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Old Oct 24, 2012, 10:34 AM
redfloweryarn redfloweryarn is offline
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In every job I work at I seem to make stupid mistakes. Everyday, someone will find a stupid mistake that I made. The kind that a normal person would be smart enough not to make. I feel so embarrassed. 10 years ago, I thought it was that I was just not in the right job, now many jobs later and I still make mistakes. While I understand mistakes help make a person better at their job, it just seems like it doesn't do that for me. So many mistakes have been made that I am worry that I will be fired. I will double check my work, and then will check it again, and still not catch my own mistakes.
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csufr, redbandit

Old Oct 24, 2012, 05:17 PM
Emily_Strange Emily_Strange is offline
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Maybe the problem is not that you are an overall bad worker but you are still in the wrong job. Perhaps all these different jobs haven't really been that different because they require the same transferable skills, such as being detail oriented or highly organized. Or maybe these jobs have asked you to multitask when you may actually perform better at a job that would let you do one thing at a time. Perhaps if you can write down throughout the day under what circumstances you do your best work then maybe you can communicate with your current supervisor a bit and talk about creating that kind of environment you need so you can quell those current worries. Even more-so, it may be a reasonable to take some time to find out what your skills really are. Maybe your work output should come from what your hands create, or come from an ability to deal with people....

I really liked this book by Nicholas Lore called "the Pathfinder". I found it in Barnes and Nobel. Maybe flip through it and see if it can give you any ideas.

I relate, by the way. I have this problem at work too, I'm trying very hard to move into a new field all together!
Old Oct 24, 2012, 08:46 PM
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Have you started this new job? It's human to make mistakes. What kind of job do you have? Are your coworkers the ones pointing out the mistakes? If it involves handling hundreds of different clients, mistakes are bound to happen I still make mistakes at my job that people point out, but everyone does things differently, it's hard to focus if you feel uncomfortable
Thanks for this!
Old Apr 19, 2014, 12:49 AM
bellap19 bellap19 is offline
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I have always felt like I was the only one feeling this way. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have worked in Administration/Bookkeeping for 14 years and have had about 40 jobs, some which I have been fired from for making mistakes. Even though I am depressed I don't consider myself a stupid person, as I tend to have a lot more insight in things than many of my co-workers and other people I associate with. It doesn't negate the fact though, that when I do make mistakes people just automatically label me stupid, without taking anything else into context. I find this really frustrating which facilitates my hatred for people, and induces isolation. I suspect there are many more people who feel a level of inadequacy and anxiousness, however are too afraid to admit it. Often those who are quick to judge others are the insecure and vulnerable.
Old Apr 20, 2014, 12:14 PM
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Proof reading and book keeping are extremely detail oriented. Not everyone thinks so detailed. Lots of people perform better in a more abstract way. "Insight" requires abstract thinking. Bellap, you might value interpersonal communication. Bookkeeping is a little more solitary to say the least. If you want to test this theory and have the time get a part time job at a coffee shop. That will make it very clear right off the bat. Redflower, I think your first instinct was right.

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Old Apr 21, 2014, 05:56 AM
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I work in a very detail oriented job and really get mad at myself when I make mistakes. However, I have had to realize I have to get off my own back because I am not perfect. It is not like I deliberately try to make errors, that would be classified as sabotage. Quite often, when I make a mistake, no one else even notices it. I have read that people with BP have a tendency to be perfectionistic. I know what is the case with me.
Old Apr 21, 2014, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by redfloweryarn View Post
In every job I work at I seem to make stupid mistakes. Everyday, someone will find a stupid mistake that I made. The kind that a normal person would be smart enough not to make. I feel so embarrassed. 10 years ago, I thought it was that I was just not in the right job, now many jobs later and I still make mistakes. While I understand mistakes help make a person better at their job, it just seems like it doesn't do that for me. So many mistakes have been made that I am worry that I will be fired. I will double check my work, and then will check it again, and still not catch my own mistakes.
I suspect your anxiety over it might actually make it worse. If you're worried that a mistake will get you fired, then it's harder to focus. Don't lose confidence, even if you might have to ask someone to check your work once in a while. The only really "bad" thing you can do is try to cover up your mistakes instead of get them fixed. There is no reason to feel embarrassed because everyone makes mistakes, even stupid ones.
Old Sep 29, 2014, 03:25 PM
Jobchange Jobchange is offline
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You posted this a while ago. Have things improved for you?

I started a new job 6 weeks ago (almost), doing the same type of work I've done for years (worked at the same place 23 years before). I'm having trouble not making stupid mistakes...I'm nervous, but I should know better. Beginning to think I'm too old and never should have made a change.

I'm feeling horrible...dumb, incompetent and everything else.
Old Oct 24, 2014, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Jobchange View Post
You posted this a while ago. Have things improved for you?

I started a new job 6 weeks ago (almost), doing the same type of work I've done for years (worked at the same place 23 years before). I'm having trouble not making stupid mistakes...I'm nervous, but I should know better. Beginning to think I'm too old and never should have made a change.

I'm feeling horrible...dumb, incompetent and everything else.
You're not too old! Give yourself a break; you are in a new environment and will get used to it.
Old Oct 25, 2014, 02:04 PM
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I had a conversation with my dad the other day about being really worried that I'll make a mistake when I get a job away from home. He said "Everyone makes mistakes at work."
Are you nervous or anxious while at work? Are you able to concentrate or are you being pulled in a million different directions? Do you have anything like ADHD? Is your work environment suitable for you? Are they asking too much from you? Are you staying present in whatever you're doing and not thinking about other things?
"Re-examine all you have been told, dismiss what insults your soul." - Walt Whitman

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"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience." - Mark Twain
Thanks for this!
Old Oct 28, 2014, 06:51 PM
offthegrid offthegrid is offline
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Originally Posted by Jobchange View Post
You posted this a while ago. Have things improved for you?

I started a new job 6 weeks ago (almost), doing the same type of work I've done for years (worked at the same place 23 years before). I'm having trouble not making stupid mistakes...I'm nervous, but I should know better. Beginning to think I'm too old and never should have made a change.

I'm feeling horrible...dumb, incompetent and everything else.
This feeling of incompetence isn't only your age. I'm feeling the same way (inept) and I'm young enough to be your child. Lol. Im young plus i was sheltered so i have no idea what customers are asking sometimes. I think our own minds manufacture things to be worried about no matter what stage of life we're in:/
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Old Sep 01, 2016, 04:20 PM
cynthiaku cynthiaku is offline
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Originally Posted by redfloweryarn View Post
In every job I work at I seem to make stupid mistakes. Everyday, someone will find a stupid mistake that I made. The kind that a normal person would be smart enough not to make. I feel so embarrassed. 10 years ago, I thought it was that I was just not in the right job, now many jobs later and I still make mistakes. While I understand mistakes help make a person better at their job, it just seems like it doesn't do that for me. So many mistakes have been made that I am worry that I will be fired. I will double check my work, and then will check it again, and still not catch my own mistakes.
I have the same problem and I can't figure it out. I try very very hard to pay attention to what I am doing but I still end up making mistakes. I too left job after job, thinking that I was not suited for the job but I am starting to think this is some sort of disability.
Old Nov 08, 2016, 10:46 PM
csufr csufr is offline
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Originally Posted by redfloweryarn View Post
In every job I work at I seem to make stupid mistakes. Everyday, someone will find a stupid mistake that I made. The kind that a normal person would be smart enough not to make. I feel so embarrassed. 10 years ago, I thought it was that I was just not in the right job, now many jobs later and I still make mistakes. While I understand mistakes help make a person better at their job, it just seems like it doesn't do that for me. So many mistakes have been made that I am worry that I will be fired. I will double check my work, and then will check it again, and still not catch my own mistakes.
Hello, I totally know how you feel. I work in a very detailed job and make mistakes all the time. I have been fired twice for missing my mistakes. I tend not to trust my own work and do the work multiple times to fix my mistakes before my boss sees the work. I get sooo nervous that I loss track of what I'm doing and space out. It's gotten so bad now that my boss does not trust my work or my capacity. I have put in my notice to avoid being fired. Some pressure has been taken off my back but I know it will follow me to my next job. I'm trying to save face in my current job before I leave I don't know what to do.
Old Dec 13, 2016, 07:48 AM
EmyBraun EmyBraun is offline
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It has to do with experience or anxiety. I used to be just like you. Trust me, just make an effort to double check every action you make at work. Soon you start your way of improvement.
It will take some time but if you are ready for changes then start them.
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Old Dec 13, 2016, 01:35 PM
eyesclosed eyesclosed is offline
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Hi sorry to hear about this I'm assuming this is some type of manufacturing work. Are you working on a line and have a rate. These can be difficult for me too. The more you think the worse it gets. I don't know if u take any meds and for how long but some of the side affects can be a problem. If you seeing a talk therapist good if not try that and take a nuero- psych exam to see if there may be a problem I have got some from my meds verified so u would be able to ask for accommodations and no why u keep making mistakes I always say the first time is a learning experience the next time it's a mistake. So sorry
Old Dec 18, 2016, 07:09 PM
Misssy2 Misssy2 is offline
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ok, this is something I learned from a Vietnamese guy that helped me immensely.

Whatever task is at hand...and this means at home or at work. You focus on that task (this is hard for me to do, which is why I always made mistakes, eventually took me out of the workforce).

You can not think of what your going to do next...what happened yesterday..what is going to happen....you only think of exactly what you are working on in the moment. It works..it really does...and you be as careful as you can in the moment....don't worry about getting the job done either...it will get done..and if it doesn't get done in the time it is supposed to...that is because it wasn't possible to get it done...and you will at least know that what was done...was done carefully and correctly.
Thanks for this!
jjgbirder, notz
Old Jan 11, 2017, 12:01 AM
csufr csufr is offline
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Originally Posted by Misssy2 View Post
ok, this is something I learned from a Vietnamese guy that helped me immensely.

Whatever task is at hand...and this means at home or at work. You focus on that task (this is hard for me to do, which is why I always made mistakes, eventually took me out of the workforce).

You can not think of what your going to do next...what happened yesterday..what is going to happen....you only think of exactly what you are working on in the moment. It works..it really does...and you be as careful as you can in the moment....don't worry about getting the job done either...it will get done..and if it doesn't get done in the time it is supposed to...that is because it wasn't possible to get it done...and you will at least know that what was done...was done carefully and correctly.
Believe me, I have tried this over and over again but my mind wonders off thinking about totally different things. This happens when I read too. I'm thinking its ADHD or something.
Old Jan 11, 2017, 12:03 AM
csufr csufr is offline
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Originally Posted by EmyBraun View Post
It has to do with experience or anxiety. I used to be just like you. Trust me, just make an effort to double check every action you make at work. Soon you start your way of improvement.
It will take some time but if you are ready for changes then start them.
It can't be experience for I have been doing this type of work for over 15yrs. I'm currently working freelance and afraid to commit to a F/T job afraid of getting fired again. Don't know if I can handle a 3rd time.
Old Dec 06, 2017, 10:27 PM
Dixieann5 Dixieann5 is offline
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These post are kind of old, however I'd love to have an update from all of you. I'm dealing with the same situation. I started a new job about 4 weeks ago. It's as a paralegal. I do have some experience in the field but it was a few years ago. Also the programs and the overall way this office runs is very different from what I'm used to. Everyone is very understanding of the fact that I'll need time to learn these kinds of things and I am not the type to be embarrassed about asking questions. However today was a very bad day. I was completely slammed and had to move so quickly that I didn't have time to ask questions. Although I did a lot right, I also made a few mistakes that are very silly mistakes, plus I have made these same mistakes before, in fact I was speechless when asked about it because I couldn't believe it myself. My boss was obviously frustrated because he said "you've got to be able to learn from your mistakes". It got to me so badly that I left work early, which is very out of character for me. I try to stay positive and I know that all of this will get better after I get more comfortable and learn more, but I hate it! I have been working my butt off going in early and staying late, yet it just doesn't seem like it's enough. I really want to excel in this position.
Old Jan 11, 2018, 02:05 PM
ZakiyaFit ZakiyaFit is offline
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Originally Posted by Dixieann5 View Post
These post are kind of old, however I'd love to have an update from all of you. I'm dealing with the same situation. I started a new job about 4 weeks ago. It's as a paralegal. I do have some experience in the field but it was a few years ago. Also the programs and the overall way this office runs is very different from what I'm used to. Everyone is very understanding of the fact that I'll need time to learn these kinds of things and I am not the type to be embarrassed about asking questions. However today was a very bad day. I was completely slammed and had to move so quickly that I didn't have time to ask questions. Although I did a lot right, I also made a few mistakes that are very silly mistakes, plus I have made these same mistakes before, in fact I was speechless when asked about it because I couldn't believe it myself. My boss was obviously frustrated because he said "you've got to be able to learn from your mistakes". It got to me so badly that I left work early, which is very out of character for me. I try to stay positive and I know that all of this will get better after I get more comfortable and learn more, but I hate it! I have been working my butt off going in early and staying late, yet it just doesn't seem like it's enough. I really want to excel in this position.
I have the same issue except, I've been in my position for almost 3 months. I believe at some point it is trying to dig yourself out of the hole that you are in at work. For me this last mistake happened because I was rushing to get things out. Thing is the job that I am this will always be a factor. At my old job I had deadlines and timelines but I was more comfortable with the materials. I was kind of the holder of knowledge. At this job, I can't seem to get anything right from editing errors to knowledge. What has been keeping me is my faith in God. Believe me there has been times I wanted to leave early because of feeling like crap, but you can't give them any additional leverage to fire you. I also come to work early and stay late, without what seems like no results. At the end of the day we are all human and we all make mistakes. No mater what they tell you know that they make mistakes too. I do not know if you believe in God, but remember that God is all knowing and all powerful. Even when things look their worst God has a way of coming in and making miracles. If you ask for God's will to be done on your life and have faith in him, you will know that all that comes next is all apart of the plan. As long as you try your best and give your all he will handle the rest. I know easier said than done. Tomorrow for example I will find out my fate. I had a bad morning with someone putting me on blast for my errors. In my case it's not just my errors but the fact I do things a bit differently. I am not going to lie. It knocked me down for a bit, but then I remembered that God knows I gave it my best and that's all I can do and whatever happens is supposed to happen. I think someone made a good suggestion of only focusing on what you are working on at that time. Don't think about how you messed up something in the past or what you need to do moving forward. That is exactly what I did not do, at the time of my error I was focused on doing 3 other things and meeting the deadlines. It probably would have been better for me to just turn in the document first thing in the AM rather than meet my deadline with errors. Lesson learned. I think moving forward I will say a quick prayer over everything before sending it out and focus my attention on what I am working on. Just think the fact that we are struggling just allows us for more opportunity for growth and improvement. I will say at my old job, I mastered mostly everything day-to-day, I was not learning anything, nothing was challenging. I asked God for something new, a closer relationship with him and I would follow him anywhere. So here I am, transplant from the East coast now living on the West. What is the saying be careful what you ask for... I hope everything works out for you and your new job. Remember you got it and believe in yourself!!!
Old Mar 05, 2018, 09:39 PM
Pval8910 Pval8910 is offline
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Originally Posted by redfloweryarn View Post
In every job I work at I seem to make stupid mistakes. Everyday, someone will find a stupid mistake that I made. The kind that a normal person would be smart enough not to make. I feel so embarrassed. 10 years ago, I thought it was that I was just not in the right job, now many jobs later and I still make mistakes. While I understand mistakes help make a person better at their job, it just seems like it doesn't do that for me. So many mistakes have been made that I am worry that I will be fired. I will double check my work, and then will check it again, and still not catch my own mistakes.
I know it’s been a very long time. Hopefully you’ll get this. I would look into dyslexia. Im going through similar things and I’ve made an appointment to get tested but it seems this may be it. Just a mild for (mainly with number) but I have lost jobs because of it. I am very intelligent, as I’m sure you are, but small mistakes are what get in my way. Btw I can read just fine. Among mistakes is mixing things up or even omitting it after double or triple checking.
Old Mar 09, 2018, 09:16 AM
BlueAutumn BlueAutumn is offline
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Originally Posted by Jobchange View Post
You posted this a while ago. Have things improved for you?

I started a new job 6 weeks ago (almost), doing the same type of work I've done for years (worked at the same place 23 years before). I'm having trouble not making stupid mistakes...I'm nervous, but I should know better. Beginning to think I'm too old and never should have made a change.

I'm feeling horrible...dumb, incompetent and everything else.
I am experiencing the same thing and that is what led me to find this website. So far I have found out that others have the same problem, but I still don't know what to do about it. I feel like I am sabotaging myself. Possibly, for me, this is PTSD, that I can't seem to get past even though the event was 8 years ago.
Old Mar 14, 2018, 06:36 PM
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I seem to do the same thing. Except it’s not what I do it’s what I say.

Yesterday after getting injured I asked my boss if I should go to the office. He told me to go to the bathroom.

While I was in there I realized saying the office was kind of dumb. When I got back I joked with my boss I said “I don’t know why I said the office, what are they going to do?”

We then joked about it.

For me personally, it was a huge relief to joke about my mistake.
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