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I have been an internet message board poster for over 20 years now. Big fan of sports, and I have let my feelings be known about my teams over. And over. And over. To put it as succinctly as I can, if you do not agree with my assessments, I typically take issue with you. What I have noticed is that over time, I able to have a "take it or leave it" approach to message boards. I can go for days on end without having the need to post. I have often wondered if I am manic, but I do not feel that I am. Never get any real high highs or low lows. Have battled depression for years, and I also get anxiety bouts from time to time. Back to the message board issue, I have been reading up quite a bit on Internet Trolling, and I wonder if that fits my description. Typically, I have viewed my "trolling" more as pushing buttons. I don't make threats. I have never had an issue letting people know my identity. I...........just like to push buttons. I can be found telling people that their sports comments are idiotic, because, I truly feel they are idiotic. I have read literature that talks about how trolls will try and destroy 'positive' or 'perfect' comments/situations. I don't feel I am that way. Another example. People might take issue with swearing on message boards. So, I will respond with profanity, simply to see the reaction. People might post that there was a death in the family, or a loved one is ill. Unless I really have an issue with that poster (where I simply will not comment), I typically offer condolences. I have spoken with friends of mine about this, and oddly enough, they laugh at my schtick. Their diagnosis- I am immature. I act 25 years younger than I am, which, I do in many facets of my life. I work in a career that is very serious and very professional, and often, it feels as if I use these message boards to "let my hair down", so to speak. Anyone ever run across something like this? Thank you. |
Welcome to PC....hope you find some forums that fit your needs.
Just a word....... PC is a supportive community......when one disagrees it's done in a very diplomatic way & swearing is NOT acceptable.....words slip out now & then but not acceptable when directed at someone. It's not appropriate to do it to see the reaction here or you will find your posts might get removed if they offend other people & are found to be not supportive. Hope you have read the posting rules....it will give you a good overview of what is & isn't acceptable here. Do hope that you find PC a good place to get support & hopefully to give it in return.....just be wise about what you do & you will find PC a wonderful place to be as the people are very kind & sensitive here This is a mental health forum & everyone here has some issues which mean there are a lot of triggers. Humor is always welcome....but sarcasm & name calling isn't.......that saying "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it" seriously applies here
![]() Leo's favorite place was in the passenger seat of my truck. We went everywhere together like this. Leo my soulmate will live in my heart FOREVER Nov 1, 2002 - Dec 16, 2018 |
![]() BLUEDOVE, BubonicPlague, lizardlady
the internet net is a place where people can take on different personas.
Trolling has a lot of different definitions.
This can't be life. |
![]() BubonicPlague, shortandcute
Thanks for the responses. LOL, did not even think about the fact that by posting my comments, I was truly posting on a message board.
No worries about me misbehaving here. Just trying to get some insight on why I do the things I do. Thanks. |
![]() Just Jen
I have run across the kind of behavior you ascribe to yourself at other sites. It strikes me as immature and abusive, especially pushing someone's buttons in order to set them off. I work in a high stress, professional position. I like to "let my hair down" too. I post a lot in the social or "fun" forums here as a result. I would encourage you to examine why you need to do things to upset others in order to let your own hair down. |
![]() bipolar angel, BLUEDOVE, eskielover, Fiona Alianor
let me give you an example.. Im a no nonsense type person comes with my job. coming fresh from work and to this website sometimes I can be a bit hard on people. I could come on here swearing and putting people down, or being a bit too gruff, but its my responsibility as a member here not to bring my work attitude and problems on other members. the great thing about psych central is that if you know you may have a problem that might affect others there's help here in the moderating team. Just say the word and they will set up your account so that they can help you with your postings. this is called being under moderation. I know I have a problem that may affect others so I send my posts to the moderating team first, they review the post, then either send it back to me with some helpful tips or they post it on the boards for me. This way my medication problems and work stress does not end up harming others. Suggestion....since you know you may end up causing some problems for yourself and others, maybe you can talk with the moderating team (they are the ones who's names appear in colors.) |
![]() allme, bipolar angel, eskielover
Agreed lizardlady, but to the point, I guess that is why I am out here. Looking to see if anyone does the same thing, knows of people that does this, etc.
It won't take you long to find similar stuff here on PC. Matter of fact, there was a thread closed recently that degenerated into name calling and nonsense like that.
I've known people that like to "push buttons" on message boards. Usually they get put on an ignore list and their opinions lose any credibility they might have had.
Helping to create a kinder, gentler world by flinging poo. |
I think what you're saying is that you realize this behavior is problematic and you are looking for help. Hopefully you will uncover the reason why you have a need to provoke people in this way. The suggestion of talking to the moderators is a good one.
![]() bipolar angel
I have run across a few internet trolls and they didn't last long...
Internet trolling in my eyes is when someone purposely comes along to cause trouble, grief and pain simply because they get a kick out of it. It sounds like you are not a troll but someone that 'likes to let their hair down.' You can still let your hair down by putting your opinions across without lowering the tone. I think many people think because they are behind a monitor, it's ok, a bit like road rage. Not cool in my eyes and you just get a reputation as a ****! I do hope you like it here, as others have stated, these boards are well maintained.
![]() Pegasus Got a quick question related to mental health or a treatment? Ask it here General Q&A Forum “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein |
![]() BubonicPlague
You are taking the first step to recovery: Admitting you have a problem.
The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone else up. |
![]() happiedasiy
![]() allme, happiedasiy
Thanks for the responses.
Again, sorry. I need to try to clarify again. I have no interest in makin a mess of this site with trolling. Just asking people out here what they might know of trolling that can help explain why I do troll on other sites. |
With your first post, it sounded like you were testing the waters to see how trolling was handled here by the normal group of posters which was why we all let you know it's not acceptable & is dealt with strongly.
As for why you do it on other posts.....sometimes it's just someone's personality....I know that I was married to someone for 33 years who would argue about something no matter what you said...I have come to realize that he does have an undiagnosed problem that wasn't even possible to diagnose until 1994....& it tends to make his mind work that way.....but just because one's mind works that way doesn't mean that it's acceptable. Then there are some people who just like attention by stirring up trouble. I'm sure if you really stop to think about what feelings you get when you do that....you could answer your question yourself.....just takes getting in touch with your thoughts & feelings.
![]() Leo's favorite place was in the passenger seat of my truck. We went everywhere together like this. Leo my soulmate will live in my heart FOREVER Nov 1, 2002 - Dec 16, 2018 |
It's a safe way to get people to respond to you. Much like girls that hang around guys that aren't any good for them or children acting out, it's not appropriate attention, but it's better than nuthin'.
Helping to create a kinder, gentler world by flinging poo. |
![]() allme
I think it was brave coming out like that...I hope it goes some way to helping you figure what is going on
’’In the end, it’s not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away’’ |
I had an aunt who loved to cause trouble between other people. She seemed to get some kind of thrill out of it. I never understood it. Years later I wonder if it was a control issue for her. I wonder if she felt a sense of control that she could get other people fighting. I've had differing reactions to on-line trolls. Frankly, some come across as abusive a-holes who enjoy being mean to other people. I can't explain why people enjoy that kind of behavior because I don't understand it myself. I believe they are just mean spirited people. Others mentioned that negative attention is better than no attention. If that's the case, maybe you can look for ways of finding positive attention. Posting here and asking for help is a create first step. Maybe it's a self-esteem issue? Being able to set someone else off gives you a sense of control over the person. letting you feel superior to them? |
![]() bipolar angel
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Well, it's good that you are recognizing it's a problem and you are inquiring about it.
There is nothing wrong with having strong views/opinions about things, most successful/striving individuals do and have what is called "Narcissistic Traits". However, it can become a problem when an individual has to have everyone else "see it their way" to a point where if another person doesn't, they will begin to tear the other individual down, and with "pleasure". Then their Narcissism becomes obcessive and manipulative and that usually stems from low self esteem where the individual practices unhealthy behavior patterns in and effort to build up their low self esteem. However, they don't actually realize this about themselves and need to think of themselves as "the best or greatest". What you have discribed about your trolling is that you seem to need to state what your opinion is and lay in wait for anyone to challenge you to where you engage until you feel you have somehow "won" the battle. Or, maybe you go trolling until you find some kind of oponent already stating their view that is different from yours and see that as an invitation too. You have stated that you have NPD, well, it's important that you learn how you developed that and see if you can get to the bottom of "why" you need to challenge and insist on being the top of the heap if you can. It can come from a history where you did not have what you needed and ended up developing this to "self protect" somehow. A lot of times there is a lot of hidden anger involved so it would be nice if you could work that out and release it in healthier ways. It's such a waste of time to spend so much time trolling and manipulating to find your sense of "control". It's ok to have your strong opinions, and even defend them from time to time, but trolling and looking to do that is really not productive. |
![]() bipolar angel, eskielover
I think this is the cause of a lot of it. I knew someone who would intentionally do things to hurt or bother me. Once we were riding in the car and a song came on the radio that I just hate because it makes me really depressed. I asked him to change the station or turn it off until that song is over because I can't stand it. Instead, he turned the radio UP. I literally had to put my fingers in my ears until it was over. I realized later that he did these things to have power over me, because he felt weak.
![]() lizardlady
![]() bipolar angel
Interestingly, I had many opportunities to troll on other boards today, but I did not. That is the interesting part of all of this. Some days, I can take it or leave it. Then, there are days where it is a drug. Trying to be as honest as I can, RARELY do I ever mean what I say, and most people that know me on those boards get it. That is why it feels that I like to push buttons. I will say this. Growing up I had a domineering mother that really did not care for my opinion. I have thought of that often and wonder if part of all of this stems from being my own person and not having to be. Ensured. I will also say this. While most trollers like to keep their identity hidden, I have never hidden whom I am. Always been willing to give my name and hometown. I don't hide behind anything. |
![]() bipolar angel
I think it can be a matter of self defense and an oppositional behavior just to make sure one is not led by someone else. That is fixable.
What I have worse issues with is people who sugarcoat and hide their judgmental attitudes, I have been unfortunate to met those before I came here. Some people are pros at saying mean things with kind words. Those people don't want a healthy approach. One who is reactive and defends self is not a lost cause in the same way, they can change their reaction pattern because they don't really want to hurt people, they just want to defend themselves and they can find other ways. |
"I will say this. Growing up I had a domineering mother that really did not care for my opinion. I have thought of that often and wonder if part of all of this stems from being my own person and not having to be. Ensured." quote GoneTooLong
It could be your desire to get your opinion in "in spite" of your mothers domination, or, it could also be that she trained you to be like "her". Children are very maleable that way and it is not unusual for a child to observe a parent's behavior pattern and copy it (learn it as a pattern of how to be that becomes a deep subconscious pattern of behavior). That is why the saying came about, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". Now when I say that I am not implying weakness in you because it isn't your fault that you were basically brainwashed into behavior patterns that you saw your mother present to you repeatedly, not just towards you, but others as well. So why on earth would you want to keep practicing something deeply learned that is "unhealthy"? The fact that you are questioning the behavior pattern at last is finally opening a door where you can recognize how you developed it and to decide to work on discarding it and actually becoming your own person and not the replica of whatever consistent toxic practice that you learned unknowingly. |
When someone is labeled NPD, what that means is that person has developed their own narcissism in a way that is now unhealthy. That is how your mother was, which is what you unknowingly learned how to develop as well. As I mentioned, it is "ok" to have your own strong opinions and likes and dislikes, but don't be like your mother and punish others for whatever they like or dislike, have or don't have, do or do not do.
Unfortunately, one of the things I have noticed that tends to happen a lot is how people tend to fall into the mindset of all ______'s are bad or wrong somehow and it really doesn't matter if it is a color, class, religion, political preference, culture, or sports team. And one can experience toxic behaviors in "all" groups too, almost like the pot calling the kettle black really. All one has to do is mingle in any "group" and announce their label as being different than the group to experience it. Or, one can say or appear to be the same and and witness it too. Actually, a lot of experiments have been done with this too, and it's really interesting to see the results and what it really says about "human nature" as a whole. So, the next time you get the urge to "troll" ask yourself what you are really a "slave" to and if it is actually productive at all or, as I mentioned are you just practicing the same thing your mother taught you to practice. |
Do you get pleased when someone gets insulted? That's what make a person a troll. I was called a troll only once. my humor was taken offensively and I quickly apologized
![]() ![]() Last edited by Just Jen; Dec 22, 2014 at 06:30 AM. Reason: Spell |
I think it is most interesting that you do this behind
the 'safe' door of anonymity where no one can reach out and grab you. I suspect,in that case,you would be as quiet as a teensy weensy little . . . mouse. |
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