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Default Oct 28, 2018 at 03:41 AM
In first school I drew on the wall and got told off. A few days later I got this stupid idea I thought was great at the time. I drew on the wall again but I drew a thing the boys were obsessed with at the time. So when the teacher found it she assumed it must have been a boy, because "girls aren't interested in those". It was funny (at the time). Nobody got punished for it, she just said "no more drawing on walls".

In my teens I used to play a lot of video games and I had a crush on a character from one of the games. I knew this was wrong because he wasn't "real" but I did anyway. I had just started using the internet then and I was looking for sites about that game to find pictures of this character. This girl had drawn some pictures of him and had a site of them. I emailed her to talk about him and she gave me a really aggressive response. She said that this character was hers and everyone else should back off. I wasn't expecting that because the other people I had emailed were all friendly. Instead of ignoring her though I started an argument, wasted loads of time writing long angry emails to her (and reading the rubbish she sent back too). I wish I hadn't bothered with that but I was really stupid as a teenager.
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Default Nov 01, 2018 at 12:53 AM
We had a small drunken party when my mom went out of town to visit her boyfriend for the weekend. Probably 17 years old, maybe 18? This particular guy was extremely drunk. He threw a glass down and broke it, or maybe it was an accident. So strike one. Then I went into the bathroom after him and there was pee on toilet and the seat was up and toilet unflushed. I kicked him out and he walked the mile home. Besides that I was always nice to him and was caring towards him. Another time I saw him fighting in the street with his dad. He was crying hard and angry. I think I remember a large board was involved. I helped him somehow at some point but I’m not sure how. He thanked me somehow. I just remember there was warmth between us. He became best friends with another friend I knew. They had complicated fathers and absent moms in common. They partied way too much and got way too crazy. I found out that he stabbed the friend in the neck in some drunken fight and went to prison for some time. Years later I saw him at the gas station. We chatted and he told me what he did and apologized to me for his behavior, and for hurting our friend. He was so humiliated and sorrowful about what he had done. That was many years ago now and I’ve been thinking about him for the first time in a very long time.
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Default Nov 01, 2018 at 07:19 AM
When I was in fifth grade we had a movie about Haiti several times in a row. But in the movie they pronounced it Hiati (or Hyatee). I was amazed at how they could be so stupid.

How is this relevant in this thread? It probably isn't.

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Default Nov 01, 2018 at 07:59 AM
I got called for jury duty for the first time ever the other day and I actually enjoyed it. I was happy to just be out of the house and distracted from my family drama. There was this one woman, prospective juror, who tried to take over the whole room and berated the lawyer. The judge had to yell at her to shut up and just answer the questions. It was hilarious. Some people went into intense details about their life’s tragedies. It was so awkward and sad. They didn’t get picked for the jury. Neither did I. I think I proved myself to be overly emotional when I put myself in the defendant’s place and said “If it were me on trial I’d want to testify to prove my innocence.” So, great tip, if anyone wants to get out of jury duty, just say that.

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Default Nov 01, 2018 at 11:03 AM
When I was at work, I went on my livejournal at lunchtime. I already complained about work a lot on there but tried not to while I was there. But obviously it was in the history, and I had logged on, so they would have seen. Nobody ever said anything to me, they just told everyone in general not to use "chatroom", which it wasn't. But they must have seen.
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Default Nov 03, 2018 at 02:56 PM
I recently looked up my email address in google, and came across an old reivew I did for a website when I first started using thei nternet.

was looking back over it and thinking really?. this is so ****.
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Default Nov 04, 2018 at 03:55 AM
When I was younger, me and my brother would fight over which cartoons we would watch after school. There was one day in particular where I wanted to watch something on one channel and he wanted to watch something on another channel. Of course him being younger, got his own way. I thought this was unfair so I tried to brainwash him into liking the one I wanted to watch and kept asking him which was best. For some reason I actually thought this would work, but of course when that day came around he wanted to watch the other one. I went into a massive huff over it. I realise now it was totally stupid and have no idea why this was so important to me back then.
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Default Nov 18, 2018 at 09:35 AM
When I was younger, mostly in my teens I thought I was so clever saying certain things. I said some really bad and stupid things that I still feel embarrassed about because I have no idea why I said them. In fact most of them I realised straight afterwards and wished I had kept my mouth shut. And eventually I think I got the point to just keep my mouth shut anyway.

Most of these were to my mum, but sometimes other people, like a guy at work. I said something thinking it was a clever/funny joke and he took it a different way and said something and I was just horrified. The other girl in the office told me off and then they both started going on about how cheeky I was. I tried to say "no, I didn't mean that", but they weren't listening. I was so embarrassed and wishing I had stayed quiet.

Some of them were about obsessions I had at the time. I'd say something as an excuse to bring the subject up or something. Or just to mention it. Why? I really have no idea. I obviously thought it was clever at the time. I am so embarrassing.
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Default Nov 18, 2018 at 06:47 PM
Been there... done that... I've embarrassed myself many times.

Albert Ellis, creator of CBT (formerly REBT) therapy, would suggest to some clients that they go ahead and embarrass themselves on purpose- as part of their therapy. Shame Attacks |

My business is to teach my aspirations to conform themselves to fact, not to try and make facts harmonise with my aspirations. T.H. Huxley

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Default Nov 19, 2018 at 06:47 AM
I am embarrassed to admit this (being an animal lover), but I once through stones at a puppy

I didn't know the puppy was their, it must have just come out from under a table or something- but the owner of the puppy walked in, punched me in the face and went.... that's my dog you ****ing idiot

my reaction was to just kneel down and start crying bitterly

from the pain of the punch and from the fact I never want to hurt an animal

the puppy was okay with me though. I made it up to her by giving her a hug
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Default Nov 19, 2018 at 09:46 AM
when my sister got back from a holiday to disneyland, she was so excited to tell me about all the people she'd met (mickey mouse, goofy, captain hook etc)

I turned to her and went.... uh, you do realise these people are just men dressed in costumes

spoiled it for her but I got a laugh out of it
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Default Nov 19, 2018 at 10:27 AM
At work I became friends with a guy that was old enough to be my dad. Then I sort of got a "crush" on him. I can't explain it but I didn't find him physically attractive, there was something else.

People joked that he was my boyfriend which was very embarrassing. But nobody ever found out the truth including him. I lost interest after a few months and felt so ashamed.
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Default Nov 20, 2018 at 06:50 AM
the school I went to was in a very old building (it used to be a hospital, and before that something to do with the war)

well 1 lunchtime me and a classmate sneaked out to look at this coridor- which she believed was haunted and contained an ancient tunnel that apparently was used by soldiers in the olden days to hhide and for quick transportation to the town

well, long story short, we found the tunnel and it led us all the way to the local church.

no one knew we were in that forbidden coridor. we didn't tell anyone

but spooky huh?

their's also rumours that it contained an old operating theater somewhere
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Default Nov 20, 2018 at 06:59 AM
not sure if this is a repeat (if it is, sorry)

but when I was younger, I had a talking soft toy teddybear called bingo bear

my school were doing a teddy bear's picnic- and each of us had to bring a bear

I was so afraid about someone else breaking bingo, or him getting dirty or broken, I made up a lie about not being able to take talking teddies to school

and it worked. I didn't have to take bingo to school.

I kept him for a few years after that until his stuffing fell out
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Default Nov 21, 2018 at 08:00 AM
so, I struggle when things are coming to an end (or end anyway), always have done.

back when I was a kid, I had an audio tape of the book johny and the bomb by terry pratchett

I didn't like it (well not really that much), but as it drew closer to the end of the story, I balled my eyes out and curled in to a ball (like I do when anything is endingg, if I liked it or not)

anyway my babysitter anna came in to my room and didn't know what the matter was and took my hand and is like.. what's wrong?. why are you crying?

and I told her it was because of the story.. and she's like but hun you don't even like terry pratchett, but if it makes you feel better, you could rewind the tape and start the story from the beginning

and that, is what I did. I stopped the story where it was, rewound it, and listened to it from the start

I never did find out what happened in the end of the story because as the end aproached I just got upset, but I remembered what anna had said and just kept rewinding it.. so it never ended
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Default Nov 22, 2018 at 02:49 PM
Once I cried at work when I messed something up and the boss wasn't there to sort it out. My supervisor was angry so I cried. I was 20 or something. I was so ashamed afterwards and I don't know why I did it, I'm just soft and stupid really.
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Default Nov 23, 2018 at 07:07 AM
when I was smaller, I was part of an email support group for a kind of cancer- I just found it and wanted to be a member to support the people and to be their for them and to help them see things from diffrent angles.

well, one of the members of the group, kevin, passed away- and before I knew what I was doing, I was writing a poem in honour of kevin- just about how he blessed the group and what a remarkable man he really was

the other members of the group loved it, and it's how I was encouraged to continue poetry

they said it was good and I shouldn't waste my tallent
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Default Nov 23, 2018 at 07:09 AM
on another website (it was a news website for kids), it was coming to the end of my time- so it was like 11 to 18 year olds, so because I'd made good friends their and couldn't bear to leave, I lied about my age and got an extra year on the forum
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Default Nov 23, 2018 at 01:15 PM
At high school I had collected quite a lot of change from the dinner money and one day my mum said I had enough so just take that. So when I went to pay for it I had to count out loads of small change and it took ages. The woman at the till complained and told me to hurry up and some of the other kids behind me in the queue started yelling at me too. And because I was so soft I cried about it.

So after that I tried to use some of the change but I started keeping some of the smaller change and putting it in my money box. I didn't think this was "stealing" at the time though it obviously was. All I cared about was avoiding the humiliation and getting told off for having too much small change and taking too long. I just didn't want it to happen again.

Of course I could have told my mum what happened and that I didn't want to take loads of change, but I was too upset and ashamed.
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Default Nov 24, 2018 at 02:11 PM
In middle school and high school I was bullied all the time and everyone hated me. In every PE lesson where we had to be in teams I was rejected.

Sometimes the teacher chose 2 team captains and they took it in turns to choose other people to be on their team. I was ALWAYS last. Every time. And whoever had to have me on their team groaned about it.

Sometimes the teacher would randomly choose people for each team. When they chose me and told me which team to go to, everyone on that team complained "why do we have to have HER??" while the other team were relieved they didn't get me.

I really hated PE for that reason and I actually pretended to be sick a lot on days with PE so I could stay off school.
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