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Default Aug 28, 2007 at 04:56 PM
What are our public schools turning out these days??? As a matter of fact, what have they been turning out for years now???

No matter where I turn, no matter what business I talk to, it's filled with blithering IDIOTS!! At my drs office, no one know how to pick up or send a fax, the place that is SUPPOSED to be fixing my wheelchair is just sitting on their big dumb behinds waiting! Waiting for what, pray tell?? My primary insurance company claims I haven't met my deductible, the other insurance company just kicks back anything that hasn't been billed to the primary. The primary has the UNMITIGATED GAUL to say they don't allow their policy holders to have more insurance than just THEM! WHAT THE HOLY HELL????? Incompetence!!! Who are they to say what I can or cannot do????

The place where I bought my power chair is where I obviously send it to have the chair fixed, right? They claim to be the best at what they do and their goal is CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. Yeah right!! They have absolutely NO inventory of parts for repairs!

The drill is; get a prescription from your doctor that says your chair needs repair. Like she's a mechanic/electrician, too?? The back office girls don't know how to pick up a fax from the repair place OR from the pharmacy! They allow the repeated faxes to pile up until I or any other patient calls, if they figure out that's what they need to do, and gets on their lazy butts to pick up the damn fax! They continually claim they haven't received it.

I got so fed up this morning, that I called the supervisor of the medical clinic I go to. Funny how she found the faxes immediately! I told her that one of "her girls" had rudely hung up on me. She "said" she would follow up on that. It took the supervisor to walk the fax over to my dr and to fax it to the repair place.

The repair place sent a fax to my primary insurance asking for approval of the repair. The primary insurance claimed I had not met my deductible! So why are they continually paying for my drs visits??

The last time I had the chair repaired, the bill was sent to the HMO part of my insurance, I have PPO. Of course, they denied it so the repair place sent the bill to the secondary insurance. They paid for it. But did they do the same thing this time? NOOOO! They were just sitting on the paperwork... I guess they were waiting for ME to call and yell at them! Incompetence!!! Well, I did! And I also yelled at the back office of my dr's office and I also yelled at the primary insurance people!

FINALLY...I think MAYBE my chair will get fixed! In the meantime, either I sit in the recliner or I lay in bed. Occasionally, like now, I suffer through sitting on the desk chair that totally kills my back!

What's happened in the last 30 yrs that I haven't worked??? I would have been out the door on my round little tush the first time I hung up on a client/customer and screw political correctness! When I worked for the State Employment Office, if I didn't process so many claims every five minutes, Affirmative Action would have preceeded me out the door!!

I'm out of steam right now, but I know the schools and modern parents that don't teach their kids any pride in themselves or how to think for themselves weigh in heavily on that score! What's this world coming to??? Incompetence!!!


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Default Aug 28, 2007 at 05:26 PM

Sadly, this is what it is coming too. Lazy, incompetent, unqualified individuals. However, we have to look at the bigger picture.

The people I work with are very unconcerned with the job they performed. At least that is how it seems to me. People always run around saying, "They don't pay me enough to do this". Truth is. They don't. I AM NOT EXCUSING THE BEHAVIOR. I just know that businesses will choose in favor of the almighty dollar every time. It's business. The world has become cut throat in every aspect. We, the citizens are at the mercy of the IDIOTS!!! I am 34 years old and I can tell how much the world has changed just in the last 15 years. It's is scary. I wish we could go back to the days were people actually appreciated their jobs and how the reward for performing there job to the best of their ability earned them PRIDE.

I think I got a tad off topic. But I can help. I hope. I work in medical billing for a living, have for the past 12 years. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable and have access to tools that the "average Joe" wouldn't have. I know your out west and health insurance policies, laws and stuff vary from state to state but maybe I could offer some assistance, if nothing else I could point you in the correct direction.

PM if you want. I will see what I can do.

Hang in there Mama!!! : )


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Default Aug 28, 2007 at 06:34 PM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
SeptemberMorn said:
What are our public schools turning out these days???

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

We're not allowed to teach life skills or other socially relevant stuff. We're too busy teaching to a test. If it's not on the state standards it doesn't get covered. You think your red tape is bad. Geesh! Plus, the stuff you're talking about is really a business's job to regulate. Sounds like the business doesn't care.

</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
... I know the schools and modern parents that don't teach their kids any pride in themselves or how to think for themselves weigh in heavily on that score!

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

Um...I know you're mad, but I don't think it's fair to speak for every school. It's not my job to raise people's children. Yes, I can guide them and mold them, but parents need to take some action, too.

It's always the schools' fault. However, only teachers are held accountable for test scores. There is no parent or student accountability.

[/soapbox] Incompetence!!!

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Default Aug 28, 2007 at 07:20 PM
You didn't get off subject, Sweety! You validated what I said. I'll PM you about my insurance okay? Incompetence!!!

Incompetence!!! Incompetence!!! Incompetence!!!


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Default Aug 28, 2007 at 07:40 PM
Having four adult children, Hon, I know what you're talking about. It takes parents as well as teachers to raise kids these days. I'm well aware of the lack of parental involvement. Parents drop the kids off at school and expect the teachers to do it all.

I know what it's like for teachers to teach for a test. There's no room to teach anything else... well, except when a teacher decides they're gonna teach Values Clarification! That's why that beauty queen didn't know why people in the US can't find the US on a map, for pity's sake! Have you heard her answer? Incompetence!!!

That is precisely why I taught my two youngest sons at home. The older of the two studied at home for three years and knew more than the seniors of the local highschool did when he did his senior year in public school!

Let me give you one last example of the incompetence that some schools are putting out. The receptionist I was talking to at the repair place, when I asked her to check the fax machine for the dr's signed prescription, first she said she'd have to let the other girl handle it. "What?? Can't you walk to the fax machine and see if the fax is there??" She checked. When she came back she said "It hasn't CAME yet." "Came"???? Wrong tense, little girl! What's she doing out of highschool if she doesn't know the proper tenses of verbs?? She should have failed FIFTH GRADE!

It's also a well known fact that California schools are not much more than breeding grounds for violence. Even when I went to grade school, California schools were at the bottom of the list. You're back east, aren't you? Incompetence!!! Incompetence!!!

I know it's not ALL schools and it's not ALL teachers or ALL parents, yet, the majority of our kids aren't learning what they need to know. Proof is in the pudding. Incompetence!!!


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Default Aug 28, 2007 at 07:58 PM
{{{{{{Tomi}}}}}}} sorry you had so many problems. I can understand where you're coming from though. Kids nowadays don't care about work, when they do show up, and what they're teaching is not like it used to be.

Hang in there. I know you'll get it all worked out.

Much love,

Mary Alice
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Default Aug 28, 2007 at 08:09 PM
Just had this discussion today, with another lady waiting in my MD's office. We both had a constant stream of incompetence stories. She claims it is the culture, I think it is a blend of mainly 20-somethings that haven't had parents and teachers who have taught them a good work ethic, and a lack of education in general. My most recent story, ongoing, is with the insurance agent I went through for my homeowner's which changed August 12th. When I went into the office no one greeted me, when I asked for insurance area, they were discourteous. The young man who worked the insurance aspect of their businesses didn't stand to greet me and wore less than business-like clothing, but, so? Maybe he did his job well? No. He messed up the application and didn't bother to change it right then, saying he'd do it later. He took my check but didn't give me copies of anything Incompetence!!! Saying he'd mail it, and the ins. company would also. Well, I received a letter from the insurance company, I have 3 more days to settle this issue as they say I didn't pay and my insurance will not just end but will show that it never began. Incompetence!!! Fortunately the check had just cleared my bank. I called the ins agent, who wasn't in to work yet at 11 am, and left a message. That was Monday, no call yet.

((((Tomi)))) it reigns supreme all over the USA. Try not to take it personally, though it's greatly frustrating. I hope you get your wheels soon, I know how limiting being without them is! Incompetence!!!

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Default Aug 28, 2007 at 08:22 PM
My pet peeve is people who graduate from high school not knowing how to write and spell standard English. Incompetence!!!

Worst example of this I ever saw was on a Tshirt at JC Penney. They had a stack of "novelty" T's for young men. One of them said, and I quote:

"I'm out of bed and dressed -- what more do you WAN'T?"

Nobody knows how to use an apostrophe anymore!! Nobody knows the difference between its and it's or to and too. I regularly had kids in my journalism classes who spelled what should have been "aisle" as "isle." (Uh...one's a lane and one's an island...small diff, no?)

Discourtesy is the parents' fault, but illiteracy is the teachers'! That's why people who know how to communicate are going to rule the world soon. Incompetence!!!

/rant, and sorry you had to go through all that!



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Default Aug 28, 2007 at 08:36 PM
I know exactly what you are going through. It seems to me that it is a serious attitude problem. People seem to think they are owed everything. They are owed the job....they are owed high pay. They are owed to not have to work when they are at work & there isn't anything they are proud of doing let alone doing a good job.....when they can just get by & get the same pay as if they do more.....where is the motivation if it isn't internal???

It also seems to me that it is an attitude about LIFE in general....not just the job. I see the people in KY are proud of the jobs they are doing....even the most menial of tasks. But more than that, they are happy rather than grumpy. They have smiles on their faces....not frowns. They always ask what they can do to help you, & do it, rather than giving excuses as to why they can't. This isn't just on the job, but in their own personal lives everyday. When people live their lives with motivation & are happy & responsible without making excuses in their own lives, that reflects into their jobs.

What is it that is making people so angry in their personal lives? Why don't they care enough about themselves to reflect it all around them. Unfortunately that happiness isn't something that is taught by parents or teachers. Yes, we can be taught to preform well, no matter how we feel about outselves or our jobs, but that makes it even harder. The question is why are people not happy so it can reflect in their whole lives?

Just another aspect of why people are incompetent IMO,


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Default Aug 28, 2007 at 10:58 PM
Oh, I'm not taking it personally! It's way too widespread for me to do that. It frustrates and angers me, yes, but I know I'm certainly not the only one that has to deal with it. I just wonder what kind of world my grandkids are going to inherit. Incompetence!!!


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