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Wild Coyote
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Heart Nov 02, 2019 at 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by Daonnachd View Post
6:00am and I'm up getting ready for work. I have to play host for the All Souls' Day Mass. I can feel the social anxiety swelling inside of me.
Sounds interesting! I am not aware of this event. What does it mean to "play host?"

Yes, I feel your pain. My social anxiety might also climb under the circumstances.

Maybe breathing exercises enroute to the function, and any you can do while there, might be very helpful?

Thinking of you.
Offering positive vibes!

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Default Nov 02, 2019 at 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
Thanks so much everyone!

I tend to be very calm during "emergencies, " which is quite a blessing.
(Mypdoc/ tdoc says I have a very calming Presence which fills the room and shifts her into a state of Peace. Many tell me the same. It's truly a blessing to me, as I do not feel overly stressed when something "emergent" is going on and, if needed, I am able to calmly assess the situation.)

Additionally, it was very, very helpful to know head wounds tend to bleed profusely. Otherwise, the amount of blood might have been very upsetting. The profuse bleeding was making my mom increasingly anxious.

She may have other injuries which might be more noticeable today. I am concerned about any possible whiplash/neck injury. We will see when she gets up and around.. She's still resting comfortably right now.

I am counting our blessings this morning!

Thanks again!
Love to All!
I am very impressed with your ability to handle emergencies and your resiliency in general. Really! I hope to learn to be more like this. Your mom was lucky you were there to help. The fall sounds very scary. I hope you don't find any more injuries. Although it is terrible fortune that she fell, I can't help but notice what good fortune it was that you were there and she was not alone. I hope things look up for you soon.
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Heart Nov 02, 2019 at 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by BirdDancer View Post
I forgot that it is Saturday today. I woke my husband up at 6:10 am for breakfast. I got up a bit after 5 am and started decorating a tart that I made yesterday with piped whipped cream, fruit, etc. It tastes delicious, but the nut oat crust sticks to the pie plate too much. I need to come up with a better crust recipe for it.

Some nights, not all, I have been getting tired very early in the evening. I'm not sure I even made it to 9 pm last night, thus the early morning awakenings. With the fall back in time tonight, that could even be worse. I don't mind being an early riser, but I don't like limitations in seeing hubby after work hours.

At this moment, nothing more to write.
The tart sounds great!
I'd weigh 700 lbs if I lived in your house! All of the delicious food would get the best of me. When I had lost a lot of weight, and had continued terribly tempted, H and I had agreed no desserts in the house! We had both stayed thin with that rule in place.

I am not looking forward to the time change.

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Default Nov 02, 2019 at 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
Sounds interesting! I am not aware of this event. What does it mean to "play host?"

Yes, I feel your pain. My social anxiety might also climb under the circumstances.

Maybe breathing exercises enroute to the function, and any you can do while there, might be very helpful?

Thinking of you.
Offering positive vibes!
Thank you and good morning to you, WC.

I work in a cemetery with a little, old chapel. On certain holidays we have a service for the community with coffee, juice, and pastries. My job will be to set everything up and look friendly. It's a little difficult for me because I'm not Catholic. The local community is small enough that everyone who attends these services will know that I'm not a member of their church. I'm actually a member of a protestant church which has historically been antagonistic toward Catholics. A rough situation even with me being as open-minded as I am, following Biblical rules of compassion and humanity rather than the policies and perspectives of a fallible church.

(A bit longer than I intended, but a good picture painted.)

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Default Nov 02, 2019 at 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Well I did get some poor quality sleep , better than nothing so I’ll take it.

One of my best friends on the planet is just really struggling so hard right now. We have talked back and forth on WhatsApp a lot .. I just wish I could paddle to Cape Town South Africa and wrap her in a great big hug and not let go

I forgot to call the GI office this morning to have them send the ultrasound order to my local hospital instead of having to drive 1.5 hours north. They closed at noon .. oooops good to know, I’ll call them Monday.

The worries of the “ first of the year” has started already started today for me. It’s all about paying our medical deductibles and property taxes. Most years I’m able to pack all my deductible into my T and Pdoc visits.. there company is laid back and very willing to work with you on paying the balance over the whole year and not in a couple months.

But I’ll have to deal with my rheumatologist and likely Pulmonary specialist bills will take up a larger portion and they have a much stricter guidelines as to paying balances. Yay more worried

We have been invited over to a friends house for a party tomorrow night. I like Brent he’s a nice guy , his wife? Yeah well I/we really don’t care for her much at all... she’s a “ knows everything” type. I’ll of course me nice and polite, I’m a chameleon and can act however I need to be which is a skill I have perfected over the years and has served me well.

I have no desire to drink but I’ll need a bit of help for just dealing with many people so my trusty Xanax will help that issue. Who knows it might be a lot of fun ?? If not ? It was just a good reason to put on cute boots a dash of makeup and have a great hair night.

It’s so funny... my pic you see isn’t current ... 4 years ago I stopped coloring my hair. It’s a bright silver white and long and I get so many compliments on it... so many more than when I kept it colored, makes me wish I had stopped coloring 2 decades ago.. I could have saved soooo much money lol ... yesterday at least 10 of my daughters friends on Facebook send me random “ I love your hair “ messages. Really made my day LOL.

I legit can’t figure out how to change my picture on here, I have tried to follow directions.. I’m just a dummy maybe I’ll give it another try one day.

Anyone have weekend plans ????

Hugs and cookies ~~~
Oh, I'm glad you got a bit of sleep. Sad it wasn't an all out 10 hour burst of restful healing dead to the world sleep.
Your hair sounds gorgeous. Mine is just faded and salt and paper.

…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
Desiderata Max Ehrmann

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Default Nov 02, 2019 at 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
Good Morning!

Am up checking on my mom.

We'd been out for appointments, errands all day yesterday. Took her to (an early) dinner. Came home.

She'd tripped, fell, hit her head (on way into house from garage).
You know head wounds, blood everywhere.

She was in a panic. I was trying to stop the bleeding . Needed to calm her down. Ice. Could see she'd need stitches/staples. More ice.
Called my sister who was just 5 miles away. We took her to the ER for wound care and for neuro. assessment.

4 staples. Wound 1.5 inches long.. Neuro exam fine.
If you recall, she'd torn both rotator cuffs a few days ago.

(She wasn't dizzy/light-headed. She'd tripped. She is older; however, she is very young for her age. People think she is 10-15 years younger than her age. Some have suggested a nursing home. She is simply not nursing home material.)

I have been checking on her, intermittently, through the night.
I am grateful her injuries are limited to a laceration and some bruising.

I am so very tired!. I might get a chance to sleep soon and/or sometime today.

Would someone please take a look.... is there a black cloud over my head?
Oh, how life likes to present challenges!
Keep smiling!

Much Love to All!
Ooo tough luck. Yeah head wounds are bloody. Glad you stayed calm and was able to deal. What about independent living apartments for mum? Depending on the state you live in they can be an option.

…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
Desiderata Max Ehrmann

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Default Nov 02, 2019 at 11:42 AM
Got SLEEP last night! Compromised and took one and a half ambien. Read a bit turned off the light and instant slumber. Woke up refreshed. No scratchy eyes, no headache, my back isn't hurting. Oh it was great! Sadly no dreams but that's ok.

…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
Desiderata Max Ehrmann

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Default Nov 02, 2019 at 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Do you think you need to fiddle with your meds right now with this new job starting up ?

Maybe put it in a baggie and tape it to your toothbrush or tape on your coffee maker... something you can’t miss doing in the mornings ??

I’m so glad you were all safe from the storm
Yes, you’re probably right. I think I will set a separate alarm so that it will remind me. I also have to keep water ready to go on my nightstand so I don’t have to run to the kitchen and get distracted on the way.

RS is at yet another car show today. So I’m alone with my son. It’s ok, I have a lot to do. I need to get my laundry done, and wash my son’s blankets. I have to sort out my winter clothes and put them away, and take my summer clothes and put them away for the season. I also have to go through my son’s clothes and give away the clothes thT are too small. His shirts still fit but his pants are too short. I just got him a lot of new pants but he keeps wearing the short ones. He looks like he’s wearing high waters lol. He does NOT care what he looks like, which is nice for now because I don’t have to argue with him about buying designer clothes. Wal Mart here we come!

Not sure what’s going on tomorrow, depends if RS has to work or not. I do know I’m making a nice warm pot of turkey chili. It’s finally cold enough here to justify it!

Of course it is happening inside your head. But why on earth should that mean that it is not real?
-Albus Dumbledore

That’s life. If nothing else, that is life. It’s real. Sometimes it
f—-ing hurts. But it’s sort of all we have.
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Default Nov 02, 2019 at 01:23 PM
Christina, so nice to hear about your silver-white natural hair color! I get lots of compliments on mine too i think because it is shiny and that's not always the case with grey hair. The temporary dye i used the other day just turned my hair a shade darker as it did not work and that's okay -- lots of people have black hair and silver-white is nicer on me. Jet black looks too unnatural on me. The temp dye is washing out nicely and i should be back to my 100% natural silver-white shade in no time. Also glad i gave up permanent dye tho it was mostly due to incompetence about keeping my roots dyed. Such a bore and what for? Everyone likes my silver-white hair too! We're Silver Foxes!

BirdDancer, your dessert sounds yummy and i so admire your skill in the kitchen, the work of a true artisan!

Fern, thanks again for your support! Means a lot to me!

Tried another Overeater's Anonymous last night as was feeling the need and i like it even better! It's in a vibrant busy community center near an eclectic neighborhood so there are staff and users about and the security is much better. There's a small quiet area with benches and windows for me to wait in out of the hubbub and relax where there was no access to the venue at the other location unless i had the key FOB. Arriving on the bus means i don't have a cozy car to wait in and it was going to be a problem in the Winter. The meeting room is spotless with a shining floor whereas the other meeting room was shabby and rundown and in need of a good scrubbing.

This meeting is in a bit of an interesting but slightly sketchy neighborhood with a lot of nightclubs but there were no hoodlums lurking around last night and there are lots of peaceful people about, even a horde of parents with kids attending events at the community center so i felt quite safe. The walk there takes me thru a lovely small park with a moving memorial sculpture and an area for dogs to run free and socialize and be their silly selves. There was a whippet with a custom dog-coat on yesterday. Whippets are so skinny with only short sleek fur so it's important for them to have good dog-coats in the harsh Canadian Winters.

The meeting was very moving with more of a variety of ages and i shed a few tears and thought i might lose control and sob but i fought for control and was okay. The sharing resonated with me many times. I was there early and set out chairs and one woman thanked me before and after the meeting and said she was so glad to arrive and see that the set-up was done. So i feel i contributed tho i do not share in support group meetings and never will as i have tried many times over the past 28 years, attending various groups and i find it harmful to talk intimately and not get any feedback, not get any sign that i have been heard. Makes me feel invisible and i already have terrible anxiety about being invisible -- i don't need it made worse in a support group. I just listen and take what i want and give other my silent support.

Having a quiet day enjoying "The Young and the Restless." So good to be getting back to my shows! I just mute the sound and close my eyes during the commercials and it's a nice break. My Arab cab driver the other day watches too! What a hoot!

Fought with myself about attending a live video game enactment downtown today and managed to get myself to say home so that i can use my puny supply of energy for good self-care for my dog and i. I'm sad to be missing out on all the fun but first things first. I think the Seroquel withdrawal is contributing to my epic fatigue. Something is wearing me out, that' for sure. Sleeping well and eating well so not sure what it could be. Have been recovering from my "acute fear reaction" since the day of the Canadian Climate Strike on September 27th so surely i should be better by now? It's been over a month! Mind you i had fire after fire to put out in the aftermath so perhaps i am still dealing with some of the fall-out even now. Sigh! Would be nice to feel some energy returning one day soon.
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bizi, fern46, Nammu, Sunflower123, Unrigged64072835, Wild Coyote, wildflowerchild25
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Default Nov 02, 2019 at 02:42 PM
The Mass went well. Everyone was pleased with the treats we had out for them afterward.
On the other hand, when I went out to start my car to go to work, I could tell that the timing was off. The shop had told me that the timing was going and that the headgasket should also be replaced. I just didn't expect it as soon as this. That's going to be several thousand dollars. Why does this have to come right now?


Last edited by Daonnachd; Nov 02, 2019 at 02:43 PM.. Reason: There's a G in "go."
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Heart Nov 02, 2019 at 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Daonnachd View Post
The Mass went well. Everyone was pleased with the treats we had out for them afterward.
On the other hand, when I went out to start my car to go to work, I could tell that the timing was off. The shop had told me that the timing was going and that the headgasket should also be replaced. I just didn't expect it as soon as this. That's going to be several thousand dollars. Why does this have to come right now?
Thanks for sharing about your role earlier today. Interesting.

I am very sorry about your car!
It is a tough time for you and your family.
I hope things will look up soon!
Keep us posted!?

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Heart Nov 02, 2019 at 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Well I did get some poor quality sleep , better than nothing so I’ll take it.

One of my best friends on the planet is just really struggling so hard right now. We have talked back and forth on WhatsApp a lot .. I just wish I could paddle to Cape Town South Africa and wrap her in a great big hug and not let go

I forgot to call the GI office this morning to have them send the ultrasound order to my local hospital instead of having to drive 1.5 hours north. They closed at noon .. oooops good to know, I’ll call them Monday.

The worries of the “ first of the year” has started already started today for me. It’s all about paying our medical deductibles and property taxes. Most years I’m able to pack all my deductible into my T and Pdoc visits.. there company is laid back and very willing to work with you on paying the balance over the whole year and not in a couple months.

But I’ll have to deal with my rheumatologist and likely Pulmonary specialist bills will take up a larger portion and they have a much stricter guidelines as to paying balances. Yay more worried

We have been invited over to a friends house for a party tomorrow night. I like Brent he’s a nice guy , his wife? Yeah well I/we really don’t care for her much at all... she’s a “ knows everything” type. I’ll of course me nice and polite, I’m a chameleon and can act however I need to be which is a skill I have perfected over the years and has served me well.

I have no desire to drink but I’ll need a bit of help for just dealing with many people so my trusty Xanax will help that issue. Who knows it might be a lot of fun ?? If not ? It was just a good reason to put on cute boots a dash of makeup and have a great hair night.

It’s so funny... my pic you see isn’t current ... 4 years ago I stopped coloring my hair. It’s a bright silver white and long and I get so many compliments on it... so many more than when I kept it colored, makes me wish I had stopped coloring 2 decades ago.. I could have saved soooo much money lol ... yesterday at least 10 of my daughters friends on Facebook send me random “ I love your hair “ messages. Really made my day LOL.

I legit can’t figure out how to change my picture on here, I have tried to follow directions.. I’m just a dummy maybe I’ll give it another try one day.

Anyone have weekend plans ????

Hugs and cookies ~~~
(((((( ~Christina ))))))

So much to consider!
You make wise decisions and will be fine.
I hope you have some FUN tonight!
Much Love

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Heart Nov 02, 2019 at 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
Got SLEEP last night! Compromised and took one and a half ambien. Read a bit turned off the light and instant slumber. Woke up refreshed. No scratchy eyes, no headache, my back isn't hurting. Oh it was great! Sadly no dreams but that's ok.
Good News!
I appreciate your ongoing suggestions and support!
Much Love!

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Heart Nov 02, 2019 at 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
Wow! Sounds like you kept your cool in a frightening situation. I hope your mom’s wound heals quickly. I’m glad it wasn’t more serious as falls and the elderly can be.

May I say how concerned I am about your well being? You have been doing so well but I’m worried that you are approaching your limit (if you haven’t already passed it). I care.

I hope you get good quality rest sometime today and things start calming down.

It certainly seems like a black cloud is following you around but you will persevere! Pure sunshine surrounds your aura and your soul although it may not seem that way right now.
HI Jennifer!

I apppreciate your support and your concern.

It surely does feel like there is a lot going on. I am feeling a bit "punch-drunk" from it all. I am trying to remain relaxed, just putting one foot in front of the other. I try to not get ahead of myself. It's really all I can do. Time will tell how various situations "shake out."

At this point in my life, I hope to be past the highly anxious responses to life events; however, there is never any guarantee and anxiety might make a visit when I least expect it! I fully intend to keep my cool and to make sound decisions when it is time to make any decisions.

I know you have some similar responsibilities in your life and I always admire your fortitude. Much Love

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Default Nov 02, 2019 at 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by whatever2013 View Post
Christina, so nice to hear about your silver-white natural hair color! I get lots of compliments on mine too i think because it is shiny and that's not always the case with grey hair. The temporary dye i used the other day just turned my hair a shade darker as it did not work and that's okay -- lots of people have black hair and silver-white is nicer on me. Jet black looks too unnatural on me. The temp dye is washing out nicely and i should be back to my 100% natural silver-white shade in no time. Also glad i gave up permanent dye tho it was mostly due to incompetence about keeping my roots dyed. Such a bore and what for? Everyone likes my silver-white hair too! We're Silver Foxes!

BirdDancer, your dessert sounds yummy and i so admire your skill in the kitchen, the work of a true artisan!

Fern, thanks again for your support! Means a lot to me!

Tried another Overeater's Anonymous last night as was feeling the need and i like it even better! It's in a vibrant busy community center near an eclectic neighborhood so there are staff and users about and the security is much better. There's a small quiet area with benches and windows for me to wait in out of the hubbub and relax where there was no access to the venue at the other location unless i had the key FOB. Arriving on the bus means i don't have a cozy car to wait in and it was going to be a problem in the Winter. The meeting room is spotless with a shining floor whereas the other meeting room was shabby and rundown and in need of a good scrubbing.

This meeting is in a bit of an interesting but slightly sketchy neighborhood with a lot of nightclubs but there were no hoodlums lurking around last night and there are lots of peaceful people about, even a horde of parents with kids attending events at the community center so i felt quite safe. The walk there takes me thru a lovely small park with a moving memorial sculpture and an area for dogs to run free and socialize and be their silly selves. There was a whippet with a custom dog-coat on yesterday. Whippets are so skinny with only short sleek fur so it's important for them to have good dog-coats in the harsh Canadian Winters.

The meeting was very moving with more of a variety of ages and i shed a few tears and thought i might lose control and sob but i fought for control and was okay. The sharing resonated with me many times. I was there early and set out chairs and one woman thanked me before and after the meeting and said she was so glad to arrive and see that the set-up was done. So i feel i contributed tho i do not share in support group meetings and never will as i have tried many times over the past 28 years, attending various groups and i find it harmful to talk intimately and not get any feedback, not get any sign that i have been heard. Makes me feel invisible and i already have terrible anxiety about being invisible -- i don't need it made worse in a support group. I just listen and take what i want and give other my silent support.

Having a quiet day enjoying "The Young and the Restless." So good to be getting back to my shows! I just mute the sound and close my eyes during the commercials and it's a nice break. My Arab cab driver the other day watches too! What a hoot!

Fought with myself about attending a live video game enactment downtown today and managed to get myself to say home so that i can use my puny supply of energy for good self-care for my dog and i. I'm sad to be missing out on all the fun but first things first. I think the Seroquel withdrawal is contributing to my epic fatigue. Something is wearing me out, that' for sure. Sleeping well and eating well so not sure what it could be. Have been recovering from my "acute fear reaction" since the day of the Canadian Climate Strike on September 27th so surely i should be better by now? It's been over a month! Mind you i had fire after fire to put out in the aftermath so perhaps i am still dealing with some of the fall-out even now. Sigh! Would be nice to feel some energy returning one day soon.
Your new group sounds lovely! It is nice to have another option and I'm glad there is a relaxing place you can get away to if needed.

Enjoy your show! A nice relaxing binge session sounds perfect
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Default Nov 02, 2019 at 04:02 PM
We are headed out to a party. I’d prefer to stay home but my husband is excited I’ll be back later to catch up on here.

Happy Saturday cookies for all ~

Helping others gets me out of my own head ~
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Default Nov 02, 2019 at 04:13 PM
Well getting a nights great sleep wasn't enough to block my temper. Physically I feel great but mentally I just want a day alone. I had it all planed out. Wash the bedding, make sweat-n-sour chicken and take a shower. Mum had gone back to bed so I thought she was done with the washer/dryer. A lighthearted Christmas movie was just over and I was going down to get my sheets up and here comes mum huffing and puffing, you left your sheets downstairs. That irritates me cause I was just planing to get them. I go make my bed then get in the shower, I get wetted down, then there's no water! At least I hadn't got to the shampoo yet! I was yelling and throwing a fit because my plans were affected. But it is true that every time I plan to shower mum takes a shower or washes clothes. There's not enough water pressure for both. And not enough hot water for two showers the same day. I had planed to shower yesterday but mum beat me to it. So I acted like an *** and now feel like one! At least I made a nice lunch for us today. That turned out.

…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
Desiderata Max Ehrmann

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PC PoohBah!
Default Nov 02, 2019 at 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
We are headed out to a party. I’d prefer to stay home but my husband is excited I’ll be back later to catch up on here.

Happy Saturday cookies for all ~
I hope it is a great time. See you in a bit
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Heart Nov 02, 2019 at 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
Well getting a nights great sleep wasn't enough to block my temper. Physically I feel great but mentally I just want a day alone. I had it all planed out. Wash the bedding, make sweat-n-sour chicken and take a shower. Mum had gone back to bed so I thought she was done with the washer/dryer. A lighthearted Christmas movie was just over and I was going down to get my sheets up and here comes mum huffing and puffing, you left your sheets downstairs. That irritates me cause I was just planing to get them. I go make my bed then get in the shower, I get wetted down, then there's no water! At least I hadn't got to the shampoo yet! I was yelling and throwing a fit because my plans were affected. But it is true that every time I plan to shower mum takes a shower or washes clothes. There's not enough water pressure for both. And not enough hot water for two showers the same day. I had planed to shower yesterday but mum beat me to it. So I acted like an *** and now feel like one! At least I made a nice lunch for us today. That turned out.
Oh, my! I cannot imagine having those types of issues to work out on top of everything else we have to "hammer out" in order to co-exist with our moms! Mothers can be sweet and loving, of course! Yet, start messing with their showers and/or with their "laundry day," look out!

Oh, I wonder if that might work for you, Nammu? Here, we each have a laundry day. We do laundry other days, too. We both negotiate using the washer whenever. Yet, on our "laundry day," there is no negotiation and my day is my day. Period. SHe can use the washer on my day, if I am done and only if I am done. Vice versa.

Showers? Sounds like that is a very tough situation.
Sounds like it might be contingent upon your mom being willing to shower every other day, so you can have a chance to shower?

And so... you've had a hard day? Don't be too hard on yourself!

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Heart Nov 02, 2019 at 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
We are headed out to a party. I’d prefer to stay home but my husband is excited I’ll be back later to catch up on here.

Happy Saturday cookies for all ~

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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