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Holy carp. How are you even walking around? I feel so bad when my sugar is over 200. Honestly i would go to the hospital if i were you. You are certainly damaging blood vessels at that level. There are many oral diabetic medications that can be tried before you have to take insulin.
Things got worse yesterday my bloods rose to 523.8,but they have now come down to 334.8.So some improvement.I slept tonight from 9pm until 12am.I am browsing online until I feel like sleep again.Gonna keep a close eye on my sugar levels and I have started a book by hypnotist Paul McKenna about how to cut out sugar from my diet.There is a CD supposed to help program me to now eat sugar.
Can the nurse change your meds or does a doctor need to do that? |
I looked online. You are nearing coma territory.
Probably the only thing worse than not waking up ftom a coma, IS waking up from a coma. Like with brain damage, stroke disability? Please be careful ![]() |
I am not a doctor but I believe you are in desperate need of insulin injections. The hospital won't let you leave until your blood sugar is under 300. Anything over 300 is really dangerous. Over 500 you are at great risk of falling into a diabetic coma and never waking up. This happened to a friend of mine who was only 24 years old. Please seek help now and not wait until July. If your sugar is that high again go to the ER asap. Best wishes.
Guiness187055 Moderator Community support team |
![]() Marylin, unaluna
It has come down to 307,I hope to get it down further today.Thank you all for your concern and advice.I have an appointment with the nurse on January 7th,she will be able to adjust my medication and give me something new as what I am taking isn't helping much.I do have to refrain from putting sweet foods into my mouth.We will see what happens today when I stay away from the wrong foods completely.
![]() Guiness187055, possum220, unaluna
![]() Guiness187055, possum220, unaluna
It has gone up to 378 again now.I ate watermelon....then I craved so had a mince pie...I felt sick all day and didn't have much of an appetite and so didn't eat a proper meal.I might get hungry later,should I eat a proper meal or just have a sandwich seeing as it is late now? I will get it right eventually.
Aside from that, i have really been making an effort to include a protein with every meal. I usually have canned tuna for breakfast. I used to have oatmeal, which i prefer, but tuna makes me feel better. Sometimes i have tuna twice a day. Im afraid i will soon be mad as a hatter! Is there a protein you like that you can fall back on like that, at least temporarily? I use very thinly sliced bread with it to keep the carb count down. Keep at it and good luck! |
I agree with Una. Try to eat some protein it jump starts some of the natural insulin that your body makes.
Guiness187055 Moderator Community support team |
![]() unaluna
I have tuna I will eat some of that when I get hungry again later tonight.Thank you both very much.I found out online that apple cider vinegar lowers blood sugars so I drank some of that,and I tidied the kitchen which needed doing anyway so I could get some exercise.Online it recommends eating apple and peanut butter before bed to keep levels even and prevent the liver from dumping more glucose into the bloodstream overnight.I have all these foods in the house.They also recommend staying hydrated so I am drinking plenty of iced water!I am feeling a little better now,the cravings have stopped and I no longer feel sick.I looked up online ,a reading of 400 is dangerous,coma territory is nearer 700.This has been a wake up call.I must not mess with my health by eating foods forbidden for diabetics.I hadn't measured my blood sugars for twenty days at a time for the whole of this year,I knew there was a big problem with my blood sugars but I just buried my head in the sand.I have to learn to eat foods that are good for my health in general and specifically I have to avoid sugary snacks which cause me harm.It is as if my left hand doesn't understand or look when my right hand reaches for the snacks and won't have it sink into my brain how much harm I am doing to my body eating such junk.It is a psychological problem.
Last edited by Marylin; Dec 31, 2018 at 02:34 PM. |
![]() Guiness187055, possum220
I didnt know that about apple & peanut butter as an evening snack. I have that problem with liver dumping glucose rising overnight. Thanks!
![]() Marylin
![]() possum220
I have quit smoking, am a recovering alcoholic, and have bipolar 1. Having diabetes is by far the most difficult of the bunch.
Guiness187055 Moderator Community support team |
![]() possum220
It has come down to 351 from 450 earlier,so that's good.At 351 I ate tuna,lettuce,a tiny bit of hommous with olive oil and tomato,after which I took two metformin and two glicazide,extra to normal doses.This was at 8pm,I will measure again at 10pm.Before bed I will eat some apple and peanut butter as recommended.
![]() Guiness187055, possum220, unaluna
I know it's only been a few days since you posted this Gr3tta but I hope that your wife's recovery has become a little more settled by now. It is positive that her blood sugars are good too. Thanks for asking about the meds.My new meds have turned me unto one very cranky Possum but I am having more nights being able to sleep in my bed. ![]() Pleased to hear that the nurse can change your medications Marilyn. Seems like you are doing some hard but much needed work to bring your blood sugars down. Keep up the good work. ![]() |
![]() Guiness187055, Marylin, unaluna
Thank you Possum.It is 12.30 am here so Happy New Year 2019 to you all.I wish us all health and happiness for 2019!
I am sorry your new meds are making you feel cranky,but at least you are sleeping better,it is a shame it has to be a trade off like that! My blood sugar is improving ,it is now down from 351 to 264,definitely going in the right direction,so that is good.I am going to pay careful attention to what I eat and bring it down as much as I can before I see the nurse on Monday 7th January. I am going to eat apple and peanut butter before I go to bed to stop the liver dumping extra glucose into my bloodstream,I only found out that it does that online googling tonight and that the apple and peanut butter prevents that!So I now have to properly educate myself about my diabetes and learn how to take care of it. |
![]() Guiness187055, possum220, unaluna
![]() Guiness187055
I have had 4 hours sleep,it is 4.30am.I woke craving sugar.I measured and my blood sugar is 277 so just a little bit up from the 264 before bed when I did eat the apple and peanut butter.It looks like that did it's job ,no massive spike in blood sugar since I went to sleep.So my liver isn't dumping glucose into my bloodstream.That's good isn't it.I don't feel so good still but that is probably due to the interrupted night's sleep I am having.
![]() possum220, unaluna
![]() Guiness187055
277 is much better than the 400+ that you were running. You probably don't feel good due to your sleep. Your sugar may go down even more. When you get up take your meds and eat a pure protein 0 carb breakfast and your sugar may get under 200. Good luck and keep us posted.
Guiness187055 Moderator Community support team |
![]() Marylin, unaluna
8am,Good morning all.I don't know what happened I went to bed at 4am again and woke and it has shot up,my blood sugar to 378,maybe my liver did do a glucose dump into the bloodstream after all.I wasn't able to eat much so I had an orange and took my medications.I will measure in a couple of hours.I plan to have boiled eggs for lunch.
![]() possum220, unaluna
Keep up the good work. Hopefully your visit to the nurse will give you some help. Stress can make blood sugar levels go up. And the sugar cravings are not going to give up easily but you are on the right track.
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![]() Marylin
Its come down to 156,I just had boiled eggs and a slice brown bread and butter for lunch.So far it is going well.I am being really careful what I eat and how much I eat.Hopefully I can get it down and keep it down by changing my diet.I don't want the new medications,apparently they make you use the toilet more often and I have problems with leaks already!I hope to keep the readings around the 156 mark,or even lower!
![]() possum220, unaluna
![]() Guiness187055, unaluna
You are a rock star! Metformin is good stuff.
I haven't eaten since the boiled eggs at lunch.It is dinner time in 45 minutes,it has gone up to 318 so I must have had a liver dump.Dinner is rainbow trout,potato(only two) ,sprouts,peas,french beans and veggie gravy.I will take my metformin and gliclazide after dinner.More update later.
![]() possum220, unaluna
![]() Guiness187055, unaluna
I had taco bell for lunch so my blood sugar is high 218. Every now and then I cheat and just take a bigger dose of insulin.
Guiness187055 Moderator Community support team |
![]() possum220
So I finally fronted up at the Doctor after having my blood tests done. He advised that my average blood sugar levels had increased to 7. In don't know how to convert that to what it is for other countries.
He was sympathetic and told me that I had a lot going on. He said that 7 is borderline and if it goes up again then I will have to have a change of meds and he mentioned insulin. My next test is in three months instead of four. Even with the Vyvanse that is still being adjusted my binging is horrid and I don't seem to be able to get a grip on it. I just feel stuck. I boiled myself some eggs last night. See if they help. |
7 is the highest doctors like to see diabetics on their A1C tests. 6.4 is the magic number if possible. Non diabetics are well under 4. Marilyn how has your blood sugar been?
Guiness187055 Moderator Community support team |
![]() possum220, unaluna