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Old Feb 28, 2011, 04:33 AM
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Sunna Sunna is offline
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I wish to share these thoughts with you. Partly because I feel proud of myself and also maybe it will help someone else.

Can't tell how many times I have heard "you need to accept yourself." "Are you crazy? Look at me! Accept this?!!!"

But I believe I am finally, after this last bout with depression, standing in that doorway.

It started with taking a personality traits quizz from this site. The quiz returned some features like "Ineffcient", "Slapdash" and "Distracted", but the descriptions were not exactly repulsive. The quiz didn't tell me "you are inefficient and here is 10 things you should start on immediately to FIX this". Nope. It was "you are inefficient, and you don't need to get things done in straight line and on time, you will get them done eventually, and you are fine with it". It made me thoughtful.

"Hmmm," I thought. "That's what I am."

It doesn't mean I have to be like that tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow I will act efficiently and enjoy it. But the point is, I don't have to. When I am not, I am not as bothered as some more uptight people, who will suffer if a few stray steps are made between point A and point B.

We are what we are. All the possible colors of the spectrum. There isn't ONE way to be human. Or rather, all the ways to be human are too many to manifest in one individual, and that's why there is so many of us, and EACH ONE DIFFERENT.

So, I these are my hues. No reason to hate myself for them Ok, so inefficient is not a greatest asset in job market, but I did ok. Distracted, well at least I do notice things and always am ready for something new. Keeps my spirit young, I would say. And slapdash, boy, that's a beauty! It is nothing but pure faith. Keeps my stress levels down, because I naturally believe things will somehow work out, if not this way, then some other. I don't have to do mantras for it, hehe.

Thanks Psych Central.

Old Feb 28, 2011, 06:00 AM
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Gus1234U Gus1234U is offline
Member Since: Jun 2010
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Brilliant insight, Sanna, thanks for sharing it ~!! Hope you consider coming to some of the groups sometime,, CBT, DBT, Depression, ADHA,, there are so many good ones here.... best wishes,, Gus

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