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Old May 16, 2009, 06:35 PM
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sarahxxkristine sarahxxkristine is offline
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i dont want 2 weeks between my sessions.. they're a ----ing hour long and having 2 weeks in between seems pointless. its too long. but sarah is tooo dang shy to speak up and say "i WANT 1 session a week" so i leave my session upset because i gotta wait so long for the next one.
당신의 사랑은 법률을 위반하고 있었다, 그러나 나는 증인을 필요로 했다 <3

Old May 16, 2009, 07:01 PM
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What makes you feel afraid to ask for what you want? What's the worst thing that could happen if you did?
Old May 16, 2009, 07:19 PM
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sarahxxkristine sarahxxkristine is offline
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The answer "no" i think its terrifying to be told no....to my face....
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Old May 16, 2009, 07:29 PM
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Are you allowed to email your t? Could you ask that way? That's what I've done when I was too afraid to ask something face to face.
Old May 16, 2009, 08:13 PM
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I suppose i could do that, but i dont want her to bring it up in our next session im useless
당신의 사랑은 법률을 위반하고 있었다, 그러나 나는 증인을 필요로 했다 <3
Old May 16, 2009, 08:31 PM
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i was in a really bad place once, and i didnt even consider the possibility of increasing my sessions, but i kept saying to my T over and over that i was just hanging out for the next session, i wasn't coping in between, that it was like my life was a count down until the next one etc.

he suggested increasing our contact, and that's how my weekly sessions came about. maybe something similar could work for you?
Old May 16, 2009, 09:22 PM
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ECHOES ECHOES is offline
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I'm thinking you might as well ask, since you're unhappy about the frequency of visits and you're unhappy about asking/talking about wanting to go every week.
My guess is the answer will be yes (I can't think of why a T would say no).

One thing I have learned in therapy is that it is less stressful to ask and risk than to agonize about it and feel stuck and helpless. Not that I can do it each time, I'm still practicing . And sometimes it doesn't even occur to me to just talk about something. When I finally do, there is relief even if the answer isn't what I wanted.

One way I have found to bring up something I'm anxious and cautious about is to state that I have something to say/ask/talk about that I'm hesitant to bring up or afraid to bring up, etc. That opens the door and she encourages me, literally giving me courage to continue. Sometimes we first talk about the hesitancy or fear or whatever, and what that's about and what that feels like. It's interesting and connecting.

Good luck, go for what you want
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