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Default Jan 17, 2019 at 06:38 PM
OK so I am a student at a community college and have a work study job that is really draining me both physically and emotionally.

I ended up joining community college in the first place all because I couldn't find a job anywhere. Nobody wanted me since I had such a large gap in my employment history (not being able to hold down a job for 4 years due to MI tends to do that) and I was desperate. I ended up getting the easiest possible job to apply for that I could and I've been with them for about a year now. The job is basically helping set up for college events, moving faculty member's furniture if they need something new or are moving offices, and helping with other misc jobs across campus as needed.

Anyways, this job has really been negatively affecting both my mental and physical health lately. It has been so stressful because we're understaffed like crazy since we can't get any more work studies because most students that need jobs would rather work a desk job and desk jobs pay the same. It's literally 3 people (2 full time guys and myself) handling the entire college campus. On top of it all, there has been more work for us to do. We had to move 2 entire departments across campus in the past week. We had to move a lawyer guy and his fancy expensive hard wood desks clear across campus and up 3 floors which took all day. We also have had to deal with a corrupt asshole of a school president that spends money on stupid crap instead of what the school actually needs and is rude a lot to us. He is so hated by our department that all everybody talks about (including my supervisor) is how much they can't stand them and how much they want to burn his tables and how much they want to hurt him and other stuff of that nature.

This job has been making me angry and depressed. I also have extreme pain in my feet now to the point that it hurts me just to walk. I have to walk to school/work since I don't drive which makes just getting around a living hell. I have flat feet, yet clearly my boots with custom fitted supports that I spent over $100 on aren't good enough. The pain is so much that there have been times that I just want to break down and cry in the bathroom. I've also been feeling so angry a lot that I have been prone to anger outbursts. This morning, I lost control and broke one of my chairs by slamming it in the ground all because I was hurting and had to walk to work to be there at 7:30am in 19 degree weather. I can't take it anymore. I am worried that I will eventually snap if this continues. Ironically though, I am a calm rational person that rarely gets angry when I don't have to go to my job. Amazing, right? lol

Also, the pay just isn't worth it. I barely make enough to cover my rent with this job and I am forced to depend completely on financial aid just to survive. I have also recently had to tap into student loans because I can't handle 4 classes due to my MI and since I dropped my courseload, I get less grant money.

IDK what to do anymore. I thought about getting another job. Only problem is my social skills suck and I am terrible at job interviews. I am not good with people but I have been making an effort to improve. Despite my best efforts though, it has taken me almost 2 years just to work up to where I can hold conversations with strangers in a low pressure environment. I lock up, stutter, and can't make eye contact when I am in a high pressure social situation. I have tried to get over my issues but I struggle. It would be cool to get a tech job since I am good with computers but I don't think I can, even if I get/renew my IT certifications.

I am better off selling on eBay at this point. Problem is I would need to keep this student job until I can make a decent enough income off eBay selling. I don't see myself holding out for any longer than 1-2 months before I snap and do something that ends me up in jail.

IDK anymore.
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Default Jan 17, 2019 at 07:14 PM
For all it is worth, if I had a lot of money I would help you..

I go about my own business, and keep my mind on myself and my life. I expect the same courtesy from the rest of the world.
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Default Jan 17, 2019 at 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Medusax View Post
For all it is worth, if I had a lot of money I would help you..


I'm honestly more worried than anything.

I have considered just quitting the job entirely and living off financial aid. I could do that with Pell Grants and all of my student loans and maybe a scholarship or two thrown in, but I would likely be stretched thin financially.

Also, what guarantee is there that if I finished my web development degree, that I would even be able to get a job before I lose my apartment? With my past history regarding jobs, I don't think my chances are good.
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Default Jan 18, 2019 at 08:48 AM
Yup. I lied and said I had a doctor's appointment to get out of working all day today and they bought my B.S about having to wait in a lobby all morning to do an intake. Have to go into work at 12:30 instead of 7:30. Thank **** lol.

You know there is an issue when you feel like you have to lie to get out of work just because you are so damn stressed over your job.

At this rate, IDGAF if I get fired. I will just go back to donating plasma 2x a week instead. I would only make $100-150 less doing that and I can at least play my Nintendo Switch while I wait instead of doing boring *** stuff at my job.
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Default Jan 18, 2019 at 01:37 PM
I'm so sorry, DarknessIsMyFriend I know how you feel. If your work is making you feel so miserable, I agree that finding another job may be the best solution at this point. I know it isn't easy, but you can't know how it will go until you try. So I'd say go for it! I think you can make it. You even have some work experience this time around, so perhaps it will be easier. I think it's worth trying. Wish you good luck! Let us know how it goes. Sending many hugs to you
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Default Jan 18, 2019 at 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by MickeyCheeky View Post
I'm so sorry, DarknessIsMyFriend I know how you feel. If your work is making you feel so miserable, I agree that finding another job may be the best solution at this point. I know it isn't easy, but you can't know how it will go until you try. So I'd say go for it! I think you can make it. You even have some work experience this time around, so perhaps it will be easier. I think it's worth trying. Wish you good luck! Let us know how it goes. Sending many hugs to you

I admit, I am strongly considering trying to get back into the IT field, at least for now.

If I could get a full time job in an entry level IT position, even if it were let's say, $12 per hour, I would be in a good place. If I had such a job, my living expenses are so cheap that I could pocket $1000 per month and still be able to live comfortably.

I ultimately just want to transition into self employment anyways. Having a better paying job would make that much easier for me. I would have no need to continue school if I pulled such a feat off.

I still have my doubts but I am considering your advice.
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Default Jan 19, 2019 at 05:07 AM
Something that popped in my mind... my husband works on a college campus and he has major back issues. He actually just had a procedure to get injections in his back in the or but thats neither here nor there. He is a network technician which sounds fancy but he does the fiber optic installs and sets up wireless networks which is very physical involving pulling cable and going down manholes underground and stuff like that. He got his doctor to give him a note that he should be put on light/moderate duty. Its not disability but it protects him so that his bosses know to let him do the easier parts of the jobs he's on. It is not like being assigned to desk duty its just that he still does his job but has the easier part of the team doing these intalls. I wonder if that would help you. I am not sure if you would be able to get a note that references you not being able to walk all over the place on campus or needing frequent breaks but maybe it would help? My understanding with his job is that it protects him. He is still doing most of what he was hired to do but its modified so he is preserving his back. Would you being on a modified duty or light duty help you? I feel like it may protect your job but save your feet. What do you think?

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Default Jan 19, 2019 at 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by sarahsweets View Post
Something that popped in my mind... my husband works on a college campus and he has major back issues. He actually just had a procedure to get injections in his back in the or but thats neither here nor there. He is a network technician which sounds fancy but he does the fiber optic installs and sets up wireless networks which is very physical involving pulling cable and going down manholes underground and stuff like that. He got his doctor to give him a note that he should be put on light/moderate duty. Its not disability but it protects him so that his bosses know to let him do the easier parts of the jobs he's on. It is not like being assigned to desk duty its just that he still does his job but has the easier part of the team doing these intalls. I wonder if that would help you. I am not sure if you would be able to get a note that references you not being able to walk all over the place on campus or needing frequent breaks but maybe it would help? My understanding with his job is that it protects him. He is still doing most of what he was hired to do but its modified so he is preserving his back. Would you being on a modified duty or light duty help you? I feel like it may protect your job but save your feet. What do you think?
I second this idea. I broke a vertebra in my back 3 months ago, still not completely healed, and my doctor wrote my employer a letter stating what restrictions I needed. I don’t think they’re happy that other people have to occasionally cover a task for me, but so far it’s been okay. If I could find a different part time job I would, but jobs are scarce and I have been in a specialized field for 16 years. Definitely try getting your job duties modified.
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Default Jan 19, 2019 at 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by sarahsweets View Post
Something that popped in my mind... my husband works on a college campus and he has major back issues. He actually just had a procedure to get injections in his back in the or but thats neither here nor there. He is a network technician which sounds fancy but he does the fiber optic installs and sets up wireless networks which is very physical involving pulling cable and going down manholes underground and stuff like that. He got his doctor to give him a note that he should be put on light/moderate duty. Its not disability but it protects him so that his bosses know to let him do the easier parts of the jobs he's on. It is not like being assigned to desk duty its just that he still does his job but has the easier part of the team doing these intalls. I wonder if that would help you. I am not sure if you would be able to get a note that references you not being able to walk all over the place on campus or needing frequent breaks but maybe it would help? My understanding with his job is that it protects him. He is still doing most of what he was hired to do but its modified so he is preserving his back. Would you being on a modified duty or light duty help you? I feel like it may protect your job but save your feet. What do you think?

That would cost money though, wouldn't it? Getting into a doctor to get a note wouldn't be cheap for me. I have no insurance and can't afford to see a doctor.

I don't think going through the trouble of getting a doctor's note is worth it for this stupid job. It pays me a whole $500-600 per month. Woopty ****ing do lol.

I really need a change of scenery. I can't do the same boring thing for this long. I want to do something technical anyways. I never was fond of physical labor.
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Default Jan 20, 2019 at 06:05 PM
For now I was able to get them to reduce my hours during the spring semester.

I dropped down to 12 hours. I used the fact that I am enrolled in a bunch of programming classes as an excuse to bump my hours down by telling them how I will need more time to study since I'm taking a bunch of "hard" classes, when in all reality, most of my programming that I'm learning is the easier stuff.

So now, I only have to deal with 3 4 hour shifts a week. No more working all day and no more waking up to go to work at 7:30. I am not a morning person at all and going to work that early alone had a negative effect on my mental health lol.

I'll contend with less hours for now. I'm also going to start donating plasma again. I took a break from plasma because I was having issues with my pulse, but said pulse issues are likely due to stress anyways and working this job less will reduce my stress levels as a result.

I'm going to see about renewing my A+ and Net+ certification that I got in 2011 when I went to trade school. Renewing them both will cost me between $600-700 so I'll just take out another loan if need be. If I have those certifications though I could probably get a job that starts between $12-15 per hour.

I just need to get over my social issues and I'm g2g.
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Default Jan 20, 2019 at 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
That would cost money though, wouldn't it? Getting into a doctor to get a note wouldn't be cheap for me. I have no insurance and can't afford to see a doctor.

I don't think going through the trouble of getting a doctor's note is worth it for this stupid job. It pays me a whole $500-600 per month. Woopty ****ing do lol.

I really need a change of scenery. I can't do the same boring thing for this long. I want to do something technical anyways. I never was fond of physical labor.
With such low income would you qualify for state insurance so you don’t have to pay much for doctor visits. Have you considered that?
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Default Jan 20, 2019 at 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
With such low income would you qualify for state insurance so you don’t have to pay much for doctor visits. Have you considered that?

I tried navigating the healthcare.gov website and looking through the application process but I found some of the questions confusing. Beings I have nobody to help me with this kind of stuff I decided it wasn't worth the hassle and gave up on it.

I figure that the time I spend dealing with the long confusing process of government help could be spent actually getting skills and knowledge to increase my income.
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Default Jan 21, 2019 at 07:48 AM
I bet you could get a part time IT job without having to renew the certs. If someone asks if you have them, just say you got them in 2011 or whatever. Definitely sounds like a better option than continuing to do the job you hate.

A programming job would be even better because it would limit the amount of time you spend dealing with users.
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Default Jan 21, 2019 at 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by hvert View Post
I bet you could get a part time IT job without having to renew the certs. If someone asks if you have them, just say you got them in 2011 or whatever. Definitely sounds like a better option than continuing to do the job you hate.

A programming job would be even better because it would limit the amount of time you spend dealing with users.

Really? Part time IT would be a thing? Never considered that.

If I switch jobs though, I would ideally want to make more than I make with this job. I see no sense in working a job that barely covers my rent.

My programming knowledge isn't high enough to get a programming job yet I'm afraid. Most I know is a little bit of C#, Visual Basic, HTML, and CSS (latter two aren't actual programming languages I know but I'm learning web development so there's that).
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Default Jan 22, 2019 at 04:53 AM
Darkness love- I was thinking that with your extensive experience and the fact that you are in school for IT that you might be able to do security-like network security or a firm that helps companies protect themselves from malware and viruses? Or someone that helps places set up their networks? Or someone that looks for holes and flaws in networks? My husband works for a snotty ivy league university as a network installer/technician but he does installs; pulling cable and wifi setups. You sound like what would be his other coworkers. He works on the setup and then the other guys come in and do the actual computer work and security. I bring this up because depending on what company you would work for a lot of them are 24/7 support so they might have pt positions open-plus you wouldnt have to be on your feet a lot. Also if you google it Amazon does offer remote web support and c/s jobs where you can work from home. It depends on regions of course but I read an article about people who do this part time.

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Default Jan 22, 2019 at 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by sarahsweets View Post
Darkness love- I was thinking that with your extensive experience and the fact that you are in school for IT that you might be able to do security-like network security or a firm that helps companies protect themselves from malware and viruses? Or someone that helps places set up their networks? Or someone that looks for holes and flaws in networks? My husband works for a snotty ivy league university as a network installer/technician but he does installs; pulling cable and wifi setups. You sound like what would be his other coworkers. He works on the setup and then the other guys come in and do the actual computer work and security. I bring this up because depending on what company you would work for a lot of them are 24/7 support so they might have pt positions open-plus you wouldnt have to be on your feet a lot. Also if you google it Amazon does offer remote web support and c/s jobs where you can work from home. It depends on regions of course but I read an article about people who do this part time.

So you're referring to either a penetration tester or network architect?

I admit, I might be knowledgeable for a position like that but I have my doubts. Regardless, I don't have a lot of job experience working technical jobs so I highly doubt I would be able to get anything above entry level (those jobs aren't entry level). At the very least, I would need several certifications, which I cannot afford. I can afford a max of 1-2 certifications, which would still get me maybe an entry level job or a little bit higher at most.

I don't have a lot of schooling and work experience. Most of my tech knowledge comes from being self taught. That's a problem for a lot of these companies apparently.

Also, I am learning web development specifically. Very little of what I'm learning would translate to networking or cyber security.
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Default Jan 23, 2019 at 07:04 AM
It really depends on where you are, but, yeah, part-time IT is a thing. In my area, it seems like some of those jobs are posted by people who really need full time IT but who don't want to or can't pay for it - but it still seems like it would be better than the job you know you can't stand.

Marketing companies in my area are always hiring junior web developers. Is there anyway you could get a paid internship through your school?
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Default Jan 23, 2019 at 11:10 AM
I'm glad you're at least considering working in the IT field, DarknessIsMyFriend. I think you would be great at it. I feel like it's definitely worth a shot. But that's just my opinion. The final decision is up to you. Whathever you decide, I hope you'll feel better soon. Hopefully things will get better for you soon. Wish you good luck! Let us know how it goes. Sending many hugs to you
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Default Jan 23, 2019 at 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by hvert View Post
It really depends on where you are, but, yeah, part-time IT is a thing. In my area, it seems like some of those jobs are posted by people who really need full time IT but who don't want to or can't pay for it - but it still seems like it would be better than the job you know you can't stand.

Marketing companies in my area are always hiring junior web developers. Is there anyway you could get a paid internship through your school?

I looked for internships but my state is so far behind technology wise that I have yet to find any internships for web development. The closest thing I've been able to find is entry level web design/development jobs through a temp agency.

I just don't feel ready for a web design or development job yet. I don't think I'm knowledgeable as of yet to be able to work in web development. I still don't know a lot of languages yet and there are a couple of key languages I would need to learn before anybody would hire me I think.

Also, regardless of what I do, it dosn't change the fact that I am still bad at job interviewing because of my anxiety issues. I get nervous and freeze up sometimes when I'm under a lot of pressure. I'm worried that this will be an issue when I'm job interviewing and will delay me significantly from getting a job at best.
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Default Jan 24, 2019 at 11:56 PM
Yeah, I'm finding even half shifts of this job tiring.

Worked from 12:30 to 4:30 today. They threw this utterly rediculous job on me. Basically the school's old Olympic style swimming pool has been shut down for over 3 years due to budget cuts and stuff and has been sitting there empty doing nothing. So the school has been using that area to store unwanted surplus furniture that is pulled out of classrooms and teacher's offices to be prepared for resell.

Now, they are wanting us to have that whole pool area cleared out by Feb 15th because they want to demolish the pool and make it an area to train car mechanics or something like that.

So guess who the hell got stuck with hauling hundreds of 50 pound heavy *** tables across to the front of the pool where the outside doors are and setting them in groups to have pictures for the auction taken? Me!

Yeah even doing that for 4 hours straight with one 20 minute break made me so tired when I got home that I can't even get any homework done. And this was after getting a full 7 hours worth of sleep and sleeping in.

Why even bother anymore?
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