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Old Feb 25, 2014, 03:50 PM
ocdwifeofsociopath ocdwifeofsociopath is offline
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I got to read my Psych evaluation from 7 years ago for the first time. I was 17 and didn't receive a copy. My mom says she didn't get one because she was told I was too close to 18...yeah right....and I have no clue if my dad did or not. I was told I had "borderline OCD, and depression". The reports conclusion said I had depression of moderate severity and Obsessiveness. It also says I had obsessive anxiety and compulsive counting behavior, but the latter is subclinical. Does anybody know what that means? Is that why I am "borderline"? I also don't know how to feel about the fact that there is some information in there about my parents affect on me and the recommendation that i receive medication for depression and obsessiveness, but this was never shared to me by my mom. She's the one who instigated the evaluation. I'm hurt and confused. I don't know what to think about her. She offered an apology to my husband and I after I asked about this report and if I could get it. I can't help but wonder if it's a trick to make her look better. I was going to give her, yet again, another chance with rules before I read the report. Now I don't know what to do.
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live2ski66, Nammu

Old Feb 25, 2014, 11:44 PM
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Mommy Dearest pulled a similar stunt. She had everyone believing I had a propensity for petit mal so she had me on anticonvulsants for 10 years and the stop. She kept all the reports, I've read them, had a neurologist read them. There is practically no indication I ever had a petit mal. Just a means to control me because she was too lazy to learn appropriate parenting skills.

I'm not sure I will ever forget this ever.
Nikki in CO
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Old Feb 28, 2014, 04:26 AM
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Lobster Hands Lobster Hands is offline
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Yeah, I hate it, it's not fair. My parents hid things from me that I still don't know about. It bothers the heck out of me that people hide things from me. Especially when you know the first therapist you talked to went behind my back and told my parents things I said not to tell them. Or how right after that happened my parents tried to get me to sign a paper so they could discuss my problems with another therapist without me...
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