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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by falcon09 View Post
napped for about 3 hours this morning, therapy was good. Drinking an energy drink right now and watching Lord of the Rings.
Glad therapy went well, I love Lord of the Rings!


R.I.P mom 8/6/55-1/15/16

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” -St. Francis of Assisi
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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
I am so sorry you are experiencing hypomania.

Mirapex may have caused this or may have simply contributed to a swing you were going to have anyway.

I forget whether or not you are on a mood stabilizer and I cannot see if you have listed meds while I am on this screen. I imagine you are on a mood stabilizer.

Contacting your pdoc was/is a very wise move! I hope s/he gets back to you soon!

Do you have any meds which might be helpful in countering the mood swing?

I think you know this, however, we can get involved in things which support the hypomanic state, as in certain types of music, an overly stimulating environment, bright lights, etc.

I have read it can be very helpful to darken the room and keep the space quiet. I know this can be very difficult while hypo. Maybe find some calming music?

The activities/topics which highly interest you right now may need to be halted, or modified. If so, and if possible, place obstacles in the way of following through on any of the the compulsions you feel are somehow unhealthy and/or might potentially do damge to you, your life, even your relationships with others.

I am having trouble with thoughts and with words right now, due to fatigue/pain. My writing is not very clear here. I am sorry I cannot be of more help to you. I think a lot of you and hope all goes as well as possible. I have been, and I remain, very hopeful for you and for your "recovery."

Maybe get very busy with productive activities in order to distract you from other activities you'd rather not get involved in today.?

I think it is very wise of you to reach out here, too.

It appears your judgment is intact, which is very helpful to you at this time!

We are here for you! I hope you hear from your pdoc asap!
Thank you so much WC...your post made perfect sense and I appreciate that you took the time despite your tiredness and pain.

I think this was coming on by itself anyway so Mirapex might have just given me that last push to get into this.

I don't have any meds to take other than my regular ones.

My pdoc hasn't responded yet but she usually does late.

I went for a walk and buzzed through some more work when I got back. I'm hoping I'll be ok tonight.

I'll post with an update later.

* Dx: Unspecified Bipolar and Related Disorder
* Rx: Remeron, Prozac, Klonopin, Vraylar

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Heart Nov 05, 2019 at 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by BirdDancer View Post
Horrible day! Anyway, I voted. I reminded hubby to vote. If we don't vote, we don't do anything to help get the governmental systems we want. Please vote.! Today is election day in the USA.
Thanks for this!

I smile every time I see your new avatar!
It has taken some getting used to. I am so used to seeing your old one and associating it with you. I will, in time, be as used to this one, as well.

Most dancers look happy. I imagine dancers are enjoying their "work."
You look lovely! Beautiful!

I hope something about your day looks up before the day is over.
If not, then tomorrow is a brand new day!

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 04:41 PM
@falcon09: Congratulations about being back in your own apartment! I love having my own apartment! I treasure my privacy! I like apartments better than houses because they are more sturdy and no lawn care or shoveling the driveway. I live in Canada and when the cold North wind howls on Winter nights i like knowing i have only one single exposed wall and that it's thick sturdy concrete. Apartment-dwelling is also "greener" -- better for the environment. The urban planners call it "intensification." No expensive roads to build for urban sprawl, no kilometers of sewer system or electrical service. I also like having an elevator -- so fun to ride on a regular basis and we have mirrored walls in ours -- sexy! We have an active party room in our building. The events rarely involve me but i love to peek in at all the revelers dancing and chatting and the tables groaning with food! Our building is also dog-friendly and we have such an abundance of property it is like we have our own park out back with even an enclosure for the dogs to run free! Such a building i live in! Now if only my neighbors would get over themselves . . . .

@christina: It's funny and apt that you call it "Hellmart." So perfectly describes the experience of shopping there! When i made my first shopping foray about ten days ago since my fear psychosis started on September 27th i actually started in Hellmart and wound up sitting on the floor with my fingers in my ears and my head slumped over on my chest while the stockboy went to check on a sale item that was sold-out -- surprise, surprise. I attempted to get a raincheck at the service desk but i couldn't take it anymore and fled. Since then i have made two subsequent attempts to go and turned back at the door both times once i glimpsed the madness inside. I don't know what to do about the department store purchases i need. The drugstore and grocery store i can tolerate, but not Hellmart.
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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 04:42 PM
Whew! Got two doctor’s appointments out of the way for me and one for mom. More tests to be done. I managed to squeeze some errands in and feel well enough to go to a movie tonight and make a casserole for a bible study luncheon tomorrow. It will be my first time back. I sincerely hope it goes well. I’m nervous.

It’s a good day today. I find when I force myself up and out, I feel better. It helped that the weather is beautiful.

Warm wishes to all and hugs to those that are struggling.
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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 04:47 PM
Having such a nice time here on Psych Central! I must make a better attempt to live thru my computer now that going places is beyond me. Yay computers! I think there are even online Overeaters Anonymous meetings -- will have to check that out! Also back to enjoying my soaps. Princess Gina is back on "Days of our Lives"!!!
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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 05:45 PM
Neighbor man is putting up his tree protection. In the winter deer come here and eat his trees cause they are evergreens. So every winter he has to put up a fence around the trees. Tonight we're to get our first measurable snow. 2-4 inches. This year they have bow and arrow shooting at the parks and nature center to control the herd sizes so I don't think his trees are in any danger.

Back to not sleeping. Tossing and turning. Did sleep enough to have some half dreams. A really cool multi level book store with well worn wood bookcases and real Harry Potter books. An old Victorian house where I was varnishing the floors and somehow that turned into China ceramic dragons that needed to be glazed. Throughout both dreams my daughter was 3-4 yrs olds again. I was finishing the house so my daughter could live with me. Probably old leftover desires as we only lived in apartments. I think my granddaughter is bring these dreams to the fore as she looks a lot like my daughter at that age.

…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
It's sad, but true!
It seems to be getting worse, even for those who have done some financial planning.

I d watched my grandmother, who had worked very hard, had planned financially and had very strongly intended to spend every winter in FL, actually realize her dreams. She had thoroughly enJOYed her retirement for over 20 years! She passsed away at 94 y.o. and had at least 200K left in her accounts.

I watch other people, years later, struggle through day-to-day, while lacking adequate financial planning because there is no extra money to set aside.
I have seen so many die of some dreaded disease within 1-3 years of having retired, Some do pass on before retirement.

So many I know understand they will work until they are at least 80 y.o and/or until they are no longer able to work.

I'd love to read your rant, IZ! I am interested in your point of view!

By the way, I miss you when you are not posting, as I love you and your posts!
Thanks, you're such a sweetie! I have been pretty busy. Speaking of work -- work, work, working! That's 5 days a week, then I hardly know where my days off go, lol. I have perhaps been playing with fire, but I've been spending some time with ex-bf. Just having fun, watching some dvds and stuff. He's a long bus ride away, with a short run time window, so time is automatically quite limited. Despite much past grief, it is nice spending time with someone who knows me so well and shares common interests.

Anyhow, speaking of work, lunch break is over.

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Makes me sick to the heart, Oh I feel so tired. And the way the rain comes down hard, that's how I feel inside.
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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
Could not sleep last night. ( Again.)

Nothing specific keeping me awake. Sleep anxiety. Long-term, since I can recall.

Also in a lot of pain.

Long day yesterday. I had just gotten to bed (early), when my aunt called from a rural hospital. She had been having heart attacks for two days. She was in the hospital. She will be transferred to this area today for the placement of stents. We have a teaching medical center here with an outstanding cardiac specialists.

I am becoming increasingly mindless! Too sleep-deprived. I am not sure I have time for a nap today. i generally cannot sleep during the day.

I hope everyone has a great day!

Well some how you need to get more sleep I know sleep medications you can’t really use because of meds for chronic pain.

I’m sorry about your aunt hopefully the stents will make a positive change in her life

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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 06:10 PM
Going shopping! I love Christmas time.

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Heart Nov 05, 2019 at 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Innerzone View Post
Thanks, you're such a sweetie! I have been pretty busy. Speaking of work -- work, work, working! That's 5 days a week, then I hardly know where my days off go, lol. I have perhaps been playing with fire, but I've been spending some time with ex-bf. Just having fun, watching some dvds and stuff. He's a long bus ride away, with a short run time window, so time is automatically quite limited. Despite much past grief, it is nice spending time with someone who knows me so well and shares common interests.

Anyhow, speaking of work, lunch break is over.
There's nothing wrong with spending time with someone who has been important to you and vice versa!

There's something to be said for "comfortable" relationships. They are often much so much easier.

Many couples get back together after awhile apart. Some do not.

Do just as you are doing, taking things slowly. you'll know.

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Scooter9 View Post
After 2 years of being in a depressive episode, where do I end up? Hypomanic.

I think it's starting. I had to control myself a great deal this morning after I got up at 330. I just kept telling myself to relax, be cool, and ignore what my mind wishes I would do.

At work I pretty much finished things that were expected to take a few days. So now I'm sitting here itching for something to do.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep it under control. I called and emailed my pdoc.

It’s possible you might just need to drop your Mirapex a bit to level things as it’s an activating ...

Are you feeling better today ??

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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Innerzone View Post
Agreed. That is what I fully anticipate for myself. Ever since I was young, I figured SS wouldn't be there for me. That it would be gone or that they'd just keep raising the age, keeping it ever out of reach. Part if it is that the baby boomers preceded me. (I am rabidly against being included in that demographic as I can't relate at all to what are deemed the defining experiences of the generaration. Also, I have felt screwed over at every juncture on account of their impact. To me, it was the generation of the hippies. Yeah, if you want to hear a full-on rant, that's a subject I can give one on, lol.) Aaaanyhow...

Even if it is still there, I wouldn't get anywhere near enough to live on. So, work it will be...

Yes yes yes I’m shocked there’s any left for right now. I can seeing it just going bone dry and then what ??! Ugh thinking about it all could easily lead me to a bridge. I have seen first hand the hell that so many seniors live with.. they give up meds for food or vice versa.

When I use to work Home health care I had a few people that truly were eating a piece of toast and an egg a day, or a single can of soup truly empty food pantries. I always made extra food so I could take them actual meals.. you know it’s heart breaking to watch a person start crying over something that might has easily been thrown away when I found that tub of leftovers way in the back of my fridge.

I always kept them stocked with bread and peanut butter , jelly in there homes. I wasn’t looking for thank you’s.. I always just thought that could easily be me one day.

Our country needs to do better for our seniors and anyone truly just trying to keep themselves fed. That’s a huge rant of mine

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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
It's sad, but true!

It seems to be getting worse, even for those who have done some financial planning.

I d watched my grandmother, who had worked very hard, had planned financially and had very strongly intended to spend every winter in FL, actually realize her dreams. She had thoroughly enJOYed her retirement for over 20 years! She passsed away at 94 y.o. and had at least 200K left in her accounts.

I watch other people, years later, struggle through day-to-day, while lacking adequate financial planning because there is no extra money to set aside.

I have seen so many die of some dreaded disease within 1-3 years of having retired, Some do pass on before retirement.

So many I know understand they will work until they are at least 80 y.o and/or until they are no longer able to work.

I'd love to read your rant, IZ! I am interested in your point of view!

By the way, I miss you when you are not posting, as I love you and your posts!

Another thing that happens all the time is more and more retired elderly wind up dying from August to the end of the year. So many have maxed out there medication coverage (medigap) so they simply stop taking the medications.

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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by bluebicycle View Post
I finally accomplished something for once in a while: I brought my car to the dealer to get my snow tires on. Took about an hour and 15 mins, but I had my iPad with me so that I could use it to pass time by. The sucky thing is that the dealership forgot to give me back my wheel lock key before I left, so now they are MAILING it instead of letting me pick it up, even though I am only 11 mins away by car (or 13 mins with traffic). Ugh. Minor annoyance.

That aside, I am not feeling so great right now. I don't think I'm depressed or anything, but I'm just feeling "defeated" and worn out from all the work I've been doing nonstop for 15 days straight, working 10-12 hrs a day, or 12+ on weekends. I know I need to take breaks, but I am sooooo afraid of losing my job. I just have to keep reminding myself that this will all be over in about a week and a half.

Lock key in the mail ?? Oh stupid you could just go pick it up, plain dumb !!

I think all this hard work will pay off ! Now that your much more stable I doubt you will ever have a struggle to get it done like this again

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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Blue_Bird View Post
Went grocery shopping today. Got lots of good food. My appointment at my college was rescheduled to Thursday morning, which works well for me. My sleep has been really good the past couple days.

Friday I'm going to my primary care doctor to get a med prescription for my silent GERD. I was on Zantac but since it's been recalled I'll have to start something different. Saturday I plan on going to the evening mass.

Have an appointment with my doctor and therapist next week, it will be nice to tell them how well things have been going. It took awhile to get stabilized after the psychotic episode but I have been doing great for a couple months now!

I'm already getting in the holiday spirit

Sounds like things are running smoothly !! It’s such a relief to feel good

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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by whatever2013 View Post
@falcon09: Congratulations about being back in your own apartment! I love having my own apartment! I treasure my privacy! I like apartments better than houses because they are more sturdy and no lawn care or shoveling the driveway. I live in Canada and when the cold North wind howls on Winter nights i like knowing i have only one single exposed wall and that it's thick sturdy concrete. Apartment-dwelling is also "greener" -- better for the environment. The urban planners call it "intensification." No expensive roads to build for urban sprawl, no kilometers of sewer system or electrical service. I also like having an elevator -- so fun to ride on a regular basis and we have mirrored walls in ours -- sexy! We have an active party room in our building. The events rarely involve me but i love to peek in at all the revelers dancing and chatting and the tables groaning with food! Our building is also dog-friendly and we have such an abundance of property it is like we have our own park out back with even an enclosure for the dogs to run free! Such a building i live in! Now if only my neighbors would get over themselves . . . .

@christina: It's funny and apt that you call it "Hellmart." So perfectly describes the experience of shopping there! When i made my first shopping foray about ten days ago since my fear psychosis started on September 27th i actually started in Hellmart and wound up sitting on the floor with my fingers in my ears and my head slumped over on my chest while the stockboy went to check on a sale item that was sold-out -- surprise, surprise. I attempted to get a raincheck at the service desk but i couldn't take it anymore and fled. Since then i have made two subsequent attempts to go and turned back at the door both times once i glimpsed the madness inside. I don't know what to do about the department store purchases i need. The drugstore and grocery store i can tolerate, but not Hellmart.

I hate Hellmart with a passion! But there are some things that are just more expensive at just my grocery store Kroger. So I go and just grab TP, laundry soap, fabric softener,bath soap etc. I do not buy any food at Walmart anymore. I literally walk in grab what I must and get the bloody hell out lol !

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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
Whew! Got two doctor’s appointments out of the way for me and one for mom. More tests to be done. I managed to squeeze some errands in and feel well enough to go to a movie tonight and make a casserole for a bible study luncheon tomorrow. It will be my first time back. I sincerely hope it goes well. I’m nervous.

It’s a good day today. I find when I force myself up and out, I feel better. It helped that the weather is beautiful.

Warm wishes to all and hugs to those that are struggling.

Ahhhh such a busy day !!! Good for you!! What kind of casserole?? I’m always looking for new recipes and ideas.
: hug:

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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
Neighbor man is putting up his tree protection. In the winter deer come here and eat his trees cause they are evergreens. So every winter he has to put up a fence around the trees. Tonight we're to get our first measurable snow. 2-4 inches. This year they have bow and arrow shooting at the parks and nature center to control the herd sizes so I don't think his trees are in any danger.

Back to not sleeping. Tossing and turning. Did sleep enough to have some half dreams. A really cool multi level book store with well worn wood bookcases and real Harry Potter books. An old Victorian house where I was varnishing the floors and somehow that turned into China ceramic dragons that needed to be glazed. Throughout both dreams my daughter was 3-4 yrs olds again. I was finishing the house so my daughter could live with me. Probably old leftover desires as we only lived in apartments. I think my granddaughter is bring these dreams to the fore as she looks a lot like my daughter at that age.

Argh back to really no sleep !! I’m so sorry

Dreams sound interesting.

My husband is still planning on getting a deer this year, I just dread doing all the work, he always cuts himself being in such a hurry, I’ll do it I’ll just bytch a lot Hahaha

Oh I’d hate to have to run fence what a terrible chore

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Default Nov 05, 2019 at 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Miguel'smom View Post
Going shopping! I love Christmas time.

Do you have a strict budget to follow?? I know you often run out of money the first week or 2 of the month. Have you stocked up on food yet ??

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