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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Aug 06, 2020 at 10:20 PM

M. HI. Feeling discombobulated.

C. Tell me more. What’s on your mind?

M. I have a lot of business and personal tasks on my plate and it feels overwhelming.

C. Go on

M. We’ve already discussed the business actions that I have to do, but it’s the personal stuff that is getting on my nerves.

C. Go on. What are the tasks you’re worrying about?

M. Okay. I list them out in know specific order

- Need to go to DMV to get my license renewed. Not eligible to do it online. Means I have to plan on half a day at the f’ing DMV office

- Need to get my new car worked on. Dealer told me they’ll need 5-10 days to do the body work

- Need to go to jury end of August

- Trying to get Comcast to put my new modem in their system. I’ve called like 10x and have to go spend 5 minutes on their ******** voice menu system before I’m told it will be an hour wait and that they’ll call me back. To be fair, they do call but my f’ing phone doesn’t ring and their message goes straight to f’ing voicemail, which means I start all over again. Why in the f*** can’t they just have a f’ing human being answer the f’ing phone and solve my issue in one f’ing call? It’s costing me money because I added my own modem.

- Have to go to f’ing Comcast store to return my old modem and cable box

- I’d like to get a new phone because our phones are old - the glass cover on mine is cracked - plus I’m tired of spending so much money with AT&T

C. Okay. Anything else?

M. Those are the major ones. The problem is that I also have a lot of big business tasks.

C. Okay. Let me throw out some ideas.

M. Okay

C. I suggest you go to the Comcast store to return the modem and cable box and see if they can take care of registering your modem. Try the link they sent you to see if that works. Do this on Saturday.

M. Okay

C. Monday morning go to the DMV. Just bite the bullet and go. Your license expired, so you have no other option since you can’t do it online. Take some work stuff with you that you can work on while you wait, so it’s not a complete waste of time.

M. Okay

C. Think of it this way. Do what I suggested and you’ll have these two headaches off your plate. Use tomorrow to work on your business projects.

M. Okay . That’s reasonable.

C. These are pain in the *** tasks we all have to do from time to time. I understand how it feels overwhelming because you also have a lot of big business projects to complete and that you want to get this all done by Thursday before you leave out of town.

M. Okay. You’re right. I think I was overly sensitive because I spent all day on car stuff and f’ing Comcast, but I’ll just do it and make the best of it.

C. Good. Was that helpful?

M. Yes, definitely. I needed to vent. Thanks for the advice. I’ll take it.

C. You bet.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Aug 07, 2020 at 12:50 PM

M. Need to vent and decompress

C. Sure. What’s up?

M. I had to deal with two hassles this morning that are really bothering me

C. Tell me

M. First, I found out that an account that I thought had been settled would no longer show up on my credit report. I had to look through a bunch of bank statements, which I find unnerving. Always gets me rattled.

C. Go on

M. This is significantly hurting my credit score. It’s not showing in one report, but is in another. 100 point difference. Very frustrating. Plus, I had the firm I used look into it. Feel like I wasted their time.

C. So, what are you going to do next?

M. The current program is to make monthly payments, which I’m doing but they’re not reporting, which is frustrating because I thought once we settled and got on the program that this would positively affect my credit score.

C. Go on

M. Well I’m not planning on taking out any loans or credit cards that will impact my score, so I’ll keep making the monthly payments. At least, I now know that I can raise my score by over 100 points once I payoff the remaining balance.

C. Yeah, it doesn’t make sense to make a large payment right now because you got a no interest payment program. Keep making the payments the next several months and finalize payment when you have more funds.

M. Makes sense. Had another issue yesterday. N mistakenly used an old account so I had to call CS to correct the issue. I always get tense around money issues.

C. My advice is to continue to watch your spending. I’d also suggest you stop using US for A payments. Simplify your financial life.

M. That’s good advice. I’ve been meaning to do that. All I have to is switch A from US to CS. I will do this the next time I place an order. I’m having my bookkeeper update my statements.

C. What was the other issue?

M. I needed to activate my new modem with f’ing Comcast. I found a way to do this online and now it’s taken care of.

C. Good. At least, you now have this off your plate.

M. I had to spend close to three hours dealing with this BS.

C. Well, you just got two big things off your plate.

M. Just found out the DMV is open on Saturday, so I’ll be there at 730am tomorrow to get that out of the way and then I’ll go to X store afterwards to return the old modem and cable boxes.

C. Good. What else is top of mind?

M. Want to get the SDPM AX plan taken care of. I also want to get a new phone because mine is broken.

C. Okay check TM out. They might have good deals and you might be able to do all this online.

M. Will do

C. Did this help?

M. Surprisingly, yes. It amazes me how helpful it is for me to use this venting exercise to help me calm down.

C. It’s not good for the brain to have all these negative and highly emotional thoughts racing through your mind. So, venting and journaling is a proven and effective stress management and mental health management technique. Keep it up. I appreciate your resilience.

M. Thanks. Appreciate that. Couldn’t do it without you!
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Default Aug 09, 2020 at 03:58 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Go for it. What’s up?

M. I woke up super angry today

C. Why is that? What’s bothering you?

M. I’m pissed at DT. I’m tired of all the BS and posturing. I can’t stand the m*****.

C. What else is bothering you?

M. I’m pissed that I got tricked into spending close to $550 on a subscription I only meant to spend $47 on. I tried to cancel online before the order was placed but I just checked my account and wasn’t able to. So, now I need to call them tomorrow morning and cancel the order.

C. I know this is a hassle and I can definitely see why this would upset you. For one, it’s a lot of money and, secondly, you felt like they deceived you into doing this.

M. And I’m pissed at myself for falling for the bait. The way they set up their web payment process made it seem like you were just agreeing to the $47 fee but it turns out it was for a lifetime membership which is not what I wanted.

C. Okay, so you noted the number to call. Call them in the morning. They seem like a reputable outfit. This is definitely a correctable problem, don’t you think?

M. I suppose, but I’m pissed I made the mistake to begin with

C. Look at it this way, in less than 24 hours this issue will be resolved.

M. Okay. That helps.

C. We all make mistakes and, fortunately, this one can be fixed with one call. What else?

M. I’m pissed that the BTD is not an overnight fix and that it’s not clear if the BB are supposed to be heard or not. It worked the first night. I think I’m mostly pissed because I still woke up feeling tense despite all the stuff I’m doing and using to sleep better.

C. Go on

M. To be fair, I am sleeping better. I was in a good mood yesterday because I slept well but in a foul mood this morning.

C. What else?

M. I’m also pissed because I’m being indecisive as to whether or not I should continue using N. The way I’ve been working with him is becoming too time consuming and I now have other outlets for support including PC and CM.

C. This morning you started to set up weekly goals, which is I think a better and more useful way to work with him. It is helpful to have an accountability partner. Start working with him in this way: set weekly goals and limit your daily updates to communicating whether you’re on track or not. I suggest you stop writing the Magna Carta every day. Do this for the next couple of weeks.

M. Okay. That’s good advice.

C. What else?

M. The issue that is constantly lingering is around finances.

C. Go on

M. Put it this way. I would feel a lot better if we had the PN project signed. It’s frustrating that we haven’t heard anything from A.

C. Go on

M. I am actually feeling very good about PM.

C. Oh yeah? Tell me more

M. I feel great about the new PB design for AR. I think this was a major breakthrough in fact.

C. That’s great. Why do you say this?

M. Because it truly represents GS better than any other solution.

C. That’s great to hear

M. I genuinely believe PM is finally where I’ve always inspired for it to be. It looks fantastic inside of SFL.

C. Here’s my advice. You ready?

M. I’m all ears

C. Soldier the f*** on. I genuinely understand why all these little issues - the mistake + indecision + BT question - would irritate you. We now have a game plan to deal with them, which helps. As it relates to PM, soldier the f*** on! Foot on the f’ing _____!

M. Go on

C. Keep after it! Because you have persevered you were able to realize this breakthrough. Plus, don’t forget about the S partnership. You’re also making great strides here again because of your perseverance. I don’t think you give yourself nearly enough credit for your mental toughness and work ethic. You continue to find a way to get up off the mat and fight on. You don’t give up. Yeah, it’s hard as f*** a lot of the time. No f’ing doubt about it, but somehow you have persevered to the point where you just made this major breakthrough. That’s exciting.

M. Thanks for the encouraging words and tough love advice. I needed that.

C. Good. Now go have an enjoyable rest of the day with BLCC. Sound good?

M. Definitely

C. Was this helpful?

M. Big time

C. Feel better

M. 100%! Thanks so much.

C. You got it. Talk later.

Last edited by Noexcuses2020; Aug 09, 2020 at 04:20 PM..
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Default Aug 14, 2020 at 05:21 PM

M. Have some stuff on my mind. Need to decompress.

C. Let’s hear it. What’s on your mind?

M. Thank God, things are getting better, but I’m still feeling a bit frazzled

C. Go on

M. Didn’t sleep great. More specifically, I went to bed close to 12:30 and it took me a long time to fall asleep.

C. What happened?

M. We’re staying at a hotel and watched TV until really late. N needs it on to fall asleep. I did a poor job with my pre-sleep routine. I didn’t take a hot shower, which normally helps me to fall asleep. The room was hot. And I went to be nervous about not being able to fall asleep.

C. Okay, what else?

M. Like I said things are getting a lot better, but I was/am feeling overwhelmed. I have a lot on my plate, both personal and professional.

C. Go on

M. Plus, I got this email threatening to take all my accounts. It frankly scared me. It turned out to be an email scam. I researched it and found out it’s ********. Still pissed me off that there are f’ing a-holes in the world that do this and that people fall for it. F*** them!

C. Go on

M. Well I’m obviously a bit tired today, but I did take the time to go through my personal and business to do’s and plan out my game plan for Monday and the rest of next week.

C. Did this help?

M. It did. It was useful to write this out and update my calendar. I obviously still have a lot to do, but I now at least have a better handle around how I’m going to get it done.

C. Great

M. I’m feeling a bit discombobulated because I’m out of the house and feeling tired.

C. What else?

M. Well, I’m pissed at f’ing M because he never f’ing calls me. F*** him!

C. Do you want my advice on what to do about this?

M. Please

C. F*** him. In other words, use this anger to drive you to work hard on yourself and your business. No more second fiddle. Put your foot on his f’ing throat. Channel your intensity in a positive way. Having said this, continue to lean into kindness whenever you interact with him. You no longer need to depend on him. If you work on a project together, which is still very possible and good for both of you, be kind AND assertive. Don’t let him treat you like his subordinate. You can do this is a positive manner and acting with complete confidence in yourself. Make sense?

M. It does. It’s helpful to vent here and to direct the anger in a positive way while not being consumed by it. So, thanks for the advice.

C. What else?

M. Well, the other thing that bugged me was that I ate too much “healthy” food last night before going to bed.

C. Go on

M. I ate something like 4 protein bars plus a bag of low carb chips. So, while these were on my permitted list of foods, they’re processed foods and combined to over 1000 calories. I ate these because I was stressed.

C. It’s okay. It happens. Don’t make it worse by beating yourself up about it. Tonight, just follow your evening routine, and, make sure to take a hot shower. Be smart about your media consumption. Try not to overwhelm your brain with so much digital content. Mellow out before bed. Do your gratitude list. Think kind thoughts about CC. Drink water. Stop eating after 8 pm, 9 at the latest. One more thing.

M. Yes?

C. Please stop checking email after 5pm. I know this is hard, but do this instead: pray. Do your “Our Father’s” and “Hail Mary’s” along with your other prayers. Pray for a relaxed mind. Do loving-kindness prayer. Calm your heart and mind. Also, don’t watch or read the news after 8pm. Just by glancing a few websites, you’ll know what’s going on. The news angers you. You know what’s going to be said. The news is meant to scare you. Everybody is just criticizing each other. Your brain doesn’t need to hear all of this criticism or see images that trigger anger.

M. Makes sense

C. Before you do anything, you might want to consider asking yourself, “Is this good for my brain or bad for my brain?”. You’ve battled depression and anxiety for a long time, it’s time to start be kinder and nurturing to your brain, heart, and spirit. Make sense?

M. It totally does. I feel like in some ways I’m addicted to watching the news and political commentary.

C. I get it. It’s a distraction and in many ways very interesting, but try to find other ways to focus your time, emotions, and energy.

M. Got it. Definitely makes sense.

C. Good. Was this helpful?

M. Yes, big time. Thanks so much. I feel a lot better now.

C. Great. Take care and we’ll talk later.

M. Thanks again.

C. You bet.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Aug 23, 2020 at 11:37 AM

M. Hi. Need to decompress

C. Sure. What’s up? What’s on your mind?

M. I’m angry

C. Why?

M. I didn’t get much done and I stayed up late binge watching Netflix and it took me a long time to fall asleep because I was tense. I ended up having to get out of bed at around 2am to write my to do list, journal what was on my mind, and tidy up the kitchen. Fortunately, I then was able to fall back asleep.

C. Okay. So, let me get this right. You’re angry because you felt you didn’t get as much done yesterday as you would have liked and because you didn’t follow your pre-sleep routine, right? Anything else?

M. Yeah, that’s right. I’m also angry because I ate late and weighed more than I wanted to. I have been working out and was making progress but because I ate too many protein bars late I weighed a lot more than I wanted to. It felt like because of my lack of discipline I erased all the weight and fat loss progress I had made.

C. Okay. I can understand how this might be disappointing. Given this, what would you like to do differently?

M. I’d like to do a better job of drinking more water. I hardly drank any water yesterday. I think this helps with minimizing hunger late night. I also can chew gum. And, maybe have some tea or broth. I’m trying to do IF, so need to stop eating after 8 pm.

C. So, in other words, you’d like to be more consistent about following your evening routine, right?

M. Yes, especially on the weekends. I started watching a really good new series on Netflix and ended not getting to bed after midnight on Friday and Saturday.

C. Okay, so what might you do different moving forward?

M. I could find out how many episodes the series is and allocate my watching over several days and nights. I could also limit my watching from 7 to 10, and then put on some chill music and start my evening routine.

C. I think this is a very good idea. You have fortunately been sleeping a lot better this week and you overall did a good job with pre-sleep during the week. I agree it’s important to maintain that consistency over the weekend. Having said that, I also don’t think you need to beat yourself up over this.

M. Go on

C. Regarding the weight, keep doing your workouts. Plan out out your meals. Drink more water. Chew gum. Do deep breathing and stretching and maybe journal and update your to do list at around 8pm to set this as the transition point to start your fast and wind down.

M. I like that idea. I also like tidying up. I can change into my pajamas and maybe even take a warm shower around 9.

C. Good. Very good. Let’s plan on doing that tonight. Regarding the diet, stick to K today. Have two meals with lots of veggies, healthy fats, and fiber. Also, plan on drinking 100 ounces of water.

M. Okay will do.

C. I want to explore your anger around not getting much done yesterday.

M. I didn’t do any work yesterday.

C. Well you did work all week. I’m not saying that maybe you could have not gotten some work done yesterday but it was Saturday and there’s nothing wrong with taking a break. You did do another very strong workout to keep your streak going.

M. Yes, that’s true. I pushed myself to do this because I wanted to keep my streak going.

C. If you had to do yesterday all over again, what would you have done differently?

M. Well, I didn’t do my daily planning in the morning. I’m finding this is a very helpful way to make me more intentional about what I want and need to get done in terms of personal, business, and wellness actions. This would have helped me, for example, to have been more conscious about drinking water. Overall, I ate very healthy yesterday. I didn’t eat any junk food. Instead, I had lots of protein with salad. The problem was the late night eating of the protein bars that while low carb and high protein I ate only because I was anxious.

C. It’s great you understand this. Tell me more about the anxiety about work stuff.

M. I just feel overwhelmed sometimes. The DPO project is taking a lot longer than I anticipated and I still haven’t completed the SPM project. I’ve been putting that off for weeks.

C. Let me interrupt. You haven’t put it off. You haven’t procrastinated. It’s just that the DPO project has taken a lot longer. You’ve been putting in great effort on that project. That’s a big difference. It’s not like you’re slacking off TV or not working.

M. I guess, but on Thursday I mostly did personal stuff.

C. Yeah, you completely cleaned the house. You threw out a bunch of stuff and bought some storage items. The house looked great at the end of the day, right?

M. Yes, it did.

C. Decluttering the house helped declutter your mind, so this was very good use of your time.

M. It did feel good to have our home look clean and neat.

C. Want some advice on what to do today and tomorrow?

M. Please!

C. First, definitely, do your action planning this morning. I’d allocate a couple of hours to work on the DPO project. It’s mostly writing which you enjoy doing.

M. Okay

C. Do this this afternoon after you and N come back from eating lunch. Make sure to do something together today outside of the house.

M. Okay. Where should I work?

C. If you want to get out of the house, you can either do it while you’re out with N. Or you can do it in the kitchen while listening to some chill tunes. Or you can go to the vista point and work in your car.

M. All good options. What else?

C. Do your “Great Start” morning routine. Take a shower. Drink lots of water first thing. Then do your planning.

M. What about the ACI project?

C. My suggestion is that you dedicate 30-60 minutes to work on this today after you work on the DPO project. You can do this with the TV on in the background. I’d also email MM and DJ today. Also go to the ATM. Does this seem reasonable and doable?

M. Yes, it does.

C. Use tomorrow morning to work on the DPO and ACI projects. Have your meeting at noon as scheduled. Do your workout, then bring in your car to the shop. Make car rental arrangements today. Make sense?

M. Yes, it definitely does.

C. Was this helpful?

M. Very! Thanks so much. I now have a plan to get back on track.

C. Great. Have a great and loving day.

M. Thanks. You too.
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Default Aug 23, 2020 at 09:24 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Go for it

M. Was feeling a bit discombobulated earlier in the day

C. Go on

M. I caught a lady taking a picture of our home this morning. I asked her what she was doing. She said she was taking a picture to see if people were still living here. I asked her who she was working for. She said she didn’t know. I asked her again and she gave me the name of a company I never heard of. Kind of scary.

C. Well you got the documentation regarding your LM approval, which is really good news. That’s got to be a relief.

M. It is. I just reread the document and it looks good. I have a question. I’ll call tomorrow to get clarification.

C. Good. Feel better about this after you read the document?

M. I do. Thanks.

C. What else?

M. N has been feeling stressed because of her work. We went to brunch today and I was feeling stressed because of the woman taking the picture and N was stressed because of work. It was good to get out of the house but I was feeling much more stressed today than yesterday.

C. Okay. Go on.

M. Came home and worked on the DPO project. Because I was stressed I had a tough time getting started, but I finally did. It ended up taking a lot longer than I expected to complete this one portion of the project. It took me about 3 hours just to do this one section.

C. Let me say this. I think it’s very commendable that despite the stressors you mentioned that you still found the energy and focus to work on the project. What you worked on today was the trickiest and most important part of the DPO program and presentation.

M. Thanks

C. You made very good progress this week.

M. Go on

C. For one, you got approval for the new S project. This is great news not only because of the near term opportunity but also because it can be the foundation for other similar projects.

M. That’s true

C. Second, DJ was delighted with your DPO program. You really did do an outstanding job. You worked your *** off. This is a very big deal because this could be a major offering for ST.

M. Good point. I sometimes lose sight of the good stuff I’m doing. I just focus on the negative it feels like.

C. The other very big and positive news is the news about PW saying they have budgeted big money for a new project. This has to feel great.

M. It does. It really does. It was very encouraging news.

C. Also, don’t forget about the HL project. That’s another income opportunity. And you also have a couple of opportunities with SM.

M. True

C. Also, you’re on the brink of releasing PM on A/X. That’s also very exciting.

M. Thanks for pointing these positive things out. It was helpful to take a big step back and also consider the positive things that are happening.

C. Want some advice?

M. Please. Yes, I do.

C. I’d write the draft of the email to MM tonight. Tomorrow morning get up early and work on the AR CI project. Plan on heading out after your meeting. Also, take care of the car rental tonight. Take a break. Eat a light dinner. Write the MM and DJ email drafts. Watch your program. And do your wind down plan per your routine. Okay?

M. You got it.

C. BTW, good job with your diet today.

M. Thanks.

C. Have a good one

M. You too. Thanks again.

C. You bet.
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Default Aug 24, 2020 at 10:59 AM

M. Morning. Need to decompress.

C. Let’s hear it. What’s up?

M. Got an email from MM that troubled me.

C. What about it bothered you?

M. I thought we had an agreement on a quote we made over email.

C. And?

M. He sent over all these documents dated January that led me to believe he was going back on his quote from two weeks ago. It was super confusing and led me to believe he now wants to charge me way over what we agreed to.

C. What did you do?

M. I sent him a polite email stating to disregard the January requests and to simply abide by the requests I made earlier this month plus a couple of small changes.

C. And?

M. I haven’t heard back from him yet. I sent the response about 45 minutes ago.

C. So, what’s the worry?

M. I had budgeted what he quoted me two weeks ago, so it’s distressing that he might come back with a much higher quote.

C. Is it possible that he might not?

M. I suppose. The changes I requested are minimal.

C. Go on

M. I woke up really early because I had this and N and the DPO project on my mind.

C. Go on

M. I was obsessed with completing and memorizing the TT for the ED = EDR slide.

C. Why?

M. Because it’s such an essential if not the most essential concept of the DPO program and I’m supposed to present it later this week to CL and DJ, so I want to have it down pat.

C. Go on

M. I worked on it from like 430 am to 830am. I iterated over and over again. I’m very pleased with how it turned out, but I’m tired from lack of sleep and from spending so much mental and emotional energy on just one f’ing slide.

C. Your attention to detail, creativity, and writing ability is outstanding

M. Thanks, but it takes me so f’ing long to come up with the right logic and phrasing.

C. You know full well that writing is about editing. You’ve read and heard about the countless stories of writers who wrote “hundreds” of edits until they finally got it right.

M. Yes, that’s true, but I’m still tired.

C. I see that you rescheduled your meeting for later today, which is good. I suggest you spend an hour on the AR CI project, get the slides printed, and rent the car. I also want you to get in your workout today. You’re making very good progress on weight and fat loss. I noticed that you are now less than a pound from your weight loss goal and .1% from you body fat loss goal. That’s great work yesterday. Well done.

M. Thanks

C. Okay, so let’s get to it. Do your Great Start routine and then get after it.

M. Okay. Will do. Thanks for hearing me out and helping me put things in perspective.

C. You got it. Feel better?

M. Yes. Much better. Thanks!

C. You bet. Talk later.
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Default Aug 24, 2020 at 07:02 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Go on

M. I’ve been up and working from 430am and have had a hectic day

C. Go on

M. Was stressed last night. Woke up early and immediately started to work on a project that was keeping me up. Worked on this for about 3 hours. This was very high concentration work.

C. Go on

M. Immediately after this I wrote an email that was stressful. I then created a spreadsheet with about 100 or so entries. Spent about 3 hours on this. Very tedious.

C. Go on

M. I then did an intense workout for about 40 minutes. Really pushed myself.

C. Go on

M. I then went online and rented a car and then drove about 45 minutes to drop off my car to get some work in it. I got a ride to the rental car agency. My driver license expired so couldn’t rent a car. Ended taking an Uber. Was super muggy in the car. Felt like throwing up. I’ve been up for 12 hours and been working nonstop, so I’m beat and feeling stressed, hungry, and down.

C. Listen it’s no wonder you feel tired and stressed. You’ve been going full bore for 12 hours working on a bunch of different business and personal tasks and projects. Plus these are highly stressful.

M. Yeah and I feel like a loser and I’m pissed because f’ing M didn’t get back to me. I’m paying him a bunch of money and the m*** f*** doesn’t return my f’ing email. That’s f’ing ********.

C. Go on

M. Plus the place is a f’ing mess and I’m way too tired to do any work.

C. Here’s my advice. Call it a day. You’ve already done more today than most people do in a week, so give yourself a break.

M. I suppose

C. Plus, you were very clear with M describing exactly what you needed. And you did so in a very friendly manner. So, it’s also possible he got what he needed and is now working on this. You can also make this assumption.

M. I suppose

C. Listen, make yourself something healthy to eat. Try to tidy up. Plan out tomorrow and then call it a day.

M. Okay. Good advice. Thanks.

C. Sure. Take care.

M. Thanks for listening.

C. You bet
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Default Aug 25, 2020 at 05:31 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Go for it

M. I’m super angry

C. Why?

M. Because m***f’’ing M never got back to me. I have no f’ing idea how much he’s going to charge. F*** him!

C. Why does this bother you so much?

M. For one, I’m the f’ing customer. I can’t imagine treating a customer like this. It lacks professionalism and professional courtesy.

C. What else?

M. I’m afraid he’s going to charge me a ton and then I have no choice but to pay him because he has the product hostage.

C. Is there anything positive about this situation?

M. Well, I suppose there is. PM will be updated with a great new look and be approved to be on the A/X in just a couple of weeks.

C. Tell me more. What’s so great about this?

M. Well I’ll finally have a viable and marketable product.

C. If memory serves, you were very excited about the description, right?

M. That was a long time ago, but, yes, I was.

C. I think it will be helpful for you to revisit and update the description. I know it’s a lot of work, but I believe it will help you get re-energized about PM and its market potential.

M. You’re probably right, but that’s part of the problem. I’m overwhelmed by how much work I still have to do. These are all major and very time-consuming and energy-intensive projects. I feel like I’m always way behind. It feels like the more I do, the more I have to do.

C. Go on

M. Take the last two days, for example. Yesterday, I spent 4 hours on top of another 4 hours I spent on the weekend working on one f’ing page. One f’ing page!

C. How did it come out?

M. It came out great. I created it for a presentation I’m supposed to give this week, but I haven’t heard back from the person to whom I’m supposed to give it.

C. Go on

M. DJ said he was going to set up a meeting with CL this week. CL has yet to respond. He also didn’t respond to an email from AK that I was copied on. I’m sick and tired of getting zero response from CL.

C. Tell me about what you worked on today.

M. I created a great brochure. I worked on it for something like 5 hours.

C. You’re happy with how it turned out?

M. Yes, it’s outstanding if I may say so myself.

C. Really?

M. Yes. I can’t believe I was able to create a brand new program and describe it fully and in a very compelling manner on one page. I am very pleased with this.

C. What are the positive implications?

M. Well, the good news is that this is going to be for a client project. Once built, I have the opportunity to replicate this across 100’s of S clients - at least, that’s the theory.

C. You really have produced a lot of great work lately.

M. Thanks, but I’m beat. It is a bit of a gamble because it’s not clear if or to what extent ST is going to use these new offerings.

C. Is that what’s gnawing at you?

M. Yes. I see so much potential but f’ing CL won’t engage and that’s frustrating the **** out of me.

C. Go on

M. I feel completely rejected

C. I’m going to go CBT on you and say that you’re catastrophizing this situation. Yes, CL has not gotten back to you, but he hasn’t gotten back to DJ or AK either or so it seems.

M. Okay. Fair enough.

C. Moreover, the feedback you have gotten from DJ who is CL’s peer has been super, super positive, right?

M. That’s true, but CL is the ultimate decision maker.

C. Didn’t you get some encouraging news from MB?

M. Yes, I almost forgot. He mentioned he was hearing good things, which was encouraging.

C. I know this has been very intense work and that you’re fried.

M. I am. Layer on top of this everything that’s going on in the world. All the yelling. All the lies. All the protests. All the deaths. All the layoffs. The fires. The hurricanes. The shootings. So much negative news. So much uncertainty. I cried “uncle” today and decided to stop watching the news. My brain is tired of getting assaulted every night. Also, I’ve been nervous about N’s issue. N needs to get surgery. This frightens me because of my love for N.

C. Yes, it’s a very stressful time. But, please count your blessings. There are so many people that are 100x worse off than you.

M. That’s true

C. Do me a favor and give me three things you’re grateful for.

M. Okay: 1. That I have deep love in my life 2. That I have a roof over my head 3. That I will have a “new” car that is going to look like new next week after the body repair work 4. That I do have some near term income opportunities 5. That I will be joining ST as a consultant 6. That I have created two great service offerings for ST 7. That I will have two “new” products next week. 8. That PM will finally be listed on A/X 9. That PW has set aside a big budget for our services. 10. That we have a deal with FB for the service product I created today. 11. That SL confirmed we got approved for the LM and that we don’t need to worry about the F/C. 12. I’m losing weight

C. You cheated. That’s more than three!

M. Yeah, I wanted to see if I could get to a dozen

C. Great. Did this help?

M. Yes, I’m still beat, but this definitely helped. I’m talking to MP later today, which should also help.

C. Great. Okay. Take care.

M. Thanks again

C. You bet
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Default Aug 26, 2020 at 11:43 AM

M. So I think I may have made a bit of a breakthrough yesterday from speaking with Dr. P

C. Tell me

M. He told me about a study where they put a bunch of dogs in a cage and then increased the noise level to a point that was so excruciating that the dogs attacked each other.

C. Interesting

M. It made think about how high the “noise” level is right now because of all the chaos we are experiencing, and how we’re seeing amped up levels of anger.

C. What else?

M. It also made me realize that we have a choice regarding the noise level to which we’re willing subject ourselves.

C. Go on

M. For example, at a personal level, I know that I become very agitated from watching the news and political commentary programs, especially the latter. Exposing my brain to all this hate, anger, and vitriol very negatively impacts my mental health. Bombarding your brain with all this negative imagery and messaging can’t help but cause I’ll effects and lead to or exacerbate unhappiness.

C. Makes a lot of sense

M. As I mentioned, I was beat and mentally fried yesterday. I did a few things which had a rather quick and beneficial impact.

C. Go on

M. I listened and meditated to a video by a woman who talked about love and compassion.

C. What else?

M. I then spoke with Dr. P. It was nice to speak with someone who cares about my well-being. It helped me verbalize my angst and put things in perspective. The story about the dog experiment resonated.

C. Go on

M. As a result of this conversation, I decided to take a vacation from watching the news and political commentary programs. So, last night instead of watching this, N and I watched “The Nutty Professor” with Jerry Lewis. Very enjoyable and innocent. He was so silly in this movie. We couldn’t help but laugh.

C. I like this idea

M. Went to bed and listened to another video by this woman on self-compassion. Then fell asleep and I slept much better.

C. That’s great to hear

M. Intuitively and intellectually, it makes sense that exposing the brain to positive input while at the same time limiting or eliminating its exposure to negative input can have a very positive effect on one’s well-being and happiness.

C. Makes sense

M. Another thing that causes me stress is checking email. I notice that I feel rejected when I check email and don’t see a response to an email. I know that because of my history that I am particularly sensitive to rejection.

C. Go on

M. So, I decided that I’m going to limit the number of times I check email. I feel like I’m zinging my brain with a tiny taser every time I check email.

C. Go on

M. Like I said earlier I’m going to not watch “negative” programming for the rest of the week. Instead I’m going to watch old movies preferably comedies. I’m also going to listen to classical and easy going music. I’m also going to listen/watch/read content related to personal development, neuroscience, exercise, diet, brain health, stoicism, motivation, and those types of topics.

C. Excellent.

M. I’m going to make maintaining a calm mind and optimizing my brain health a priority.

C. I think this is a great idea. Keep me posted.

M. Will do

C. Have a good one

M. You too

C. Was this helpful?

M. Definitely. Thanks again.

C. You got it
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Default Aug 30, 2020 at 12:17 PM

M. Got a minute?

C. You bet. What’s on your mind?

M. Lots

C. Go on

M. I think I’m starting to make a breakthrough

C. Go on

M. I’m learning that leaning into loving-kindness and making this my operating system can be the source of sustainable happiness.

C. Go on

M. There are two factors at play. One is shifting my primary focus to other's wellbeing and away from worrying about my challenges. In other words, to make the choice and give myself permission to stop worrying. This does not mean I’m going to be carefree and irresponsible.

C. Go on

M. I realize that I am at my best, most productive, most creative, and happiest when I’m in focused on being loving and kind that I’m at my best.

C. I like that

M. As a Catholic, I pray that God help me be a good disciple. To be kind, wise, patient, and calm. It’s easy to give a compliment. To give a smile. And to do so without any expectation of reciprocation. This latter part is challenging.

C. Why do you say that?

M. I recognize that I have a lot of anger and disappointment and often times feelings of shame. I identify as being an angry person and a worrier. However, I also know that at my core I am a VERY loving person, and that I have been blessed and continue to be blessed with having love in my life.

C. I like where this is headed. Go on.

M. I feel lighter when I’m focused on kindness.

C. Go on

M. Key to all this is surrendering.

C. What do you mean?

M. It’s recognizing that there is a universal force. I call this God.

C. Go on

M. This is challenging because I tend to be analytical, but I can’t deny that I have experienced and witnessed what can only be described divine intervention.

C. Go on

M. I’ll give you a few examples. I was in a car accident in my 20’s. The car was totaled. I was hit by two cars in oncoming traffic on a freeway. Had I not been hit by the second car when it did, my car would have been facing traffic from the driver side. Instead, the second hit was on the passenger side. I didn’t break a bone. My face was scarred but I didn’t break a bone. The car was totaled but I wasn’t.

C. Go on

M. Another example is my not going blind out of my left eye. I had a detached retina and the diagnosis was that we caught it too late. At the time, I was technically blind out of my left eye. I had three surgeries. Long story short, before a meeting with the eye doctor to have my eye evaluated, while I waited alone in the waiting area, I prayed. I prayed to the Virgin Mary my Mom’s favorite. The doctor who wasn’t my regular doctor did a test and said something to effect that I don’t know how but your retina has reattached.

C. Wow.

M. My beloved was born on the exact day I was baptized. N is the love of my life. I’m convinced that my Mom intervened from heaven and brought us together. We grew up in two different countries, but somehow we were brought together.

C. That is amazing. Go on.

M. I’m going to surrender by letting a focus on gratitude, kindness, and Love to take me where it takes me.

C. I like this shift in mindset and heart-set.

M. Thanks

C. Was this helpful?

M. Big time

C. Great. Have wonderful day.

M. Thanks. You too!
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Default Sep 13, 2020 at 01:49 PM

M. HI. Need to decompress

C. Go for it. What’s on your mind?

M. Up until last night I wasn’t sleeping very well. In fact I had two sleepless nights in a row.

C. I’m sorry to hear that. What do you think happened to cause this?

M. There was a bunch of stuff that came together all at once

1. Email from C about large payment supposed to make by end of the month. Immediately went into panic mode because it was a lot larger than I had anticipated.

2. No response to C. Made me feel rejected. Thought they were pissed at me. Hurt my feelings. Made me feel like they were only interested in taking my money and that they were ignoring me because I told them I was going to take care of the issue on my own.

3. Our product update is way f’ing late. I hadn’t heard from our developer for two weeks. That pissed me off. Finally heard back on Friday. Told me won’t be ready until 9/24 because they ran into some issues. This is also going to have implications on cost.

4. F’ing SF didn’t get back to me until about a month after our initial discussion. And we can’t have two listings. Pissed me off that it took so long to get an answer.

5. Feeling overwhelmed because I’m working 4-5 big projects and I’m falling behind and my time is limited because I have a program I’m starting tomorrow. Plus, have been working on one key project and haven’t gotten any feedback.

6. COVID-19 impact on physical and financial health and how it doesn’t seem to be getting any better.

7. The fires and the effect on the quality of the air, Plus we’ve had crappy weather, so felt trapped at home even if I didn’t have the energy to get out.

8. No exercise because I’ve been so tired. A vicious cycle.

9. The nastiness of the political campaigns

10. Sleep anxiety - fear of not being able to sleep well or at all

C. That is a lot. Each of them by themselves would be a lot, so understandable how having all this stuff happen in a week would put you or anyone down.

M. Thanks

C. Which of these is causing you the most angst?

M. Good question and thanks for asking. I’d say the big bill issue. Feels like financial stress trumps all the other issues. Plus, found out that the big project I was hoping we’d be starting soon is on hold. Pissed at the woman who is our sponsor for not being responsive. Return our f’ing emails for goodness sakes!

C. Walk me through what you’re planning to do about this

M. I called the bank on Thursday and was told to call back at the end of the month to discuss options. This gave me some hope because I believe we can workout an arrangement where I don’t need to come up with one big lump sum.

C. Go on

M. Regarding the product development cost, I’m going to have to workout some sort of payment plan.

C. Okay, what about income opportunities?

M. Well, fortunately, I do have a few.

C. What are they?

M. They are:
- HL
- First B
- Second SPW opportunity
- Spiral opportunity
- AR
- PNW opportunity is still active

C. That’s good. You at least have some income. Will this be enough to cover your expenses including the big bill?

M. The first 5 would cover the big bill.

C. Okay. This is important because it takes away a lot of the pressure. You may not get all of these funds all at once, but if you look at it over a 3 month period you’ll still have funds to take care of the day to day.

M. That’s true

C. Plus, by then there is a very strong likelihood that the PW project will have started. This gives you some ramp.

M. That’s true.

C. I completely understand why you would be in a “scarcity mindset” given everything you’re going through, but I think you’re dismissing the upside opportunity you have with S and SF once the product is listed. I can understand why it’s difficult for you to imagine this, but your business will be in the best state it’s ever been.

C. That’s true. It’s easy to dismiss this or to not even consider it. I have fallen a bit to victim mentality. I was pissed about the product being late and SF taking so much time to get back to me. I was thinking, “Poor me. This always happens to me. I’m doomed. Things will never get better. This is the story of my life.”

C. It’s good for you to acknowledge this. Again, I can understand why you would feel this way, but you’re right to conclude that persisting in this feeling will only drag you down. I know you have to get going, so let’s continue the conversation later when you get back.

M. Ok

C. Was this helpful so far?

M. Definitely. Always feels good to vent and filter.

C. Talk later. Enjoy the meal.

M. Thanks!
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Default Sep 25, 2020 at 05:26 PM

M. Hi. I need to decompress.

C. Go for it. What’s on your mind?

M. I showed E the product today.

C. And

M. We did a role play where I played the S role.

C. How did it go?

M. I ran a great call.

C. Tell me more

M. I know nothing about their business or market, but I sounded like an expert. And I was very comfortable and confident running the call.

C. Isn’t that the whole objective?

M. Exactly. I showed how in less than a week, I was able to come across as someone who is an expert, which is pretty remarkable considering their business is so specialized.

C. My advice is that you make this the focus on your conversation with V.

M. What do you mean?

C. Explain that the purpose of a P is to codify best practices to make it easy for experienced to be consistently thorough and not have to rely on memory. And to make it easy for average to sound like the better ones. And for newbies to immediately sound like the best ones. Give leaders high confidence that folks are running great stuff.

M. Go on

C. You can also point out that he can run reports based on what’s gathered.

M. Okay

C. Bring up the issue about note taking. Mention that instead of putting notes in description, can put them in summary. Emphasize how it helps organize note taking and how it helps keep everyone up to speed on status. Explore how might leverage BI for reporting.

M. Okay

C. Also show PS as a better way to not suggest exit but to track it.

M. Okay

C. And, lastly, suggest making the layout more friendly and streamlined. Make sense?

M. Yeah

C. Emphasize how streamlined the new look is and how incorporated ST. Also, discuss how BD might use. I’d mock up the look.

M. Okay.

C. I’d also discuss how DS is a better way to organize, update and communicate meeting notes. Also show milestones and chart.

M. Okay.

C. I like how you redesigned the layout. Looks cleaner.

M. Okay

C. I’d open the conversation by recapping process you followed to create PB including the role play. Mention that this is the litmus test you use.

M. Okay

C. I’d mention G/S and emphasize the concept of the bell curve.

M. Okay


M. Okay


M. For example?

C. Do mini UFC + mini indicators + one question from one of the buckets. Do this without screen sharing.

M. Great idea.

C. Focus is to show how increase effectiveness and help newbies. You’re in essence a new rep. Say I’m going to play role of new rep at FC. I joined last week and was forced to step in for E.

M. Okay

C. Use scenario where he spoke with BD and described capacity management as a primary issue. Go down that questioning path, then go back to PSAT. UPDATE UFC FOR RECAP CALL.

M. Great ideas.

C. Are you feeling better?

M. I am

C. Remember the idea is to help improve effectiveness and outcomes. I would also emphasize closing for a go/no-go. Work that into the mini role play.

M. Great advice. Thanks for coaching me. I’m feeling much better about this.

C. Great

M. I have some other things I want to discuss which we can do on a separate thread.

C. Sounds good.
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Default Sep 25, 2020 at 06:39 PM

M. Okay thanks again with helping me think through the FC situation

C. You bet. What else is on your mind?

M. I’m feeling a bit under the weather. Feels like allergies.

C. Sorry to hear that.

M. I’m going to lay low tonight and maybe watch a movie.

C. Good. What’s on your mind?

M. I meant to get a lot more done today, but the FC deal took me longer than expected and then I was pretty beat and pushed the CPB until tomorrow. I emailed D to let him know.

C. Listen you completed two PBS this week plus all the training, so it’s understandable you’re tired. Plus, you’re under the weather, so fine to chill. What else is on your to do list that you want to get out of the way?

M. CPB is top of mind. So is simply scheduling my remaining project work.

C. Here’s my advice. Go to MS and buy dinner, then come home. Use the action list app to schedule tasks. Then go to your calendar and create a PROJECT FOCUS calendar item for each day and write in the project or projects you’re going to focus on that day. This will help your brain feel comfortable that you have key projects and tasks planned out so it doesn’t feel so overwhelmed. Make sense?

M. That’s a very good idea. I’ll go do that. Thanks again.

C. You got it
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Default Sep 25, 2020 at 08:33 PM

M. I need to vent

C. Go on. Get it out of your system. Why are you furious? What triggered this?

M. I’m furious because I’m pissed that EM didn’t jump up and down about PM

C. Can I ask a few questions?

M. Sure

C. Did he make any positive statements?

M. I suppose

C. My understanding was that he saw the utility of having the playbook available. He pointed out how the questions you asked forced him to consider some issues he wasn’t considering, right?

M. That’s true

C. And you felt super comfortable and confident, right? You sounded like you were an expert. You sounded like you’d been in the HC industry forever. I mean, how did you feel you did?

M. You’re right. Mission accomplished. I felt super comfortable. I was able to ask great questions. I was able to drive a great conversation. I was surprised at how well I did.

C. Awesome

M. I think what I’ll do next is to:
- Update the exit criteria
- Create a complete DS
- Review scorecard
- Add mock content to remaining stages
- Add mock content to ST

C. Excellent. Think about it. When you’re done with this exercise you will be able to show how a SP will be able to excel at execution of BP before/during/after for each phase. Plus, your new layout is much better than now.

M. Definitely

C. I would make a comparison between the OPP description and the DS. Which format provides more consistent, thorough and contextual approach? Also emphasize that PM is reinforcing best practices at multiple levels for both SR and SM. Does that help?

M. Big time

C. Come back for another round later.

M. Okay. Thanks again.
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Default Sep 25, 2020 at 10:05 PM
I really like how you are allowing yourself to feel the emotion, step away from the trigger, and then deal with it when you are less emotional and can think clearly. That is very good coping.


What if I fall? Oh, my dear, but what if you fly?

Primary Dx: C-PTSD and Severe Chronic Treatment Resistant Major Depressive Disorder
Secondary Dx: Generalized Anxiety Disorder with mild Agoraphobia.

Meds I've tried: Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Effexor, Remeron, Elavil, Wellbutrin, Risperidone, Abilify, Prazosin, Paxil, Trazadone, Tramadol, Topomax, Xanax, Propranolol, Valium, Visteril, Vraylar, Selinor, Clonopin, Ambien

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Thanks for this!
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Default Sep 27, 2020 at 08:20 PM

M. Hi. I need to vent and decompress

C. Let’s hear it. What’s on your mind?

M. Lots.

C. Go on

M. I’m working on the C project and went into their instance this morning and the product wasn’t working.

C. Go on

M. This is the first time this happened. My frustration is that I haven’t heard from MM, which really pisses me off.

C. Go on. Why does this piss you off?

M. It pisses me off because he said he was going to get back to me by now, so I have no idea with what’s going on with the product. That’s just ******** that he wouldn’t keep a customer apprised about status. Complete ********.

C. Go on. What else? What are you worried about?

M. I’m concerned that there’s a big issue that M hasn’t told me about.

C. Go on

M. I’m concerned that there’s a big bill coming he hasn’t told me about. I’m concerned that the issue with the C instance is related.

C. Is there anything that could indicate this is an isolated and therefore fixable issue?

M. Well, I did check 4 other instances and there was no issue

C. Well that has to be a relief

M. It is. It most definitely is.

C. Can I give you my perspective?

M. Please!

C. Remember what MM always says. It’s only S/W. In other words, it’s a fixable product.

M. That’s a good point. I do trust MM. I may be pissed that he hasn’t gotten back to me, but overall he has always been super reliable.

C. This is an important point.

M. Go on

C. You have options on what you can imagine.

M. True. Go on

C. You can catastrophize or you can imagine a better outcome

M. For instance?

C. Considering that M has been reliable in the past and that he and MH are experts, it’s perfectly reasonable to conclude that just like in the past, they will come through again, and that the C issue is solvable. Does that make sense?

M. It does

C. I know it’s a pain but my advice is that you stay focused on the various planned action items. You have time tomorrow and Tuesday to work on these.

M. Thanks for pointing this out

C. Let’s also not lose sight of all the great progress you made this week and how great you felt about PM as result

M. Thanks for pointing this out. I might have discounted this.

C. You felt great about FC, right?

M. I did

C. You did a great job, man! And yesterday you were fired up about how great the FC instance came out, right?

M. You’re right. I felt great. The FC instance looks fantastic!

C. There you go. Keep after it! Delay is not denial. Persevere. Recuperate. You have allergies tonight, so have a healthy dinner, plan out tomorrow, tidy up, wind down, and get to bed at a reasonable hour. Okay?

M. Okay. Thanks for hearing me out and helping me work through this. Really appreciate it.

C. You got it. Have a good evening.

M. You too.

M. Go on
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Default Sep 29, 2020 at 03:24 PM

M. Hi. Need to decompress

C. Let’s hear it. What’s on your mind?

M. Didn’t get much sleep last night.

C. Why?

M. I stayed up late watching the ST program, which ended at 11. I then kept watching TV even though I had to get up at 430 in the morning.

C. Why?

M. My brain was still pretty active and I couldn’t fall asleep. I didn’t do a very good job of sleep hygiene, so I probably only got 2-3 hours sleep if that, so I’m beat.

C. Go on

M. I wanted to get more done today but I’m beat. So I’m pissed that I’m too tired to work. I didn’t get much sleep the two previous nights so my tiredness has accumulated.

C. Well you did manage yesterday to create the P-E presentation guide, which is great.

M. I’m happy with it, but I’m so fried right now that I just don’t have the strength or brain power to do high concentration work, so I’m frustrated about that.

C. Go on

M. I want to do a better job tonight in terms of sleep prep because I have to get up at 430am again.

C. What’s your game plan?

M. I’m going to watch the debate which ends at 8pm and then I’ll watch the analysis.

C. Okay. My advice is to have dinner around 530. Layout tomorrow’s stuff before the debate. Take a warm shower at 8pm then some broth. Take supplements at 9. Turn off TV. Do some reading.

M. What about P-E practice?

C. Review the content at 5pm.

M. What about the other stuff?

C. Push it out until tomorrow. Your priority tonight is sleep.

M. Okay

C. I know this is not your preference but given the circumstances use today to regroup. You've already practiced and you also got home organization stuff done. Plus, you planned out the rest of the week. Plus, my friend, don't forget the great work you did with the HL PB. LV and T love your work. And you're going to get paid for this.

M. Okay

C. I'd really focus on making today a recuperation day. Drink lots of water. Take your supplements. Get some fresh air. Do deep breathing and stretching.

M. Okay. What should I do this afternoon?

C. Have a salad for lunch. Drink water. Review the P-E presentation. Just read it a few times, nothing more than that.

M. Okay

C. Let's take a quick look at your work plan for the rest of the week

M. Okay

- AMB meeting
- FUS meeting
- HS Process 1 hour
- CENT PB + SPM instance 2 hours
- F/u DJ agreement
- Complete H/L order
- Socialize web

- Prep E/T Friday meeting 1 hour

- E/T meeting
- A/X listing
- Begin web prep

- Open

M. That's helpful to see the week’s action items on one page.

C. You got this. Keep after it! Head held high! Second to none. Things are really picking up. I know the 430 am meetings are nuts. Just one more day.

M. Thanks

C. Was this helpful?

M. Definitely. Helped me put issues and action items in perspective. I have been working really hard, especially considering lack of sleep.

C. Get some rest and take care of yourself the rest of the day.

M. Thanks. Will do.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Posts: 79
Default Sep 30, 2020 at 03:42 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Let's hear it. What's on your mind?

M. Had to get up again at 430am again and didn't get much sleep again for something like 3 nights in a row

C. I'm sorry to hear that

M. It's definitely frustrating and I feel like **** mentally, physically and emotionally.

C. Go on

M. I wasn't prepared for a session this morning. Completely forgot the assignment. Plus, because the meeting was at 5am and because I slept maybe a couple of hours for 3 nights in a row I wasn't at my best.

C. Sorry to hear that. Tell me more

M. I'm feeling tired and down today although I did manage to send out a number of emails and a promo item.

C. That's good. Listen, overall, you did a very good job. It happens to the best of us. Don't forget the great progress you made with ST executives. You did have a very good meeting with D, JD and company, right?

M. Yes, that's true

C. Also, you got a very complimentary message from their new executive, right?

M. That's also true

C. And you even got a nice compliment from M, right?

M. That's true

C. Maybe send her an email?

M. That's what I'm thinking

C. What else?

M. I signed up for CBT for insomnia coaching program. I've tried everything and think this can help me.

C. This sounds like a good idea

M. Yeah, I'm tired. I've had to get up at 4am 4 days in the last two weeks. Fortunately, today was the last day, but I'm beat. I've slept terribly the last two weeks.

C. What else do you have on your plate today?

M. I was to have a meeting with a client today, but he had to reschedule, which is probably a good thing given how tired I am.

C. Go on

M. Well I can probably get by with doing no work the rest of the day. I have a call this afternoon but nothing else beyond that.

C. Hey, give yourself a break. You've been up since 3am this morning with maybe 2 hours sleep for two nights in a row. Also, I understand how given that you had to get up so ridiculously early that your brain was afraid of over sleeping. This does not make you ”inferior.” This makes you human.

M. Thanks

C. You planned out the rest of the week, right?

M. I updated my plan this morning.

C. My advice is that you follow the advice from your sleep coach and not rest today to build up your sleep pressure. Specifically, don't lay on the couch watching TV. Run some errands. Walk to the grocery and the drug store. Get outdoors. Maybe sketch out the SPM stuff as well as prepping for the E/T meeting as well as prepping for the W/B. You can also listen to the CV audiobook. Also, drink lots of water and eat healthy. How does that sound?

M. That sounds like good advice. I need to change it up. They say insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result.

C. Go on

M. I ”never” walk to the grocery or drug stores that are a few blocks away. One of the tips from the sleep coach is to try to force yourself to do stuff that you would do if you slept well. If you lie around, your brain registers that you rested so you're less sleepy.

C. Makes sense

M. There's another item I want to discuss. Will do it on a separate thread.

C. Sounds good. Did this help?

M. Yes, it did. I needed to vent. I needed to get this stuff off my chest.

C. Great. Talk later.
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Member Since Jul 2020
Location: California
Posts: 79
Default Sep 30, 2020 at 04:15 PM

M. There's another issue I want to discuss

C. Let's hear it

M. I'm f’ing pissed off at G.

C. Go on

M. He's so f’ing arrogant and thinks he's better than me, F*** him!

C. Go on

M. I basically told him that the % deal is off the table. I was really tired when I told him this.

C. Go on

M. He's saying he's getting projects but is not willing to bring me in because he needs more proof.

C. Do you want some advice?

M. Please

C. Put your foot on his f’ing throat.

M. Go on

C. Keep making PM rock. Keep focusing on delighting your customers. I love that you pushed the promo today. Get some rest and take some strides today as we discussed previously. I'd encourage you to put the work you've done for FC in perspective. You've done some great work there. Start building your target list also. Cool?

M. Very

C. What else?

M. I also feel compelled to remind him about the role I played with landing K. He's never acknowledged that. I will let him know I'm going after them directly.

C. Do it. Put this down for your next call.

M. Will do

C. Helpful

M. Definitely! Thanks again!

C. You got it.
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