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Old Apr 14, 2011, 02:28 PM
UpInTheTrees UpInTheTrees is offline
Member Since: Feb 2011
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 38
Hi everyone,

I'm feeling really depressed. I went through a manic epsiode relapse last December and I haven't recovered. I almost feel like I am going backwards. I am having such a hard time to seek relief or comfort. I would like to reach out to friends, but it feels like I'll have to relive the experience (my thoughts of steering my life into a ditch, accepting what happen, facing regrets, low self-esteem from the aftermath) and that feels really hard and frightening to me. I always want to avoid it. I do want the support of friends and hang out again but I am hurting inside and I almost want to cry. I feel like I'll just unload on anyone of them. Eventhough on the surface I appear fine, inside I am crumbling with fear and emotion. I wished this recovery would be linear progression forward, but I think I am facing something I've always tried to avoid. I have tried to breeze through these setbacks pretty much ignoring the feelings. [My feelings are specifically related to losing two semesters of school, losing to school postions for a marketing club, and the dorm housing board, and not communicating sooner to my friends and collegaues about what happened] After the hospital, I felt invincible and able to reintergrate with confidence and ease. Now my depression and feeling of lose and the inability to reconnect with those I was close to. I want to ignore my sad feelings but I cannot. I am afraid to tell them. I am usually the postive and ambitous type with my friends, now I'm suffering and hurt. I don't know what to do or how to convey my feelings or get over my grief. It sucks because my therapist says that talking about it with friends and loved ones will indeed help soothe the pain. But I am avoident because I don't want to relive the experience in my mind everytime I talk to them. However, even as I isolate I relive the experience, it hurts and the future feels bleek. I don't know what to do, I don't know the baby-steps...any advice? I feel the longer I let this happen, the worst it will get and the more difficult it will be to connect with those I was once close to. I can no longer put up a front that everything is alright. I am hurting inside and feel regret, embarassment. This relapse seems so hard to manage. I would love to heard a voice also, than just write and email but I just can't get over the hurdle to call and seek some comfort. =(

Please help

Old Apr 14, 2011, 02:38 PM
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Tsunamisurfer Tsunamisurfer is offline
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Ow! This is so real and I ache for you. Depression can be so isolating and debilitating.
I hope you have a therapist who can help you take those steps to rebuilding your life and friendships.
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Old Apr 14, 2011, 02:40 PM
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lynn P. lynn P. is offline
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(((UpInTheTrees))) - I'm sorry you're so depressed and feeling sad over these losses/changes that have occurred. Do you think your friends would understand or do they have any idea what you're going through? Since you're used to being upbeat with your friends, maybe you're worried they won't respond well. Don't be hard of yourself. Do you feel like calling one nice friend?

ATM everything probably seems like a mountain, you just can't solve. Put aside things you can't control and take small steps in areas you think you can handle. Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon.
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Old Apr 19, 2011, 11:49 AM
DivorcedWoman DivorcedWoman is offline
Member Since: Mar 2011
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I'm so sorry you are going through this situation. I can totally relate to you and had a similar experience. You will make it through. Keep going to your counselor and pdoc and I think your counselor has some good advice, but I know in my case I wanted to hide from my friends because of my shame and low self-esteem.

I was struggling with my bad manic episdoe for a while and beating myself up and reliving it as well. I wasn't in a spot to talk to friends either. I was doing what I could do to get by. When I emerged from the fog and felt stronger my close friends understood and other friendships faded away. One friend loves and understands me and says that sometimes I go into a cave and she understands that it has nothing to do with her and that I just need that time.

You can and will make it through. Do the best job you can do. One day at a time. If you believe in God know that he does have a plan and it will work out the way it supposed to in my opinion.

My bf is in AA and he has me work on a gratitude list when I am feeling low about things. I don't know if you are in a good enough space to do that or not. Just food for thought.
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