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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Oct 01, 2020 at 11:49 AM

M. Feeling a bit of “writer’s block”

C. Go on

M. I’m planning on working on the E/T and SPM projects today but I’m feeling anxious about this

C. What are you anxious about?

M. I’m anxious about making it too complicated. I like the format we used for F/C. This was very clean. The current SPM format is too complex.

C. My advice is the you take a screenshot of F/C DS and PS page, so you can do a side by side comparison.

M. Okay.

C. Do that and then come back later.

M. Okay. Thanks.
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Default Oct 02, 2020 at 03:10 PM

M. Need help putting things in perspective and advice and encouragement on what to do next

C. Sure. What’s up?

M. Well, I worked on the SPMD project this morning and I also wrote an analysis that I sent to DJ and CL.

C. Good. How did you feel about this?

M. Good. I made some great changes if I may say so myself to the SPMD PB. It looks fantastic.

C. Tell me more

M. The new PB has outstanding systems and looks awesome. I’m very pleased with the new look.

C. Go on. What about the analysis?

M. I’m also very pleased with this. It was well thought out and outside of a small typo well articulated.

C. Excellent. What’s next in terms of the SPMD PB?

M. Good question. Let me take a stab at remaining action Items.

Need to:
- Review the FCB record stage by stage and make any changes if required
- Answer all the DS questions
- Add milestones
- Add holders + comps
- Add next steps
- Add checkmarks and score
- Create report
- Review demo but not overdo it

C. That’s a pretty comprehensive list. Want some advice?

M. Please

C. My advice is to work in 20 minute chunks. Just get started. Maybe take a break now and start at the top of the hour.

M. Okay. I’m feeling a little tired and my feet are cold.

C. Okay. Take a break. I suggest you take a view of DS and pencil out the responses.

M. Good idea. Thanks!

C. You bet. Helpful?

M. Definitely. Appreciate it.

C. You got it
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Default Oct 02, 2020 at 05:53 PM

M. Okay. Went through and got all the items done. However, I forgot to score the criteria items. So have to redo DS. Not excited about having to redo this, but there is a bright side. I’m going to come up with a scoring spreadsheet, which will be a good thing. This would not have occurred to me if I didn’t make this “mistake.”

C. That’s a positive. What does this mean in terms of additional work?

M. I have to recreate all the stuff I listed above and then copy and paste the answers. This will take me about 30 minutes. The spreadsheet will also take about 30 minutes. Let’s call it two hours. I’ll work on this tomorrow. I’m spent and am done for the rest of the day.

C. Good. What else?

M. I need to make the SP call. Don’t want to put this off.

C. My advice is that you plan for this call just as you would for any other.

M. Good idea. Will let you know how it goes.

C. Sounds good
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Default Oct 05, 2020 at 02:03 PM

M. Need to vent

C. Go for it. What’s on your mind?

M. I’m f’ing pissed at f’ing G. F*** him

C. What happened?

M. He didn’t respond to my email. But it’s not just that. I’m just sick and tired at how f’ing arrogant he is. He’s a f’ing hypocrite

C. How so?

M. He claims to be super C, but lacks the primary virtue of being a C - humility.

C. Go on

M. He gave me some BS last week about not promoting PM because he didn’t know what to say. F*** him!

C. Do you want some advice?

M. Please

C. Get this off your chest the next time you speak with him. Be kind but firm/assertive.

M. I want to maintain the friendship but need to be candid about my concerns with him.

C. Also, just use this as fuel for motivating you to do what needs to get done

M. Go on

C. All great competitors in sports have a chip on their shoulder. Nothing wrong with that so long as you use this energy in a constructive way.

M. My challenge is that I think about him a lot and that I get riled up every time I do.

C. Here’s my advice. Do something constructive every time you do. For example, do a quick set of curls or isometric reps. Do deep breathing + other relaxation stuff. Look for a motivational quote on Pinterest and write it down. Look at a proverb and write it down. Drink a big glass of water. In other words, use the angry thought to trigger a positive and enriching behavior. Make sense?

M. Yep. It does

C. You made great progress today. Excellent job getting up early and working on SPM. You got after it right away. Now I’d like you to practice the d___.

M. Okay

C. Drink water. Take your vitamins. Do a quick set of dumbbell reps. Tidy up. Do a deep breathing session. Log your stuff. Then get after it. Okay?

M. Sounds good. Thanks!

C. You got it.
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Default Oct 12, 2020 at 01:17 PM

M. Lots on my mind. Need to vent.

C. Go for it. Just get it out stream of consciousness

M. I’m so f’ing angry

C. Why?

M. I’m pissed that f’ing M2 has still not completed the project. He's well over a month late. I have no idea what's holding this up or what it will cost. Absolute ********.

C. Go on

M. Really pisses me off. I'm concerned he's over complicated what I asked for.

C. What else?

M. I spent the entire weekend completely redoing the A/X project. I thought I had saved my work, so it was a huge disappointment that I after spending something like 5 hours on the project on Friday had to completely redo it on Saturday. And then I ended up redoing it on Sunday.

C. Can I give you another perspective?

M. Sure

C. It's certainly a huge drag to after having spend so much time creating a document to go back and find you didn't save the work.

M. Yeah. On top of being super pissed that I basically had to start from scratch, I felt like a complete idiot for having not saved the work. So disappointing.

C. But there is a silver lining.

M. I ended up spending three days on this which means I didn't get to other stuff.

C. Got it, but, the end result is better than what you did on Friday.

M. Go on

C. If you had saved the work, you would have not ended up making the changes you did.

M. Okay

C. Let me ask you a question. How much better is the end product you created on Sunday versus the end product you created on Sunday?

M. Significantly better. I have a few more changes to make, but, yes, the end product from Sunday is substantially better.

C. This is a critical project because it's going to represent how you represent and market PM, right?

M. True

C. So think of it this way. You spent 15 hours or 3 full days creating your most important marketing solution.

M. Yeah, but I was spent because it required so much attention to detail, was so emotional, and was superbtedious. My mind was fried each day after working on this project each day. I was emotionally and mentally fried when I was done each day.

C. Got it

M. And it's not like I can take a day off. I still have more work to do, so feel overwhelmed. In a way I feel like I lost three full days of productivity so didn't make any progress on other projects. Just feel like stuff piles up and that it's never ending.

C. You actually made great progress last week and completed a lot of important projects, right?

M. That's true

C. You're whittling down your list.

M. That's true

M. My advice is that you take the items on your task and projects list and distribute them over the week. You didn't have to get everything done TODAY.

C. Good point. I do feel like I need to get everything done today. I'll do this exercise after our call.

M. Okay what else?

C. The A/X project is nerve racking because I have so much riding on it.

M. Completely understandable

C. Go on

M. I'm frankly scared that it won't go well

C. Thanks for sharing this. I'm glad you got it out of your system. Let me ask you a few questions.

M. Okay

C. My understanding is that you felt very good about your description of each component of PM as you were working on the A/X project, right?

M. That's true

C. If I'm not mistaken, you defined FIFTEEN very powers reasons for why PM is great, right?

M. Hmm

C. And you had a great d___ with Jay, right?

M. That's true

C. Here's my advice. Do the task scheduling and then spend 10 minutes updating A/X and we’ll go from there, okay?

M. Sounds good

C. Was this helpful?

M. Definitely. I needed to vent so was this was very helpful

C. Excellent. Glad to hear this. Talk later.

M. Thanks again

C. You got it
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Default Oct 23, 2020 at 02:34 PM
Stay calm stay happy bro emotional inteligence
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Default Oct 26, 2020 at 08:30 PM

M. It's been a bit and I have lots on my mind

C. Let it out

M. Today was a very rough tech day. F’ing Gmail wouldn't load. I wasted so much f’ing time trying to log in

C. Go on

M. Also had problems with Outlook. Also took forever to load.

C. Okay

M. And then had a huge scare with PM not working in Ch___. Scared the hell out of me.


M. Finally got it to work. Looks like content that was added a while back doesn't display but new content does. Huge scare.

C. But looks like you tested it multiple times, right? And M also tested it, right?

M. Yes. But I need to test it daily and especially on November 1, which is Sunday.

C. Go on

M. Had a better day than yesterday.

C. How so?

M. Not quite as fatigued. I did a workout and went for a walk.

C. That's good

M. I saw a video clip from a neuroscientist where he said that behavior drives emotions not the other way around.

C. Okay

M. So, I did more stuff to take of myself today, especially working out and getting outside the house.

C. I'm sensing some anger. Get it out.

M. I'm f’ing pissed off about the tech stuff and pissed off at f’ing C___. I'm upset that DJ didn't get back to me. I've put in a ton of time and effort into their PB. He's probably busy with ME but still, it's bothersome that he hasn't responded.

C. Go on

M. I'm also pissed V hasn't gotten back to me.

C. Can I give you my perspective?

M. Sure

C. I know and can understand why this would bother you. You've worked so hard and it means so much and you feel like you're finally on the verge, right?

M. Exactly. I'm so close. PM is the best it's ever been and this deal with G is scary.

C. Understandable. Fortunately, you tested and so far it's working fine with new content.

M. Yeah. I could tell that I was flustered when I spoke with M. I was tense.

C. Well, this is understandable given that you discovered the issue right before the call and we're testing it during the call. If anything, you did a great job of keeping your cool. What else?

M. I'm pissed at the a____. I don't see why we need to meet other than to catch up. Don't feel like there's a lot in it for me.

C. Just do it. Focus on other stuff.

M. Well that's just it. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

C. How so?

M. Well I just spent most of last week and this weekend working on the CFP and the guide. This all came out great. But now I have to redo the PB in PM. It's one thing after another. And it's all so time consuming.

C. Well, fortunately you have time tomorrow to work on this.

M. That's true

C. Also, you did a great job with HL today. You were sharp and personable.

M. Thanks. I almost forgot about this.

C. I can understand why. You also did a fabulous job with the guide. This is stellar work. This truly shows that you are an expert in your field.

M. Thanks. I appreciate it.

C. What else?

M. I'm also pissed that P didn't get back to me.

C. You have a call with R tomorrow, right?

M. Yeah.

C. Okay just take it from there. My advice is that you plan out tomorrow. I also suggest that you do the relaxation exercises you learned. Eat a healthy dinner. Log your workout. Spend a few minutes _____. Maybe spend time in front room with N so you don't isolate yourself. Do professional development stuff. Review the CV material. Okay?

M. Okay. Will do. Thanks.

C. Feel better?

M. I do. Was good to get this stuff off my chest.

C. Great. Take care.

M. Will do. You too.
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Default Nov 03, 2020 at 07:51 PM

M. Need to decompress. A lot on my mind.

C. Get it out

M. Well, like millions of others I'm stressed out about the election. I wish I wasn't but I am and also feeling very tired and angry.

C. Go on

M. I'm f’ing pissed at G.

C. Why?

M. Because he's always preaching, literally. This weekend he sent out a blog post that pissed me off. It showed his incredible hypocrisy and close-mindedness. I'm tired of his f’ing preaching. Quit trying to impose your opinions on others and claiming they're inferior if they don't agree with you.

C. Great. Get it out.

M. And he just cancelled our meeting because he's huddled up with his ____ ____ clan. And I found out he met with A, so bull that he cancelled because he knows this is important.

C. Good to get it out. Now let it go. No need to stew on this.

M. You're right. It helped to vent though.

C. But there is a silver lining, isn't there?

M. Go on

C. Looks like there is a project and even a number of possible projects with PW, right?

M. That's true

C. And it looks like they want to do it this quarter, right?

M. That's right

C. That would be fantastic, wouldn't it?

M. It absolutely would

C. Want some advice?

M. Please

C. Plan out tomorrow and Thursday. Remember you started working at 6:30 this morning.

M. That's right. Almost forgot.

C. You did a GREAT job with HL PB, especially the P/I. I love the new model.

M. Thank you

C. Yeah, don't lose count of that

M. It was a very challenging effort and stressful to do. It was like trying to figure out a Rubik’s Cube.

C. Yeah, but you figured it out. You have enough for your meeting with LV tomorrow, right?

M. Yeah, that's true

C. What's the plan for tomorrow?

M. I have meeting with LV at 2.

C. Okay. So you have time to work on the AR PB, right?

M. Yep

C. Also call CB and respond to MM after speak with LV, okay?

M. Okay. Will do.

C. Did this help?

M. Yes. Definitely useful to get stuff off my chest. Thanks!

C. You got it.
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Default Nov 11, 2020 at 08:32 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Let's hear it

M. M*** f*** AK is being a complete a-hole

C. How so?

M. He's the f’ing boy that called wolf. He had me do all this f’Ing work and then never got back to me. Total BS. I spent something like 40 hours

C. I can understand why this would be upsetting.

M. I was hopeful based on what he told me that this was a priority.

C. Go on

M. I'm also pissed off that he came up with an alternative that wasn't fancy. F*** him. This really pisses me off. Then f’ing DJ sends me screenshots and then he tells me he can't meet this week because he's slammed.

C. Go on

M. Overall I'm pissed these m*** f*** never return my emails

C. Can I give you my perspective?

M. Sure

C. I'm getting the impression that you're assuming that this means ST is never going to work with you again. Is that fair?

M. I suppose. It did bother the **** out of me when DJ send the screenshots with his comment that he liked the simplicity of it. I saw f’ing A emailed CL, FS and DJ. I immediately thought that now ST is no longer interested in PM. I felt this especially when DJ sent me a curt response saying he was slammed.

C. Go on

M. I also emailed A twice and the m*** f*** hasn't responded. What should I do?

C. Definitely keep your cool. Vent here but be the calmest guy in the room whenever you interact with anyone from ST. Act as if though you're kicking *** because things are really starting to move in a very positive direction.

M. That's true

C. I think you're getting to a point where you can start and should start lead gen. You can go after larger apps with ST and everyone else through LI. Plus, you have a good follow up list. Make sense?

M. Yes

C. Plus the product is highly showable.

M. I need to update the FCB PM record, but, yes, it's ready. I've made it a lot easier.

C. Going back to acting as if. You can legitimately say that in the last couple of weeks you've launched three new PB and PM projects and have built a solid pipeline.

M. That's true

C. Okay, so my advice is to use part of tomorrow to start working on your target list and development plan. Time to put your foot on the throat! You've got a GREAT product. The response you're getting is off the charts, right?

M. That's true

C. Plus you have a number of genuine excellent opportunities, right?

M. That's also true.

C. Did this help?

M. Yes

C. Also glad to hear you and MG are back working together and that your friendship is back on track.

M. It does feel good. We're so different in many ways, especially politically, so I thought he might have been ignoring me because of the election, so it was good to get a call from him. If he and I can be best friends even though we're on different sides of the aisle, then maybe there's hope for the rest of the country.

C. Good attitude.

M. Thanks again.

C. You got it.
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Default Nov 13, 2020 at 01:58 PM

M. Need to vent

C. Go for it

M. I'm pissed that Paul said we’d do it separately.

C. What else?

M. I'm pissed that Ad is now questionable.

C. What else?

M. I'm worried about ____.

C. What else?

M. I'm pissed it's taking so f’ing long to get PM on A/X

C. What else?

M. I'm pissed it's taking so long to get our old listing off the A/X

C. What else?

M. I'm pissed things are moving so slowly

C. What else?

M. I hate having to do all the f’ing paperwork

C. What else?

M. Those are the main issues

C. Okay. Can I give you a perspective on what's going well?

M. Please

C. Let's start with PM

M. Okay

C. If I'm not mistaken, you're feeling really good about PM, right?

M. Go on

C. For example, the AR PB is looking great, right?

M. It is

C. Tell me more

M. Well, where the PB is now versus where it was 90 days ago is night and day

C. Tell me more

M. It just looks so much more attractive, simple and easy-to-use

C. Go on

M. Not only does the product look great, but the new PB is outstanding

C. Go on

M. The content is excellent. The look is beautiful. Again, night and day

C. Great and this means you can charge them for the RN, right?

M. Yes

C. It also means that you can likely get references and testimonials from T, R and M, right

M. Yes, this is very important and very helpful.

C. Go have your session with DP and come back after.

M. Okay. Thanks.
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Default Nov 14, 2020 at 12:00 AM

M. Need to decompress

C. Okay. Go for it

M. I'm beat. I'm really tired.

C. Go on

M. Just frustrated that not making great progress with ST

C. I have a perspective but go on

M. Also frustrated that PL took the tact he took today.

C. Go on.

M. He was really difficult and frankly too confrontational for my taste given the rapport I've built with RK.

C. Go on

M. He made some good points but was a bit difficult.

C. Okay, but you and PL got on the same page, right?

M. We did. I made the point that I couldn't win this deal without him and that we win it together or lose it together. So, I do feel better.

C. That's good. You also heard back from AK, right?

M. I did and I was pleasantly surprised that X is in play. I was afraid that AK had created an alternative solution that would not just compete but eliminate the need for PM from ST.

C. So it must have been a big relief to hear back that he's still in your corner, right?

M. It was. It really was. I was expecting that AK was blowing me off. I also made the assumption that DJ was blowing me off.

C. I can understand why you'd feel this way. In terms of DJ I think it's fair to give him the benefit of the doubt and acknowledge that he was jammed this week. He has been super supportive, right?

M. Yes, he has

C. I think you should spend some time with PM tomorrow.

M. Good idea

C. Talking about big relief I bet that finding out that the WR payment had already been made was a huge relief, right?

M. It was a TREMENDOUS relief. I can now move on. It's awesome to have this major milestone behind me. I can now shift my focus to BD.

C. Great. Feel better?

M. I do. It's time to step on the throat. Interesting how roles reversed at PN. Totally caught MG off guard. Also blew him away with the work I did. I kind of look forward to telling him that A doesn't want him in the meeting. I'm glad I said I did but that it was A who didn't want him to join.

C. Karma is a *****

M. Funny

C. Use tomorrow to review the document

M. Will do

C. Tomorrow is first day of rest of your life. Keep working out. Keep working. Don't give up. Double down on PM. Okay?

M. You got it. Thanks again.

C. You bet

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Default Nov 15, 2020 at 07:55 PM

M. Need to get something off my chest

C. Go for it

M. Get this. M left our ”boss” a voicemail last week saying that ”we” were in sync and that ”we” have some good plans to show her tomorrow. There is no ”we”. I did all the f’ing work. I put in about 20 hours into the project and created an outstanding presentation. I sent it to him. He said ”great job.” It's so f’ing bull for him to try to represent this as a joint effort. So f’ed up. But it's just like him. Well, f__ him because our boss expressly said she doesn't want him in the meeting. But, just enervating that he's so f’ing insecure and has such a need for her to think he's in charge and that I'm his lackey. F___ him!

C. Did that help?

M. Yes. I didn't want to hold this inside. It's so helpful to get hot emotions on paper.

C. Good. Glad to hear it helped. Have a good one.

M. You too
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Default Nov 16, 2020 at 03:42 PM

M. Got a minute?

C. Sure, what's up?

M. Need a quick vent

C. Go for it

M. So, get this. He texted me worried why he wasn't being included in the meeting.

C. And?

M. I texted him back telling him not to worry about it and that our boss just probably wanted to hear my thoughts. Imagine that.

C. Go on

M. He always treats me as his employee, so it's a big shock to him that our boss would actually value my opinion.

C. Glad you vented

M. Me too. Thanks!

C. You got it. My pleasure.
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Default Nov 22, 2020 at 03:06 PM

M. Need to vent and decompress

C. Go for it

M. I'm pissed that I haven't heard back from P

C. For the most part, he's been responsive, right?

M. Yes, that's true. We met on Friday as scheduled and had a thorough discussion

C. He's also working on some content, right?

M. That's true

C. It could be that he's working on this and may be waiting to complete before he gets back to you, right?

M. That makes sense. It's just that I'm anxious because of the presentation

C. That's perfectly normal. It shows that you care. My take is that your presentation looks great. You've put in a lot of time and effort and the content looks fabulous.

M. Thanks. I enjoy doing this type of work and am a stickler for attention to the detail and how things look.

C. Great. My advice is that you do a run through to get your talk track down. You've already done this so you're well on your way. Set aside an hour today and maybe even do a ”walk through.”

M. is Okay. Thanks.

C. What else?

M. I'm also tense about BQ.

C. Go on

M. I feel like S is trying to bamboozle me.

C. What do you mean?

M. He made all sorts of claims that were not reflected in the agreement.

C. You haven't signed anything yet, right?

M. I have not.

C. And you're speaking with Mk tomorrow, right?

M. I am

C. Take him through your talk track to voice your concerns

M. Okay

C. What do you want to get out of your conversation with Mk?

M. I want to get his advice on whether or not BQ can get stuff removed beyond SL.

C. Go on

M. I'll mention:

1. Our primary objective

2. That we've already contacted ___ with no luck stating not obligated to do so

3. BQ agreement that they cannot have accurate info removed so would need to prove inaccurate. In other words only way to fix is by proving info is inaccurate. I'm not disputing.

4. Main factors are SL removal plus paying off Disco.

5. Hassle factor of dealing with lots of paperwork on monthly basis. Too time consuming.

C. Listen, my advice is that you not sign up for the BQ monthly service and only ask for help with SL. Period. Talk with Mk, but don't sign up. Trust your gut and be assertive. Okay?

M. Got it. Thanks!

C. Feel better?

M. Yep! Thanks again.

C. You got it.
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Thanks for this!
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Default Nov 28, 2020 at 01:01 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Go for it

M. I’m f’ing pissed that S didn’t get back to me

C. Why does this bother you?

M. It means she doesn’t like my message and people will think I’m an idiot

C. Can I ask you a few questions?

M. Sure

C. You had a great conversation with S and she’s super supportive, right?

M. That’s true

C. If I’m not mistaken, you were fired up after the call, right?

M. I was

C. Regarding your message, my understanding is that your goal was to create awareness, right?

M. That’s true

C. If I told you your message got a score of 1000, what would you think?

M. I’d be delighted

C. What would you think if I told you the score was 2000?

M. I wouldn’t believe it

C. Well, your score is now well above that

M. That’s true

C. Your goal was to get as many people as possible to get the news about your announcement, right?

M. That’s true

C. You also wanted to increase your credibility with ST, right?

M. Yes

C. Looks like that happened, right?

M. You’re right, it did

C. Okay, feel better about this issue?

M. I do. Thank you.

C. What else?

M. I’m feeling a bit discombobulated

C. What do you mean?

M. It’s a combination of having a lot of stuff up in the air and having a lot of stuff to do.

C. Want some advice?

M. Please

C. My advice is that you plan your day and your week. I suggest you _____. Just get that off your plate. This will help you put things in perspective.

M. Okay I’ll do this.

C. I also suggest you stay off social media for most of the day, okay?

M. Okay. Will do

C. Was this helpful?

M. Definitely. It helped me put things in perspective. Thanks!

C. You got it.
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Default Nov 30, 2020 at 11:53 AM
Do what you think is best, and make yourself known. You should not be angry, most likely the people that are making you angry do not even realise it.
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Default Dec 04, 2020 at 12:12 PM

M. Need to decompress

C. Go for it. Get stuff out of your system

M. Okay. I’m frustrated that f’ing SH has not yet responded to payment status. F***!

C. Go on

M. F*** how BQ has acted. It’s too much of a hard sell. Enough already! I found a better option.

C. What else?

M. I’m frustrated it’s taking so f’ing long for WR to get the product through the system. Why didn’t they submit a month ago? F***!

C. What else?

M. It’s f’ing BS that M didn’t tell me about the conversation he had scheduled with AH. Come on man!

C. What else?

M. Speaking of AH, make a f’ing decision for goodness sake’s! You’ve been stringing us along for what feels like a year. Make up your mind. What more do you need?

C. What else?

M. Those are the main issues.

C. Want my perspective?

M. Please

C. I’ll go through them one by one

- SH PAYMENT: You just heard payment is forthcoming. Ask for ACH.

- BQ BEHAVIOR: Contact new firm today. Seems like less of a hassle.

- WR SLOW SERVICE: Reframe to positive that process started. Lean into kindness.

- M AND AH: Good news is they’re talking. This is a good development.

M. Okay

C. I understand your frustration around these issues. Completely. Let’s do an exercise where you say what’s great about each of these situations.

M. Okay

SH PAYMENT: It’s awesome I’m getting paid and that the project is going so well. The feedback has been super positive. And LV can be a big advocate for you. The good news is that I will be paid in the next couple of weeks and there is more payment coming later. NEXT STEP: Email SH asking for ACH payment

BQ BEHAVIOR: This forced me to look for other options and I think I found a much better option. NEXT STEP: Check website new firm then contact.

WR SLOW SERVICE: The good news is that the process is underway. This is very good news. Realistically, I’m probably better off launching in January because not a lot happening the rest of December and first two weeks of January. I also need time to update the listing, so not the end of the world.

M AND AH: The good news is that M and AH have a good relationship and I do as well.

C. Great. Here’s my take. Put your foot on the throat. There are a LOT of very good things starting to happen. Get after it. Second to none. Go for it. I’m very proud about how much initiative you have been taking for months now. You’re getting **** done everyday. Little by little you’ve been making progress. Get after it! Okay?

M. Okay!

C. Was this helpful

M. Very. It helped me get some anger and frustration out of my system, put stuff in perspective, and keep me persevering, so thanks!

C. You got it. Talk later.
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Dec 07, 2020 at 03:58 PM

M. Need to vent

C. Go for it

M. I’m frustrated that I have to ask for a payment plan. I was wigging out when found out bill was due. Fortunately, had funds to cover. Thank God! I was sweating this. Also, fortunately I’m getting a check from ST and AR, which will be super helpful.

C. I bet that was a huge relief.

M. It was a TREMENDOUS relief. I thank God for this blessing.

C. What else?

M. Feeling discombobulated with so much stuff in the air.

C. Go on

M. So much stuff going on with N and family health. Praying it all works out.

C. Go on

M. And the lock down and everything that is going on politically is also stressful. I wish I could say that this wouldn’t bother me, but I’m so bothered by all the vitriol and the impact COVID is having. We have felt it first hand.

C. What else?

M. Well, the good news is that I just got a call from SH about HS payment.

C. I bet that was a relief.

M. It definitely was

C. So to put it in perspective as it turns out you’re actually in a better situation than you thought you were in before today, right?

M. You’re right. Thank God!

C. Want some advice?

M. Please!

C. I suggest you work on the ST AMB stuff this afternoon. I know you’re stressed out, but making progress with ST will help you psychologically and professionally. You’ve done a great job of staying focused and persevering the last 60 days in particular. Keep it up. Soldier on. Persevere! Second to none. You can do it. You’re tough as nails!

M. Thanks!

C. Was this helpful?

M. Definitely. I needed to get all this stuff off my chest and out of my head.

C. You got it
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Member Since Jul 2020
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Default Dec 08, 2020 at 04:50 PM

M. Need to get some stuff out of my system

C. Let’s hear it

M. I’m f’ing pissed that f’ing M is taking so f’ing long to get back to me. I f’ing emailed him last week about the LPB process. The m*** f*** hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I emailed him again yesterday and again about half an hour ago. Come on, man!

C. Go on

M. I want to create a PMI guide so I don’t have to rely on him so much.

C. Go on

M. I created a strong draft of the guide. I found the guide he created and it sucked. It is so second rate. I’m pissed at the quality of his work relative to this. It’s terrible..

C. Go on

M. I emailed him the draft with a friendly note. I f’ing first sent him a message about this last week. He got back to me on Monday and said he was out and said he’d get a response to me by the end of the day. He didn’t. I’m seriously thinking of going with a different option. I contacted a guy I used a long time ago who is also an expert in SF. FC is another option.

C. Thinks makes sense. M will eventually get back to you but he did take too long with the PM and SR review process and did not do a good job of keeping you abreast about progress.

M. My frustration is that I can’t express frustration with him because I depend on him and still need to make final payment on the the PM project.

C. You’ve done all you can do. You created the draft - good job on this by the way.

M. Thanks. It is looking good. In some ways this is a blessing because it forced me to create it and not rely on his ****** work.

C. Definitely. That’s a good way to look at it. Think of it this way, in just a matter of days you’ll have completed a great PMI Guide. This is something you’ve had on your to do list for ages.

M. Yep

C. What else?

M. I’m also stressed out because I haven’t heard back from DJ. He was supposed to have spoken with RK today and said he was going to get back to me. I immediately jump to worst case scenario.

C. I understand why you might do this, but it’s also reasonable to assume best case scenario. You did a great job in both meetings with I3, right?

M. Yes, I did

C. You had a great call with DJ last week and he shared all the great things he was going to say about you and PM, right?

M. That’s also true

C. It’s also reasonable to assume that the reason DJ has not gotten back to you yet is because he’s busy taking care of his business, right?

M. That’s fair

C. Want some advice?

M. Please!

C. Go back home and create today’s action plan and schedule and do your next action, okay?

M. Okay. Will do.

C. Was this helpful?

M. Yes, again it helped me get stuff out of my head and put it in perspective.

C. Great. Talk later

M. You bet. Thanks again.

C. You got it.
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Member Since Jul 2020
Location: California
Posts: 79
Default Dec 13, 2020 at 12:21 PM

M. Hi. Got a minute?

C. Sure. What's on your mind?

M. Just need to put things in perspective

C. Go on

M. Instead of focusing on frustrations, I'm going to focus on reasons I'm starting to feel hopeful.

C. Great. Let's hear it.

M. I'm hopeful because I'm starting to build a pipeline of very real opportunities.

C. That's great.

M. There's I3 + SM + R + NP + AR + PN

C. That's awesome

M. Yes. Thank God!

C. Was this helpful?

M. It was because it helped me realize the total potential. I didn't fully realize the full potential until I put all the opportunities on ”paper.”

C. Great. Want some advice.

M. Please

C. I would plan out the week and maybe start sketching out your plan for SM and NP. I'd also encourage you to set a goal to complete ST courses by Thursday. Also, listen to the video from RP. Also, repost. You have nothing to lose.

M. Thanks. Great advice. Very helpful.

C. You got it. Talk later.
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