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Old Oct 11, 2014, 03:53 AM
jesskitten jesskitten is offline
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Hi, I'm new here I hope its ok me asking this here. umm I have been on clonazapam before a couple of yrs ago but it cost too much. I've been able to go on it again recently and my dr put me straight on the dose i was on before. but i think (my memory is jumbled( since that day my anxiety has really increased to the point where like my gf is saying something looks good and I'm convinced thats she's just trying to make me happy. I dont know. Is it usual for clonazapam to cause at least in the short term a higher reaction before brining it down or could there be something wrong?

Old Oct 11, 2014, 10:42 AM
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mgb46 mgb46 is offline
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Everyone reacts differently to this benzo. The less you take and can get by with, the better off you are. What dosage are you currently on? If you have been away from it for a while, your tolerance has lowered. Pdoc's usually prefer that you take just enough for your anxiety and no more. So that dosage may be lower now, since you have been off of it.

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Old Oct 11, 2014, 05:03 PM
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Altered Moment Altered Moment is offline
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What dose? How long were you on it before? Did it work before?

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The "paradox" is only a conflict between reality and your feeling of what reality "ought to be." -- Richard Feynman

Major Depressive Disorder
Anxiety Disorder with some paranoid delusions thrown in for fun.
Recovering Alcoholic and Addict
Possibly on low end of bi polar spectrum...trying to decide.

Male, 50

Fetzima 80mg
Lamictal 100mg
Remeron 30mg for sleep
Klonopin .5mg twice a day, cutting this back
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