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Old Feb 08, 2025, 02:29 AM
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TerryL TerryL is offline
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i started a new job a month ago. i am on a probationary period for six months. i have been making mistakes here and there and each time i feel like that is one more reason for them to let me go. i guess this is because i was let go on a temp job without any warning last year. that traumatized me because to this day i don't know why. i am always afraid that will happen again. i really want to keep this job. i can be a bit dense which is why i am making mistakes. i really want to do better. i am trying to tell myself if i do get let go there is a good reason and i must not give up and just have to try to find a job i will be better at.
"Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight"~Albert Schweitzer
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Old Feb 08, 2025, 05:06 AM
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Originally Posted by TerryL View Post
i started a new job a month ago. i am on a probationary period for six months. i have been making mistakes here and there and each time i feel like that is one more reason for them to let me go. i guess this is because i was let go on a temp job without any warning last year. that traumatized me because to this day i don't know why. i am always afraid that will happen again. i really want to keep this job. i can be a bit dense which is why i am making mistakes. i really want to do better. i am trying to tell myself if i do get let go there is a good reason and i must not give up and just have to try to find a job i will be better at.
If you keep noticing you're making mistakes, try harder not to make them. You need to keep the job. Do your best and be your best, that's all you can do. If you give up, you're never going to be able to get far. You can't give up everything because life gets you down, that's life. You have to learn to deal with tough decisions.
Thanks for this!
Old Feb 08, 2025, 08:07 AM
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TerryL, there was a time when I went from temp job to temp job. Sometimes I got let go because it’s the nature of temp work sometimes it was because I didn’t show up because I don’t want to pack dollar store items into boxes all day.
I felt a bit like those probationary periods, which were no longer than 3 months back then, were used in order to maintain the temperariness and keep the pay at minimum wage with no benefits.
So there is a very good chance that you didn’t do anything to deserve getting let go from your last temp job.
Both the temp job companies and those who use temp workers profit, and the worker kinda gets shafted :/
I wish you luck on this job, and like HLA said, just do your best, and try to keep scenarios rattling around in your head that have positive outcomes. You will make it past probation, you will get full time employment etc. these are also viable possibilities! But sometimes we focus on the ones that our fears are attached to, our stupid brain is obsessed with negatives :/
Do your best and leave room for optimism
That’s not so much advice as general words of encouragment, you probably have enough people telling you what to do at work
Thanks for this!
Old Feb 08, 2025, 10:52 AM
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thank you to both of you for your advice and encouragement. i will definitely hold your words to heart.
"Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight"~Albert Schweitzer
Old Feb 08, 2025, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by TerryL View Post
thank you to both of you for your advice and encouragement. i will definitely hold your words to heart.
You're welcome. I hope things go well!
Old Feb 16, 2025, 10:43 AM
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I am sorry. It’s stressful. All we could do is do our best.

Just a question, don’t have to answer, could it be that this particular job is not a good fit? I can name ton of jobs where I would make tons of mistakes and would suck majorly and would be likely fired quickly. Maybe there are other jobs that would be a better fit?
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