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Old Jun 17, 2016, 10:16 PM
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Aviza Aviza is offline
Member Since: Jan 2013
Location: Midwest
Posts: 2,456
Okay today I was transferred a complaint call, technically I'm still in a sort of training situation (just on the floor). Being a semi newbie I offered to transfer her to a manager, she refused. Okay I handled it. Told Asst. Mgr how call went and was told my mistakes, things I could do in the future, etc. But I did well as far as temperament and calming the customer down.

Laster same day, a very disgruntled guy. Way worse than I have ever experienced belittled me personally, the company, and attempted to push buttons. He said in a condescending way, do you understand what I am saying? I said Sir, I am an educated woman, I completely and fully understand what you are saying. I need such and such from you to process this claim. Your company is a sham, you are an idiot, etc. etc. click. I'm kind of thinking he was a plant, we had a client visit today. I mean irrational is one thing, but that was not the usual level we deal with.

Even my best friend says I'm a natural at detachment. I'm like verbally abusive mother, kind of makes you develop thicker skin I suppose.
Son: 14, 12/15/2009 R.I.P.
Daughter: 20
Diagnosis: Bipolar with Psychosis. Latuda 100 mgs.

Old Jun 23, 2016, 04:49 PM
Posts: n/a
I understand where you are coming from. I get irritated or miffed just like most people - but every great once and awhile, someone will completely insult me or be amazingly rude (with me doing nothing on my part to solicit it).

I don't even get mad or respond. I feel detached and frankly dumbfounded that some people just walk around daily life and treat others like that. I'm a sensitive person...I think this might be a defense mechanism from my childhood.
Thanks for this!
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