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Old Feb 27, 2011, 12:59 PM
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Ok. Not sure if this will be answered within a year or a month or a day, but ere goes. ha.
Ok errrrrr you know I said that I get nutty episodes, or that I have these nutty episodes (in opposition to a webisode)- when I am on the streets? Well what I want to know is this. Do you guys have 'quiet days'?? Like, nothing crazy or weird or strange happens whatsoever?? Or like it's just like a 'normal' day, as opposed to a crazy or weird or nutty day?? Hm? ANyone??

And thanks for your time. sorry.

Oh P.S. I don't mean having a quiet day (with no episodes)- because you are drugged up. Sorry, "Medicated".

Old Feb 27, 2011, 10:52 PM
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You leave me in quite a tickle there colmnach ~W~
Old Feb 28, 2011, 08:39 AM
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lol (I think)!. Just wish someone would answer!
Old Feb 28, 2011, 05:45 PM
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Yes Colmnach,I have very quiet days.I have quite alot of mood swings.Affected by food or lack of...meds...caffeine...sleeping ability ect.Moodswing seemed to be mums pet name for me.Yes...I have had very quiet weeks in fact....still tickled by this energy you have...you remind me of a spin top...full of vibrant color.~W~
Old Feb 28, 2011, 05:55 PM
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I wouldn't say I'm "drugged up!" lol

I think there were times when I had normal days before my diagnoses. The only problem was they were surrounded by utterly abnormal days, and from one day to the next I wouldn't know where I'd be. But I do remember the occasional "normal" day... though less and less frequently in the year and a half before my diagnoses.
Here I sit so patiently
Waiting to find out what price
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Going through all these things twice.
Old Mar 14, 2011, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by colmnach View Post
Ok. Not sure if this will be answered within a year or a month or a day, but ere goes. ha.
Ok errrrrr you know I said that I get nutty episodes, or that I have these nutty episodes (in opposition to a webisode)- when I am on the streets? Well what I want to know is this. Do you guys have 'quiet days'?? Like, nothing crazy or weird or strange happens whatsoever?? Or like it's just like a 'normal' day, as opposed to a crazy or weird or nutty day?? Hm? ANyone??

And thanks for your time. sorry.

Oh P.S. I don't mean having a quiet day (with no episodes)- because you are drugged up. Sorry, "Medicated".
I have come to terms with my own "Personal Perceptional Reality" which is quite different from the accepted social norm. I have found out I can not deal well at all with the socially accepted normality, so I avoid Stress at all costs and live in "My Reality" which is very comfortable for me (excluding my non-stop physical pain of my physical health issues) otherwise I am now happy. If that makes sense.
If you believe you need no explaination, if you don't believe no explaination is possible - I.Newton

Old May 11, 2011, 08:23 PM
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What's normal? Why would I want to settle for normal? Hell with so many label, including schizotypal, I should be able to come up with something better than normal.
Old Jun 27, 2011, 12:19 PM
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What's Normal.
I never known it really.
Well I thought I had a period of being normal when in my 20's.
Alas; I was wrong.
Still love the world I live in.
So I'm happy.
The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement .
But the opposite of profound truth maybe another profound truth.

(Niels Bohr) Nobel Prize Winner for Physics.

The universe started with an 'E'.
The universe will end with a 'K'.

(lyrics Acid House)

Its the truth even if it did not happen.
(Ken Kesey) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

Real science can be far stranger than science fiction and much more satisfying.
Old Jul 05, 2011, 05:14 AM
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I would rather be original
Old Oct 08, 2011, 08:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Sanada View Post
What's Normal.
I never known it really.
Well I thought I had a period of being normal when in my 20's.
Alas; I was wrong.
Still love the world I live in.
So I'm happy.

Normal is what society as a whole dictates.....it is a standard for each individual society. So what is normal in one society may not be normal in another. ei: USA society versus society acceptable behavior in the Sudan.
If you believe you need no explaination, if you don't believe no explaination is possible - I.Newton

Old Oct 30, 2011, 09:36 AM
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I'm extremely new to the personality disorder place and only last week after 10+ years of therapy was given personality disorder as something that could possibly be what is going on. But was given no info on any of it, or which kind so with my research on m y own in between doc appointments, schizotypal is one that sounds similar to my own experiences. But it very well may not be. None the less I do sometimes, however not frequently, have "normal" days that I actually look forward to and hope for. Mostly because all of the things in MY normal day to day life is not so stable and not so simple or common. Sometimes I think I just need simplicity. All the chaos I see around me, or inside and sometimes I like a little break, to live like the "norms" with a clam quitted mind... But this could be any number of things other than schizotypal for me since I'm still learning where these thoughts and such come from.
I'd lock my hands behind my head, I'd cover my heart and hit the deck, I'd brace myself for the impact if I were you.
Old Jan 30, 2012, 04:25 AM
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What I call normal days are those when I can put a fresh canvas on my easel in front of a sunny window and paint. I love painting with acrylic on canvas.
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-- Socrates
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