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Default May 21, 2021 at 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Mountaindewed View Post
I only took 2 of my 3 Xanax today. I always take 3. Today they have been making the vertigo worse. I guess that’s one way to wean off them. I just took some more Tylenol. My night Geodon isn’t making anything better and my vision has gotten blurry. I wish I knew the health system here and where to go and where not to go.

Even if everything was easily explainable my old hospital never said or made it seem like I was wasting their time.

Edit: I’m really contemplating going to the ER but also wondering if I can sleep it off again. I just feel so sick to my stomach and my head and vision feel wonky.

If you're up for it, go to the ER. I do believe they can give you a med for vertigo. I'll tell you Md, I wish I would have seen my doctor about the vertigo/nausea I was experiencing. It was a couple of weeks of misery.


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Default May 21, 2021 at 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by buddha1too View Post
@BethRags...Yay, London! And GO GIANTS! I absolutely HATE the Dodgers! Best team money can buy. For those of you who don't know, the Giants-Dodgers rivalry is fierce. Fans have been killed at games in the past.

Thanks, buddha!


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Default May 21, 2021 at 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Miguel'smom View Post
I'm here. I'm just quiet. I don't know how my appointments will go on Thursday. We're going fully vegetarian when our meat runs out. I hate this, I'm going to bed hopefully tomorrow will be better.
I hope that your appointments go well.

How are you going to replace protein since your going vegetarian?

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Smile May 21, 2021 at 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
My appointment went fine, he was more flustered by my hearing impairments than mental illness. I told him I’m very stable on my meds and my lifestyle routine. And he was fine with that. He was very happy with my new exercise program. Encouraged me to keep it up. Referred me to acupuncture. Did say my mouth looked good to keep up the apple cider, salt water gargle and did a swab to test for fungus. He’s ok. I miss my old doc though cause he had a deaf son and that made it easier.

He was awkward with the interpreter. I don’t think he ever had an interpreter for any language before.
Glad things went pretty well Im hoping your sleep starts being nice

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Default May 21, 2021 at 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
Yesterday was easy and flowing. I went to the dentist then stopped at this cafe I parked in front of that I’d been wanting to try. I don’t do things like that! If it’s not on the list….I had the best omelette and coffee. The day continued on and ended with me seeing a movie. I even got free popcorn and coke for my birthday gift.

Today is the total opposite. Stressful and difficult. I’m working on changing my mindset to something that will help me thrive.

I got some audiobooks from Chirp today. A bright spot since I am losing my ability to read books with the legal blindness. I fear for my senior years. I already can’t drive at dusk and beyond. Scary stuff.

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I'm glad you had one great day and treated yourself ! total suckage that the next day was bad, I'm sorry

My husband and I try to do everything we need to in daylight and get home before dark, we both has trouble seeing at night in the last few years.

Stay safe and I hope things improve quickly and it be a daily basis

We love audio books on our trips to Florida makes the time go faster

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Default May 21, 2021 at 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by BethRags View Post
Anxious today because I'm worrying about one of my cats. He had some intolerance to the brand of food I was feeding him and had minor (very) diarrhea. I took him to the vet, she prescribed an antibiotic. The diarrhea is gone, but he seems very sleepy. He's eating, though not as voraciously as he usually does. He's just sleepy. Then he threw up a bit of bile this morning. I freaked out and called the vet. She said it sounds like his tummy is still somewhat upset and if he's still sleepy or throws up anymore to bring him in tomorrow.

Ugh. I don't even agree with her...I know him, London, and I really think he's reacting to the medication. I know antibiotics can cause sleepiness and upset stomach. I'm having miserable anticipatory anxiety because I am so phobic about going to the vet...I've lost a number of beloved pets. I truly don't think London is sick, I think he had some food intolerance and now some med side-effects. Plus, I have therapy and psych appointments tomorrow that I really don't want to miss. And, there's the money issue, especially at this time of the month. Vets are so darn expensive.

I'm sorry for the rant, I hate myself when I get anxious like this. Especially when, deep inside, I don't believe there's a major reason for the anxiety. UGGGGHHHH

I hope when you read this London ( great name) is feeling much better.

A few weeks ago Gus got super sick and we had to take him to the Vet. They decided Gastritis gave us antibiotics and a med to help settle his stomach down. he was totally back to normal in 2 days. He wasnt thrilled about eating, cant blame him..

I honestly flip out when my dogs are not feeling well !

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Default May 21, 2021 at 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jennifer 1967 View Post
Are you serious about fans being killed? That’s one heck of a rivalry.
@Jennifer 1967...True, that! While the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry is also intense, it's nothing compared to the violent history of encounters between Dodgers and Giants fans. Google "Dodgers-Giants fan violence," if you're interested.

Update: Curses! Those damned Dodgers won 2-1. @BethRags can't catch a break!

Last edited by buddha1too; May 21, 2021 at 11:59 PM..
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Default May 21, 2021 at 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
I get to go to my granddaughter’s dance recital!!! They opened it up so that three people can go and my daughter invited me! Oh how exciting. My first outing that is to someplace other than the grocery store! 😆
Fantastic !!!!!

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Default May 21, 2021 at 11:48 PM
Well the great thing today is I found a groomer to clip all 3 dogs nails... best part she is only 11 miles away!!!! Thats huge last place we went was almost an hour a way . " Tina" trimmed up Gus's and Sirius's hair on there feet and pads, Dexter is super short coat so no need. She was done with them in less than 10 mins! which I love because the dogs get stressed. She only charges 5.00 per dog ! Most places want 15-20 per dog. She was so gentle, Kissing them all on the nose. So Another good thing is Gus didn't puke in the car !!! Up until now every single time he does.

I went to Hellmart today ( bleh) but I wanted to print out a few pictures. On our dark red dining room wall I want to put up pics of the kids and Steves granddaughter ( long story why I dont feel like a Grandmother) anyway I printed off 4 pictures in black and white.. They came out stunning and will be using simple black frames. But the dumb cashier didn't put them in my bags .. Yes I should have double checked, Hellmart is terrible about that. I got home and called they do have them.. SO now I have to make the dumb drive tomorrow.. Its 23 miles there.. ugh!

Sad note I still have the rage-y stuff and depression for sure. Most nights even if I don't sleep its so hard to get out of bed. I lay there thinking lots of negative self stuff.. * sigh*

Finally put the AC on 82 in the house even with a nice breeze, Nope I cant handle being hot I turn into a nasty witch about it.

I am really looking forward to seeing my T Richard in person next week..

My Daughter will be here in 22 days

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Default May 22, 2021 at 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by BethRags View Post
My kitty London is okay!!! His blood work and everything else came back normal. He's just had a bad reaction to the antibiotic he was given. He's getting some hydration and anti-nausea medication. I am so, so grateful.

Now I can enjoy watching the Giants beat the Dodgers tonight
So glad London is okay! I can feel your relief. Hope you enjoyed the baseball. I have yet to explore baseball but i did get to two live pro-football games before COVID hit and loved them, so electric, the excitement!

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Default May 22, 2021 at 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by Miguel'smom View Post
Possible trigger:
Wow, this post has me really concerned. Do you have DID? Or anorexic-tendencies? I'm really worried about you. You don't sound well at all.

But alcohol won't help, i know you know that on some level. Are your husband and son well enough that you could ask them for some special support during this episode?

I know you just saw your psychiatrist and have to wait three months to see them again but that doesn't seem reasonable. Seems like you need help NOW.

Are there any community resources that could tide you over? Do you have a therapist you could see immediately?

You really sound very different...

Please take good care of yourself and that includes adequate hydration.

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Default May 22, 2021 at 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by Nammu View Post
I get to go to my granddaughter’s dance recital!!! They opened it up so that three people can go and my daughter invited me! Oh how exciting. My first outing that is to someplace other than the grocery store! 😆
@Nammu and all:

Yay for getting to go to the dance recital! I'm sure it will be darling. I was in a dance recital as a youngster.

My class dressed as farmers in overalls but with short pants so our costumes weren't the greatest. Would have much rather been a fairy princess!!! It was a hoot but went on forever. Be prepared!

But yay for getting to go somewhere other than the frozen-foods section!!!

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Default May 22, 2021 at 05:39 AM
@Jennifer 1967 and all:

Wow, what a great day you had! Grats for stopping at the cafe you've been curious about. I love doing things like that!

We have a world-famous cafe downtown in my city and i adore going there early weekend mornings for an omelet and cafe-au-lait served in a bowl and people-watching and reading the newspaper.

And then the freebie you got at the movie -- fantastique!

Sorry the following day was not as nice but i guess they can't all be winners, sadly.

Yeah, computer technology is a boon for aging eyes. I zoom everything up waaaaay big.

Hope you have another nice day today!

Last edited by Anonymous41462; May 22, 2021 at 06:18 AM..
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Default May 22, 2021 at 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Well the great thing today is I found a groomer to clip all 3 dogs nails... best part she is only 11 miles away!!!! Thats huge last place we went was almost an hour a way . " Tina" trimmed up Gus's and Sirius's hair on there feet and pads, Dexter is super short coat so no need. She was done with them in less than 10 mins! which I love because the dogs get stressed. She only charges 5.00 per dog ! Most places want 15-20 per dog. She was so gentle, Kissing them all on the nose. So Another good thing is Gus didn't puke in the car !!! Up until now every single time he does.

I went to Hellmart today ( bleh) but I wanted to print out a few pictures. On our dark red dining room wall I want to put up pics of the kids and Steves granddaughter ( long story why I dont feel like a Grandmother) anyway I printed off 4 pictures in black and white.. They came out stunning and will be using simple black frames. But the dumb cashier didn't put them in my bags .. Yes I should have double checked, Hellmart is terrible about that. I got home and called they do have them.. SO now I have to make the dumb drive tomorrow.. Its 23 miles there.. ugh!

Sad note I still have the rage-y stuff and depression for sure. Most nights even if I don't sleep its so hard to get out of bed. I lay there thinking lots of negative self stuff.. * sigh*

Finally put the AC on 82 in the house even with a nice breeze, Nope I cant handle being hot I turn into a nasty witch about it.

I am really looking forward to seeing my T Richard in person next week..

My Daughter will be here in 22 days
@~Christina and all:

That's great that you found a place for the dogs' nails close, inexpensive and with an affectionate groomer. It can be a bit of an ordeal. I just found out about a dog-nail-clipper in the West of the city that sounds similar. I'm eager to try them out, have been paying $20 at the vet.

Glad Gus is getting used to the car. I had two beautiful Siamese cats when i was married in my twenties and we took them in the car once in a carrier and one barfed all over the other and we had to bathe them -- you know how they loved that. That was the first and last time we took the one prone to car-sickness in the car.

That's a great idea about the photo's done on the photocopier at Hellmart. I do that too, only i make multi-page enlargements for gigantic images that have a lot of impact, a technique i learned while working as a graphic artist's assistant. It's an inexpensive way to decorate and i can do a new series every few years for a whole new look.

Sorry the copies were forgotten, i know you hate Hellmart and now you have to go back, twice in two days. Maybe once you're done your creation you could post a photo of it? I'd love to see how it turns out, it sounds intriguing.

YOUR DAUGHTER IS COMING TO VISIT!!! Yay! You known you're excited when you're counting down the days!

Sorry for being grouchy with you here in the past a couple times. Sometimes i can't fathom myself. I'll be more pleasant going forward.

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Default May 22, 2021 at 09:03 AM
My anniversary today has been a much more casual celebration than my recent birthday. Hubby did buy me some very nice presents. I got a lovely red wallet decorated with flowers and hummingbirds, along with a matching coin holder with a butterfly on it. Also some summery cute shoes, and a beautiful set of pajamas with birds on them. And an orchid. I know he spent way more money on me than I did him. I bought him a fan for his office (he picked it out), plus a book, in Czech, about mushroom picking and an atlas book, in English, of European birds. Birds, birds. We love them! Other than that, we've just been doing outside and in house work. Our grill is finally ready, but I am too tired to prepare what I meant for that.

That's it for me.
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Default May 22, 2021 at 11:19 AM
I fell asleep last night around 8. I slept until 3:45. I took my Geodon and I fell back asleep and I was going to get up at my usual 6:30 time but I fell back asleep until 8:45. That’s the latest I’ve slept in for awhile. But I needed it. Today I feel ok so far. I had my weekly injection which happened to be in the same arm as the vaccine. I have to alternate arms each week for my shot. But so far I haven’t had any side effects from anything and my vertigo isn’t an issue. I’ll see how things get after I take a Xanax. But I have my energy back for right now.

I feel like my old therapist has just turned into everyone else who has come and gone in my life in the last 15 years. I feel like she’s just another feather in the breeze now. I’m wondering what the big deal with her was anyways. Why things were so intense. She really wasn’t any different then anyone else. But this is how it usually is with people in my life. At the moment they are amazing. Then after I’m like “meh, she was cool but not any different then anyone else.” Then I end up forgetting about them.

Edit: the vertigo came back and I have a headache. It again started after the cold water I drank. It’s not as bad as it was yesterday though. I can’t tell if it’s the cold water I’ve been drinking or the fan. Right now I have the fan turned off and I’m drinking bottled water and I used my vertigo oil. So the vertigo is ok. I just o took Tylenol for the headache.

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Default May 22, 2021 at 01:08 PM
I’ll be glad when the pool opens next weekend. It will open Saturday but the pool party and cookout will be Monday. Hopefully, my daughter will be able to join me and we’ll get mom down there. It’s a lot of fun. The water will be like needles but that will be welcome in this hot Southern sun. I tried to read in the sun today with my Sangria but it’s too hot even in the shade. It is for me anyway.

I think if the stars align just right, I will take mom to Florida. She’s running out of years to go down there and she does love sitting in the surf right at the edge of the waves. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. We went to Costco yesterday for hours. That was a test. I passed. Tomorrow we’re going to a large Farmers Market downtown on the hunt for strawberries from a specific state. She’ll need her walker. Another good test. For my capabilities, not hers.

I hope everyone has a peaceful weekend. Hugs to all!
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Default May 22, 2021 at 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by buddha1too View Post
@Jennifer 1967...True, that! While the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry is also intense, it's nothing compared to the violent history of encounters between Dodgers and Giants fans. Google "Dodgers-Giants fan violence," if you're interested.

Update: Curses! Those damned Dodgers won 2-1. @BethRags can't catch a break!

Oh, the rivalry gets vicious. It's ugly.

Yeah, a loss for the G-men. The Dodgers pitcher, Bauer, was stellar. He had the Giants' number, for sure.


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Default May 22, 2021 at 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by ~Christina View Post
Well the great thing today is I found a groomer to clip all 3 dogs nails... best part she is only 11 miles away!!!! Thats huge last place we went was almost an hour a way . " Tina" trimmed up Gus's and Sirius's hair on there feet and pads, Dexter is super short coat so no need. She was done with them in less than 10 mins! which I love because the dogs get stressed. She only charges 5.00 per dog ! Most places want 15-20 per dog. She was so gentle, Kissing them all on the nose. So Another good thing is Gus didn't puke in the car !!! Up until now every single time he does.

I went to Hellmart today ( bleh) but I wanted to print out a few pictures. On our dark red dining room wall I want to put up pics of the kids and Steves granddaughter ( long story why I dont feel like a Grandmother) anyway I printed off 4 pictures in black and white.. They came out stunning and will be using simple black frames. But the dumb cashier didn't put them in my bags .. Yes I should have double checked, Hellmart is terrible about that. I got home and called they do have them.. SO now I have to make the dumb drive tomorrow.. Its 23 miles there.. ugh!

Sad note I still have the rage-y stuff and depression for sure. Most nights even if I don't sleep its so hard to get out of bed. I lay there thinking lots of negative self stuff.. * sigh*

Finally put the AC on 82 in the house even with a nice breeze, Nope I cant handle being hot I turn into a nasty witch about it.

I am really looking forward to seeing my T Richard in person next week..

My Daughter will be here in 22 days

Terrific news about the groomer! $5 per dog sounds like a price from the 1950's - really fair!

Pissy WalMart...how extremely irritating to have to drive 23 miles. You know, they should give you a gift certificate for having to drive back to pick up your purchases. I know my husband would sure speak to someone about it. He's persistent like that.

I'm so sorry about the rage-y stuff, and about the depression

I can't tolerate the heat, either. I blast my a/c in the car. Our weather now is magnificent, but when it gets to 90 - a/c time it is!

BIG hugs for you, Christina


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Default May 22, 2021 at 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Mountaindewed View Post

Md I had some relief from the vertigo with Advil. Can you take ibuprophen?


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