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Default Yesterday at 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by June08 View Post
Hi everyone! I'm feeling pretty good after my endoscopy. I think the main endoscopy related symptoms I am having are a sore throat and being a little tired. I'm struggling to regulate my body temperature, but I think that's risperidone and/or physical illness related because I was already struggling with that a little bit before my endoscopy. It is worse though so it's something to keep an eye on.

Everything looked good-due to inflammation, they took one biopsy to test for infection, but otherwise everything was fine. If the biopsy comes back positive, I think I just have to take some antibiotics. The GI doc is willing to double my acid reflux med since my current dose isn't working anymore and everything looked fine. He said to see him again in 5-6 months.

My friend claims I didn't say anything ridiculous so that's good too!

An unexpected benefit was the IV they gave me. Fluids/electrolytes are a key thing to managing my physical illness so getting this IV did wonders! I actually felt better after the endoscopy than I have in ages!

Outside of a chiropractor appointment, and a possible trip to the pharmacy, I'm going to make myself rest some more today. I'm thinking I'll go treat myself to an iced coffee too.
I'm glad it went well!

Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD

Seroquel, Cymbalta, propanolol, buspirone, Trazodone, gabapentin, omeperazole

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
--Robert Frost
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Default Yesterday at 03:19 PM
I'm trying to hang on as much as I can until tommorow. I was in a ton of pain and throwing up so I took an hour nap and now I just feel blah. Going to the bathroom has become painful and I've been silently thanking my PT for suggesting the stool. I told my mom last night I wanted to be cremated and have my ashes sprinkled over my Grandmas grave my mom was all like "are you trying to give me nightmares?" I've just been lying in bed today listening to music. My $12 headphones came last night. They suck. But they get the job done.

I ordered a walking pad last night which is like a treadmill with just the walking part. I got a good deal on it because of Walmart+ days. I saved $210 I think.

But **** my stomach right now.

Sorry for complaning so much

Do Tums cause anxiety or am I just in general a wreck today?

I took a 5th Valium today. May not be the smartest idea but its still only 25mg. Not sure what stayed down either. I had some of Arbys potato cakes. Nothing is doing much. So I'm guessing it is nerves about tommorow. I got a call about my colonosocopy and what to do for that. I have to pick up some gross liguid stuff and hope I don't throw it up. I'm hoping its the kind I mix with Gatorade.

Right now I'm doing laundry and watching the news and listening to music and posting on here. I have energy right now at least.

Last edited by Mountaindewed; Yesterday at 04:55 PM..
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Default Yesterday at 04:06 PM
Glad to hear the good news @June08! Definitely treat yourself to that iced coffee today. I am not sure about the tums @Mountaindewed, I am thinking it's nerves about tomorrow.

God, I got up out of bed at 2pm today. That is so awful! But I managed to get up, shower, make my bed, and get some appointments made for the week. Almost forgot to make my pdoc appointment, I am running low on meds! Ugh. It seems like a battle to remember all this stuff sometimes. Was very close to almost breaking up with my boyfriend last night, but I spoke to my long-time friend from New York today who deals with the same issues in her relationship, and she said I need to communicate my feelings more and don't run from things like I usually do. I am such a runner y'all it's not even funny.

Staying grounded today and trying to get things done. Girllll, @raspberrytorte - I know how bad you want that trip! Definitely don't go alone if you can help it. I took a trip manic as heck a few years ago, and it didn't turn out well at all. Still having thoughts of Giovanni; I don't think they'll ever go away.

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Default Yesterday at 06:30 PM
My friend can't go either. This sucks. I NEED to see this band. My obsession with them as of late is overwhelming and I missed them in Chicago in March because I couldn't get anyone to drive me there, even after offering to pay for their gas, ticket and drinks at the venue. No one wanted to drive in Chicago. I think my obsession with them has reached unhealthy proportions! It's like a spiritual experience whenever I listen to them. I fear if I don't see them live I will perish.

Husband absolutely refuses to go. I offered dramamine. I offered a diazepam for the plane flight so he doesn't freak out (I have extra. It's not a biggie.). I HAVE to go. I am being guided. I'd rather NOT go to a foreign land alone though... the thought is kind of scary 😳 but I may have no choice. Can't let fear hold me back.

I've already been looking at flights. I have plenty in my 401k to cover this trip.
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Default Yesterday at 06:36 PM
@raspberrytorte - You really need to think this through. You do not NEED to see this band; you really WANT to but that might not be best for you, the way you're sounding - obsessed with this trip, little sleep -hypersexual, depressed, hypomanic again. You could be heading into a mixed episode or if not that it sounds to me like you're already IN full mania, not just hypomanic.

I think you really, really need to reach out to your pdoc, especially if it's not too late before he retires. If he's already retired, call the new one, have your H beg them to get you in sooner because it sounds to me like you really NEED it at this point. And I mean NEED it.

What does your H think about your latest obsession with this band, the hypersexual stuff, your lack of sleep, etc.? How does he not drag you to the pdoc's at this point and insist the doctor see you now? I know my H would do that if I had all your symptoms in a heartbeat; he wouldn't have let it go on any more than a week, if even that.

Take care of yourself.

Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD

Seroquel, Cymbalta, propanolol, buspirone, Trazodone, gabapentin, omeperazole

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
--Robert Frost
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Default Yesterday at 07:00 PM
Hi all

I haven’t posted in a while.

Hope you’re all well.

I’m at the hospital for a check up with the neurologist after my mini stroke in March. Will find out in a short while if I’m cleared to drive. Fingers crossed. It’s been a long few months of my partner having to take me everywhere on the weekends.

Keep well and I will be back!
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Default Yesterday at 08:19 PM
So emotional. So many emotions. Obsessing that the social security website is now moving to Login.GOV - and of course I can't get into it because it's my old phone number attached to it. UGH. I hate Giovanni so much that I had to change my phone number. I just hate him. Everything about him. I just hate, hate and hate everything right now. So irrational, so emotional, and so full of hate.

Haven't had a feeling like this in a really long time. All alone in my apartment with no one to talk to. So utterly alone.

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Default Yesterday at 09:21 PM
Nice to see you back @Crazy Hitch, let us know how your appointment turned out!

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Default Yesterday at 10:03 PM
Coming out of my pity party, just noticed @Crazy Hitch !! Missed you so much! Come and let us know how you're doing and everything!

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Default Yesterday at 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Blueberrybook View Post
@raspberrytorte - You really need to think this through. You do not NEED to see this band; you really WANT to but that might not be best for you, the way you're sounding - obsessed with this trip, little sleep -hypersexual, depressed, hypomanic again. You could be heading into a mixed episode or if not that it sounds to me like you're already IN full mania, not just hypomanic.

I think you really, really need to reach out to your pdoc, especially if it's not too late before he retires. If he's already retired, call the new one, have your H beg them to get you in sooner because it sounds to me like you really NEED it at this point. And I mean NEED it.

What does your H think about your latest obsession with this band, the hypersexual stuff, your lack of sleep, etc.? How does he not drag you to the pdoc's at this point and insist the doctor see you now? I know my H would do that if I had all your symptoms in a heartbeat; he wouldn't have let it go on any more than a week, if even that.

Take care of yourself.

I can't get the idea of this trip out of my head. I'm like obsessed with the idea! I HAVE to see this band! I can't focus or concentrate on anything. I've been listening to them nonstop for eight hours straight. Right now I'm just laying in bed, listening to them, and trying to get some sleep, while waiting for Husband to get home from work. Husband said absolutely NO to me going by myself. I'm thinking about offering to pay for my friend's flight so she can come with me. I don't know what's wrong with me!

Before I felt Husband laying next to me and getting up, so I got up, but he wasn't there.

I hope he's up for some adult fun time tonight. ❤️ 😍

I'm not raving about saving the world with my positive energy or talking about negative entities and reflections or saying I can heal others with my thoughts. I'm just full of love ❤️ and obsession and lust and longing. I'm not running around the neighborhood at 3AM or seeing the stars moving in the sky or thinking I can control the entire galaxy. That's why he's not dragging me to my psychiatrist. I'm just hypersexual, obsessed with a band, getting little sleep, and unable to concentrate on anything because of the hypersexuality and obsession.

The darkest of nights is followed by the brightest of days.
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Default Today at 12:58 AM
I might be feeling to good after my endoscopy. I was a little worried about hypomanic symptoms yesterday because my mind was all over the place and I struggled to sleep last night. Today, I've read a ton (which is something I did when I was undiagnosed), had a mind that was all over the place, felt like I can conquer anything, and can't sleep. Not sleeping is what concerns me the most because, ever since I was diagnosed and started meds, my sleep has rarely been significantly impacted. I'm wide awake and alert though at it's a couple of hours past when I am usually asleep. This will be uncharted territory with this pdoc if I have symptoms that involve little to no sleep.

If I'm up to long, I'll message my pdoc tonight already in hopes that he sees it tomorrow since he isn't in the office on Fridays. I might even double up and both send the message and call his office to make sure he knows I sent him a message.

Lamotrigine: 300 mg
Bupropion: 150 mg
Risperidone: 1-3 mg a day, depending on symptoms
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Default Today at 03:13 AM
Thanks @Scooter9 and @LadyShadow!!!

So the short of it is the neurologist can find no evidence of a stroke in any of the major tests I had done so he changed my discharge summary to “migraine”. And here I thought it was a stroke because that’s what the hospital told me I had! Go figure.

On the plus side I can drive now with no restrictions! Yay me.
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Default Today at 04:38 AM
Ugh. Went to bed at 10:30pm and got up at 1:30am. Just took a Seroquel. Going to try going back to bed if I can.

The darkest of nights is followed by the brightest of days.
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Default Today at 05:28 AM
**** this pain. And trying that new brand of melatonin was a bad idea. I am so groggy right now I can't keep my eyes open. I have to leave in a few hours.
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