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Old Feb 16, 2018, 03:51 PM
sito sito is offline
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How do you guys pass probation period. I screwed up on my last job

Old Feb 16, 2018, 04:02 PM
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Show up on time, leave on time, do the work and be willing to learn. It's actually not too hard if you do your job properly. What happened at your last job?
Old Feb 16, 2018, 06:50 PM
ArchieAus ArchieAus is offline
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Sage , grounded advice scaredandconfused . After months of reading comments on this site yours always seem the most non judgemental, grounded and honest . Actual tangible things . That's not saying I always agree 100% , but it's the way you present them . If you offered advice I would def take the time to listen and contemplate it.
Apologies for hijacking thread , please continue with probationary period survival techniques .
Old Feb 16, 2018, 08:47 PM
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Sito, follow directions, obey the rules, show up on time, don't cause drama, don't have a bad attitude, don't complain. Be polite to everyone, even those you don't particularly like.

Why exactly did you not make it through your last probation period? It would be helpful to understand what the situation was there and how you can avoid it.


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Old Feb 17, 2018, 11:32 AM
sito sito is offline
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I followed the rules, show up on time. There were hidden rules that I wasn't informed at work.

Management treat me like slave. I had to drive around the city to search for a tiny computer part which wasn't sold in store.
When I finally found the part, they told me it wasn't urgent.

I also wasn't told to stay up late overnight with another IT guy whom was upgrading server. I did not have permission to work on the server. I thought that it was ok to go home andet him do it.

I had criticism next few days for no staying late with him. There was also issues with management conflicts. He was saying that he had higher power than manager in telling me what to do. However my manager told me not to do to those tasks. When I ask him, he was angry that I consulted the manager.

I didn't know whose instructions I am supposed to follow. When something didn't work right in IT department, I ask my manager if this piece of equipment supposed to act this Way. My manager called meeting about the problem I mentioned. He was upset that I didn't consult him. My manager said he wasn't in charge of the project but his comments contradicted the manager.

He told me to do other duties but not file tickets. My manager was upset that I wasn't supposed to do those duties. The place I worked had a small group of employees, 20 people, since company just open warehouse there. My manager said I wasn't supposed to help ware house staff moving packages or organized merchandise for them. He told me to move stuff for warehouse staff and sweep the floor of warehouse. My manager said that job is for warehouse staff.

My manager wasn't happy I did not create tickets for the tasks but he told me tickets wasn't necessary. Warehouse staff lost track of many merchandise. My manager assumed it was my fault. I told my manager I wasn't shipper. It was my responsibility to scanned in incoming packages from ups or fedex. The warehouse was big enough that I had no Idea where every item stored. I did not have permission to track packages on computers. I had to ask warehouse manager to search for misplaced packages. He had complete access to tracking items. I was new employee there he hence I didn't know how warehouse organized its packages.

In the end, manager let me go because she blame me for the lost packages and not creating enough tickets. The warehouse had few staff compare to main location which had over 500 staff. I tried to explain to them manager but it was futile
Old Feb 18, 2018, 06:35 PM
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wordshaker wordshaker is offline
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This sounds like really poor communication and disorganized dysfunction. There's only so much you can do with that - ask questions and clarify whenever you can. It sounds like you were doing your best and I'm sorry your supervisor couldn't see that. Wish you luck next time. Because you are invested and thoughtful I really think your next opportunity will go much better.
Thanks for this!
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