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Old Dec 19, 2013, 05:37 PM
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TheImpossibleGirl TheImpossibleGirl is offline
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As a music education major, I'm required to perform in front of a panel of professors each semester for them to evaluate my progress. I didn't cut it this semester, so I've been put on probation.

I'm so disappointed in myself. I know I can do better than this but it's just so hard. Most of all, I'm scared of what my parents will say. They don't want me to be a music ed major in the first place. I don't think I'll be able to stand their disappointment.
**The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things.The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant**
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archipelago, Christina86, Lillyleaf, purplegiraffe1
Thanks for this!

Old Dec 19, 2013, 06:51 PM
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I'm sorry to hear the news, but you are able to get off probation so it is not over yet. Give yourself some time to absorb it and then try again. Some great people have had to go through things like this, even switch schools, but in the end they made it and were good at what they did. Sometimes are just not good for us, and we have to be gentle with ourselves and ask for gentleness from others if they can't offer support.
“Our knowledge is a little island in a great ocean of nonknowledge.” – Isaac Bashevis Singer
Old Dec 19, 2013, 07:52 PM
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I work at a college student students on academic warning...it's more common than you think. My suggestion? Just putting together a plan...when u tell your parents, follow it up with your plan, and outline how you will get things back on track. It will look like your rally taking responsibility for your performance, and also taking initiative to make goals. Hang in there. It's a learning experience. You can work through it!
Old Dec 19, 2013, 08:11 PM
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My son was put on probation as well. What your parents will likely care about is that you just keep trying to move ahead with your education and not just quitting. We just want to know our kids will make it and along the way, we expect some ups and downs. Don't beat yourself up. Just regroup and keep trying. Probation is NOT rare. Young people in college have a lot of adjustments to make and it can take some time. Hang in there, don't give up and make sure you get the support you deserve and need from your instructors to help you do better in the future.
Old Dec 19, 2013, 08:20 PM
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I was an art student and was put on probation; I had to present my work to a panel as well. Is there a group you can practice with? When you talked with the professors, what areas did they say you can improve in? Does it have something to do with motivation or time being put in?
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Old Dec 19, 2013, 08:58 PM
purplegiraffe1 purplegiraffe1 is offline
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Originally Posted by TheImpossibleGirl View Post
As a music education major, I'm required to perform in front of a panel of professors each semester for them to evaluate my progress. I didn't cut it this semester, so I've been put on probation.

I'm so disappointed in myself. I know I can do better than this but it's just so hard. Most of all, I'm scared of what my parents will say. They don't want me to be a music ed major in the first place. I don't think I'll be able to stand their disappointment.
WOW! I kinda feel like I'm reading about myself!!! I came to the "school and study issues" forum b/c i have been put on academic probation. the only difference, is that i am/was a music performance major, (b/c i dont have the pre reqs to be music ed.) My main prob is that i reeeeeeaaally want to be music ed, and many ppl tell me, that i am "really good in music" and w/me, my parents "expect" me to excel in music everything b/c its my "aspie obsession"... and this semester has been hell for me as 1. im in a new college, new city, 2. living for the first time by myself,3. family is kinda far away, 4. i have a lot of allergies,health probs,LD's, 5. on a med that's only partially working for me, and on top of all this, i'm expected to practice over 14hrs a week, do all homework, go to classes, go to lessons, attend a special meeting for autistics once a week, meet with my mentor at least once a week, see a counselor once a week.... 6. somehow find a primary dr,counselor, nutritionist, and psychiatrist up here, even though i cant drive... I too have felt sooo disapointed at myself for failing almost all my classes this sem, and all b/c i missed a lot due to hospitalization, migraines, etc. plus, i just ddnt have energy to do anything half the time, and there is just sooo much stress on me i feel like if i could do it over, i would change soo much. I got an email saying that based on my juries, my playing level hasnt risen to the level it needs to be at, and that i need to find a new major... i feel too that i cant tell my parents, cuz my dad would just tell me that "i told you so" thing,and mom would be so disapointed.
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Old Dec 20, 2013, 12:41 AM
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TheImpossibleGirl TheImpossibleGirl is offline
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Thank you everyone for your support. It really helps. I have made a semi-plan with my professor (who also happens to be my academic adviser). I'm going to keep in touch with her over break via email to make sure I'm working on what I need to be working on.

I think my professors can see that I'm really trying. They've all gone out of their way to help me. There was another girl in a similar situation to mine and they basically told her to either step it up or pick a new major. I'm glad they didn't do that to me, I'd be heartbroken. I think the differences is how motivated we are. The other girl just isn't motivated.

Jan, I think it's got a lot to do with time being put in. I've got ADHD and it's really hard for me to manage my time and get enough practice time in. I'm taking a 1 credit study skills class next semester though so I hope that will help some.

purplegiraffe, it sounds like you're having a rough time of it. I'm sorry, and I wish we could study together! Keep your chin up; it'll all work out in the end.

Again, thank you for your encouragement. It really made this awful day just a little better.
**The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things.The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant**
Hugs from:
Christina86, Perna, purplegiraffe1
Thanks for this!
Old Dec 26, 2013, 08:58 PM
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Are you talking about the fourth semester/sophomore comps/upper division juries, or just a regular semester jury?

Either way, the panel should have written specifically what you did well and what you need to improve. You should be able to get copies from your lessons teacher or they can at least tell you where to go for them (all music schools are different).

I failed my first fourth semester jury (or whatever your school calls it) and I had to take it again the next semester. I also had to switch professors for my lessons and I just barely passed (by one vote) the second time I took it. Then I had to change my embouchure the next semester and basically had to relearn how to play my instrument from scratch and couldn't play at a college level for months. But despite that, I still graduated with a BM in performance and a BA in music with departmental honors and am currently in the process of applying for my D.M.A. in music (not in performance though, mind you, but I still play). My point is, just because you didn't pass a jury, doesn't mean you can't ultimately succeed.

Also, it doesn't matter how MUCH you practice, it's how EFFECTIVELY you practice. It just bugs me when people say 'you need to practice X hours everyday' or 'oh, I practice X hours everyday!' Practice how much YOU need to, not how much someone else says you need to. And you don't need to announce to the world how much you've practiced. Your abilities will eventually show that. I'm getting off the soapbox now…

P.S. If anybody wants some tips for more effective practicing, PM me.
Thanks for this!
Old Dec 27, 2013, 01:57 AM
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Being put on academic probation isn't any fun, my sympathies. I had the same problem when I was in university, but I wasn't studying anything as strenuous as music (and practice heavy!)

It IS quite common to be put on probation. It looks like you're doing everything in your power to set things straight again. That's fantastic! If you haven't already done it, maybe also meeting with fellow students would also be helpful. At the very least it will cement your desire to continue in music!

My parents were not at all happy that I wanted to do psychology. But it's your decision, and if it makes you happy - then that's what matters. Really (IMO).
Put on (academic) probation
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