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Old Dec 19, 2017, 04:57 AM
Keltielin02 Keltielin02 is offline
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Location: Edmonton
Posts: 23
Hello All,

I don't even know where to start. Recently I quit a job due to being overwhelmed with anxiety struggles with understanding my job. I spoke with my employer and tried to fix things but things did not improve so one day I had a complete anxiety attack and impulsively quit my job ( not the first time I did this ). I thought this would temporarily reduce my anxiety however the stress of finding new work and explaining myself during interviews created more stress. I found another job same field and was fired a week later after sharing with my boss about my barrier and that it causes anxiety and caused a rash that I was worried about. I went to a doctor and it took 2 shifts to come back and they let me go. I know this is my fault but I can't help but think that I'm just in the wrong field because I know I have good qualities but these offices don't understand learning disabilities and anxiety. I'm mostly stressed about money now but still just looking for some helpful tips so I don't end up in this position again . Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Hugs from:
hvert, nonightowl

Old Dec 19, 2017, 12:30 PM
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seesaw seesaw is offline
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Keltie, do you have a therapist that you can work on this work-related anxiety with? A lot of us have performance anxiety related to work demands.

One thing that has helped me is that I got a CBT workbook for anxiety. CBT means cognitive behavioral therapy. It helps you figure out the root of your anxiety and how to deal with it in a healthy way and how to keep it under control so you don't do impulsive things like quit your job.

If you check out the anxiety subforum, there are many threads and ideas there about how to deal with anxiety attacks and anxiety related issues.

There are also many great articles on Psych Central about coping with anxiety.

Good luck,

What if I fall? Oh, my dear, but what if you fly?

Primary Dx: C-PTSD and Severe Chronic Treatment Resistant Major Depressive Disorder
Secondary Dx: Generalized Anxiety Disorder with mild Agoraphobia.

Meds I've tried: Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Effexor, Remeron, Elavil, Wellbutrin, Risperidone, Abilify, Prazosin, Paxil, Trazadone, Tramadol, Topomax, Xanax, Propranolol, Valium, Visteril, Vraylar, Selinor, Clonopin, Ambien

Treatments I've done: CBT, DBT, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Talk therapy, psychotherapy, exercise, diet, sleeping more, sleeping less...
Old Dec 20, 2017, 04:39 AM
Keltielin02 Keltielin02 is offline
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Member Since: Dec 2014
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 23
Hello ,

Yes thank you I just started CBT not to long ago and have bought a book on anxiety so I'm in the beginning stages of treating the anxiety. Thank you for the information , I think I'm just in the uncertainty phase things will get better just wanted advice and ya I also have ADD /Learning disability so yes I have lots of work to do just hope I can get everything under control and can focus long enough to stick to this treatment and read the books because they can be helpful. Anyways I'm going to stick to regular CBT appointments and hopefully that will help. Thank you
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