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Old Oct 03, 2015, 07:08 PM
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These twisted emotions feels like a knife in my brain
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Old Oct 03, 2015, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Angelique67 View Post
It's probably just little animals like possums and skunks and things.

i hope so
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 12:25 AM
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Keep hearing things outside and heavy rain periodically even tho no rain today. Asked hubby a couple times if it was raining. Herbal tea to calm my nerves. Movies keep making me feel anxious tho. Its been a frustrating month now waiting on a decision...
Im not crazy, my reality is just different than yours.
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 01:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Angelique67 View Post
Who else put their heater on for the first time of the season today?
I've had my heating on for an hour every morning for the past few weeks now. When we had a cold snap I had it on briefly during the day but mostly I've not had it on at other times.

Originally Posted by chickenfoot View Post
Every Irish persons reaction to England being knocked out of the World Cup!

Being Scottish, my reaction was something along the lines of:

Although I have to admit my parents are both English & in previous years I've tentatively supported the English rugby team but something was just different this year...
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 08:41 AM
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had coffee.

i feel so done with facebook i want to delete my account but i think im just gonna delete a few people. im having problem with one person being outlandishly racist towards the president yet this guys on disability. yet he hates the government. hes always negative and talking against christianity but then he says he loves jesus and god. he said he wanted to burn some churches down and i reported it to fb. they did nothing but this guy is potentially dangerous.
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 08:59 AM
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Yesterday felt so much like Sunday to me and today feels like Monday! I had a weird bad dream. And I have to get ready for my appointment tomorrow.
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 09:19 AM
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You should all take the time to read this heartbreaking story. It really rings true for my own relationship.

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Door2015, junkDNA
Old Oct 04, 2015, 11:04 AM
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i had a dream i moved houses with my dad and i was SO happy. when i woke up i was so sad because were still stuck in the same scary location.
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 11:18 AM
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It's 32F and we still don't have the heat on.

When we do, it's 400+ dollars a month.
Old Oct 04, 2015, 11:48 AM
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I talk about burning down churches and stuff way worse than that on Facebook and a lot are Irish Catholics.

Then again they call me a legend or a genius for my weird thoughts like "Cannabis flavoured tampons".
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Hyperagitate View Post
I talk about burning down churches and stuff way worse than that on Facebook and a lot are Irish Catholics.

Then again they call me a legend or a genius for my weird thoughts like "Cannabis flavoured tampons".
Dont worry Tweaky, if North America rejects you you'll always have a place here in Ireland. We appreciate a good rant.
Old Oct 04, 2015, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Hyperagitate View Post
It's 32F and we still don't have the heat on.

When we do, it's 400+ dollars a month.
That's crazy... you must have to wear jackets in the house if it's that cold outside!
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 12:29 PM
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G'wan Ireland!!!!

Loial how are Scotland doing? I've just been following Ireland so far.
Old Oct 04, 2015, 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by chickenfoot View Post
G'wan Ireland!!!!

Loial how are Scotland doing? I've just been following Ireland so far.
They are second in their group at the moment. They should manage to breeze past their last match with Samoa to reach the knockout stages.

I don't really have high hopes for them though, you sort of come to expect defeat when watching Scottish teams... that's what makes the victories all the more sweet.
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"To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive." Robert Louis Stevenson
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 01:05 PM
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Well at least they'll make it out of their group, unlike England in their group of death.

To be honest I'm a typical bandwagon Irish fan and don't know that much about rugby. I only really watch the big games but I've been following the World Cup. It's been pretty entertaining so far, with Japan beating South Africa and England being knocked out so early.

Did you ever play? I would have loved to but there where no girls teams when I was younger unlike now. I was the same with soccer.
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by chickenfoot View Post
Did you ever play? I would have loved to but there where no girls teams when I was younger unlike now. I was the same with soccer.
Yeah rugby was mandatory for the first two years of secondary school. I only played for 1 year though because I broke my arm badly just before I started secondary school & wasn't allowed to play any contact sports.

I used to play on the wing, which was good because I was fast. I was in the fail group though so not much ever happened... all you had to do was run fast at someone as if you were going to tackle them & they'd brick it and off-load the ball...

I'm not a huge rugby fan but I do usually follow the 6 Nations & World Cup, watching just the big matches.
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 02:44 PM
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If I got a "sorry you've been having trouble logging into Facebook" email from Facebook, but I didn't try logging in, could someone have been trying to hack my account?
Old Oct 04, 2015, 02:56 PM
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No this guy is really dangerous. he spouts the N word like hes giving out candy. im not sorry. i dont want to be around anyone who wishes to say that word. its very hateful.
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 02:58 PM
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Got out today. made myself but didnt want to. Got this:

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Old Oct 04, 2015, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Angelique67 View Post
If I got a "sorry you've been having trouble logging into Facebook" email from Facebook, but I didn't try logging in, could someone have been trying to hack my account?
Could be... either that or it's a phishing e-mail trying to get your password on a bogus site.

I turned on two-step verification so that you need a code to access it as well as the password. Not that I really care that much, I hardly ever use FB anyway.
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The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again...

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Old Oct 04, 2015, 03:43 PM
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i read all kinds of things on facebook. facebook has really brought out peoples true colors. i was right to hate people. i have never seen people be so hateful or tied up by politics or religion or even sports. it really shows you the world in its true format.

i used to think i was too nice and reversed that and thought theres gotta be just as many nice people out there as me. theres not. theres very few respectable - mild mannered - well put together people - out there.

facebook is social engineering. i very occasionally post. idk if its this day and age or what but i have never seen people as they truly are until i went on facebook.

its like what maya angelou said "if someone shows you who they are believe them".
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 03:49 PM
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let me just say. im not just talking about this guy. ive seen MANY family members say something about mental illness. its not just politics and religion.
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Old Oct 04, 2015, 03:53 PM
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I loathe the selfies on social media sites. Even grown men are doing it. It's very weird.
Old Oct 04, 2015, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Loial View Post
Could be... either that or it's a phishing e-mail trying to get your password on a bogus site.

I turned on two-step verification so that you need a code to access it as well as the password. Not that I really care that much, I hardly ever use FB anyway.
Thanks Loial. I think it's probably this one person - he's the only person I ever talked to on Facebook. I haven't posted anything there in a long time.
Old Oct 04, 2015, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by 0dysseus View Post
I loathe the selfies on social media sites. Even grown men are doing it. It's very weird.

lol. i post selfies on instagram and very rarely on FB. i have one cousin that post their dirty laundry all over FB. talking bad about this family member and that. thats what i hate.

i think its very important to see where people stand and their true colors but i dont want to mingle with these people as true friends. like that guy.

its slightly a conundrum but im really glad people show their true colors on social media because its like a research project to me. now i know who they are in life and what their all about. i know who to trust and who not to.

i try really hard to be a respectable person. anywhere. because id like people to treat me that way. in a respectable manner.
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