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Default Jan 02, 2017 at 07:53 AM
Thanks htoun. Happy New Year to you as well. Time to get serious again about my weight loss goals.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

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Default Jan 05, 2017 at 10:01 PM
Thanks splitimage

Got my refusal to a dietitian today, it's for the 25th. Still waiting on for a new thyroid dr. Thinking very bad things about the people who tell me we have a good health care system. My guess is that they don't really have to use it and ignorance is bliss.

I didn't gain over the holidays which is amazing news. People where baking for me. There were home made butter tarts I had to sample. But as you say it is now time to get serious.
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Default Jan 13, 2017 at 08:51 AM

Glad you got the referral to a dietitian - I find mine so helpful. Good luck on getting a new Thyroid Dr., I find with specialists so much depends on where you live, and how connected your GP is. Aside from one really bad psychiatrist, I've only had good experiences with health care in ON. Whenever I've had to see a specialist, I've always felt like I got in to see someone on a timely basis. But I'm lucky - I have very few physical health problems, most of my experience with the system has been for mental health or addictions.

Still haven't succeeded in getting back on track with my diet and exercise, but I'm not gaining weight, so I'm not to fussed about it. I'm going through major changes in my life right now, so dieting isn't a priority. Will revisit the issue in Feb.


"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

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Default Jan 14, 2017 at 11:54 PM
splitimage I here you. I'm still doing the physio and it gets me out of the house more which gets me moving but the diet is hard. I got a ridiculous amount of chocolate and candy over Christmas more than I should ever eat. It's very tempting. That and I've had the cold/plague that is going around been coughing since christmas, makes it hard to want to do anything but curl up somewhere warm and be whiny.
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Default Jan 15, 2017 at 08:07 AM
htoun, Sorry that you're sick. Whatever bug is going around this year is just plain nasty. My harp teacher was out of commission with it for 4 weeks. I got it over with in the fall, but had a 2 week sinus infection then 4 weeks of pneumonia.

I tell myself, that at least I'm not gaining any weight, which is good, but I've got to get back to losing. I've developed a bad ice cream habit which I'm trying to break. I just have so much going on that it's hard to focus on diet.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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Default Jan 26, 2017 at 07:37 AM
I've started a part time job that's relatively close to home for me. I have to take the bus, south to the next major intersection, and then I have the choice of taking another bus, to the building, or walking. It's only about a 20 min. walk, so I've been walking when my shift ends, back to the bus stop to catch a bus north. It's my first exercise in a very long time, so it's making my legs and me, really tired. I hope to start walking both ways in a couple of weeks.

This is really good, because I hate exercise, and will not walk for the sake of walking, but if I have a destination, I don't mind walking. So when the weather's good, I'm going to walk it.

Still working on the diet piece.


"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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Default Jan 26, 2017 at 11:42 PM
splitimage with the weather being so warm for January I'm sure you will be walking to the bus stop more often. It's a good place to start. Congrats

I saw the dietitian yesterday. She wants me to start trying to wake up my metabolism by eating something earlier. She also wants me to cut back on liquid so I have room to eat. Of course my physiotherapist is unhappy as I was boarder line dehydrated when I started to see her and she has just got me to a point she is happy with. I can't win for losing on this one.

The dietitian also said there were services there I can access for free. Counselors and classes in everything from sewing to exercise. They are drop in so I thought I would grab a friend and try them out.

Still waiting on the referral drs are so very slow.
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Default Jan 28, 2017 at 10:08 PM
I have found a friend and we are going to check out the yoga this tuesday.

My physiotherapist was back from a course where she learned all sorts of things about the diaphragm. It apparently is very important to the core. We are now working on that. I can feel changes in my body but it is a slow process. I really would like to see it in the scales though.

Did I mention that I got chocolate and cookies for christmas. There scary ridiculous amounts in my house! I'm trying to ignore them
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Default Jan 29, 2017 at 03:47 AM
Good for you for trying yoga. I have a friend who swears by it. I've tried it a couple of times but all it does is make me feel old, fat, and inflexible. I'm more likely to do Tai-chi.

Managed to not eat any ice cream in the past week, but I'm eating out a lot more, since I'm often out all day, and don't have time to go home for a proper meal before starting work at 5. It's too easy to grab something unhealthy to eat.

Good luck on ignoring the Christmas chocolates.


"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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Default Feb 05, 2017 at 10:24 PM
splitimage I'm with you yoga does indeed make you feel old, fat and inflexible. My friend bailed on me which is a little annoying as she was the driving force for yoga. I would rather do Tai-chi So far so good on the ignoring christmas chocolate. I'm doing a food journal So I really hate writing down chocolate.

Eating out is hard. There aren't a lot of good choices. If there is a grocery store near you could try their deli. Some have very nice salads and roast chicken as well as the french fries and such.

I have gotten into a bad habit of celebrating the survival of the week by getting an ice cream cone. 400 calories of guilt don't you just the the new menus with all the calories listed
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Default Feb 12, 2017 at 05:19 PM
I got my referral. Supper excited. This dr is supposed to be brillant.

Physio has been going well. Had to bail on yoga as I have one of the nasty colds going around. I'm tired of the weather and the colds going around. We need sunshine!!!
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Default Feb 15, 2017 at 08:10 AM
htoun, that's great news on the referral. Really hope that the new Dr. is able to help. Sorry that you're sick though - whatever's going around this year is just plain nasty. I've had multiple friends who've had colds that lasted weeks.

As for me, I'm not doing so well with eating or exercise. Still eating too much icecream, and I changed jobs and the new job doesn't involve as much walking to get to. So all together I've put 7 lbs back on, which I really want to take off.

As soon as we get through March, which is the end of my high risk season for depression, I'm going to ask my pdoc to lower my prescription of Seroquel back to 300 mg, as I wasn't having these crazy sugar cravings at that dose.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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Post Feb 16, 2017 at 04:41 AM
Running is one os the best and effective weight loss exercises. It also increases metabolism and immunity to fight with diseases. For body boost-up and fitness, you could also try the xtreme muscle enhancer supplement to enhance muscle growth and attractive physique.
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Default Feb 19, 2017 at 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by splitimage View Post
htoun, that's great news on the referral. Really hope that the new Dr. is able to help. Sorry that you're sick though - whatever's going around this year is just plain nasty. I've had multiple friends who've had colds that lasted weeks.

As for me, I'm not doing so well with eating or exercise. Still eating too much icecream, and I changed jobs and the new job doesn't involve as much walking to get to. So all together I've put 7 lbs back on, which I really want to take off.

As soon as we get through March, which is the end of my high risk season for depression, I'm going to ask my pdoc to lower my prescription of Seroquel back to 300 mg, as I wasn't having these crazy sugar cravings at that dose.

Have you thought about trying a different frozen treat. Not sure if there is something out there with a lower calorie count but there should be.

I got into the christmas cookies. It's so not pretty. It's making my stomach upset but they are so very good. Of course he bought the big huge industrial size butter cookie tin. Worse yet my grandson doesn't like cookies so I can't share! Hubby is allergic to sugar so he is no help.

We will do better next week
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Default Feb 19, 2017 at 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by JorgeG View Post
Running is one os the best and effective weight loss exercises. It also increases metabolism and immunity to fight with diseases. For body boost-up and fitness, you could also try the xtreme muscle enhancer supplement to enhance muscle growth and attractive physique.
Running isn't for everyone. With my thyroid and muscle problems the supplements may do more harm than good. I will keep with the slow and somewhat steady approach
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Default Mar 11, 2017 at 04:29 PM
Hey splitimage how are things going with our sudden return to winter. I have run out of physiotherapy coverage so I've joined a gym. I will be starting monday
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Default Mar 17, 2017 at 09:04 AM
Hi htoun,
Good for you for joining a gym, hope you're able to stick to a routine of going. I always get hugely excited in the beginning, work out too hard, get sore then don't go back. But then I hate all forms of exercise. Sorry about the Christmas cookies - I share your weakness.

I'm not doing great on the ice cream front. Still eating way too much and I've put on another 3 lbs. But I dropped my seroquel dose by 100 mg, back to 300, and the crazy sugar cravings have somewhat disappeared, so I'm hoping I can start losing again.

Right now I'm just struggling to get to my part time job 5 days a week, so I'm not worrying too much about other stuff.



"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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Default Mar 17, 2017 at 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by splitimage View Post
Hi htoun,
Good for you for joining a gym, hope you're able to stick to a routine of going. I always get hugely excited in the beginning, work out too hard, get sore then don't go back. But then I hate all forms of exercise.

I THINK i like exercise, i just have a hard time getting started. I hurt my back recently to where i could hardly roll over in bed - anything that interferes with my sleep is a big problem!! So a chiropractor fixed me up, and now i plan to see him regularly because i KNOW i always hurt myself when i start an exercise program. Maybe planning ahead will keep me on track, hope so!
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Default Mar 24, 2017 at 10:59 PM
Well the gym is going ok. Most of the equipment makes me feel short and fat but I'm staying on the treadmill longer and doing 3 rep on a bunch of different machines. At physio we did more stretches this week I got stupid about doing them. My right side is very tight so more pretending to be a pretzel.

I followed the christmas cookies with christmas chocolate so I ended up with the bloat. Gained weight and got up to 229. I'm back down to 224 but it's slow going. I'm now in trouble with the nurse practitioner my cholesterol is going up but after the disastrous bout with cholesterol meds I'm not doing that again. Not happy I have been making all these changes and still it goes up. I've given up coffee most caffeine, I'm adding fiber powder to drinks. I did some research apparently stress and being sleep deprived can affect it too. My life is stupid stressful and I don't remember having a really good nights sleep in years. Hopefully the gym will help with all of this.
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Default Mar 29, 2017 at 04:46 AM
htoun, glad the gym is ok, and don't forget to stretch - it's really important. Sorry about your cholesterol levels. My Dr. never mentions them to me,so I assume they're ok.

I'm still pigging out on icecream, and haven't been eating properly at all with my work schedule being over the dinner hour.

And I'm challenged with really bad acid reflux to the point where I wake up and have to throw up. Saw my GP, and all of the meds that are stronger than the one I'm aren't covered by Trillium drug benefits, so I'm out of luck. Instead I'm supposed to be making a bunch of life style changes, which I'm slowly trying to incorporate. The biggest one is she wants me to give up caffeine, entirely. I just can't see that happening.

Looking forward to the arrival of spring, and farmers markets so I'll be able to get lovely fresh fruit again.


"I danced in the morning when the world was begun. I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun". From my favourite hymn.

"If you see the wonder in a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail." Abba

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