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Old Feb 17, 2024, 10:00 PM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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Originally Posted by JaneOnceMore View Post
Thanks for the support! I hope to alternate days of strength-training with cardio. Will do the best i can, have trouble sticking to a program. Grats on your impressive workout!
That is a new for me, "Grats" for "Congrats"! thank you!
Bipolar I w/psychotic features
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Old Feb 18, 2024, 01:13 AM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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I did a whole hour of stretching today. I absolutely love stretching.

Also, wore my weighted vest for 15 minutes.
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Long term side effects from medications, some of them discontinued:
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Old Feb 18, 2024, 11:25 AM
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@JaneOnceMore I also got a box of salted carmel popcorn Premier Protein shakes and they do taste like popcorn.

The scale is finally heading down. Today is one of my 1619 calorie days. I've had 734 so far. We're having a pot roast for dinner. Idk. I might just sleep the day away. I'm tired.
They say that we're out of control
And some say we're sinners
But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

Sam Smith-Fire On Fire
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Old Feb 18, 2024, 06:56 PM
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I did gentle cardio of ten laps of the hallway and casual stretching. I was disappointed to not feel any better after. But it did switch me over to drinking water, so at least that's something. I have a terrible Coke Zero habit. I'm surprised i don't feel sore from my fledgling strength training yesterday. I had watched a video on proper squat techniques so perhaps that helped. My right knee feels a little sore but that's it. My quads are fine.
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Old Feb 19, 2024, 10:20 AM
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I did some jumping jacks that trigger my athletic asthma
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Dear Diary today will be different today I can smile it will be genuine because today is the day I get to live.

This life will be good and beautiful, but not without heartbreak.

In death come peace. But pain is the cost of living.

Like love, it's how we know we're alive.

And life goes on.

That my life weird, messy, complicated, sad, wonderful, amazing, and above all epic and I owe all to Stephen. - Eleanor Gilbert Vampire Diaries
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Old Feb 19, 2024, 02:31 PM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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Originally Posted by Buffy01 View Post
I did some jumping jacks that trigger my athletic asthma
oh you poor thing. I know athletic asthma is hard to manage
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Old Feb 19, 2024, 05:16 PM
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I did my simple strength training routine. I bent deeper into the squats. I could feel soreness from the past two days. So that's three days in a row of exercising. It's a start!

One unexpected bonus of exercising is that it switches me over to drinking water, as it seems unnatural to drink pop afterwards. And i'm eating some veg and some protein pretty regularly.

I feel good about it all. Even tho i am not doing a lot, compared to doing nothing, it's still worthwhile. And i am just starting out. We have a pretty gym in the building and if i get stronger i can use it.

I've never done strength training before. I've always only done cardio. So it's something new for me and i'm looking forward to seeing what the results will be. I'm excited!

Last edited by JaneOnceMore; Feb 19, 2024 at 06:57 PM.
Old Feb 19, 2024, 09:24 PM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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Originally Posted by JaneOnceMore View Post
I did my simple strength training routine. I bent deeper into the squats. I could feel soreness from the past two days. So that's three days in a row of exercising. It's a start!

One unexpected bonus of exercising is that it switches me over to drinking water, as it seems unnatural to drink pop afterwards. And i'm eating some veg and some protein pretty regularly.

I feel good about it all. Even tho i am not doing a lot, compared to doing nothing, it's still worthwhile. And i am just starting out. We have a pretty gym in the building and if i get stronger i can use it.

I've never done strength training before. I've always only done cardio. So it's something new for me and i'm looking forward to seeing what the results will be. I'm excited!
very exciting!

what does the pretty gym in the building contain?
Bipolar I w/psychotic features
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Geodon 40 mg
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Gabapentin 1200 mg+Vitamin B-complex (against extrapyramidal side effects)

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Old Feb 19, 2024, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Tart Cherry Jam View Post
very exciting!

what does the pretty gym in the building contain?
It has an aerobics room with two treadmills, an elliptical, and an exercise bike. The weight room has many machines, and free weights.
Thanks for this!
LadyShadow, Tart Cherry Jam
Old Feb 20, 2024, 11:16 PM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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60 mins of rolling and stretching in a new class.

Let me tell you, rolling the quads over a foam roller hurt majorly! I could not keep doing. But everything else in the class I did and even surprised myself when I was able to hold the happy baby pose.

Made two acquaintances. One with a much larger woman, probably in her 80s and in top physical shape and the other with a woman a little older than me. Both seemed lovely.

I have to come to this class more. The teacher said that rolling gets easier with practice.
Bipolar I w/psychotic features
Last inpatient stay in 2018

Geodon 40 mg
Seroquel 75 mg

Gabapentin 1200 mg+Vitamin B-complex (against extrapyramidal side effects)

Long term side effects from medications, some of them discontinued:
- hypothyroidism
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Old Feb 22, 2024, 10:01 AM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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Went to Orangetheory fitness for a late class last night. The class was difficult for me and by the rate of perceived exertion, I was working hard, but I earned fewer Splat points than usually based on the heart rate. Maybe the workout just felt subjectively difficult to me because of the hours of meetings I had had prior.

7 splat points (they recommend a minimum of 12)

269 calories burned

AVG HR 126
Peak HR 150

31 minutes in green zone (all on the treadmill)

2.93 miles

4661 steps
Bipolar I w/psychotic features
Last inpatient stay in 2018

Geodon 40 mg
Seroquel 75 mg

Gabapentin 1200 mg+Vitamin B-complex (against extrapyramidal side effects)

Long term side effects from medications, some of them discontinued:
- hypothyroidism
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Old Feb 22, 2024, 10:06 AM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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Be sure you see this exercise can decrease NAFLD risk factors even if there aren't reductions in belly fat

there are other benefits to exercise which accrue even if you do not lose weight
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Geodon 40 mg
Seroquel 75 mg

Gabapentin 1200 mg+Vitamin B-complex (against extrapyramidal side effects)

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Old Feb 22, 2024, 05:15 PM
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I've had about 1240 calories today. I had a breakfast shake and a couple Atkin bars and a pouch of tuna and a can of soda and a plain double filet o fish and a bag of broccoli.

I think my Wellbutrin is causing me to crave better foods. Also stopping coffee has helped out my stomach a lot.

But I keep gaining weight and Idk why. I've put on like 5 pounds these last 4 days doing nothing wrong.
They say that we're out of control
And some say we're sinners
But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

Sam Smith-Fire On Fire

Last edited by Mountaindewed; Feb 22, 2024 at 05:31 PM.
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Old Feb 22, 2024, 08:21 PM
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I did my 2nd day of aerobics at home tonight. Tonight I used a much more difficult exercise than yesterday and I'll probably be sore tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll do a gentle yoga if I'm sore or the same thing I did today (except day 2 of 4 for variety) if I can tolerate it. I'd love to work up to doing 2 of the videos per day plus walking with my mom and the dog on days I can do it.

This weight has to go. I had lost 25 lbs but after I hurt my back at Christmas I gained 6 lbs back. That's not acceptable.

I also feel better physically and depression wise after the exercise, even just the last 2 days of it. That's really good too.
Bipolar 1, PTSD, GAD, OCD.
Clozapine 250 mg, Emsam 12 mg/day patch, topamax 25 mg, ,Gabapentin 1600 mg & 100-2 PRN,. 2.5 mg clonazepam., 75 mg Seroquel and 12.5 mg PRNx2 daily
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Old Feb 23, 2024, 03:47 PM
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I've eaten today but I'm not really hungry again. Not like I was before. Ive just had a couple protein bars, some steamed vegetables, and 4 Eggo pancakes to eat. And a Coke and a breakfast shake to drink. I have over 300 calories left in my budget to do something with.
They say that we're out of control
And some say we're sinners
But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

Sam Smith-Fire On Fire
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Old Feb 23, 2024, 04:49 PM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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Originally Posted by Mountaindewed View Post
I've eaten today but I'm not really hungry again. Not like I was before. Ive just had a couple protein bars, some steamed vegetables, and 4 Eggo pancakes to eat. And a Coke and a breakfast shake to drink. I have over 300 calories left in my budget to do something with.
Are they some high fiber variety? I have not eaten Eggo brand in years and do not know what new and healthier stuff they have come up with.
Bipolar I w/psychotic features
Last inpatient stay in 2018

Geodon 40 mg
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Gabapentin 1200 mg+Vitamin B-complex (against extrapyramidal side effects)

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Old Feb 23, 2024, 05:15 PM
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I knew I'd be sore from yesterday's workout. I assumed it would be my quads. I was pleasantly surprised when I got up this morning; I was only a little sore. I went for a walk and my abs gave up. They hurt so much. I hope to try some yoga tonight but I may just have to take a day of rest and try again tomorrow. I can't believe how sore I am. But it makes sense; I was following the instructions on my video yesterday and they had a lot of ab involvement. If I can do that several times per week and for a longer frequency (2/4 programs daily) I may get some ab muscles back.
Bipolar 1, PTSD, GAD, OCD.
Clozapine 250 mg, Emsam 12 mg/day patch, topamax 25 mg, ,Gabapentin 1600 mg & 100-2 PRN,. 2.5 mg clonazepam., 75 mg Seroquel and 12.5 mg PRNx2 daily
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Old Feb 23, 2024, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Tart Cherry Jam View Post
Are they some high fiber variety? I have not eaten Eggo brand in years and do not know what new and healthier stuff they have come up with.
I don't know about high fiber but I did use the bathroom a lot today. Sorry for tmi. They were seasonal winterberry ones. So not real healthy.
They say that we're out of control
And some say we're sinners
But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

Sam Smith-Fire On Fire
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Old Feb 23, 2024, 09:26 PM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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I went to Orangetheory fitness again for a treadmill class. I thought that I would take it easy because I was still recovering from a cold, so I only worked with incline (as instructed for today's class – they have different instructions each class which helps keep you interested) and not with speed. So I either walked at 3 mph with incline varying from 4 to 10% or recovered at 2 mph with 0-1% incline. I was very surprised that I got a good workout from it, acquired the minimum number of Splat points (unlike yesterday) including one minute in the max Red zone, and felt so wonderful afterwards. My face looked pleasantly red and I was so refreshed. But it was not as late in the day as yesterday, so maybe I just wasn't so tired and was able to get more out of the workout. I also enjoyed all the stretches post workout. And I burned more calories than yesterday while not feeling that I worked that hard.

Since I did not do speed work, of course I ended up covering a shorter distance and walking fewer steps than yesterday.

13 splat points (they recommend a minimum of 12)

291 calories burned

AVG HR 127
Peak HR 152

23 minutes in green zone and 7 minutes in the blue zone while recovering between high intensity intervals
1.87 miles

4201 steps
Bipolar I w/psychotic features
Last inpatient stay in 2018

Geodon 40 mg
Seroquel 75 mg

Gabapentin 1200 mg+Vitamin B-complex (against extrapyramidal side effects)

Long term side effects from medications, some of them discontinued:
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Old Feb 24, 2024, 04:36 PM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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I went to Orangetheory for their 8:15 AM class this morning. Was able to do this because I woke up early and quite alert and Oura registered more than an hour of deep sleep which for me is a positive occurrence as I usually log very little deep sleep and sometimes none. So, I went.

Did rowing, treads, medicine ball exercises, exercises with dumbbells, and stretching at the end. Really enjoyed the workout but logged only one Splat point. Partly it was because the strength exercises were not cardio and partly because I simply did not get my heart rate up as much as I had done previously during evening classes with the same level of incline. I asked the coach about it and he said that yes, time of day can influence the HR (in the morning, being rested, it might be easier). He emphasized that the HR numbers, although useful, should not be the only guide to determine if I benefit from the workout. He said that if I am sweating, I am doing fine.

These are my numbers:

1 splat point (they recommend a minimum of 12)

276 calories burned

AVG HR 110
Peak HR 139

22 minutes in green zone and 25 minutes in the blue zone (not so bad)

0.48 miles on the treadmill

2122 steps

1581 m on the rower

AVG rower wattage 44
MAX rower wattage 72 (I will try to increase the wattage metrics)

500 m split 3:05 min
max 500 split 2:34 min

AVG stroke rate 28 strokes per min
Bipolar I w/psychotic features
Last inpatient stay in 2018

Geodon 40 mg
Seroquel 75 mg

Gabapentin 1200 mg+Vitamin B-complex (against extrapyramidal side effects)

Long term side effects from medications, some of them discontinued:
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Old Feb 24, 2024, 05:20 PM
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Today I've had a bottle of Coke, 35 pretzel Goldfish, an Atkins wafer bar, a bag of Green Giant corn in butter sauce, a burger from Sonic and a Route 44 Diet Coke with sweet cream. It was around 1340 calories, 137 carbs, and 54 grams of protein.

Today is one of my 1600 something days, but I am tired and my stomach is off.
They say that we're out of control
And some say we're sinners
But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

Sam Smith-Fire On Fire
Old Feb 24, 2024, 06:06 PM
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MD - By item, thats 1/3 food, 2/3 junk, 100 pct processed. They have these bags of like 3 or 8 heads of Romaine lettuce now, you can just chop one up, add some dressing, and youve improved your diet a bunch! You dont even have to wash them. They stay fresh the whole week in the fridge. Will also help you poop. I eff around with statistics and my diet too (look i only had 2 treats today, what a tiny number!) So i am definitely pointing 4 fingers back at myself.
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Tart Cherry Jam
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Mountaindewed, Tart Cherry Jam
Old Feb 24, 2024, 08:47 PM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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Originally Posted by unaluna View Post
]They have these bags of like 3 or 8 heads of Romaine lettuce now, you can just chop one up, add some dressing, and youve improved your diet a bunch!
They also have those giant clear boxes of individual Romaine leaves. You do not even need to do any chopping. I actually eat them straight out of the box without a dressing, but that may be due to laziness. They are still good and very crisp.
Bipolar I w/psychotic features
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Long term side effects from medications, some of them discontinued:
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- obesity BMI ~ 38
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Old Feb 24, 2024, 08:48 PM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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Originally Posted by Mountaindewed View Post
Today I've had a bottle of Coke, 35 pretzel Goldfish, an Atkins wafer bar, a bag of Green Giant corn in butter sauce, a burger from Sonic and a Route 44 Diet Coke with sweet cream. It was around 1340 calories, 137 carbs, and 54 grams of protein.
This is woefully deficient in protein.
Bipolar I w/psychotic features
Last inpatient stay in 2018

Geodon 40 mg
Seroquel 75 mg

Gabapentin 1200 mg+Vitamin B-complex (against extrapyramidal side effects)

Long term side effects from medications, some of them discontinued:
- hypothyroidism
- obesity BMI ~ 38
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Old Feb 24, 2024, 08:50 PM
Tart Cherry Jam Tart Cherry Jam is offline
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I went to a 2 hour yoga workshop this afternoon. The poses (stretches) were either supine or sitting or tabletop/child pose, nothing standing. I was able to do most of them, except when my belly got in the way.

And then there was a lot of breath work. That was a little difficult because I am still congested, but I still greatly enjoyed the workshop.
Bipolar I w/psychotic features
Last inpatient stay in 2018

Geodon 40 mg
Seroquel 75 mg

Gabapentin 1200 mg+Vitamin B-complex (against extrapyramidal side effects)

Long term side effects from medications, some of them discontinued:
- hypothyroidism
- obesity BMI ~ 38
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