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There's this: Impact of sunlight on the age of onset of bipolar disorder "Many lines of evidence converge to support the idea that a large monthly increase in solar insolation may be associated with the emergence of bipolar disorder. (i) Clinicians have long noted circadian abnormalities in patients with bipolar disorder, including sensitivity to light and sleep/wake cycle disturbances (31, 45). Even small circadian rhythm changes may be associated with adverse health outcomes such as suicide risk (46). (ii) Some patients with bipolar disorder experience seasonal variation (47). (iii) Light therapy for depression has induced a switch to mania in some patients (48, 49). (iv) Studies of seasonal variation in suicide have reported a spring peak in countries with large fluctuations in solar insolation, such as in northern Europe, and no peak near the equator (23, 50–52). (v) Violent suicide has been associated with an increase in sunlight duration (53), and this may involve seasonal variation in serotonergic, metabolic, and immune system variables (54–56). (vi) Within the brain, there is a seasonal variation in the concentration of serotonin and serotonin transporter binding (57, 58), and serotonin production is stimulated by light exposure (57). (vii) Patients with bipolar disorder may have abnormalities in melatonin secretion (59). (viii) There may be a genetic component underlying human rhythm disorders (30), and circadian gene polymorphisms may increase susceptibility to bipolar disorder (60). (ix) Light exerts effects through retinal ganglion cells, which are separate from rods and cones and have non-visual functions, including regulation of the biological clock (61). Overall, there is strong evidence that light affects human neurophysiology and behavior."
![]() bpcyclist, Sunflower123
![]() bpcyclist, FluffyDinosaur, Sunflower123
Hey guys, its been a while I'm doing good im still maintaining stability off my meds. I'm seeing someone from my team weekly so I'm still touching base. I have moved back home to my flat, long story. So I'm now living on my own and I'm loving it. Its been a great few days
![]() *Beth*, Anonymous45023, bpcyclist, Sunflower123
![]() bpcyclist
Edit: here's the article I meant originally: [link]. Should be a permalink this time. Last edited by FluffyDinosaur; Aug 20, 2020 at 06:34 AM. |
Interestingly, from childhood until my late 40's the intense light of spring and summer caused me to be depressed. The afternoons were especially painful. When autumn and winter arrived I finally had relief from the depression. Before I was on meds I would tend to be hypomanic during the darker months. In November of the year I was 48 it all switched around. The week of the time change I plunged into a depression/mixed state, along with excruciating anxiety. In addition, I developed true mania (with psychotic features). Spring and summer brought some relief. And that's how it's been for 9 years. I'm already starting to worry about the day when the time changes; that will likely be the exact day a mixed state and severe anxiety hit. So I'm prepared, knowing that I will likely have to adjust my meds accordingly. Fortunately, my pdoc is aware of the bipolar-light connection. The article is very interesting. Fascinating, actually.
Hugs, Breeze. So sorry.
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield |
![]() Coolbreeze74
![]() Coolbreeze74
I hope you feel better, vortex.
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield |
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield |
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield |
![]() *Beth*
MarcusAurelieus, please do be kind to yourself. Thinking about you and sending strengthening vibes.
ragingvortex, I'm sorry to read that you are depressed. I hope that as autumn nears, that fades. Are there some things about autumn that might lift your mood in any way? Coolbreeze74, I hope your panic attacks ease. If your son is old enough, can you avoid him a bit, even if he is in the house? Is there some way you could occupy him with something he can do on his own? |
![]() bpcyclist, Sunflower123
![]() bpcyclist
[QUOTE=Miss Laura;6916899]Hey guys, its been a while I'm doing good im still maintaining stability off my meds. I'm seeing someone from my team weekly so I'm still touching base. I have moved back home to my flat, long story. So I'm now living on my own and I'm loving it. Its been a great few days[/QUOTE
Keeping a mood chart by chance?
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield |
![]() Sunflower123
Yeah i have a few mood diaries that I write in daily
![]() Anonymous45023, bpcyclist
![]() bpcyclist
Very interesting that you mention things switching around with age. For me summer is currently associated with depression/mixed episodes and increased sleep problems. I generally tend to feel a bit better in winter, although it's not a given. I really love winter, although this year I'm pretty anxious about it too because I'm afraid of another surge in covid-19... Hope it won't ruin the fun too much. I think my hypomanic episodes are pretty much randomly distributed over the year, although I haven't kept close track. I don't think I've had any for the better part of the year, just depression and mixed. Wish it were the other way around. I often wonder how my bipolar will change over the years, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see. From what I hear here it's likely to get worse. ![]() |
![]() bpcyclist
![]() *Beth*, bpcyclist
I think I would like that, much as my wife discourages it (she loves to let the light in as much as possible). |
![]() bpcyclist
![]() bpcyclist
We slept--hooray. Big bike ride on my fancy new tire. I am so much faster on these tires, I got back ten mins early. Lovely.
Going to see my best pal next wk in Seattle. My daughter will check on Albert. Working on this new book on finding an accurate diagnosis great fun for me. Super fun to read all these papers.
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield |
![]() Anonymous45023, Soupe du jour, Sunflower123, Wander
I saw the cops at the end of our neighbor's driveway a little bit ago. Maybe they found one of the residents home. We had called them because my husband's car door was crushed in. It was clearly from someone in our neighbor's driveway backing up into my husband's car. I suppose there's a slight chance it could have been a stranger, but unlikely. In any case, people think it's OK now to "hit and run". Even a neighbor. My husband wonders if the neighbor did it and just didn't realize it, but that seems unlikely.
I had a video appointment with my psychiatrist yesterday. I think he's a little shocked that our move is more a reality than ever before, and possibly coming up in the not so distant future. I sadly mentioned that there is a strong chance I will not see him in-person before we leave. He agreed. He said that I could come to his office for a brief social visit in the future, when I return to the US for a visit. I doubt I'll visit the US often, I'm afraid. It's possible that I'll never see him in-person again. Can you imagine how this feels for me? I have a deep affection for him. The most I can think of is that I would send him an email with a photo after I get there, and maybe a Christmas greeting or two. It would likely not be a pen pal situation, though. I will cry a lot over this. I'm already tearing up writing this. |
![]() Anonymous41462, Anonymous45023, bpcyclist, Sunflower123, wildflowerchild25
![]() bpcyclist
Yay! Me, too.
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield |
![]() Miss Laura
Move to Sitka...
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield |
Good luck w the legal issues.
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield |
![]() Soupe du jour
![]() Soupe du jour
Yes, I have run into that! We have decided to go to an Italian restaurant that has outdoor seating on a lake. It will be nice to eat on the waterfront!
Of course it is happening inside your head. But why on earth should that mean that it is not real? -Albus Dumbledore That’s life. If nothing else, that is life. It’s real. Sometimes it f—-ing hurts. But it’s sort of all we have. -Garden State |
![]() bpcyclist
![]() *Beth*, bpcyclist
I went to lie down at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. I woke up at 10:30. I got back to sleep at 2:30 with the help of stuff. I got to the living room couch at 7. Then I finally pulled myself off of the couch around 9 something. I took a shower and got a non coffee drink from Starbucks and I actually feel pretty decent right now. Still a bit groggy but not like I need to lie down again or anything. I’m not very hungry though. I ate some ramen when I was up at midnight and I just now had a string cheese but that was all I had to eat today. I tried Starbucks new Star drink which was pretty good.
They say that we're out of control And some say we're sinners But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms Sam Smith-Fire On Fire |
![]() bpcyclist, Soupe du jour, Sunflower123
![]() *Beth*, bpcyclist
I got a few minutes of sleep on 25 mg of Seroquel. I didn't really sleep until I took my Trileptal. I have about eleven days of using Seroquel and I'm at the point of just stopping. I've only been on it since July and I don't see the point of continuing the taper if nothing's happening.
Bipolar 2 Currently on: Trileptal (300 x 2) Feeling: A bit hopeless |
![]() *Beth*, Anonymous45023, bpcyclist, Soupe du jour, Sunflower123
![]() bpcyclist
That is a long Serokill taper. You are lucky you have such a caring pdoc.
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield |
![]() Living in LaLa Land
Unfortunately, it has gotten worse for me since my late 40's. The good part is that there are much better medications at this time than there were when I was younger. Hopefully, more and better treatments will become available every few years.
![]() bpcyclist
![]() bpcyclist
We are still not 100% sure exactly where we will rent a flat/house in Czech Republic. It depends on if my husband gets work from his friend (then it would likely be near Brno) or not (then it would be in or somewhere outside of Prague). Once we know, we can look for psychiatrists. Obviously, unlike my native Czech speaking husband (who also sees a psychiatrist), I will need a doctor that speaks English. I don't see that much of a difficulty with that. If/when we move to France, the same thing will apply, though I believe both my husband and I will get our French up to snuff quicker than I would be able to get my Czech up to snuff. Last edited by Soupe du jour; Aug 20, 2020 at 03:03 PM. |
![]() bpcyclist, Nammu, Wander
![]() bpcyclist
Can someone tell me they have talked w blue and that she is okay pls? Did I miss an announcement?
When I was a kid, my parents moved a lot, but I always found them--Rodney Dangerfield |
![]() *Beth*
Closed Thread |