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Old Nov 24, 2024, 01:33 AM
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Photonate Photonate is offline
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(First let me say I hope this is the right section for this thread, wasn't sure and decided this one seemed like the most appropriate, so please move to correct one if not, thank you!)


So I just wanted to put this out there, for whoever it may concern, anybody it relates to, with the hopes that it may help in whatever way, even a tiny bit! Bare with me though, as I'm not always exactly the most eloquently spoken...


As someone who has struggled with various mental health problems, as well as just a lot of the general crap life tends to throw at people of course, I've also struggled with and can relate to the complete loss of hope and desire to just give up.

But, I've realized through it all, that if anything, say, if I had just one wish, my wish would be that I never, ever give up, no matter what life throws at me - because not only do you never know what the future holds with 100% certainty, what could be waiting for you right around the corner, but also, because adversity, struggles and hardships, cold and dark times, have a funny way of shaping human beings in incredible ways they wouldn't expect them to, and bringing out the best in them illuminating abilities and feats they had no clue they were capable of.

You can't have a real appreciation for light without knowing the darkness, and furthermore, if all you ever knew and ever did know was light, it would just be taken for granted and not be as special.

It won't be sunny forever, but it won't rain forever either!

Live in, and enjoy the moment as best as you can. You can't change the past, and can't predict the future with 100% certainty - it's called the PRESENT, for a reason 😉

Your best days could be right around the corner, and you'd never even know it.

Never, ever give up...
For anybody wanting to give up...
Hugs from:
mote.of.soul, NovaBlaze, T4bbyCat

Old Nov 24, 2024, 05:43 AM
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NovaBlaze NovaBlaze is offline
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Originally Posted by Photonate View Post
But, I've realized through it all, that if anything, say, if I had just one wish, my wish would be that I never, ever give up, no matter what life throws at me…[]…

…Your best days could be right around the corner, and you'd never even know it.

Never, ever give up...
Thank you, @Photonate, for sharing these beautiful thoughts.

This has been my mantra that has got me through the darkest and most frightening times of my life, and one that I continue to follow. Never give up, there is always hope.
Hugs from:
mote.of.soul, Photonate
Thanks for this!
Photonate, T4bbyCat

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