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Default Feb 06, 2020 at 07:12 PM
I saw my regular doctor today because I have been having trouble hearing. One ear was almost completely blocked.

He rinsed out my ears and now I can hear much better. It looks like I need that done every year or two he says. Good thing it wasn't something serious.

I'm still depressed and waiting for Remeron to start working. I'm staying busy and trying to distract myself from the depression, but it's hard.

* Dx: Unspecified Bipolar and Related Disorder
* Rx: Remeron, Prozac, Klonopin, Vraylar

My avatar picture is a photo of the Whirlpool Galaxy I took in April 2023. I dedicated this photo to my sister who passed away in July 2016.
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Default Feb 06, 2020 at 07:56 PM
I've been depressed since December and i am tired of feeling lousy. Last night at Scrabble a player said i was "shrewd." That was a nice compliment. I've been working on my game today and i miss so many plays it's discouraging. I tell myself that anything i do while depressed would be an exercise in frustration. It's just the time of year, not the activity. I just want to feel good. I just want some relief.
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Default Feb 06, 2020 at 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
I am so sorry you are going through this, Wander.
I have endured FMS, too. it can be so debilitating and very demoralizing.

how log have you had FMS?

I am asking because some people report the intensity lessening as they age.

I had started having FMS over 30 years ago. In the beginning, I had a flare 24/7, with no break for many months. As time has gone on, The episodes are not as frequent, nor as severe.

I am hoping this will get better for you in time and as your maybe learn what types of activities tend to aqgravate you more and/or may cause longer periods of an exacerbation.

I don't think people can understand the level of pain and fatigue involved until they go through similar . it's always a helpful move to try to educate people!

I hope you can feel much better very soon!

Thanks so much for openly sharing! !

Please keep us posted.
Much Love,
Sorry I am late in replying WC. I have had Fibromyalgia for around 20 years. It has varied in degrees of severity over that time. Sometimes mild, and sometimes so severe I can hardly get out of bed. It seems to go in ebbs and flows rather than linear. Right now it is bad but not so bad I cannot drive most days and move around a bit. It is the 'fibromyalgia fog', or cognitive issues that bother me most. I am hoping with the reduced stress in my life I will improve soon. Thanks for your kind thoughts.

Bipolar 1 with psychotic features

"Phew! For a minute there I lost myself."

'Karma Police' by Radiohead
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Default Feb 06, 2020 at 08:50 PM
Earlier this week I stupidly smoked and my lungs had a bad reaction. It hurts to breathe and for two days I felt like I was struggling to breathe which only increased my anxiety. I became overwhelmed and as I had SI my T suggested hospital to rest and calm down. This I declined as I am safe and can rest at home. My Mum is kindly making me frozen dinners so I can rest more. I saw my GP about my lungs and have had tests done. I get the results today. My oxygen levels were ok so it just felt like I wasn't getting enough air. I think my lungs are fine. I smoked as I got to that 'I don't give a f*** anymore' stage after being so frustrated about my physical health. Apart from that I have been very vigilant with my health. I won't be smoking again.

The last few days I have been resting and getting the tests done. I am so bored. This morning I feel tired even though I slept well and have had coffee. I am back at university in 2.5 weeks. If my physical health prevents me from doing that I will be flooded with despair. I am so over this. My mood has dropped and I am irritable also. I am hoping that is situational. I cannot have another Bipolar episode now. It has been almost twelve months since my last one and the break has helped immensely. Overall I am overwhelmed by life right now, or by the lack of ability to engage with it. I am trying to be zen about it all. This does help. It is just a bad week.

Bipolar 1 with psychotic features

"Phew! For a minute there I lost myself."

'Karma Police' by Radiohead
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Heart Feb 06, 2020 at 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Scooter9 View Post
I saw my regular doctor today because I have been having trouble hearing. One ear was almost completely blocked.

He rinsed out my ears and now I can hear much better. It looks like I need that done every year or two he says. Good thing it wasn't something serious.

I'm still depressed and waiting for Remeron to start working. I'm staying busy and trying to distract myself from the depression, but it's hard.
I am hoping and praying you will find an answer and help with depression soon. I realize its very intense for you and that you've needed relief yesterday., or years ago now. Hang in there, brother!

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 12:00 AM
Doing okay today. I am struggling to focus on this project, but continue to try. Definitely more able to focus than last week so that's an improvement. I did go to the gym again tonight so that was good. I plan to make it a more regular occurrence as it seems to help my moods and anxiety a lot. I got an email about setting up the OCD appointment. My doctor followed up with them today it would seem and I appreciate that they didn't let it fall through the cracks. Anyways, just a quick check in and back to trying to work. Sending compassion.
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Heart Feb 07, 2020 at 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by BirdDancer View Post
Hubby is home today because he has a GP appointment. His foot has been swollen and in pain for days now. He blames the blood pressure pill they gave him a while back, so he stopped taking it three days ago. His foot looks slightly better, but now a hand hurts. I hope they trial him on a new blood pressure medication. It went from severely high to perfect on this recent one.

My sister called me to simply say hello, but I started a rant about our dad. I felt a little bad in the end, but both siblings agree with me 100%. I asked Sis to go out to lunch sometime soon where we'll promise not to say a word about Dad.

On a lighter side, my sock drawer again has about 100 socks, all with no matches. I must empty my dirty clothes basket and clean the stuff. Usually I only wash the top contents. Even if all is clean, probably only 50 will find their mates. Where the other 50 lonely souls are is a mystery. I once wrote a funny poetic story about this in my blog. Are they somewhere in a different world, with a favorite black jacket and several other lost items? If so, I hope it's a fun and happening place! In the meantime, I have sometimes resorted to wearing mismatches. It's OK with me.
I hope your hubby does not have gout.

My brother has high blood pressure. No med totally controls it in his case. He cannot have high blood pressure to keep his job. He drinks beet juice, which does control his blood pressure. The beet juice contains nitric oxide which helps to lower blood pressure. He passes every random physical now. just thought I'd mention incase your hubby has difficulty with all blood pressure meds.

Much Love

May we each fully claim the courage to live from our hearts, to allow Love, Faith and Hope to enLighten our paths.
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by bluebicycle View Post
Yeah, going to a dental school is not a bad option. I'm sure some of them even offer long-term payment plans. That's something to look into as well, as I know that teaching hospitals in general tend to be cheaper and offer payment plans if you ask up front.

As for the cholesterol -- mine is naturally high because it runs in the family and then meds like Seroquel and Latuda exacerbate it. Does high cholesterol run in your family? It could, of course, be med induced, though.

Good luck with the bike ride. I wish I could ride my bike here, but alas, the roads here are coated in a thick sheet of ice.
Thanks for the input. Yes, my father has had legit high cholesterol. Mine (total) is actually at the upper limit of ideal for those without heart disease, according to the US guidelines, and my LDL and HDL are just fine (HDL is excellent). So, I am not really sure anyone would even agree to treat me. The reason I am a bit concerned is that I am 95% vegan and eat very, very low fat and low cholesterol foods virtually all the time. It just seems like my numbers should be a bit better, given my diet and 200 miles a week on the bike.

When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Scooter9 View Post
I saw my regular doctor today because I have been having trouble hearing. One ear was almost completely blocked.

He rinsed out my ears and now I can hear much better. It looks like I need that done every year or two he says. Good thing it wasn't something serious.

I'm still depressed and waiting for Remeron to start working. I'm staying busy and trying to distract myself from the depression, but it's hard.
I've had that before with one of my ears, except they almost couldn't rinse my ear out because the wax had hardened so much. It took them 30 mins to rinse it out! But it felt amazing to be able to hear again, even if my ear was a little raw for a while!

Glad to hear it was nothing serious, though.

I hope your remeron starts working soon. Sounds frustrating and tiring that you've been dealing with depression for so long.
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by whatever2013 View Post
I've been depressed since December and i am tired of feeling lousy. Last night at Scrabble a player said i was "shrewd." That was a nice compliment. I've been working on my game today and i miss so many plays it's discouraging. I tell myself that anything i do while depressed would be an exercise in frustration. It's just the time of year, not the activity. I just want to feel good. I just want some relief.
Sorry to hear that. Have you tried a light box at all? For some people, it's a miracle, so I think it's worth a shot if you haven't tried it yet. Just remember that there are different types of light boxes and not all of them are approved for treating mood.
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 08:01 AM
I have therapy today. Not looking forward to it. I just don't wanna go because I'm lazy and would rather go to work to get my new badge (since I lost mine in the city somewhere). No one goes to work on Fridays, so it should be nice and quiet in there. Plus, since it snowed yesterday, the parking lots here have to get plowed, and once I go to therapy, I won't be able to get back for a while because the parking lots will be blocked off. All the more reason to go to work.

Anyway, mood is fine. I'm surprised I've been feeling well for so long (minus that little upward blip that lasted a week not too long ago). I guess my meds work well when I actually take them. Though, I'll occasionally still hear voices and stuff, but no paranoia or delusions as far as I'm aware. (At least, no one has told me I am being delusional.)

Hope everyone has a good day!! I think mine will be a long one since I plan on working from 11am to 7pm today.
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by Wild Coyote View Post
I hope your hubby does not have gout.

My brother has high blood pressure. No med totally controls it in his case. He cannot have high blood pressure to keep his job. He drinks beet juice, which does control his blood pressure. The beet juice contains nitric oxide which helps to lower blood pressure. He passes every random physical now. just thought I'd mention incase your hubby has difficulty with all blood pressure meds.

Much Love
Gout went through my mind, too, but hubby nixed that theory. The doctor (who barely gave him two minutes) simply changed his blood pressure medication. We'll see.

That's interesting about beet juice. I'm not sure if he would like to drink it straight up, but he'd be very happy if I made borscht frequently That's great news about your brother's blood pressure!

Thanks, WC!
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by Scooter9 View Post
I saw my regular doctor today because I have been having trouble hearing. One ear was almost completely blocked.

He rinsed out my ears and now I can hear much better. It looks like I need that done every year or two he says. Good thing it wasn't something serious.

I'm still depressed and waiting for Remeron to start working. I'm staying busy and trying to distract myself from the depression, but it's hard.
Throughout my life I have had similar issues with my ears. I'm glad you have them unblocked. I know how satisfying of a feeling that is.

I hope your depression eases soon.
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by whatever2013 View Post
I've been depressed since December and i am tired of feeling lousy. Last night at Scrabble a player said i was "shrewd." That was a nice compliment. I've been working on my game today and i miss so many plays it's discouraging. I tell myself that anything i do while depressed would be an exercise in frustration. It's just the time of year, not the activity. I just want to feel good. I just want some relief.
Hopefully as spring nears your depression should lift. Is that often the case? That does sound like a nice compliment regarding the Scrabble.
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Wander View Post
Earlier this week I stupidly smoked and my lungs had a bad reaction. It hurts to breathe and for two days I felt like I was struggling to breathe which only increased my anxiety. I became overwhelmed and as I had SI my T suggested hospital to rest and calm down. This I declined as I am safe and can rest at home. My Mum is kindly making me frozen dinners so I can rest more. I saw my GP about my lungs and have had tests done. I get the results today. My oxygen levels were ok so it just felt like I wasn't getting enough air. I think my lungs are fine. I smoked as I got to that 'I don't give a f*** anymore' stage after being so frustrated about my physical health. Apart from that I have been very vigilant with my health. I won't be smoking again.

The last few days I have been resting and getting the tests done. I am so bored. This morning I feel tired even though I slept well and have had coffee. I am back at university in 2.5 weeks. If my physical health prevents me from doing that I will be flooded with despair. I am so over this. My mood has dropped and I am irritable also. I am hoping that is situational. I cannot have another Bipolar episode now. It has been almost twelve months since my last one and the break has helped immensely. Overall I am overwhelmed by life right now, or by the lack of ability to engage with it. I am trying to be zen about it all. This does help. It is just a bad week.
I'm hoping your lungs feel better today. This may be a silly suggestion from me, but would some fresh air help?

Sometimes when something new is coming (like classes) it can cause a little dread, but when it actually starts the dread disappears and one asks themselves "Why did I dread it so much?" I hope that is the case for you. I'm starting a French class in four days. I'm feeling like you do and trying to tell the above to myself.
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by bpcyclist View Post
Thanks for the input. Yes, my father has had legit high cholesterol. Mine (total) is actually at the upper limit of ideal for those without heart disease, according to the US guidelines, and my LDL and HDL are just fine (HDL is excellent). So, I am not really sure anyone would even agree to treat me. The reason I am a bit concerned is that I am 95% vegan and eat very, very low fat and low cholesterol foods virtually all the time. It just seems like my numbers should be a bit better, given my diet and 200 miles a week on the bike.
I hope the culprit is not one of your medications, but it could be. In any case, I'd be thrilled if I had your blood test results. Keep doing what you're doing!
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 09:57 AM
Not a lot to report. Last night hubby and I attended a concert at the university. It was nice. I think the musicians did the best job on the final piece (Beethoven's Trio in B-flat Major, Op. 97 “Archduke”). I at first wasn't looking forward to going anywhere, but while there I enjoyed myself.

Nothing on my calendar until my therapy appointment and first French class on Tuesday. I have studied some French over the weeks, but not what is in the actual textbook. I know all of it will be simply review of grammar. It might be the case that I transfer to a higher level. We'll see.
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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by BirdDancer View Post
Gout went through my mind, too, but hubby nixed that theory. The doctor (who barely gave him two minutes) simply changed his blood pressure medication. We'll see.

That's interesting about beet juice. I'm not sure if he would like to drink it straight up, but he'd be very happy if I made borscht frequently That's great news about your brother's blood pressure!

Thanks, WC!
The 'Naked' brand of juice makes a flavor called Bright Beets. It also has apple, carrot and lemon juice in to cut down on the feeling like you're drinking a glass of dirt. I really like it. Maybe he'd be into something like that every once in a while. I drink a half bottle at a time to cut down on the calories per serving.

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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 10:22 AM
ECT yesterday. While there I asked my doc about the incident of waking up last month. She told me what she saw and intimated that she wasn't happy with the anaesthesiologist for not telling me in the Recovery room.

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Default Feb 07, 2020 at 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by fern46 View Post
The 'Naked' brand of juice makes a flavor called Bright Beets. It also has apple, carrot and lemon juice in to cut down on the feeling like you're drinking a glass of dirt. I really like it. Maybe he'd be into something like that every once in a while. I drink a half bottle at a time to cut down on the calories per serving.

Thanks for sharing that. We can certainly give it a try. I'll look for it. I imagine it must be in our large grocery store, or at least Whole Foods. I like that it is no sugar added. The calorie count isn't that bad considering the size of the bottle.
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