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Old Jul 11, 2024, 10:27 AM
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So even though it was pretty mild, I still feel like it was inappropriate. I had a mid season evaluation a few days ago and my supervisor was mostly complementary. He did however say that some of my writing for the social media page was too long. I know that he has not personally read the content that I wrote but was instead told about it by my coworkers who have no supervisory authority over me complained about it to him. I feel like too much of the focus lately is on our social media anyway so maybe I’m a bit sensitive to it but I just felt that it was inappropriate for him to be getting material for my evaluation from a coworker.
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Old Jul 11, 2024, 04:38 PM
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@annoyedgrunt84 I am sorry you feel that feedback was a reprimand. That must be a tough thing to hear.

I hear that feedback as not being critical of you, but commenting on how to benefit the company most by web posting. I am not an expert but when I do a google search on
what length posts work best on a work web site
there are many many hits. Maybe rather than take their suggestion as a reprimand, maybe you could see it as an opportunity to do your job even better.


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Thanks for this!
Old Jul 11, 2024, 08:02 PM
VabGirl VabGirl is offline
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I dont think its anything to worry about.
Old Jul 17, 2024, 02:36 PM
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I know personally on social media unless I really get engaged in the 1st paragraph I usually don't read beyond that point. Supervisors comment didn't seem like a reprimand but a suggestion. IMO, a reprimand would have been more like "if you don't make your writings shorter we will stop having you do that work" reprimands usually have consequences tied to them otherwise they are thoughtful suggestions meant for possible improvement

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Thanks for this!
Old Aug 07, 2024, 06:18 AM
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This is simply office politics 101 and will never change.
Old Feb 08, 2025, 06:51 AM
IronChiq IronChiq is offline
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I totally get why you’re feeling frustrated. It’s one thing to get feedback directly from your supervisor, but when it’s coming from coworkers who aren’t in charge of you, it feels a little weird. I’ve been in a similar situation before where a supervisor mentioned something they heard from someone else, and it just felt off—like, why not talk to me directly? I get that social media stuff can be a focus, but if it’s not your main concern, it might be worth mentioning to your supervisor to keep things a bit more balanced. It’s always tough when you feel like someone else is influencing how you’re being evaluated.
Thanks for this!
Old Feb 08, 2025, 12:45 PM
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I do a lot of writing. I've been hurt by similar criticism.

But I've come around to realize that some of it was justified.

Mark Twain once wrote at the end of a very long letter, "Sorry for the length of this letter; I didn't have time to write a shorter one." (paraphrased and it maybe not from MT, either.)

The idea is that less is more, especially if the idea can be distilled to its very essence. It's really hard for me to do.

The best thing is to ask for the company style guide. If they don't have one, none of this is your fault.
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