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Old Feb 15, 2008, 01:32 AM
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What is it in men that you will not deicde to have a relationship? Besides bad personality please be honnest.
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Old Feb 15, 2008, 01:35 AM
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Constant poor hygiene / bad breath and lustful roaming eyes.
Old Feb 15, 2008, 01:51 AM
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I have to say that I don't think that failing in a relationship is gender specific. I know just as many women that chase around, lie, manipulate, and verbally abuse their partner as men.
I've been married for 24 years and have four wonderful children.
Old Feb 15, 2008, 04:56 AM
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I'm with Rhapsody....I skeeve easy.

I'm not attracted to sloppy, dirty men who have dirty minds, there isn't anything sexy about dirty, or filthy, or lazy-sloppy, or smelley...need I go on?

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Old Feb 15, 2008, 08:44 AM
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It is hard getting past exterior, poor hygiene.

For me, a guy needs to have some things in common with me too or there isn't much that can be talked about or done together? It's nice they have their own ideas and activities but not exclusively. If the guy doesn't like any of the things that really make my heart sing, I'm not going to be attracted. I'm not going to be attracted to a man who believes or acts in any way as if I should "take care of" him. I don't want to feel like my world might fall apart if I'm ill. But I don't want a man that hovers either, trying to take care of me! My husband and I are fighting about that now, he's trying to take care of me in his Will and I'm wanting him to just give me all the money, I'll take care of myself, thank you for women
"Never give a sword to a man who can't dance." ~Confucius
Old Feb 15, 2008, 09:57 AM
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(((((PERNA)))))) Totally agree! LOL!

Poor Hygiene, Drug or Alcohol Abuse, Negativity, Poor appearance, lack of intelligence and sense of humor.

Lack of ability to handle "Life".

Lack of independence.

Mamma's boy. (to the extent it hinders your relationship)

In the end, I just want a guy like me. Strong and independent with integrity, honesty, and personal goals.
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Old Feb 15, 2008, 09:57 AM
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there is something sexy about dirty sometimes. my ex boyfriend worked in a steel plant and would come home dirty all the time...

but yes, poor hygiene is pretty gross. especially teeth! i dont want to kiss someone with crap all over their teeth.

my biggest thing is ambition. if a guy is working at the same place forever and has no ambition to go back to school or look for another job, thats very unattractive to me. if they really want to do something with their lives though, thats pretty hot.

oh, and no offense to anyone in here, but the dungeons and dragons and world of warcraft. those games are for teenagers, not guys in their 20's. i would never date a guy who still spends most of his adult life in a fake world like that. thats just me though. i find someone wrong in wanting to escape from reality that much.
Old Feb 15, 2008, 10:58 AM
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I agree, Salukigirl. My husband got dumped by a girl in college just because he hadn't shaved that day! He was on the quad playing football with the guys and she happened to cross campus and broke up with him because of that meeting! He always apologizes if he hasn't shaven and wants to kiss me or me him and I just laugh at him.
"Never give a sword to a man who can't dance." ~Confucius
Old Feb 15, 2008, 12:05 PM
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</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
AAAAA said:

I have to say that I don't think that failing in a relationship is gender specific. I know just as many women that chase around, lie, manipulate, and verbally abuse their partner as men.

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post">

very smart....it`s a good point you make here...

But if you watn to know...
wel- to me somehow...it`s annoying when he isn`t able to give you attention...and those boarstful guys who always try to show off.......it may not nesseserly show like exactly but........

for instance..he says about a place you study that it`s "no good" and make a show off himself that he is in the sea..i don`t rememebr what else

if i say somethign "do you know" he would say "if you say i will" and if he KNOWS somehting he says it over and over again
"Michelangelo was a jenious" then after a few seconds again "Michelangelo was a jenious" like O.K you htink i don`t knwo that?!
then "Ageisha is not a *****" it was when I TOLD him about that book first..and although it`s a small thing it is CLEAR that it`s not confidence but an atempt to have some after doing that shw off..and then telling you "oh, if you think htere is no original letrature then you just don`t read enoguh"

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Old Feb 15, 2008, 12:06 PM
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This dont make sense but i like them clean rough and ready lol I mean clean as in they have washed that day but smelling of hard work is a turn on. for women
Old Feb 15, 2008, 12:10 PM
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Things I really hate......

Bad time keeping
Showing no respect for me or others
Impaitiant with children
No ambition

That is a fairly long list I could add to it but then my ex may guess I was talking about him lol.

But that list could easily be reversed and could be a man talking about a woman which I feel is only fair to mention.
Old Feb 15, 2008, 12:18 PM
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I know what you mean, Tishie! Check this out:


I think timeforsleep is a guy, just trying to increase his odds with the girls by picking our brains :-)
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Old Feb 15, 2008, 07:51 PM
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A guy who is cruel to animals.

I broke up with a guy once because I saw him throwing rocks at dogs and laughing when he hit them and they would yelp.
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Old Feb 17, 2008, 03:44 PM
notebookallie notebookallie is offline
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I agree, my husband is a tractor trailer driver who is extrememly clean with his hygene but I LOVE how he smells when he comes off the road after 24 hrs! Hard work and masculinity.YUMMY
Old Feb 17, 2008, 05:35 PM
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purely careless, not a hard worker, lacks common sense, is sexist, or procrastinates about important things.
Old Feb 18, 2008, 12:02 AM
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theres nothing worse to me than being in a relationship with someone who says they are going to do something and then hedges on it.

I'm not talking about cancelling plans in an emergency but just plain out deciding to do something else when they have made a promise or plan with you.

Drives me batty
Old Mar 03, 2008, 06:36 PM
oceana oceana is offline
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A man who wont stick up for himself. Someone that never plans to better them self. Who thinks his way is the right and only way. Abuse physically and emotionally. Nasty hygiene. Someone that sleeps around with anyone any chance they get. Unfaithful and lies.
Old Mar 03, 2008, 07:45 PM
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Not being faithful, loyal, kind, and honest. Major dealbreakers for me.
Old Mar 04, 2008, 04:28 PM
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i have to see that a guy is passionate about something other than me. no matter what it is. i want to see that theyre driven and abitious for something. and it honestly doesnt matter what it is lol (as long as its legal!). my boyfriend is a HUGE sports fanatic. every sport everywhere. it doesnt matter. he will sit there and talk my damn ear off for hours about sports and trades and god knows what. im just glad he has a passion period. my last boyfriend didn't care about anything at all.

you know what... im gonna go out on a limb here and say we basically just want a girlfriend who happens to be a guy haha. we want a listener who is compassionate but at the same time we want to be taken care of and have a manly man. we need tweeners! if you can be all those things then youre golden haha. most guys cant though.
Old Jul 11, 2008, 02:53 PM
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After 46 years on this planet, I finally found a man who sees me as a person, not a trophy or sex object. Too many men just focus on the physical, not the emotional connection. Also, we have common interests and views. I've never been more comfortable with anyone in my life. Also, many men try to change the woman, and not accept her the way she is.

I agree with another person that this is not gender specific. Women can be the same way with men.
Call me "owl" for short!

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Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

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Old Jul 11, 2008, 04:44 PM
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As a rule of thumb, I tell my daughter and nieces that if they are thinking of getting involved with a man that has children, ask him the last time he had his children and what they did. If he *****es about child support or can’t remember the last time they were together or what they did, run! If he’s not willing to treat his own offspring with love and respect, there’s no way in hell he’ll treat you any better. It goes without saying that he must be employed.

And even though it is a double standard, I tell my sons that a woman that has children that she doesn't have custody of isn't someone that you want to spend any time with. (This of course does not apply to children given up for adoption.)

And I agree, bad hygiene is a real turn off. I did not realize my husband had very greasy hair until after we were married and I woke up next to him in the morning. Turns out that he showered in the morning before work and then again before he came to pick me up.
I've been married for 24 years and have four wonderful children.
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