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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 02:33 PM
For some reason that I don't understand the sun in California is very high, very white, and bright. It's like that all over the state. The only other place I've seen sun so high and white is in Israel, and maybe in Arizona, but maybe not exactly. Elsewhere in the U.S. the sun is a little lower in the sky, a bit less intense. This is true even in the southern states.

When I awoke this morning I peeked through the leaves of the great, big old tree outside of my bedroom window. I thought I saw a narrow shaft of slightly lower light that had a golden tint to it. I had high hopes, thinking that maybe, maybe the 1st of September had brought in the first touch of fall. But then I looked outside my front windows and nope, no gold at all. Just that blinding, glaring, white sunlight of same hot, hot summer.

My son was born on October 3rd and when I entered the hospital it was hot summer, but when we left on October 8th I clearly remember stepping out into an autumn day. So every year I wait for October 8th, hoping I'll see and feel that autumn bit.

I cancelled my therapy session for today. I shouldn't have, but I didn't have much interest in going. So I'm off to the grocery store, then to spend some time with the book business.


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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Sunflower123 View Post
You are so kind to me and so supportive. I really appreciate you.

You betcha, kiddo


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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
I wasn’t planning on taking any ambien last night but at 3:30am I gave in and took 5 mg. To my surprise I fell right to sleep! Slept till 9 am. Cool but a bit disturbing dreams. It’s looking like the pdoc was right. I do need the ambien to sleep. He did say that once my sleep was regulated we could look into decreasing the AP. I’m of two minds on that, I want to quit because I know I will lose weight, but I am scared of losing my stability. I got responsibilities and can’t afford to destabilize. But oh I want to lose weight!

I'm so happy to learn that you slept! Haha, I had a dream about the little "bouquet of flowers" icon here on the forum. So funny

Ahh, the AP thing is such a frustration. When I went off Seroquel (the low dose, just for sleep) I had lost 20 lbs. within 5 weeks. Now I'm back to taking between 25 - 50mg of Seroquel for sleep and even at that small dose I'm craving sugar. I'm quite sure I've gained weight already.

I do agree with your pdoc about regulating sleep, then decreasing your AP.


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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 03:09 PM
I'm not doing the greatest today physically. I weighed myself this morning and at first I was 3 pounds less then yesterday. And I was like "no way, if thats right I gotta see a doctor." So I weighed myself again and I was 2 pounds less then yesterday. Still not excatly a good thing. I finished off the eggs and then had a Coke for breakfast. I got a couple things from Sonic. I'm trying really hard to up my calories. This heat is getting to me man. I was on my way to see my pdoc and I was watching something that I needed subtitles and I was in the back seat and that caused motion sickness and then add on top of that the heat and I felt so queasy. I took a valium and an Advil before I saw my pdoc. He mentioned my weight loss and that it looks like I've lost a lot. I said my therapist had told me I looked too thin. He said he disagrees with her and according to the BMI I am normal and its perfectly fine to be on the slender side. He doesn't want me to lose anymore though. I'm trying to eat more but with all these possible allergies and enviromental factors its been just tough. My appointment today though was a bit odd. He was just like so business like. like he was checking off a list of basic pdoc questions. It was just very phoned in. Normally our sessions are more personable. I had my mom in with me though which I don't normally so maybe he didn't want to say too much in front of her. Plus he did say he could see a good change in me because of the Prestiq and knew the other stuff I am dealing with is medical. So I guess it went well. I am back at the hotel with the AC on high and it feels so good. I'll have to figure out if I want to go out to dinner and back in the heat or just stay here. I stopped at a grocery store and got some applesauce and cotton candy sparkling water

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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by MuddyBoots View Post
How did you bake the pork chops? Every time I make them they come out super chewy.
Preheat 375

Dry pork chops with paper towels

Rub olive oil on

Coat with mixture ( brown sugar, paprika, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper, the recipe I had didn’t say how much so I just winged it) I had rather a thick coating

Bake in dish for 20 minutes

Both times they came out delicious 😋

…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 05:26 PM
Well this morning I wrote a day in the life of....me. After learning that my h didn't get all the pieces I dropped about why the Service Dog was important to me. He read it and was floored my daily struggle. He says he didn't realize and insists my team doesn't know my struggles. He wants me to put my physical limitations in too. And share it at least with my T. I don't know how much it'll help since I'm leaving in 3 weeks. It feels weird to write it all down I feel so broken even on medication. He's fully in my corner about the Service dog. He said I've been giving him puzzle pieces without the full picture. That I need to sit him down and explain everything when it's important. He just didn't get it. He didn't realize I was working on my independents it'll just look different than others. He didn't realize I struggle so bad. So now I have to add my physical stuff. This is not fun and it makes me feel useless.

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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 06:09 PM
Well Tuesday we went to register this beater truck and it was ungodly hot. Steve tried to add Freon so the AC might work but nope. So windows down it is.

Well I was in a raging mindset due to the heat but also having to keep the windows down I cancelled my appt with Richard yesterday and I’ll see him in 2 weeks.

Now that my eye healed I will get back to job hunting next week. I’m more desperate for money than I already was.

Things could be better but I didn’t forever lose my eyesight and we at least had a vehicle that gets us back and forth to town.

Hope everyone is having a good evening

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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 08:24 PM
I’m not safe tonight. I will pull out my bag of tricks and take evasive measures. Really, really down about several things. I feel so alone with nowhere to turn. I don’t exactly have a supportive family. I have a mom with dementia, a sister who attacks me every chance she gets and a daughter who judges me more often than not. True, I have a great therapist, supportive friends and you wonderful folks here. That may be what gets me through the night. I’m going to try to relax with a good movie and sleep it off. It seems hopeless right now and I feel defeated. What’s the point really?
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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 08:29 PM
Sunflower, remember there is the new 988 number you can text or call for someone to talk to. You can "talk" here as much as you want of course but that is someone more in the moment with you.

I hope you feel better soon.

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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 08:50 PM
Sunflower123, I am sorry you're feeling crappy. I agree: 988 is a good idea. And so is watching a good movie and trying to sleep it off. Night time is the worst time to have these feelings. (I should really learn to shut myself down because I have a history of negativity and making rash decisions at night.) I hope you enjoy your movie! 🍿

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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 09:54 PM
It makes me sad knowing you feel so defeated, @Sunflower123. You've been an inspiration to me, knowing how you've dealt with family difficulties in the past. When the world was coming down around you, you always managed to float, or find some other diversion to escape for a while. It's natural, though, that you're hitting the wall now after all you've been dealing with the past several months. I wish you could simplify your life without being made to feel guilty. You've been asked to bear more BS than many people could have dealt with. I hope you can see your way free to find some freedom and happiness.
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Default Sep 01, 2022 at 10:03 PM
Today was a day of rude people. I wasn't on the floor 30 seconds before I had a woman thinking if she commanded me to fix her phone, it would be done to her liking. Long story short, it was an unforced error on her part, that she'll naturally never ever admit to and she came that close to causing a scene.

The next one did cause a scene. He was dealing with a company that I have no incentive to work with and if I'm honest, one that I compete with. I took him on to stop him being rude and abusive to the other rep. In an "amazing" comedy of errors, I finish the task, move to put in the SIM card (that would soon have his phone number and phone service) into his phone... and promptly dropped it into a crevice that would require me taking apart a display to get to. Every step I took going forward was stonewalled which inflated the time I spent with him (which was supposed to be in service of making him go away) to nearly three hours. Oh, and he was still a rude SOB to everyone around him, but I couldn't exactly tell him to buzz off because of how screwed up the situation became. I mean, leaving him mid-issue would have cost much more that what it already cost. Which was $75. On a phone I had no business working with. That I took over as a good deed.

I did sell five phones today, which is about normal for me, and my new phone (work app login issues aside) served me well.

On my way home, my parents called to offer me dinner. On the one hand, free food! But on the other, my dad (who cooked it) has been more unreservedly generous in the two weeks since I've found employment than he was the past six months. I heard how much I was a burden to him when I didn't have a job, and now that I do, he's practically throwing stuff at me (mainly food, but other practicals as well).

I really hope my second good deed in a week doesn't come back to bite me. Well, snack, meds, bit of web surfing here, and bed.

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
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Default Sep 02, 2022 at 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by *Beth* View Post

Ahh, the AP thing is such a frustration. When I went off Seroquel (the low dose, just for sleep) I had lost 20 lbs. within 5 weeks. Now I'm back to taking between 25 - 50mg of Seroquel for sleep and even at that small dose I'm craving sugar. I'm quite sure I've gained weight already.

Hi Beth, it might be an idea to fill your closet or refrigerator with things to eat without sugar. Raw carrots are very helpful. I know because I am a diabetic.

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Heart Sep 02, 2022 at 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by Sunflower123 View Post
I’m not safe tonight. I will pull out my bag of tricks and take evasive measures. Really, really down about several things. I feel so alone with nowhere to turn. I don’t exactly have a supportive family. I have a mom with dementia, a sister who attacks me every chance she gets and a daughter who judges me more often than not. True, I have a great therapist, supportive friends and you wonderful folks here. That may be what gets me through the night. I’m going to try to relax with a good movie and sleep it off. It seems hopeless right now and I feel defeated. What’s the point really?
We all have our moments. What seems black and white this night may seem better tomorrow or in a couple of weeks. I am out of real support as well. My family has always helped with practical "things", but never with emotional things. Old friends have died (naturally) and it is not easy to get new close ones.

You believe in God Jen, and that means that your life has a purpose even if you don't see it now. Life is so. It never comes with a guarantee about perfect living conditions. The only thing we owe God is to live as best we can with our inner and outer obstacles. Don't give in Jen (Sunflower)!!!

"And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him". 1 John 4-16

Hope to see you here tomorrow! Take care!
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Default Sep 02, 2022 at 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by Sunflower123 View Post
I’m not safe tonight. I will pull out my bag of tricks and take evasive measures. Really, really down about several things. I feel so alone with nowhere to turn. I don’t exactly have a supportive family. I have a mom with dementia, a sister who attacks me every chance she gets and a daughter who judges me more often than not. True, I have a great therapist, supportive friends and you wonderful folks here. That may be what gets me through the night. I’m going to try to relax with a good movie and sleep it off. It seems hopeless right now and I feel defeated. What’s the point really?
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Default Sep 02, 2022 at 11:00 AM
Started the new thread. If someone could post the link, thank you 🙏

…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
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Default Sep 02, 2022 at 11:26 AM
Here's the link to the new thread: Bipolar check-in #69

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