and others are not, what's up with that?? Why not them?

What I've heard repeatedly is "Things happen for a reason." It's really the cruelest thing to say to anyone in crisis. It's repeated so much it's accepted as FACT. It's destiny. It's a "good thing" that it sucks now.

I guess it's a balancing act. It also takes a lot of time and energy to invest in a potential friendship only to have NO reciprocity or the person/people turn out to be superficial or substandard. Honestly I'm out of gas now (to use the tank of gas in a car analogy). I don't even have any fumes left. I've tried and tried, SO HARD and you don't know the half of it. I have other stuff that I have to use my energy on and can't do both. Just don't have the bandwidth, to use a WiFi analogy.

It's advice, person can either take it or leave it at the end of the day. its still better than believing that some people are just ''destined to wait around'' as the initial poster asking for the advice stated. Good luck to ya
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Default Apr 14, 2023 at 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by nonightowl View Post
Same here. We are pushed to "get out there" but people can sense if you're forcing it and will think you're clingy. Yeah, BS meter or radar. Some have it more developed than others, mainly due to painful experiences. Supposedly experience is the "best teacher" but must it be so painful?

For me there's such a thing as a comfortable silence. It's only with people I know well and those who are comfortable with silence. Not everyone is. Sometimes silence speaks more than words; I'm not one to have to be talking constantly. And there's such a thing as non-verbal communication, where both parties or people want to be silent and reflective.

I've had the opposite happen where the other person wanted to exchange numbers, then THEY are the ones who don't return my call or act like "Why are you calling me?" when it was THEIR idea anyway.

Yesterday my social worker suggested I take this class at this park to meet people and make friends. I literally laughed HARD, laughed and laughed. Been there and done that. a) I don't want to take Tai Chi b)I hate that park and saw more than enough of it in 2020, when in lockdown c) It's a matter of luck if one makes a friend. People could be there just for the class, not to make friends. Anyway it has to be natural and not forced.

Like you said people will sense you're there to try to make friends. And given my recent experiences, my trust level is zilch. I've told her this already but nothing I say to anyone seems to sink in.

Boy, I wish I had your wisdom when I was your age. I probably wouldn't be posting this.
In terms of comfortable silence with someone I know, I'm perfectly okay with that as well. There are a select few people where I can be silent with them in their presence and it doesn't bother me, it's part of being an introvert. Also I've had people take the initiative to exchange phone numbers only for them to get annoyed when I text them, it's why I no longer text someone first even if they take the initiative to exchange numbers unless I absolutely have to. Yeah people can catch on when you're not being authentic and honestly I've seen this happen with extroverts too, I'll observe an extrovert trying to insert themselves in a conversation and I can usually tell when their presence isn't welcomed among others but the extrovert appears to be oblivious about it.
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Default Apr 14, 2023 at 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by Gavreel View Post
If the approach is too intense, this might spark someone to pull away or get freaked out. Someone approached me the other day for example and told me their whole life story and personal problems ( as I am someone who is occasionally suffering myself) I felt drained and pulled away from the conversation.

A good thing to know about people is that not all are judging you, sometimes people are just going through things in life that can't be prevented. The same could be said for someone who you are interested in romantically, the timing probably just isn't right and the same thing applies. I would not recommend waiting around for anyone either, you are putting your life on hold just for someone else. Does this sound right to you? if someone came up to you and said they were going to wait around for however long it takes to be approached? You kind of have to pull yourself out of this frame of mind.

I have been there myself and it is absolutely soul wrenching. Life is far too short, it really is, it is a waste of time, energy. Have you ever heard of the saying ''what is meant for you won't miss you'' Friendships and relationships will come automatically when you are living life.
Honestly that person was probably trying to make a connection and made a big mistake in the process. No one wants to hear a person they just met vent about all their issues and I've been there myself as well. That's how I learned what's the social norm and what's not that's why I never vent at all whatsoever. I know it's not wise to just wait around but sometimes it appears to be the best and only option.
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Default Apr 14, 2023 at 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by nonightowl View Post
LOVE the running cheetah avatar! Fastest animal on land.

The person who really vented on you was probably hoping to make a connection. That's how most people (I think) attempt to connect, by sharing something personal. It's a real risk to make oneself vulnerable like that.

I don't believe in the "meant to be" mindset, which applies our destiny is already mapped out. Yet we are told we are in control of our lives and nothing ventured, nothing gained. If some people are "meant" to have all these friends and others are not, what's up with that?? Why not them?

What I've heard repeatedly is "Things happen for a reason." It's really the cruelest thing to say to anyone in crisis. It's repeated so much it's accepted as FACT. It's destiny. It's a "good thing" that it sucks now.

I guess it's a balancing act. It also takes a lot of time and energy to invest in a potential friendship only to have NO reciprocity or the person/people turn out to be superficial or substandard. Honestly I'm out of gas now (to use the tank of gas in a car analogy). I don't even have any fumes left. I've tried and tried, SO HARD and you don't know the half of it. I have other stuff that I have to use my energy on and can't do both. Just don't have the bandwidth, to use a WiFi analogy.

I agree, it's definitely a balancing act since you don't want to come off as too cold but you don't want to seem too eager either. It's an act I've mastered over the years, I don't stand there and act unapproachable but I don't just walk up to a random person and be like "hey how's it going" as if we already knew each other.
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