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Default Jan 24, 2019 at 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by Background Noise View Post
The bolded text are very good points, and they are related. There is a philosophy called anti-natalism. Unlike the second reason you mentioned, where you need your time to pursue your goals (reasons that concern you), this philosophy is more related to your first reason, where your concern is the child and not you. However, it goes beyond it to say that all humans have the obligation to stop procreating altogether and go extinct by choice, because no matter what life you have, it's full of suffering. In other words Better to Never Have Been. However, I think for most humans the instinct of life and procreating are stronger than the desire to end suffering. In a sense, we are imprisoned in life, and there is no escape from its suffering but by extinction by an external force, like an asteroid.

I think at this point, unless you have a gene or trait that is valuable to humanity (such as an Einstein level IQ) or are from a successful family that does a lot of good for humanity, than I think having children in this day and age is completely selfish.

Not only do we have an abundance of people alive in the world, but humans are living exponentially longer and healthier lives. Infant mortality rates are lower than they've ever been (having high infant morality rates would be the only valid reason to have more than 2-3 children). Most diseases are treatable or curable. The world is considered to be safer now than it was even 50 years ago. Heck, we might even have the means for indefinite life extension in my lifetime since we already achieved radically slowing down the aging process in rats.

My point being with how long humans live now and how long they are projected to live decades and even centuries from now, there is no real need for the majority of humans to procreate.
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Default Jan 24, 2019 at 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post

This lady overheard a conversation between me and my friend where we were talking about our messed up pasts (we both had parents that royally failed at being parents lol). She came up to us and told me how I should respect my mother because she gave birth to me. I told her I don't owe my cum dumpster of mother a damn thing because she was a selfish abusive ***** that screwed up my childhood.
That lady you are mentioning is ignorant as she knows nothing. Those things you have mentioned about your mother a few weeks ago are quite telling.

The thing that unites most commoners is their black and white thinking in many areas. Which isnt only one of the biggest signs of stupidity but also one big limitation for one's development. I mean if everything is either good or bad then you put boundaries on your psyche and get stuck in the vegetation phase instead of flowering and producing juicy amazing buds. I mean your brain and your growth of course.

In this particular example this commoner you are referring to is using a retarded argument which old people use quite often. Most (but luckily not all) old people are giant walking sponges, which are very very dry and miss attention like the desert misses the sun lol. Most of them feel entitled to attention from everyone around them including their children; grandchildren and way more. This sense of entitlement is easily explained by the commoner towards him or herself: I have given them life so they owe me. its that feeling of entitlement which they project on others; hence the "you owe your mother your life so she is beyond criticism or disrespect".

Also as you know: most people have a mostly positive feeling towards their mother; even I do; although mine made quite a few mistakes while raising me. But its fine.

She was ranting and raving about how my mother probably just made mistakes and how I should respect her because she gave me life and how I wouldn't exist in the world without her and other nonsense. I flat out told her that having the ability to pump out a kid doesn't make you special because there are over 4 billion other women in the world that can do the same damn thing.

yes I had a discussion once at work (I used to be employed in the 2000's lol) and there was a woman who had a child. So she was so proud of her infant daughter so I asked her (now this woman was useless lol, and I was impossible to fire and very difficult to replace) "why is it that most people feel pride after creating life? Isnt it something that nearly anyone can do, from some Bushmen which still think that the Moon is an eye of god to people like lets say Einsten? I mean: is having a functional reproductive organ a reason to feel pride?" then to smoother it a bit I said "its when your daughter graduates from university, its then when you can feel that you have brought the project to a good conclusion".

(yes I know that getting a uni degree doesnt mean anything but saying anything beyond this had a risk of it not being understood by this commoner which kept poking pics of her baby to my face).

And yes I know very well that nobody can be like that all the time. But sometimes, with useless commoners... well why not

Last edited by Inaccurate; Jan 24, 2019 at 11:52 AM..
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Default Jan 24, 2019 at 10:58 AM
Your post explains why you're alone. Just listening to how you Express yourself is a major turnoff. I'm not a professional however " NORMAL " people don't hurt people just for the sake of it. So you decide whether you're normal or not. Personally I don't care either way if being honest. My post will likey be deleted due to speaking the truth, oh well whateva.
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Default Jan 24, 2019 at 12:41 PM
Why do you use the word 'commoner' when referring to people? *just curious*

Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
That lady you are mentioning is ignorant as she knows nothing. Those things you have mentioned about your mother a few weeks ago are quite telling.

The thing that unites most commoners is their black and white thinking in many areas. Which isnt only one of the biggest signs of stupidity but also one big limitation for one's development. I mean if everything is either good or bad then you put boundaries on your psyche and get stuck in the vegetation phase instead of flowering and producing juicy amazing buds. I mean your brain and your growth of course.

In this particular example this commoner you are referring to is using a retarded argument which old people use quite often. Most (but luckily not all) old people are giant walking sponges, which are very very dry and miss attention like the desert misses the sun lol. Most of them feel entitled to attention from everyone around them including their children; grandchildren and way more. This sense of entitlement is easily explained by the commoner towards him or herself: I have given them life so they owe me. its that feeling of entitlement which they project on others; hence the "you owe your mother your life so she is beyond criticism or disrespect".

Also as you know: most people have a mostly positive feeling towards their mother; even I do; although mine made quite a few mistakes while raising me. But its fine.

yes I had a discussion once at work (I used to be employed in the 2000's lol) and there was a woman who had a child. So she was so proud of her infant daughter so I asked her (now this woman was useless lol, and I was impossible to fire and very difficult to replace) "why is it that most people feel pride after creating life? Isnt it something that nearly anyone can do, from some Bushmen which still think that the Moon is an eye of god to people like lets say Einsten? I mean: is having a functional reproductive organ a reason to feel pride?" then to smoother it a bit I said "its when your daughter graduates from university, its then when you can feel that you have brought the project to a good conclusion".

(yes I know that getting a uni degree doesnt mean anything but saying anything beyond this had a risk of it not being understood by this commoner which kept poking pics of her baby to my face).

And yes I know very well that nobody can be like that all the time. But sometimes, with useless commoners... well why not

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Default Jan 24, 2019 at 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by sarahsweets View Post
Why do you use the word 'commoner' when referring to people? *just curious*

People might give Inaccurate crap for being the way he is or call him a narcissist or whatever, his viewpoints are strikingly similar to a girl that I met awhile back that helped me expand my thinking and motivated me to improve myself.

She called most people "subhumans" or the "subspecies" because most people aren't intelligent or enlightened enough to want to improve themselves, instead trying to fit in and being a bunch of fakes, which is what most people basically do.

Yet, looking back, I am grateful to have met this woman. I had bad social skills, was a chronic liar without realizing it, and used people subconsciously. I only barely had enough self awareness to realize that I was different and she was drawn to that. Nobody else was smart enough to notice my flaws but her. She helped me grow out of such weakness and helped me improve me life with a bit of tough love. Even though we were technically "friends" (all be it she wanted to have sex with me), I fell in love with her.

She later gave me a reality check after I got into a heated argument with her regarding something else by harshly pointing out all my flaws and telling me I need to stop being a fake before she would want anything to do with me. At first, I was deeply hurt and angered by her, but her words prompted me to get help and improve my situation. Deep down, I knew she was right. If I didn't take the hint, I would likely be dead or in jail now because that housing grant that helped me get my life in order became available at the very moment I needed it the most (which wouldn't be possible had I delayed getting help any longer).

Inaccurate reminds me so much of her that I almost wonder if he's really her putting me through a test or something lol
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Default Jan 24, 2019 at 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
People might give Inaccurate crap for being the way he is or call him a narcissist or whatever, his viewpoints are strikingly similar to a girl that I met awhile back that helped me expand my thinking and motivated me to improve myself.

She called most people "subhumans" or the "subspecies" because most people aren't intelligent or enlightened enough to want to improve themselves, instead trying to fit in and being a bunch of fakes, which is what most people basically do.
self improvement is usually a painful, unwelcome and even tearful and depressive experience for most people so obviously most prefer not to think about it or may not realize just how much they need it.

what do you think about this movie? Im just curious

Burn After Reading (2008) - IMDb

Yet, looking back, I am grateful to have met this woman. I had bad social skills, was a chronic liar without realizing it, and used people subconsciously. I only barely had enough self awareness to realize that I was different and she was drawn to that. Nobody else was smart enough to notice my flaws but her. She helped me grow out of such weakness and helped me improve me life with a bit of tough love. Even though we were technically "friends" (all be it she wanted to have sex with me), I fell in love with her.

She later gave me a reality check after I got into a heated argument with her regarding something else by harshly pointing out all my flaws and telling me I need to stop being a fake before she would want anything to do with me. At first, I was deeply hurt and angered by her, but her words prompted me to get help and improve my situation. Deep down, I knew she was right. If I didn't take the hint, I would likely be dead or in jail now because that housing grant that helped me get my life in order became available at the very moment I needed it the most (which wouldn't be possible had I delayed getting help any longer).
Fire made it good! or better I mean...

Inaccurate reminds me so much of her that I almost wonder if he's really her putting me through a test or something lol
interesting that slight paranoia is what you and me appear to have in common as well.

Im not that girl, in fact Im a guy and I live in BeNeLux. So relax

PS. imagine what my online girl is like, the fake personality I show for catfishing lulz.
PPS. you and my girl would have truly amazing conversations I think. No Im even quite certain. Its too bad that I cant catfish you for mutual intellectual benefits and stimulus.
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Default Jan 24, 2019 at 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
self improvement is usually a painful, unwelcome and even tearful and depressive experience for most people so obviously most prefer not to think about it or may not realize just how much they need it.

what do you think about this movie? Im just curious

Burn After Reading (2008) - IMDb

I haven't watched it yet but the description looks very interesting so I'll watch it soon and let you know

Also, I might add your Steam girl lol. I am going to be on Steam a lot especially tonight because that remake for Resident Evil 2 launches tonight and I have my Steam preorder ready to go.
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Default Jan 24, 2019 at 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by DarknessIsMyFriend View Post
I haven't watched it yet but the description looks very interesting so I'll watch it soon and let you know

Also, I might add your Steam girl lol. I am going to be on Steam a lot especially tonight because that remake for Resident Evil 2 launches tonight and I have my Steam preorder ready to go.
that movie is truly amazing, its about those who are different, in every possible way. Its a maze of nothing and everything.

Malkovich is brilliant specifically.
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Default Jan 24, 2019 at 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
that movie is truly amazing, its about those who are different, in every possible way. Its a maze of nothing and everything.

Malkovich is brilliant specifically.

In that case, I will have to free up a time slot to watch it this weekend.

I'm going to see if it's on Prime Video.
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Default Jan 24, 2019 at 07:48 PM
it begins with the Malkovitch's character getting bad news and from there on it keeps on growing
no spoilers.

I thought the ending was spectacular while most commoners didnt even get it. There is a gazillion 1 out of 10 rating reviews out there.

enjoy it if you ever idd decide to watch it.
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Default Feb 03, 2019 at 03:15 AM
You are a very unappealing person.

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Default Feb 06, 2019 at 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by winter loneliness View Post
You are a very unappealing person.
Its understandable that you think so. Yet all those guys who Im currently catfishing would disagree lol. They all keep telling me that they have never met anyone like me and get knocked off their feet in just one day and their affection for a virtual, non existent girl grows by the day.

Can your mind create a personality from scratch? A personality which is flawless, and which makes them emotionally involved on a very high level? I fpund a musician who writes songs about my girl. And plays them on his guitar. Then theres someone who makes drawings of the girl with a pencil. These two are my best prospects but theres an army of less interesting supply providers. They are obsessed, to their capacity and ability of course lol.

Having power over people is intoxicating. Imagine what its like when theres a truckload of strangers begging not to receive attention but to give it to you. I wonder if you have ever had anything like that in your life lol
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Default Feb 07, 2019 at 12:09 AM
I'm sorry for you. You have to create imaginary characters because you are afraid no one would be interested in the real you. Maybe you think there's no real you. Perhaps it's been destroyed. Oh how I wish I would be so fakely powerful. There's nothing more sad than when people hide themselves and create masks. That shows incredibly low self esteem and vulnerability.
I know because sometimes I play roles in order to fit in. It's a result of trauma. I'm very sorry for you that your symptoms are even more serious. I hope you get the help you deserve.
Or perhaps what you say here is just your wish... Because you openly state you lie, so we can never know wether you're telling the truth here, right? I don't think this statement would insult you because your ability to lie is something you seem to be very proud of.

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Default Feb 07, 2019 at 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by seeker33 View Post
I'm sorry for you. You have to create imaginary characters because you are afraid no one would be interested in the real you. Maybe you think there's no real you. Perhaps it's been destroyed. Oh how I wish I would be so fakely powerful. There's nothing more sad than when people hide themselves and create masks. That shows incredibly low self esteem and vulnerability.
I know because sometimes I play roles in order to fit in. It's a result of trauma. I'm very sorry for you that your symptoms are even more serious. I hope you get the help you deserve.
Or perhaps what you say here is just your wish... Because you openly state you lie, so we can never know wether you're telling the truth here, right? I don't think this statement would insult you because your ability to lie is something you seem to be very proud of.
Its all about controlling others and not about hiding. It also dramatically increases my knowledge of psychology and my overall intelligence. Pretending to be a 29yo good looking girl gives me immense power over men who are foolish enough to start talking to her. And I really love this hobby. Its extremely entertaining I must say.

Im very addicted to power and to the process of gaining it, which is a psychological game of chess. "Winning" the game (breaking ones will and submitting him to me and my desires) is never fun tbh. Its the hunt for new souls and finding the key to them that I like the most.

I was also a victim of a professional catfish years ago yet it took him 3 months to break my will. *I* can do it in 24 hours. In fact as I said earlier: those who start talking to my character are doomed unless they are sub 100 iq inferior human beings who are not worth investing energy into.

While my girl is a liar, in this topic I see no reasons to lie on any level.

Ps. I wonder how boring the world must be for real good looking girls since most men are so easy lol. Where is the challenge for them? Whats the point of interacting with some1 who adores u and poses no challenge if any kind?
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Default Feb 07, 2019 at 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
Im not making anything up. I have my own ways to get attention for my ego from.

When I meet a new person I always become complete fluid which tests and watches that person all the time. If the new person proves to be useful then I will reevaluate his or her psyche and figure out what version of myself to show to that person and how to gain their trust. Im very good at this I must say.
. This also applies to me and my ex's or "could have beens".

As a result of this behaviour of mine I wear a different face for each "useful" person. A face that this person wants to see and which would make me achieve my goals. Basic example: I know a cop who Im friends with. Sometimes, like once a year I need him to check on someone and then he shows his usefulness. To maintain that friendship I present myself as an intellectual who "knows most things". Im always polite with him as well.

If my buddies and friends had to describe me then their description would vary a lot. None of them know the real me, yet all of them get to see one of my alter egos which was tailored to keep them around and to extract the value.
Basically, you are just a user then, which is why you live alone and can't enjoy true companionship. You don't care to "give/contribute" to anyone else, instead you prefer to be a taker.
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Default Feb 07, 2019 at 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Open Eyes View Post
Basically, you are just a user then, which is why you live alone and can't enjoy true companionship. You don't care to "give/contribute" to anyone else, instead you prefer to be a taker.
im only as good as the world allows me to be so yes. I have an extreme case of cerebral narcissistic personality disorder and its a blessing in disguise on so many levels that I couldnt even start describing it

My only real skill/talent is manipulation and reading abilities but its developed to the level that mere commoners could not possibly comprehend.

See through anyone I can ;p yoda voice lol
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Default Feb 07, 2019 at 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Inaccurate View Post
Its all about controlling others and not about hiding. It also dramatically increases my knowledge of psychology and my overall intelligence. Pretending to be a 29yo good looking girl gives me immense power over men who are foolish enough to start talking to her. And I really love this hobby. Its extremely entertaining I must say.

Im very addicted to power and to the process of gaining it, which is a psychological game of chess. "Winning" the game (breaking ones will and submitting him to me and my desires) is never fun tbh. Its the hunt for new souls and finding the key to them that I like the most.

I was also a victim of a professional catfish years ago yet it took him 3 months to break my will. *I* can do it in 24 hours. In fact as I said earlier: those who start talking to my character are doomed unless they are sub 100 iq inferior human beings who are not worth investing energy into.

While my girl is a liar, in this topic I see no reasons to lie on any level.

Ps. I wonder how boring the world must be for real good looking girls since most men are so easy lol. Where is the challenge for them? Whats the point of interacting with some1 who adores u and poses no challenge if any kind?

I understand. However I still wonder why come to a forum like this? And why give your thread a title when you know the answer to your question? Is it purely to see the reactions and gain some kind of pride? To show off? Have fun reading negative reactions? Or looking for like minded people? Because it doesn't appear to me you are looking for healing, unlike many other people here. Anyway, I find it quite interesting or fascinating to read about your mind. I guess not many people would be willing to admit their "sins" so openly. So in a way I admire you for that.

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Default Feb 07, 2019 at 12:19 PM
im only as good as the world allows me to be so yes. I have an extreme case of cerebral narcissistic personality disorder and its a blessing in disguise on so many levels that I couldnt even start describing it
Spiders like to spin webs so they can catch prey. A lot of female spiders kill after they mate and they just lay eggs and don't do anything for their offspring. Spiders live alone in their own webs.
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Default Feb 07, 2019 at 01:02 PM
Your weakness is that you can't "care" so having a "caring" relationship would be terrifying for you because you have no idea how to interact that way. Another reason you live alone.
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Default Feb 07, 2019 at 01:07 PM
im only as good as the world allows me to be so yes.
This is coming from how you experienced your childhood, perhaps you were abandoned or had a parent that failed to provide you with any true nurturing and caring. Instead you learned that you had to "pretend" to be for your parent and for others. It's always sad to see how this develops in someone. Sad, you were only as good as your parent allowed you to be. That's why you are alone, it's only what you know that comes from your past. True compassion and companionship terrifies you because it's so alien to you, and that's sad.
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