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Old Feb 04, 2015, 07:09 AM
Overcoming OCD Overcoming OCD is offline
Member Since: Feb 2015
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So daydreams can just flit into your mind and you're often not totally aware you're having it at first. This daydream differed from my OCD-related intrusive thoughts- I wasn't really in an anxious state of mind, although I have been pretty anxious lately and have been stressing about the impact my OCD may have on my relationship.

I was playing minecraft, when I started daydreaming that my boyfriend and I had broken up. I was thinking about a conversation my boyfriend was having with someone else, and the daydream ended with my boyfriend deciding to commit suicide, before I realized what I was thinking.

This horrifies me. I LOVE my boyfriend. I love him a TON. I'd like to think I wouldn't ever want anything bad to happen to him.

But if daydreams reveal something about our unconscious mind... does this mean that some part of me would be happy if the daydream came true? That some part of me wants it to happen?

Or does it mean that I'm so egotistical and self absorbed that I think I'm so special he couldn't stand to lose me and would decide he can't live without me?

I feel like a terrible person, and I want so badly for this not to be true. I don't WANT to want that. But why would I daydream it, in a state of calm, when I was free of anxiety?

I'm always afraid of being a bad person who cares only about myself, and I hate how my mental health issues can make situations all about me... But again, this was a calm, normal daydream, not fear-induced anxiety-related thoughts. So what does it mean???! Please help.

Old Feb 04, 2015, 10:21 AM
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it's probably not true, dreams are just that, dreams- and though some people are firm believers of what could happen in a dream could also happen in reality, it's very very unlikely

hugs again..
Old Feb 04, 2015, 12:22 PM
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Sometimes it doesn't mean anything. My friend (who doesn't have any mental illnesses) had a few dreams (not daydreams though) of her boyfriend cheating on her. And no he wasn't cheating on her. She even told him about her dream and he just said that it will never happen.
"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day." - Winnie the Pooh
Guilty About Daydream
Old Feb 04, 2015, 08:30 PM
Overcoming OCD Overcoming OCD is offline
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Posts: 34
Thank you both.

I'm afraid that SOME small part of me, with an ego, does "like the idea of someone not wanting to live without me." I don't WANT that to be true, but I'm terrified it might be. What if some inner narcissist inside me doesn't love my boyfriend, and wants the daydream to come true, or would want it to come true if we broke up.

Again, I don't WANT any of this to be true. I love my boyfriend. But I'm terrified of the possibility that it is true, at least for a tiny part of me.
Old Feb 05, 2015, 01:10 PM
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I am an avid daydreamer. Many people I truly love have died in my daydreams, and so have I. I seem to like a little action in my daydreams. I don't feel any guilt. I don't wish people harm. My daydreams are more like movies, sure, my mind makes them up but my mind makes up worse things so this I'm not going to worry about. I blame TV for the violence of my daydreams.
Old Feb 05, 2015, 01:30 PM
avlady avlady is offline
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you're probably just worried he would die, then what would you do? it's maybe the what if thinking thing. I've been going through a rough patch of what if thinking and am daydreaming bad stuff happening to everyone an even my pets. My counselor tells me to say so what after a bout of negativity.
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