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Default Mar 20, 2020 at 07:48 AM
My immediate supervisor is a wonderful boss. He does not want us doing home visits. He told all of us to work from home on Monday while senior management was dithering about what to do.

How are all of you holding up? I have this low level of anxiety that's always there. I believe that's a reasonable reaction though.
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Exclamation Mar 20, 2020 at 05:41 PM
Oh, @lizardlady, I am so happy you've got a good egg for a boss like me.

And, yeah, I think anxiety is quite reasonable at a time like this!

Kinda hard to remain calm, cool & collected when the fecal matter is hitting the air oscillation device!

I was supposed to drive this coming Wednesday, but many changes have come about since then and I'm no longer scheduled to drive.

We now have 9 local cases (up from 2 just this past Sunday), and three of those are directly connected to the University.

The university health center has already sent out a memo telling us to expect more.

A shelter in place law has been enacted for the city the University is in.

Our service has been reduced to one bus on one route (which I'm excused from driving under the ADA).

The "good egg" is trying to get all service eliminated until the crisis is over but will have to convince those above him to do it.

Of course, I'll still have work assignments at home, and am hoping I'm not asked to come into the office for anything.

It just gives me the creepy crawlies thinking about having to go out in public for anything - even the necessary things like grocery shopping.

The last time I left my house was Tuesday morning to do a grocery run.

I may do a local road trip through the country tomorrow just to air the brain out a little, but I ain't gettin' near nobody or nothin' if I do!

Here's hoping you, me and @~Christina and all our loved ones stay safe and healthy until this has passed!

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Default Mar 21, 2020 at 02:25 AM
Liz Im glad your boss has common sense..

Pfrog I think taking that drive would be a good thing

Well I think I have a normal anxiety about it all but then Ill have a huge spike and get rattled.. I am as prepared as I can be. My daughter is working from home starting Monday so that is a relief.. Im 750 miles away so that is a big stress, but she has food and has no problem just staying at home.

I have cut back on watching the news. I check twice a day and check the CDC web site twice a day. If I see news on my Facebook news feed I scroll right past it.. I do stop and look at the funny memes. I watch youtube videos of Tucker Budzyn.. He is a Dog and hilarious, Check him out if you need a break.

There is a case in the county above me.. It will hit my town as most medical workers here in my town drive there to work since it a big hospital, so its only a matter of time..

I do not feel this is anything that is going to be done and over with quickly, Long haul.... But we all need to be careful if we do have to go out for food... My husband and I normally split a chicken breast, But I am going to cut that further to make 2 meals out of one, I have cut our portions way way down. We need to lose weight anyway.

I expect my state to call for a shut down any day. Everything is closed, social distancing and pleading that young people take this seriously.

And on a silly note I refuse to shave my legs until things improve ;D

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Red face Mar 21, 2020 at 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post

And on a silly note I refuse to shave my legs until things improve ;D
... ...
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Default Mar 21, 2020 at 09:29 PM
Christina, you might look like Bigfoot before this is over.

Thought I'd update you on my work situation. Got say this again my boss is wonderful. Senior management on the other hand can't seem to make any decisions. Bless our funding source, they seem to have our best interest in mind though. They don't want us doing home visits. For the duration we are to stay in touch with clients by phone. We can even open cases by phone, mailing release forms to the clients to sign and return. My boss also says no home visits. My office is located in a school. Kids don't come back until April 16, but staff returns this Monday. I'm going in long enough Monday to grab what I need and will work from home uh until the kids come back. My boss is fine with that. He wants us all to be safe. When I talked to him yesterday I made a point to ask how he is doing. I told him that he does such a great job of making sure we are all okay, that if he ever needs to unload to give me a call.
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Red face Mar 22, 2020 at 07:58 AM
That is great news @lizardlady!

Pfrog is having a tasty salad for breakfast.

Since everything's askew right now, why not?

Here's hoping we all come through this unscathed!

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Default Mar 23, 2020 at 11:12 PM
Liz... YAY I'm glad you have a Boss with a Brain ... Here in Tennessee they are not planning to open school again to finish out the year.

Salad is always good Pfrog

More severe storms are hitting tomorrow morning then again in the evening My Fibro doesn't even have a chance to calm the hell down. I do think Xeljanz is starting to help, I'm able to stretch my ankles before I get out of bed easier than before... I'll take any improvement

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Red face Mar 24, 2020 at 04:43 AM
Wouldn't it be nice if the storms blew all this covid crap away?

Ah, wishful thinking.

Glad you're pfeeling a little more pflexible @~Christina!

Working pfrom home is hard work!

Learning new skillz!

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Red face Mar 25, 2020 at 05:42 AM
Working pfrom home can present some interesting challenges ...

Fibromyalgia Check-In Thread #5 ...

Stay well, my pfriends!

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Default Mar 27, 2020 at 06:10 PM
I spent parts of yesterday and today calling parents of the kids I work with to check on everyone, make sure they were okay, see if they needed anything. One mom this afternoon said she and her sons were at the doctor's office. The kid had a high fever and his ears hurt. Then she had to get off the phone cuz the doc walked. I hope to h e l l the kid just has an ear infection. It's been less than 14 days since I last saw him. I'm telling myself not to freak, but am still worried. Keep fingers crossed for me, okay?

Last edited by lizardlady; Mar 27, 2020 at 07:34 PM..
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Default Mar 27, 2020 at 06:34 PM
Will do, liz. You are a wonderful worker--and I'm glad your boss is understanding.

Do your cats like to help you type?

I've having lots of pains, It's like fibro, but then it's not. Oh, well. I don't think it's fatal.

I'm having virtual appointments set up with doctors? Anyone else during that?
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Red face Mar 28, 2020 at 08:45 AM
I have a phone session with my psychologist next week.

My first appointment to see a rheumatologist isn't until June 25th.

Hoping that doesn't get cancelled but will just have to wait and see.

Kinda ironic how I finally get up the gumption to be proactive about my situation and, Wham!

I reckon I can wait some more if it has to be that way.

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Default Mar 28, 2020 at 11:04 PM
Im crossing all my body parts that this kid just has a ear ache Liz


Im just one big Ouchie , these freaking storms are blowing through like twice a week, Stick a fork in me I am done

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Default Mar 29, 2020 at 10:16 AM
I have horrible backpain today

think I've mentioned it before- but I'll mention again: thought all this downttime would help (because I'm not doing thing that cause me pain), actually the oppositte affect- well okay, I wouldn't say it's worse but I'm having more bad days for some reason.
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Exclamation Mar 29, 2020 at 10:27 AM
Possibly could be from all the stress of this modern day horror we are living through at present, @raging vortex ...

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Default Mar 29, 2020 at 10:39 AM
I am exhausted, ache and just don't feel right today. Am doing my best to rein in scarey thoughts. The way I feel could be the result of CFS, fibro, allergies. Or it could be something worse. Going to do the things I usually do for CFS etc and see what happens. Trying not to freak out.

Pfrog makes a good point about increased stress which is going to make fibro, CFS, etc. worse.

Raging vortex, would soaking in a tub of hot water help?
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Exclamation Mar 29, 2020 at 10:57 AM
((( @lizardlady ))) ...

It is so extra very hard to keep anxiety in check at this time!

Not sure if I mentioned it here already, but Thursday while I was shopping, I had the mobility cart pulled up to a cooler door and was getting some salad kits out of it when a woman ran up and reached over me and the mobility scooter (Making contact with my body!) while she grabbed an item and said, I'll only be a sec!".

Well, that was one second too long, and I have already decided if another human being does that to me, I am going to whack the literal snot out of them with my cane. If they want to call the police so be it. We'll let the cops decide whether or not I have assaulted them or if it's self-defense! I feel like I'd have a pretty good argument about it being self-defense!

First of all you just don't do something so rude and disrespectful to an able-bodied human being, much less a disabled bodied human being, and add to it the threat of transmitting a deadly disease - Whew Gawd!, It's Got My Dander Up!

It did get me to feeling a little more anxious about all this as well because heretofore I figured I was doing a pretty good job of minding the personal space of myself and others, then some jerk like this comes along!

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Default Mar 29, 2020 at 01:31 PM
Pfrog, I'm in favor of whacking the snot out of them! How incredibly rude, virus or not!
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Default Mar 30, 2020 at 07:27 PM
I hope I don't sound like a whiny hypochondriac. This respiratory thing I have is scaring the crap out of me. I'm pretty sure it's my spring allergies triggering asthma, but the overlap in symptoms of covid is scarey. I don't have temp though. I keep telling myself no temp means no covid. Still..... I'm struggling not to freak.
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Default Mar 31, 2020 at 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by lizardlady View Post
I hope I don't sound like a whiny hypochondriac. This respiratory thing I have is scaring the crap out of me. I'm pretty sure it's my spring allergies triggering asthma, but the overlap in symptoms of covid is scarey. I don't have temp though. I keep telling myself no temp means no covid. Still..... I'm struggling not to freak.

My daughter last week had a low grade fever 99-100 4-5 days headache, some cough and throat a bit sore. She contacted her doctor , told her to watch her temp and any breathing problem. She didn’t have any of the “ I’ve been run over by a truck “ body ache. She has allergies and this past couple weeks she says the pollen has been hell. She’s still okay and allergy meds have helped clear things up.

Im back on my Claritin daily, I’m miserable with allergies.

Check your temp twice a day

You are in my thoughts hun

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